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posted by TakTheFox
Kenfi Identity 프로필 Udated
Story-Basis-time for Profile: Identity Wars


Name: Kenfi “Idens” Identity
Nickname: Kai
If character has one, REAL name: Nope
Reason for Name: It means “Beautiful Oblivion”

Birthdate: (Evolve date) (Iblicis-Mobius-time) Fourth-After-Ashes, 5499, December 24st, Saturday

Age currently
Appearance-wise: 27
Evolve Date-Wise: 10
Age at beginning of story: 1 XD


Species: Identity (Cat-Mobian-base)

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Pink
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Pink

Eye-color: Blue
Other Eye-details: Shard-of-glass look to it

Does character have hair?: Yes
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: Blonde
Style of hair: Long/wavy
Does character have this type of hair often?: Yes
If not, what other types/colors are there?: short black

Height: 3.9
Weight: 60

Scars/Markings (Tattoos, ect.): Green-hearts at ends of ears, yellow-flowers on arms

Distinguishing marks: Her red teeth, and slightly large hands

Body type (Fat, skinny, healthy, fair, ect.) skinny

Tail?: Yes
If so, how long?: medium-short, 2.5 feet
If so, how many?: one

Accent: American
Nationality: Identity-Iblican-Mobotropan

Body part that character considers best part: Her hands and ears
Why: They’re big and look pretty xD

Body part the character considers worst part: Anything
Why: She hates it when people stare


Head: One gold hoop earring
Neck: Red-twisting necklace
Top: pale-plum T-shirt
Waist: Sometimes a belt
Bottom: pale-blue jeans
Hands: none
Feet: Shoes that look exactly like feet without toes, and have yellow-flower marks like her hands
Does character have variations of outfits?: Yes
If so, what?: Too many to count
Is there anything special about the character’s clothing (boots, gloves, scarf, ect.)?: Yes, it was a mixed choice
Is there a special backstory behind the Clothing?: Yes, she got it when she first arrived at Iblicis

Jewelry?: Yes
If so, where?: Her neck, her ear
Does jewelry have special properties?: No
Is there a special backstory behind the jewelry?: Yes, it came with the clothing XD


Weapons?: Yes
If so, what types?: She usually morphs her hands into long claws, 또는 long thin swords
Are weapons carrying special properties?: Chaos energy/nanites
Is there a special backstory behind the weapons?: No
Does character use these often?” No

Other items: None

Does character have a mode of transportation?: Yes
If so, what, and how many?: A car she stole, convertible, one

Any pets?: Yes
If so, what type?: Chao
Name of pet?: Mini-Me
Relationship with pet: The only thing she doesn’t abuse XD


Likes: Flitting (no sex related stuff), walking, exploring, getting into trouble, sneaking, stalking, asking questions, talking, organizing, showing-off, making witty-comments, tricking people
Dislikes: Flying, smart-people, awkward silences, hiccups, the color green, basketball, clueless-people, boredom, having to wait, not having witty comments

Querks: A piano-playing-like motion she does with her fingers sometimes. Funny thing is she doesn’t play piano
Tendencies: Batting-eyes, poking people, teasing, hiding, tripping people, flipping her hair up and down over and over

Does character have an addiction?: Yes
If so, to what?: Anything fun

Is character friendly?: Yes
Is character Depressed?: No

Is character violent?: Can be if cornered, but usually contains it

Does character enjoy 읽기 a book, playing a physical game, playing a video game, 또는 watching TV?: TV

Was character’s personality different before the story began?: No
Why?: She’s like a villain (Cold-hearted, insulting, scheming) but only a hero instead, and she just loves taunting people for fun


How would character react to a large-mass conflict (Giant robots, super-form evil people)?: She’d leave it to whoever the big hero was, but if it gets to her she’ll attack in disguise
How would character react to a small-mass conflict (Quarrels, arguments)?: She’d just insult whoever is arguing

If character was offered a large amount of money to kill someone, would they do it?: Maybe. She’d usually just pretend to kill them, then get paid, then tell the person she’d pretend to kill to who wanted him/her dead, kill THAT person then get paid 의해 the first target

How does character first approach people?: Hello there. *smiles*
How does character react to being approached?: Hello there *smiles*

How would character react to someone complimenting in a flirtatious way?: She’d either give a fake giggle, 또는 roll her eyes, but if they’re nice enough she’d smile
How would character react to being teased in a flirtatious way?: She giggle, and either tease them, 또는 be all flirty back

If a complete stranger asked character out, how would they react?: … she’d walk away
If a friend asked character out, how would they react?: She’d probably say yes but say that it won’t mean anything

What would character do if they found a large amount of money on the ground?: She’d take it
How would character react to someone trying to steal from them?: She’d switch what they 스톨, 훔친 with something poisonous… like the slenderman (OWLS) XD

How would character react to the death of a friend/family member: She’d be sad but keep it to herself and try to 옮기기 on

Greatest 출처 of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such 또는 not): Her cunning, her resolve, her quick-thinking
Greatest 출처 of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such 또는 not): Her curiosity, her predictableness, her attitude

Character's soft spot: Anything fun
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes

Biggest vulnerability: Not being able to say no to a challenge

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly 또는 not)?: Greed, Pride, Lust (lust as in flirting and nothing more)
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride)

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?: Abstinence
(chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility)

Optimist 또는 pessimist? Optomistic, but sounds very sarcastic a lot of the time
Introvert 또는 extrovert? Introvert but only because she doesn’t get out much aside from her job. She’d be 더 많이 sociable if near 더 많이 people
Drives and motivations?: The amount of difficulty in something, the reward, pretty much everything else

Talents (hidden 또는 not)?: Stealth, being quiet (even though she’s talkative), disguises, trickery, very good at lying, good at fencing but doesn’t use this skill often

Extremely skilled at: Stealth, deception
Extremely unskilled at: Keeping her mouth shut after a period of time, staying in one spot, being patient

Mannerisms: *hands on hips*, *leaned back with hands crossed*, *snapping fingers in z-motion*, *crossed-legs while sitting*

Peculiarities: The fact that her ears don’t look like they have an inner-ear

One word character would use to describe self: Living-it-up

One paragraph 설명 of how character would describe self: “I’m in a place where no one knows what I am, and even if they did, they’d probably think it would be cool. I’m all about the thrill, take, take, and then give, and anything shinny is something I’d like to acquire just for the thrill of it. I am not ashamed of my heritage, and I am not in denial.”

What does character consider best physical characteristic?: Her hair
Why?: And I quote “It’s so flip-able”

What does character consider worst physical characteristic?: Either her eyes 또는 her teeth.
Why?: Her eyes seem a bit odd with their shaped retina, even though she likes them. Her teeth look cool to her, but she guesses that red teeth seem weird.

Are these realistic assessments?: Yes

What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 초 most important, etc.)
1.    How she spent her first days as an Evolving-Identity
2.    Her choice of eyes
3.    Her choice of teeth-color
4.    The type of 아이스크림 she bought



A.    – Nanites
1.    – Regeneration
2.    – Change in shape
3.    – Change in size
B.    – Chaos Energy
1.    – Outer (attacks)
2.    – Inner (regeneration)
3.    – Outer-use-two (Connection with devices and so forth)
C.    – Stealth
1.    – Lock-picking
2.    – distractions
3.    – stealthy-movement

Elemental powers?: None

Physical skils

Flexibility: 8
Strength: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6

Mental Skills

Memory: 5
Text-book knowledge: 6
거리 knowledge: 7
Computer knowledge: 7
Other Knowledge: 5

Most recognized Skills (Top most noticed, bottom least)
1. Her stealth
2. Her trickery
3. Her way with words
4. Her quick-thinking
5. Her smart-mouth
6. Her fencing-skills


Color: blood-red
Music: rock, romance, instrumental-celtic
Art (Gory, nature, romantic, ect.): random-painting-splashes
Food: Ice-cream, Cesar-Salad
Book: The Hunger Games
Quote(s): “Thank 당신 for your consideration”
Actor: Robert Downy Jr.
Historical character: Shadow the Hedgehog (Because he’s just so bad-boy XD)
Present character: Possibly Geon 또는 Merya
Fictional character: Unknown
Type of transportation: 바꿀 수 있는, 컨버터블 red-car
Physical game (Tag, Hide-and-seek, ect.): None
Video-Game: Anything stealthy
텔레비전 show: Friends
Movie: Unkown


Hometown: Iblicis
Did character always live there?: Yes

Basic summary of character’s life before story began: Her origin was on Iblicis, where she became employed in law-enforcement… 또는 something like that. She did this for quite some time, until meeting Rin, and the identity wars beginning.


Does character have parents?: Yes

Mother’s name: Rin and Virus
Relationship with Mother: Rin; hostile but still allies. Virus; hostile
Is Mother still alive?: Yes

Was either parent a large impact in character’s life?: Yes

Does character have siblings?: Yes
If so, who?: The Identities
how many?: A lot
Relationship with Siblings?: Distant
Are Siblings still alive?: Most of them

Were siblings a large impact in character’s life?: Not really

Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews, Nieces: None

Is there a specific special family member, 또는 members, that character is close to, 또는 is an important part in character’s life?: No


Does character have children?: No


Job?: Sleeper-agent/stealth-agent/infiltrator in the Identity Wars
Does character enjoy job?: Yes
Has character had other jobs before this one?: Yes
If so, what?: Stealthy-agent

Current-home: None

Is character wealthy?: Yes


Who are Character’s 프렌즈 (If they have any)?: Dimension 4, Kaiya, Rin, Ana-Lysa, Kae, Agent-004, Geon, Merya

What would character consider a friend to be?: She doesn’t know

Which people have influenced character the most?: Possibly Agent-004, but Kenfi won’t admit it

Who does character openly admire?: No one
Who does character secretly admire?: No one

Who are character’s enemies?: Whoever she wants
Have they always been enemies?: No

Is there a story behind the character and their enemies?: Sometimes

Is character married?: No

Does character have a crush on someone?: No, but she likes to flirt

Other Friendship information

Who would character consider to be their best friend: Kaiya maybe
Why: She doesn’t hate her, and Kaiya tolerates her the best

When did character and best friend first meet: When she met Rin
Most treasured memory between character and best friend: None

Have they always been best friends: Yes

What is the relationship between character and best friend: Almost non-existent. They both know that this is business and war, and try not to get attached to anything


How others perceive character
Friend: Annoying
Enemy: Annoying
Stranger: Pretty
Parent: Annoying
Sibling: Adventurious

First impression character makes is: Annoying, flirty, smart, 또는 bored
What happens to change this perception?: The type of person

What do family/friends like most about character?: Her physical skills, and quickness
What do family/friends like least about character?: Her attitude, and her heartlessness


Immediate goal(s): Win the war

Long range goal(s): Eat ice-cream

How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)?: However she wants

How will other people around character be affected? Deadly


How does character face problems?: With curiosity
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Thievery, murder, investigations

How does character react to NEW problems?: With interest

How does character react to change?: If it doesn’t involve something that she usually does, she gets bored and annoyed


Past loves: None
Current loves: None

Is relationship complicated 또는 simple?: Simple
Why?: She doesn’t 사랑 anyone


Where can character story be found (Title and URL)?: The Identity Wars
Is character a main character, side, 또는 background?: Side

Where can picture of character be found?: link

Sonic- franchise-Information

Does character have contact/relationships with Cannon-characters?: Yes

Can character achieve a super-form?: Yes
If so, from what, and what type(s)?: Chaos-Energy-based

Does character live on Mobius?: Yes

If so, is it on SEGA 또는 ARCHIE Mobius?: Archie

Is it in future, past, 또는 present tense?: Future

Does character have blood-relations with cannon-characters?: Yes
If so, who?: Nicole

posted by TakTheFox
The Scenario: Escape

“Where were we?”

“In a bad place?”

The Place: Room-444-X-9 of Base X.

“What happened?”

“You were captured”

The Date: January 2nd, 5500, 4th-world

“Who are you?”

“… a friend.”

Chapter two

*beep* went the intercom button.

“What is it?” The commander asked through his com-link to the Unit in the capsule-room.

“There is a green button here. Do 당신 know what it does?” The Unit-girl asked in an accent that sounded Russian now.

“Yes… but 당신 should not touch it.”

“*sigh* Very well. Not that it’s any of my business, but why is the… being in this...
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Mobius Academy idea

So I was thinking that since Mobius Academy (restart) has been so successful, we could make a 팬 fic about it.
What would happen would be that one 또는 two people would write it, while the others supply info about the 포럼 (this would include actually 글쓰기 about what happened in the forum, and not just starting from scratch). We would have to rewrite some things, but I think that most of it would probably be very usable.

If nominations are open, I would like to be one of the writers. I think there should be two for one reason in particular; There are multiple happenings...
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posted by blazecat713
It was a dark and scary night four little girls were in a dark dungeon where a witch had put a curse on the girls.

After the girls have been cursed they've been orphans their names were : flare,jewl,frostene,and sharmaine. They were quiet little girls and they have unique powers flare has 불, 화재 power jewl has spy power frostene has ice power and sharmaine has speed power. So every 일 and night nobody would want to adopt the girls because of their curse so 10 years later the orphanage was out of business and the girls left and took care of themselves.

Flare was just walking down the 거리 and...
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posted by TakTheFox
Sequence Two

One 월 later…

Melik had finally given up on Reesa, 또는 at least she thought he had. The occasional wave was the only acknowledgement that the two of them had. Had he really ended his mad quest, 또는 was he simply taking a break? Either way, Reesa was very relieved.

The white mobian decided to reward this 일 의해 taking a nice walk down the park, in the mist Thursday morning, when the air was nice and refreshing. She enjoyed the sounds of the chirping, the fountains, and the 잔디 swaying in the slight breezes. It was peaceful.

She munched on a frosty 사과, 애플 as she took her stroll,...
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posted by night-vamphog
Few hours later Typhon and Ravage come 집 from school. ''Mom! Dad! We're home!'' Ravage yells once they walk in. He gets no reply.
    Typhon sets to bag down on the floor and walks into the living room. ''Anyone home?'' once again. No reply. ''Think their outside?''
    ''I'll go check,'' Ravage walks to the back of the house and opens the back door. ''No one is back here,'' he looks around. Still no one. Walks back in.
    ''Where could they be,'' walks into the 부엌, 주방 and see's the helmet. Picks it up and gasps. ''Ravage. I think...
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posted by numnumyellow67
Stranded in open 우주 inside an escape pod, Serios is thinking. Where could Mugen be?
"I haven't seen her in six years" she said to herself.
"Where in this huge galaxy could she be? 당신 know, considering she is still in this dimension".
Serios and Mugen only met one time when they we're little. Serios was only six, and Mugen was four. They liked each other enough, but haven't seen each other since. Because she was buried in her own thoughts, she almost had a 심장 attack when the alarm went off.
"Mobius? I remember that...
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posted by TakTheFox
Guardian Angel

“So much has happened. Such… terrible things. First Commander St. John… betrayed the Freedom Fighters, and helped Ixis Naugus take control, AS KING! How could everyone be so gullible? Did they forget all the terrible things that Naugus had done before? I haven’t. I just came back from seeing Commander D’coolette. He’s… very hurt. I only got a glimpse, because the nurse said that she didn’t want any 더 많이 people crashing their heads into his bed… which was kind of weird. The time-traveling hedgehog was here a little bit ago. Silver is what I think they called him....
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Name: Nitro the Fox
Age:believed to be 12 *is immortal*
Gender: Male
Powers: Can go out of his physical body and into peoples' heads
Weakness: When out of his body, he basically goes into a coma and cannot 옮기기 his physical body at all, he can only speak
Personality: A tad sadistic, yet he is loyal to his closest friends. He may become giddy in the most terrifying of situations and oddly unhappy when he can't do something disturbing.
Eye/fur color: Nitro is a dark brown 여우 with one red eye, one green eye and two snakes to serve as tails
Outfit: none, he prefers to just wear a gold chain around his...
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[Warning: Minor gore and blood.]

Mother was supposed to be bringing 집 a new dress for me.
She said it was supposed to be white and beautiful and I would look absolutely lovely.
That isn't how it happened though.
I still looked lovely, but in a different way.

I sat in my play room, surrounded 의해 my many dolls. My dress was a deep purple velvet. The was a ribbon to match in my hair. All my 인형 were expensive dresses, like me. My older brother was in the room down the wall. He hasn't come out for days. The maids had to bring him his food, but he hasn't eaten it. I worry for him. The whole house...
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Take it from me, I'm just a Magilancer who almost destroyed the whole world. When monsters colide with the real world, 당신 can't rest until everyone and everything is safe. Yes, I have to admit that I didn't exactly keep everyone and everything safe, but atleast I kept everything from blowing up.
Not exactly the normalest 일 for me, 또는 any other wizard. It was gloomy and quiet, the way I liked it. A lot of buildings were broken and qracked. One just happened to have an unbroken mirror and some tape. I walked in through the corridor and broke the mirror. I use the tape and shard of glass to...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
The blow was about to come. I knew that just 의해 looking at his face, twisted in anger, that the hand was going to come down on me. It did, as predicted and left behind a black and blue mark on my cheek. “Don’t lie to me, Gyro. What were 당신 doing with Rex?” I clung to my aching cheek, cradling it with one hand. “It was nothing. All I did was talk to him.” Pain shattered into my other cheek, leaving behind a red mark. “Didn’t I say not to lie to me? Now tell me what really happened.” His words were clipped and low, and his red eyes were darker then usual as extremely light blue...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    As we followed Earthquake, we noticed some things in the trees that we had never seen before. “I think these are called Chaos Spears,” said Alymere.
    “Well, how would we know that?” asked Blaster.
    Please just shut up! I thought. I walked faster trying to see what was ahead of us. Then, a Chaos Spear past my head, just missing my ear. “What the...”
    In the distance, we heard yelling.
    “What is going on over there?” I asked.
    “You’re about...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
“Where did Silver go?” asked Blaster.
    “I’m right in front of you.”
    “No, you’re not.”
    Then we say his form come out of nowhere. “Now do 당신 believe me?”
    “Well, yes, but I didn’t think 당신 could turn invisible.”
    He laughed. “He can’t. But I can.” His form changed from a hedgehog to a chameleon. His tail was long, he had a single horn in the middle of his face, his scales were green, and his eyes were a sapphire blue.
    “And you...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    “What the hell?!” I whispered. 의해 the looks on Earthquake and Blasters’ face, they were thinking the same this.
    “Hey, we at least know it isn’t us, right?” Blaster asked.
    “He’s right, 당신 know.”
    “I know, I know. I just don’t like when he’s right, Earthquake.”
    Then, the one that Blight called Gun washed his 모피 off as well. It instantly became a vibrant purple, a scare over his right eye, and sharp teeth.
    “That looks really scary,”...
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posted by SaraTheDog

Song:Get On The Floor
Color:Hot pink


People who tell her what to do.
The smell of failure on herself

Fav sayings:
Treat others the way 당신 DON'T want to be treated.

Picking locks.
Escapeing from jail without anyone knowing for months.

What to do for free time:
-.- Get drunk.
Insult books.
Insult people.
Hangout with friends...Or 랜덤 people she dosn't know.

Other:She is just about always drunk.Also 당신 can never really stop getting in trouble.
posted by Scorch-Werehog
It was a cool 일 in October when a hedgehog 의해 the name of Scorch was born. He has the power of fire, and some strength. But once a echidna 의해 the name of Lycantic found out about Scorch, he wanted to kill him. So, when Scorch was about a 월 old, Lycantic went to go and kill him. But his brother Frost wasn't too happy about what he was about to do. So when Lycantic went to go kill Scorch, Frost followed him. Frost knew that Lycantic would use a death spell on Scorch so he put a spell on Lycantic so he would do a completely different spell on him. The spell that he did instead made Scorch...
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posted by -Wednesday-
Character Chart
Character's full name: Hamano Suiyoubi Nevermore
Reason 또는 meaning of name: none
Character's nickname: God 또는 Nevermore.
Reason for nickname: She is a god and Nevermore is her adoptive mother’s last name.
Birth date: October 16th
Gender: Female
Theme: Don’t Stop - InnerPartySystem

Physical appearance
Age: Unknown
How old does he/she appear: 20
Weight: 28 lbs.
Height: 4”8
Body build: Slim, but large thighs and large breasts.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Brown.
Glasses 또는 contacts: Amber colored contacts.
Skin tone: Pale.
Distinguishing marks: Horns, 애로우 pointed 십자가, 크로스 tattoo, cat like...
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Date this chart was completed: 4/6/2012

Profile for 초 Rin (After the Conflicts Arcane)

Character's Full Name: *deep breath* Iron-Nicole Rin Chaos Identity Virus Seven Server Spelunking
Reason 또는 meaning of name: Rin was the name randomly given to her 의해 Nick Falon. Iron-Nicole was who she was originally. Identity is the name of her self-appointed species. Virus is the name of what she was in her 초 form. Chaos as in Chaos Energy, which she is composed of. Seven Server because she a Zonac Soul. Spelunking because she felt like naming herself that for no reason at all.
Nickname: Rin, Freak...
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posted by ShadowChaos
"Great. This is just great. I'm stuck with two people that I'm not impressed with." I said. Silver and Twilight looked over at me as if I were a nuclear bomb. "You know, Shadow, that isn't nice to say about people." Silver explained to me. Do I care? I asked myself. "Why don't we find out who took my memories now?" Twilight asked me. "Twilight, it's not that simple. We have to go on a journey to learn about 당신 first. Plus, the person who took your memories had a reason to take them." I told him. "But my 프렌즈 told me someone took your memories once. So 당신 kind of know how I feel..." Twilight...
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Classical 피아노 음악 flew 의해 Ellowyn's ears. She turned around, and saw another girl walking her way, 노래 some sort of tune to herself. Ellowyn tugged at her big daddy's hand and pointed at her.

"Look, Mister Bubbles! Look at her!"

Bouncer refused and nudged Ellowyn 앞으로 slightly towards a corpse on the ground.

"Not now, Mister B! Look!"

'Song of songs.. 사랑 is calling, daughter wake up from your sleep..~' The other girl began singing.


Ellowyn jumped into the air, her eyes went wide as her underwater wonderland became what she dreaded most once again.

Old signs hung 의해 a thread. Blood...
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