Siri Tachi Club
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posted by starwars101
As youngsters growing up in the polished corridors of the Jedi Temple, Padawans do, on occasion, strike up strong and long-lasting friendships. Siri Tachi was a contemporary of Obi-Wan Kenobi when the two started down the path to Jedi Knighthood. A short time after Obi-Wan was paired with Qui-Gon Jinn as his master, Siri became apprenticed to the venerable Adi Gallia.
Siri learned much from Master Adi. Her lightsaber technique was extremely skilled, a fighting style highly athletic and yet very focused. Siri's determination occasionally proved troublesome -- she had difficulty comprehending when it was prudent to refrain from a fight.

Shockingly, Siri abandoned the Jedi order shortly after the Battle of Naboo. While tracking smugglers on the Kessel Run, Adi Gallia and Siri engaged in a severe disagreement which culminated in the younger Jedi's departure. Siri not only turned her back on her training and heritage, but she allied herself with Krayn, one of the most despicable slave traders stalking the Republic spacelanes.