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posted by Kal_Sphinx
Chapter six: Oops

Location: Mobius-zone-8, Faconicks, Meridona, South-Tropan, Mansion

Date: Date: Thursday, March 13th, Second-Line-2101

Time: 11:21 A.M.

Rin started up the computer, then quickly opened the file named “disposition-analysis”. Inside this one there were documents, videos, pictures, and so on. Rin scrolled down through these; ignoring them complete, which did not make the others happy, but they said nothing.

She finally came across one that was called “Communication-Uplink”. She clicked on it. As soon as she did, a progress-bar appeared on the screen, and a web-cam window after that. “Dim the lights!” She said to the others, as she pulled her 후드 further over her head.

Next, the hooded girl poked a small hole in the 상단, 맨 위로 of the computer, which created a web-cam port. “Who is this?” A voiced asked from the Video-Window.

“Do I really need clearance?” Rin asked in a voice that matched the hooded-lady’s.

“… Right away, Ma’m. What are 당신 looking for today?”

“What aren’t I is the question. I need to see my original personal records. I just remembered something that is fatal to any otherwise.”

“But 당신 deleted your files.”

“When I said to act as such about my file’s ‘Deletion’, that did not include myself… as 당신 should know.”

“R-right away. What is the patie-E-mail (Fake) 당신 are using at the moment?”

“I have just set it up. Unfortunately my skills have been drained for the moment, and it is taking a bit longer than expected- Ah! Never mind. The E-mail is”

“Sending now.”

The video-feed closed for the moment, which allowed Kal, Talon, and Jesse to now burry Rin with questions, starting with “WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!” from all of them.

“Do I really have to explain the age thing again?” Rin wined. “I knew a secret agent for a while- I got to be a secret agent for a while. But even before that I learned many tricks such as, the hooded-lady is clever, and probably keeps an adventurous, yet cautious, so she would have tons of fail-safes.

“Nice.” Jesse complimented. “So now we’re going to get files on the Leader… already?”

“You’re working with the best of the second-best. 또는 the best of the baddest.”

“That is simply unbeli-“

“Shhh! He’s coming back online.” Rin hushed, which annoyed Kal, who was interrupted, just a bit.

“The Files are sent.” The agent informed.

“That was… quick… enough. Is there anything fun to do today?”

“Such as the Manestel Project?”

“Manestel?!” Kal said softly in surprise… but not soft enough.

“Who else is there?!” The agent asked sternly.

“Calm down.” Rin defended. “It’s just some other agents.”

“Of course… The last file will be there momentarily.”

“Good.” They waited a short time longer, then out of the blue, the computer began to smoke.

“What do 당신 think 당신 are doing!?” Rin yelled at the agent.

“Rule 32: Our Leader never lets others see her work, whoever 당신 are.” The video-feed closed, and the computer slowly started to 삭제 everything on its hard drive. Rin quickly connected with it, and stopped it… but the files on the Leader, and the communication files were gone.

“What just happened?” Talon asked.

“They found out, because someone had to say ‘Manestel’!” Rin snapped.

“… Oops.” Kal said. “W-well at least 당신 saved it, right?”

“Most of it. But all the other files about the Leader, and how to contact them are GONE!! And that’s not even the worst part… for 당신 anyways.”

“I have to ask; what is?” Talon sighed.

“They know where we are now.” Rin informed.

“… H-h-how can we stop them???” Kal asked nervously.

“We’d have to find the agent and kill him before he blabs, 또는 try to falsify the location.”

“Which one do 당신 think we should do, Talon?” Jesse asked.

“Falsify obviously.” Nick replied.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.” Rin complained. “But that’s boring.”

“You want to kill people?”

“CHEA! It’s 더 많이 fun that way. Plus falsifying takes forever. First 당신 have to be able to track the location of the guy’s signal, then 당신 have to figure out the frequency and type that he is using to find our location, then take that away, and create a whole new one in the exact same way, then send it back to his hard drive without him noticing.”

“… How about we just find and scare him into not telling?” Jesse suggested. “I’d rather have a plan that doesn’t involve me with grey hair at its end.”

“… Fine.” Talon agreed. “I’m assuming that 당신 can trace his location, Rin?”

“Yep. Stand back!... No really.” Talon, Jesse, and Kal walked up against the opposite wall, then Rin connected her hand with the computer, and the whole thing began to flicker and spark. After a short while it ended. “Got it!” Rin said triumphantly.

The hooded girl then grabbed the hands of the others, and teleported to a different location. “H-how did 당신 do that?!” Kal stuttered.

“Ugh! Okay, Imma say this one 더 많이 time. Everybody listening?” Rin asked. The others nodded. “I am a Chaos Energy being, with Nanite structure. IT LETS ME TELEPORT! CAPESHE?!”

“Uh… where are we?” Jesse asked. They were all standing in front of a very small neighborhood, in a desert-like area.

“Inesesta Calwood, Louis Street.” Rin informed. “The guy used the computer of that house.” She pointed to a two-story house, with green paint, and a fair garden in the front. He’s trying to call the leader, but I’m sending him a gift instead.”

“Like some kind of Virus?” Talon asked.

When Rin heard this she gave a large grin and said “You have no idea. Shall we break in?”

“Shouldn’t we have scheme-masks 또는 something first?” Jesse inquired. Rin put her hand in the pockets of her hoodie, and pulled out three scheme-masks, then handed them to the others. I’m guessing that these will help.” She smirked.

“… Not gonna ask how 당신 made these.” Jesse said as he placed the mask over his head.

“Time to barge in!” Rin exclaimed as she rushed into the house; breaking the door down as she went (thankfully the neighbors weren’t outdoors at that moment) The team quickly made a 검색 of the house, until Talon found a mobian hiding under the computer desk.

“D-don’t hurt me!” The man pleaded. Talon was about to grab the man, but then thought to himself “What am I doing?” He paused for a moment, then called out “I FOUND HIM!” Rin was the first to appear.

“Hello play-thing.” She greeted creepily with her eyes glowing red.

The man’s face was terrified. “Wh-what do 당신 want!? Money? Gold?”

“We want 당신 to stop playing dumb.” Rin replied as she changed her voice to match the leaders again. The man seemed even 더 많이 surprised now. “We are blocking your signal, and we’re going to block the blood from your arm if 당신 don’t obey.”

“You want me to keep my mouth shut?! I’d rather die!”

“… Cool.” Rin raised her hand in a giant sharp claw; preparing to slice the man in half, when Talon said “Rin! Stop! We aren’t here to kill anyone.”

“… Fine…” Rin growled as she morphed her hand back to normal.

“You can’t stop us.” The man boasted. “We are many, a-“ Before the man could continue Rin knocked him hard on the side of the head, rendering him unconscious. The others looked at her with annoyed faces.

“What? He was being cheesy.” She defended. “Well I guess that the whole scaring thing isn’t gonna work… I could the computer to change the coordinates though.”

“I thought it took forever.” Talon reminded.

“Two 분 is the new forever.” Rin teased as she started hacking the computer. Talon walked over to the window to scan the area, and got 로스트 in his thoughts for a while.

“What am I doing here?” He asked himself in his head. “Putting on scheme-masks, kidnapping people, living in a weird mansion? How did this all happen? This isn’t my life. This isn-… this is just so messed up.” Nick put his hand to his face with a groan, then noticed that as he lifted his hand, he saw a large amount of various cars driving up to the house.

“Uh Rin… 당신 done yet?” He asked nervously.

“Almost, why-… oh… something’s about to happen isn’t it?” The creepy girl guessed.

“How did you- Never mind! Yes! There’s a bunch of cars driving up to the house!”

“Ten 초 left, dude. What are the cars doing?”

“They’re… they’re… oh no. They’ve got a rocket launcher!!”

“A WHAT!?!” Kal screamed

*BOOM* The house was instantly engulfed in flames. The explosion destroyed both stories, which gave little hope for Talon and company.

Casually-dressed mobians came up and inspected the remains. After about ten minutes, they got back into their cars and drove off; caring very little about the now very disturbed neighbors. These neighbors were quickly all over the area, looking for survivors, and calling the police… they found none.

About a mile from the neighborhood, Talon, Rin, Kal, Jesse, and the man all appeared in the middle of the road; all of them clinging hard onto Talon, who had smoke-ported them there (even the man).

“You… s-saved me…” the man stammered.

“So does this mean you’ll leave us alone?” Rin asked hopingly

The man seemed conflicted when he answered. He started to say “Yes” but stopped himself, then went back and forth in his head, as if he was two people. Then Rin noticed something.

“Hmm…” The hooded girl pondered as she grabbed the man’s head.

“What are you- AGH!”

Rin began to send an electro-magnetic pulse through the man’s body, which slowly caused a glowing-red goop to ooze out of his arm. Rin was able to then extract all of the substance, which in turn sent the man into unconsciousness.

“He was being controlled 의해 a mind-chip… That I accidentally melted I think.” Rin informed. “Don’t think that he’ll be remembering any of this any time soon.”

“So what do we do with him?” Jesse inquired.

“… We should drop him off at a hospital.” Talon suggested.

“Okidoke. I’ll do tha-“ Before Rin could finish her sentence, she disappeared… but not with the man.

“Rin?” Kal called out as she waved her hands where Rin was standing. “That was weird. How do we get her back?”

“How should I know?” Nick complained. “Well… I guess that we’ll just have to wait for her.”

“Are 당신 kidding?!” Jesse complained. “It’s burning hot out here! I wanna get home- er new home!”

“And leave this guy here?” Kal hinted. “Can 당신 smoke-port to a hospital, Talon?”

“I can, but it would be back in our hometown, and we can’t go back there right now, so…”

“Lovely. Anybody still weirded out as to why we let Rin stay with us? I mean… she’s not exactly stable.”

“I doubt anyone would be stable.” Talon teased. “We need her for now anyway, so why get rid of her?”

“Yeah! I like Rin!” Jesse agreed. “She’s funny!”

“Especially when she gets glowing red eyes, and tries to claw people in half.” Kal hinted.

“You wouldn’t be talking about me, would you?” Rin asked as she re-appeared.

“What was that all about!?” Kal yelled angrily.

“So-rry.” Rin sassed. “I didn’t do it! Some girl named Rynk summoned me… 또는 something. Anyway, let’s go to hospitals!” Rin took hold of everyone, then teleported to the nearest hospital, where they snuck him in, then quickly disappeared back to the mansion.

In a warehouse in a different part of the world…

“Mistress,” One of the organization’s agents greeted as he entered the warehouse, “We have just received footage of the girl that 당신 had us spy on. ‘Rin’.”

“And…?” The hooded lady asked impatiently.

“She… well… see for yourself.” The follower handed the hooded lady a screen-pad; on it was footage of Rin using her morphing abilities in public, as well as chaos energy.

When the hooded lady saw this, she was almost engulfed in surprise, but then started chuckling to herself. “This is going to be a very interesting gig. I can’t wait to meet her in person.”

“Ma’m?” The agent inquired.

“This girl that 당신 just showed me is officially the second-most dangerous person 당신 will ever meet. Is there any other news?”

“Uh… yes. We’ve discovered that the people who attacked our agent were the children from Hickville.”

“*sigh* I told that man that he should have let me put controller-serum into them. Otherwise this mess wouldn’t be here. Oh well. This will be entertaining. Let us see what all that good work lead to.”

“Right away Ma’m.”

Back at the mansion…

“Well that was boring.” Rin complained.

“Is all 당신 care about entertainment?” Kal questioned.

“Look at it this way, Honey. In the end, boredom is death. You’re just sitting there… waiting for something to happen. What if it doesn’t? What if it doesn’t for millions of years? At least if you’re getting killed, it’s not boring.”

“… I’m starting to see why your planet hated 당신 so much.”

“Well I’m not planning on being bored any time soon!” Jesse informed. “Anybody up for a video-game?”

“OH! OH! MEEEEEEEEE!!” Rin childishly informed as she waved her hands in the air frantically. The two of them rushed through the hallways, while Talon and Kal outside.

“You know, when I first met you,” Talon began to say in a non-romantic tone (XD), “You seemed… different. Like Rin even.”

“I seemed like a creepy psycho-path?” Kal questioned.

“You know what I mean. 당신 were friendly, and funny, and all. What happened?”

Kal scoffed and said “My Guardian, who was like a father to me, died. Come to think of it, your parents did too, and Jesse’s. The only person that hasn’t acted weird from lack of parents is Rin, and I’m sure she was upset all those ‘millions’ of years ago.”

“What are 당신 saying?”

“I’m saying ‘What’s going on!?’ I mean, I could hold it in for a while about not having parents anymore, but it’s been a bit of a while now. Don’t 당신 think that we should at least give them a funeral 또는 something!?”

“…” Talon paused with a great sigh, but didn’t answer till twenty 초 later. “Yes… we should. I’m just trying to be the whole leader person, and I don’t think that would involve crying all day. Of course I’m upset. It eats at me too, but the way I cope is 의해 knowing that slowly, we’re getting closer to finding out who killed our families.”

“… Whatever.” Kal sighed.

“Hey, guys?” Jesse called out as he ran to the two of them. “How did the bad guys find the house that the agent dude was in if Rin blocked their signals?”

“… Oh no.” Talon rushed out the front door, and began scanning the area around the mansion. At least one-hundred tanks, helicopters, and other armed vehicles were quickly coming towards the mansion.

“GUYS!!!!” Talon called to the others.

“What is i- WHOA!!” Jesse yelled in surprise as they all arrived.

“This is bad. This is so bad. This is so very dearly bad.” Kal mumbled nervously. “D-do we fight them, 또는 run, or-“

“Anybody wonder why they’re doing this in plain sight?” Rin asked.

“This is Admiral Koscev of the Faconicks military!” The “Admiral” called out through a speaker-phone. “You have ten 분 to surrender, Arcanes!”

“Why are they calling us Arcanes?” Jesse inquired.

“… It’s in act.” Talon realized. “He’s trying to make it look like we’re terrorists!”

“So that means we get to fight em, right?” Rin asked hopingly.

“… If we did that, other people might get hurt.” Talon noted.

“Oh come on! ... Wait a minute… boys- and Kal, I got a plan.”

Talon, Kal, and Jesse willingly gave themselves up, while Rin was nowhere to be seen. They were lead into an armored car, then handcuffed, with 총 pointed at their heads. The cars drove off down the road for a good five minutes, until a change in plans occurred.

The cars carrying Kal, Jesse, and Nick swerved to the right; going off the road, and into a grass-plain. “What’s going on?” One of the soldiers 다음 to Kal asked suspiciously. The other guard pressed his gun to Kal’s head and said “What are 당신 doing to our transport!?”

“Nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.” “Kal” chuckled with a rather creepy-looking smile.

“Wait… That’s no-“ *BOOM* the cars imploded, with giant slimy-spike-like structures shooting everywhere. Kal walked out unharmed, and changed back to Rin. Another car exploded, with Jesse walking out unharmed, and then a third melted to pieces, with Talon.

“Now then,” Rin began, “Let’s FIGHT!!!!!!” The three of them charged full-throttle into the enemy vehicles.

Talon got his wings out, and began scrapping his long claws around the helicopters in the air. Rin guarded Jesse as he began to charge his explosion-abilities, then tossed him a small bracelet.

“Um… what is-“

“Put it on!” She interrupted. Jesse paused for a moment, out of confusion, then quickly snapped the jewelry on… and began to change. He got whiter, and taller. His hands and feet stretched, and his mouth took a larger form. He had turned BANSHEE.

Banshee-Jesse took a deep breath, then let out a giant sound-blast into the enemy tanks; sending their own missiles back at them.

A group of tall robots (not the same from the 초 to last chapter) jumped out from an enemy-jet, and began to bash away at Rin with quick energy attacks. Rin stretched her arms across the area, then changed them into giant blades. From there, she began to spin rapidly as she charged into the robots, before they could make a move.

Back at the mansion…

A group of the “military” was now attempting to inspect the mansion for whatever they could find. Slowly however they began to disappear in their search.

One of the search-parties was going through the hallway, when one of them was grabbed 의해 the feet 의해 a scarf, and pulled away before he could scream. Still, the sound of his thud was heard.

“Rex?” One of the men called out, as he turned to see his group-member gone. “Where’d he go?!”

“Relax. He probably just went to look in a different part of this place.” The other one assured.

“But we’re all supposed to stick together.”

“I’ll get him then.” The other group membered casually walked back through the hallway, and turned a corner. After he did however, the leader of the 검색 party heard someone go “WHOA!” followed 의해 a large thud.

“Marks! Come on, Man, this better not be a joke!” The leader ran back through the hallway, but saw nothing. He began to walk towards where he heard some footsteps, which lead him to the backyard. Every other search-party member was knocked out and tied up.

“… I gotta get out of here!” he said to himself just before running off through the house, instead of simply jumping the backyard fence. He pulled out his communicator, and was about to tell Koscev, but his walkie-talkie was sliced in half.

Kal jumped down in front of the man, and said “boo!” just before knocking him out as well. “Now all I have to do is get them out of the house.” She groaned as the sphinx-cat began to pull drag the man away.

Back at the battle…

A giant hover-carrier flew over the 히어로즈 as they began to tire from their fight. Rin quickly created an energy-field for them, while Talon spread smoke around the area, to 망토, 망 토 their location.

“So what’s our plan?” Jesse asked.

“… We need 당신 to charge your core.” Talon suggested.

“But I can’t use that power when I’m morphed remember?”

“Then de-morph!”

“I don’t know how to-“ *slice* Rin cut the bracelet off, and Jesse turned back to normal.

“Awwww…” Jesse sighed. “I liked being a banshee.”

“Listen, Rin will distract the fire, while I fly 당신 onto the carrier, so that 당신 can destroy it, okay?”

“Got it. Let’s go!”

Rin morphed out her own pair of wings, and began to fly in circles around the carrier; causing them to shoot only at her, while Talon flew Jesse up to the carrier from below. Unfortunately the cannons noticed Talon and Jesse, and began to shoot at them as well.

Talon quickly threw Jesse straight into the air, just before smoke porting from sight, while Rin tried to take out the cannons, while Jesse charged up his energy core. Finally Jesse had landed, and he was powered-up. A giant red and yellow energy field covered the area for almost one-fourth of a mile, leaving a giant crater in the ground.

They had won. The energy field however, took a lot out of Jesse, and he was now falling to the ground. Talon smoke-ported below him, and caught him before he fell, then the three of them went back to help Kal.

Their “guests” were soon removed of their control-serum, and sent away in the middle of a nice grassy field.

“So… anybody up for dancing?” Rin asked hopingly.

“Dancing? I’m going to bed.” Talon informed.

“Oh come on! It wasn’t too tiring!”

“First we get beat up 의해 당신 in ‘training’, then a house blows up, then we end up fighting a whole army, and that’s not tiring to you?”


“…” Talon didn’t reply with anything. He simply walked back
posted by ShadowWolf337
Author's Note
Okay everyone gather around for a scary/creepy story! This story takes place in 2010. Its about me buying Sonic Adventure and it turned out to be cursed. Oh and please 코멘트 about any of the creepy 또는 scary parts 또는 how I can improve. Enjoy!

Day 1/Saturday
After a extremely long wait Sonic Adventure finally came in through the mail. I tore through the packaging and found the original case. What Luck! I opened the case and a folded note fell out it read: "I'm sorry.I had to get rid of it. Now he's yours." I was confused 의해 this note, I ignored the note and threw it into the trash....
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posted by TakTheFox
(Boys, and, girls, of, every, age…)

Come here a song
A song that I’ll sing
A song that tells about a very scary thing
A creature that even the strong and fast still fear
Their pain and screams and suffering is all you’ll hear

The creature it hunts only the strong and the brave
Without a care that anyone will come to save
Its wrath is inescapable as it strikes fear
The hissing is the final thing that 당신 will hear…

“I am Slenderwoman,
I am pain
I am the one who will drive 당신 to become insane”

“I am Slender creature
You, my prey
Pray it is not 당신 I’m after on this day”
(Wouldn’t, you,...
continue reading...
posted by ShadowWolf337
Okay before I get to the story I'm gonna tell 당신 what Blood Doll is. Blood Doll is just as the name states Blood but as a plushie. Like the "cursed" Tails Doll, Blood Doll is a cursed toy. Blood Doll kills ONLY the one who treats him badly, but he is really nice and will play games with anyone who takes him as a toy. Now onward to the story!

Its a sunny 일 on Mobius the kids are outside playing. A young hedgehog 의해 the name of Shift sits in a 나무, 트리 with a plushie sitting 의해 him. The plushie looks up at him "Lets play something Shift!" said the plushie said "Okay B" Shift said grabing Blood...
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Garinina's POV

I stared at the young woman, thoughts running through my mind. How did she obtain that bruise on her forehead...when she is facing up? There is no obvious evidence that she hit her head on the tub. Unless...she was moved or...she didn't die in the bath.

I stared long and hard at the rather large bruise on her forehead, and I noticed something was not normal about it.

I touched her forehead, it felt unusually hard. It did not feel like skull. Curious, I pulled out a scalpel and began slowly cutting the skin of her forehead; this earned a surprised and sickened gasp from my new...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    Once we saw that there was another Earthquake around, we decided to find out what was going on. “I can’t believe that there is another me out there.” Earthquake mused.
    “At least we know it isn’t you.” I said.
    “Maybe there’s only a double of 당신 and Scorch.”
    “Maybe, and maybe not, Blaster.” Earthquake said.
    I bet there is another Blaster out there. I thought. I started to walk away when Earthquake and Blaster came and followed me.
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WINDY LOOKED DOWN AT her dearest freind; there was no way he was going to survive.
But Windy had to try.
The Tornado2 was losing altitude quickly, even though Tails was trying all he could. Windy kicked the arch window.
Once. Twice.
On the third kick a small crack opened.
She kicked once more.
The glass shatered. Tails looked back, but Windy was already gone. He couldn't stop her. He then saw one of eggman's mechs, and it was pointing the gun right at him.
"No, please!"
A Gunshot echoed through the air.
Windy payed it no mind. She was on full alert to find Spike. She hit the water. When she came back...
continue reading...
Chapter three: Messages Part two: Sender
Location: New Legion base
Date: Thursday, December 21st 4337
“…And 당신 are sure that the project made these events occur?” A tall echidna, wearing a sort of uniform asked, a hooded echidna, as they both walked through a string of dark hallways.
“Ahm certain, sir.” A Tocktin (Cockney British) accented echidna under the hood, answered. “Not only that, but my guess’is, that she does remembah one bloomin thing. I mean, being from that past world and all.”
“Indeed.” The taller one replied. “Well at least we still have that back-up Phantis...
continue reading...
posted by shadowknuxgirl
(Authors note: technically, this is the beginning)
Shock, Silhouette, and V2 were all walking. The sun was bright and radiant, and everything was perfectly normal.
"Hey, Silly, your a robot, right?" asked Shock. Silhouette responded "Right.....?" "then how come 당신 can play in the snow? Its made of water. And your weak to water." said Shock. V2 listened contently. Silhouette thought for a bit, "well, thats kinda complicated.....ya see....." Silhouette stopped dead in her tracks. Shock and V2 took 2 steps before realizing Silhouette wasn't walking with them anymore. She stood there, as if a statue....
continue reading...
"So, let me get this straight... 당신 broke the capsule... So I'm stuck with you... and you're my BROTHER?!" Shadow said. "Yeah, kinda. Isn't that just GREAT?!" Chris said, happilly. "OH GOD. This can't be." Shadow cried. "... 당신 don't seem happy." Chris said, confused. Shadow fell to his knees and started pulling on his chest 모피 and shouting gibberish and a few cuss words. "Are 당신 okay???...." Chris said. A motobug came by. "Is he okay?" He asked it. It rolled away. He started to massage Shadow's shoulders. This made him 더 많이 irritated. Shadow punched Chris away. "You seemed tense." Chris...
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Full Name: Myka Hyne
Nicknames: Mika, Coca Cola (Zak makes fun of her 의해 calling her 'Coca Cola')
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Relationship Status: With Aoi The Panda (Seuris' Character)

Likes: Cooking, making friends, parties, vocaloid
Dislikes: Nothing, really.
Abilities: None.
Hobbies: Cooking (No Duh), Talking to Other People
Forms: Dark

Strengths: She's very good at making 프렌즈 with people.
Weaknesses: She is an easy target, according to Zak, is a weakling, according to Ryaki, well...Basically, people say mean things about her.
Personality: Supportive, kind, friendly, quiet

Good Chemistry: Aoi, Anaya,...
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Typhoon Saga Power Levels:

Regular Typhoon: 100

Damayz Possessed Typhoon: 100,000

Mother: 11,123

Shane: 13,000

Shadow: 22,000

Alyosius: 12,004

Book 2: 11,000

Haze (Typhoon Saga: 55,000

Dahlaz: 80,000

Android Typhoon: 75,126

Rouge: 1,000

Damayz (Typhoon Saga): 300,000

Damayz Possessed Dahlaz: 600,000

Haze the Hedgehog Saga Power Levels (So Far):

Haze: 90,000

Nocturn: 100,000

Shockwave: 30,000

Mother: 25,000

Soundwave: 24,000

Hydra: 98,000

Damayz (Haze Saga): 1,000,000

Nightmare: 5,000,000

Xiz: 900,812

Xiz (Full Power): 2,000,000

Typhoon (Haze Saga): 892,412

Typhoon (All Out): 999,999

Typhoon (Weakened): 200,000

Xiz (Weakened): 300,000

Dezray: 666,000

EVEZ: 890,789

Rei: 1,000,000

And that's all,for now anyways.

And yush Power Levels are HUGE Reference to DBZ,But someones gotta know how strong they are. XD
Nay-Nay woke up screaming. "Shhhh!" A boy put his finger on his lips. Nay-Nay started to tremble. She looked down a saw a sleeping girl in the boy's hand. "W- where- where am I? And 더 많이 imporantly w-who are you?" Nay-Nay asked. The boy's eyes soften. "I am 불, 화재 The 다람쥐 and this is my sister 별, 스타 The Squirrel. We were captured 의해 him some time ago." 불, 화재 answered. "The guy's Name is Him?" 불, 화재 shurged. "I don't know he never said his name." 'Remembers me of someone esle i know.' Nay-Nay thought. "Why were 당신 captured?" "Because we protected this little alien thing. He kinda shaped like...
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 Bullet The Hedgehog
Bullet The Hedgehog
"life is like water it forms in the hevens comes down to earth and goes back up to the hevens but how do 당신 think it feels not to be part of that cycle? i guess i am about to find out"
Our story begins at a little place i like to call Ghost's house. the time is midnight. there is a ding-dong at the door. ghost opens his eyes and sits up "oh who the heck could that be" he goans as he gets out of 침대 and walks over to his 침대 room door and opened and saw olley heading to the door "hey did 당신 want to get the door" olley paused for a second. looked at door then the clock. then he flew behind ghost....
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PASS: ******

June 15, 3415:
"A meteor struck last night, in the rubble I found a small pitch black creature it seems to have no facial features except eyes, one blank and the other has a plus-shape pupil. The creature also has a bright blue aura around it whenever I get near it (which is most of the time as I keep it in a cage in my room for observation purposes). I can't seem to tell if it likes me as whenever I put my hand near it, it gives me a blank glare and sometimes I feel as if it's observing me as well. I'm thinking too hard about this, I'll resume studying it in the...
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posted by NintendoFan364
Character bio

Name: Jason Gearsmo

Age: Eighteen(18)

Gender: Male

Species: Negative Nanite being(Usually takes to form of a lynx)

Height: 4'0"

Weight: 125ibs

Personality traits: Spiteful and short-tempered, Jason is labeled insane with multiple personality disorder as he is defected nanite being. He speaks in a very cold tone and he stares his enemies with a soulless glaze.

Siblings: Melvin Gearsmo(His younger "brother"), Pomu Gearsmo(His younger "sister")


~As a negative Nanite being, Jason has quite possibly the most deadly kind of nanites out of the three: Nanites infused with negative...
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I sit down with Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Blaze, and Silver in my mansion's sitting room. "So, uh... how's everyone's day?" I ask.
Everyone shares their day's highlights. Once they're done, Sonic looks at me. "So, Wildfire, I just wanna know... what's your backstory?"
"Well, if 당신 gotta know, just know this," I tell Sonic, "it's a pretty depressing tale. But anyhoo, here we go."

I was born on November 25, 1998, to the Prowers, of course. I was the center of attention until Miles was born. Then Mom and Dad acted like I wasn't even there! I had to sneak 음식 outta our cupboards just to stay alive....
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added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by XxBlackTears14x
Source: Megax88
added by freya-the-cat
Source: Me (Paint Tool SAI)
added by accattone