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Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series


Befuddled and Thunderstruck

When an unfamiliar owl arrived at Hogwarts three weeks prior to the start of school, no one noticed.

When Headmaster Dumbledore read the message the unfamiliar owl had delivered, the place was in an uproar. The professors worried about the outcome. The professors tried to reason amongst themselves about this unexpected news. The professors successfully managed to keep this surprise a secret from one certain professor, whom they knew would be greatly affected 의해 this information. The only other individual the professors were concerned about was a particular student that would hopefully return to Hogwarts this year.

“Harry is going to be furious!” Professor McGonagall stated with a hint of franticness in her voice. “He's going to ask us why we didn't send them there instead of the Dursley's!”

“Because, Minerva,” Dumbledore sighed, setting the letter he had read dozens of times already down onto his desk. “Since William graduated, he has been living with his wife in the United States. If I had sent the boy there, as 당신 had put it, instead of to the Dursley's, he would be attending the Salem Institute – not Hogwarts.”

“Now that William and his family have moved here...”

“There will be a chance. The Dursley's perhaps would waste no time relinquishing Harry. Then again – perhaps they fight them in the muggle courts for his custody.”

“How much do 당신 know about his wife and daughter?”

Dumbledore raised his eyes to meet McGonagall's bespectacled ones, and smiled. His eyes twinkled. “Everything.”


Every house in Little Whinging looked identical. The only thing her father could depend on to find the correct residence was the address: Number Four, 쥐똥 나무속의 식물, 바비큐, privet Drive. Within moments, the address was located as well as the house it was attached to. Squinting a little, fifteen-year-old Lily Evans could make out a tall, thin woman sitting in the living room, watching the T.V. Must be Aunt Petunia. Dad was right – she does have a mean-looking face. Her father pulled their rental car into the driveway 다음 to the Dursley's car, and shut off the engine.

Heaving a deep sigh, William Evans, Lily's father, closed his eyes and recited in his head: “I work in the marketing business. My wife is an art teacher at the local high school. My daughter attends the Salem Institute...”

“Don't tell me the jet lag didn't wear off, yet,” his wife, Winona, groaned beside him. He glanced over at her. She was re-applying her light 담홍색, 핑크 lip gloss, and re-adjusting her glasses. Winona was an outgoing, energetic American witch. Here, she would be a pureblood, since her Cherokee mother and Irish father both came from a long line of great witches and wizards. William, however, came from Muggle parents. Although it made no difference whether one was Muggleborn 또는 Pureblood in the United States – it made all the difference here.

“Are we getting out 또는 not?” Lily asked, unbuckling her 좌석 belt. The front door of the house opened, and a very large, wide, and ugly man stepped out, squinting at them with confusion. William and Winona quickly opened their car doors and got out simultaneously. Winona held up the 좌석 벨트 for Lily to 오리 under as she climbed out, since it was only a two-door car.

The three of them approached the man in the doorway.
“You must be Vernon,” William said, extending his hand. Vernon gave him, Winona, and Lily a good look-over before he accepted the handshake.

“Nice meeting you,” Vernon replied cautiously. “Why don't...why don't 당신 all come inside for tea?”

After exchanging awkward glances with each other, they walked inside. The house was roomy and cozy, despite the incredible heat. Lily fanned herself with her magazine as she looked around. She could hear the uneasy conversation between her parents and her Uncle Vernon behind her as she proceeded into the living room. There were several photographs of the Dursley family propped up on the fireplace, one being a very large portrait photograph of a 스타우트 boy who appeared to be a teenage rendition of Vernon. He must be Dudley. Wrinkling her nose at the thought of being related someone like him, Lily continued to examine the area.

Just then, the sound of clinking dishes caught her attention. Her Aunt 피튜니아 was in the kitchen, cleaning the last batch of dishes. I guess I'll introduce myself first... She followed the sound towards the rear of the house, passing the dining room in the process. There she was, the tall, stern-looking woman, bent over the sink and scrubbing a pot.

As 피튜니아 lifted the pot out of the sink, she looked up and saw Lily standing there, watching her. She let out a shrill cry of surprise, and dropped the wet pot with a deafening CLANG as she stood there, one hand on her chest, the other hand pointing at Lily, who quickly stepped back, startled.

“Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!” she cried out. Vernon and her parents rushed to the scene.

“What happened!?” Vernon demanded, his fat, fleshy face growing pink. “What was that all about!?”

“I j-just scared her...I think...” Lily stammered, watching her Aunt warily. She was still gasping and pointing, unable to speak. Vernon rushed to his wife. “Are 당신 all right, dear?” he gently asked. But Petunia's eyes shot to William and then to Winona. Then her face relaxed into its natural 사워, 사 우 어 expression, as if she had finally found the answer to Lily's existence. She let out a breath, and turned away.

“My apologies,” she muttered. “Make yourselves at home.”

After a moment, they left 피튜니아 alone in the 부엌, 주방 as they quietly made their way into the living room. Lily kept glancing back towards the kitchen, wondering why her Aunt was so horrified at the sight of her.

“So, Vernon...” William began. “Where've the boys gone off to?”

Lily saw Vernon cringe before he answered. “They're at the park. My son, Dudley is there with his friends, and I think...I think...Harry...is there with them.” He said the name 'Harry' with bitterness in his voice, but seemed to remember himself when he saw a flicker of anger flash in her father's green eyes. She nervously glanced back and forth between them, uncertain as to whether her father would let off some nasty retort and, seeing that Vernon has a nastier temper from the looks of him, would result in an explosive argument.

“Where's the park at?” Lily piped up, hoping to nip the growing animosity in the bud – 또는 delay it at the very least. Both eyes turned to her, which made her feel 더 많이 uncomfortable... Something's not right, here. Who's Harry? Did Dad forget to tell me about him?

“The park isn't far from here,” Vernon hastily answered. He proceeded to give her directions, and Lily was headed towards the door. She could hear the chatter of her Aunt and mother coming from the dining room before she shut it behind her. The wave of heat rushed in around her the moment she stepped into the sunlight. Taking a breath, she fanned herself with the magazine as she finagled her portable CD player and headphones out of the pocket of her 스웨트 셔츠, 셔츠 that she had tied around her waist. She gently placed the headphones over her wavy red hair, and pressed 'Play' on the CD player. Kid Rock's 음악 blared in her ears as she walked towards the park in the distance.


Harry Potter sat on a swing, staring at the empty merry-go-round without expression. The hot sun poured down upon his head as he remained motionless, this thoughts 로스트 on his mother he never knew. Just moments ago, he watched a boy leave the park with his mother, and it make him think of his own. He missed her. He wished she had never died.

Just then, a familiar group of boys approached him. They were chuckling amongst themselves as they congratulated Dudley Dursley on his successful round of bullying. Harry felt his insides cringe with hatred for his overweight monster of a cousin.

“Hey 'Big D.',” he called out. “Beat up another ten 년 old?” Dudley turned and glared at him.

“This one deserved it,” he answered. His minions agreed. Harry remained motionless in his seat. He wasn't finished with him, yet. “Five against one. Very brave,” he added sarcastically.

“Well, you're the one to talk,” Dudley sneered back. “Moaning in your sleep every night? At least I'm not afraid of my pillow!” His 프렌즈 laughed heartily. “'Don't kill Cedric!'” Dudley continued, his voice high-pitched and mocking. “Who's Cedric? Your boyfriend?” 더 많이 laughter from his friends.

“Shut up,” Harry replied strongly, but not strongly enough. Dudley continued his mocking.

“'He's going to kill me, mum!'” he imitated, his voice high again, his 프렌즈 laughing. “Where is your mum?”

Harry clenched his jaw. He couldn't let Dudley break him down like he had done throughout his life.

“Where is your mum, Potter?” Dudley kept asking. “She dead?” Those words stung Harry like electricity. His anger was on the rise like never before.

“Is she dead?” Dudley laughed, his 프렌즈 laughing tauntingly with him. “Is she dead, Pott...”

But he couldn't finish, because Harry on his feet, pressing the tip of his wand at Dudley's throat. His 프렌즈 burst out laughing again, thinking Harry was threatening him with a stick – but Dudley, now frightened, knew better. He kept still. Harry's eyes flashed as he panted with fury, ready to use any fatal spell on his cousin that came to mind...when the sky suddenly blackened.

Black clouds appeared from nowhere, chilly wind whipped about them. Dudley's 프렌즈 became aware of the situation, and called him to leave. “Come Dudley! Let's get out of here!” They turned and ran from the park, disappearing over the hill. Harry and Dudley were alone, and the sky was growing darker, the air growing colder.

“What 당신 doing?” Dudley asked, his voice calm and worried, his eyes boring into Harry's.

“I'm not doing anything!” Harry cried, sheer panic in his voice. He looked up at the sky. Something was familiar about this weather, and he wasn't causing it. Then – it occurred to him in a flash.


She was running as fast as her legs could take her, keeping the two fleeing boys far ahead of her in her sights. Before she had gotten anywhere near the park, the sunny sky and warm air was turned into ice cold and darkness. Her father had described all this to her back in New York.

But, why here? She wondered as she saw the boys disappear inside a concrete tunnel. 의해 the time Lily arrived the tunnel, the boys had been inside for at least a minute. She proceeded to enter without stopping to catch her breath.

The sight inside, however, made her stop in her tracks and not breathe at all. Two dark figures in hoods and shredded robes had the boys pinned down – one hovering over the larger boys as he whimpered and squirmed, one holding the other up against the 벽 의해 his neck.

Oh my God! Dementors! Lily, overcome with panic, quickly cast her Patronus to fend them off. The dazzling white lion leapt from her palm and charged for the Dementors – attacking first the one hovering over the large boy, and then the other who had the thin boy.

The Dementors were gone. The thin boy, who had fallen the ground, crawled to his feet and rushed to the other boy's side. He examined him to make sure he was breathing, which he thankfully was since he was groaning and panting. Breathing a sigh of relief, the thin boy looked up at Lily “I don't know how to thank you...” he stopped and stared, shocked. Lily managed an awkward smile.

“You must be Harry,” she said, trying to warm the atmosphere a bit. “I'm Lily.”

Harry gaped back at her, his green eyes growing wider. He had his wand clutched tightly in his fist as he slowly rose to his feet, his eyes trained on Lily.

“You...you look like...” he croaked, taking a cautious step towards her. Lily forced herself not to move, even though Harry appeared to be horrified at the sight of her.

“L-like who?” Lily answered, her voice wavering. Harry opened his mouth to speak, when something caught his attention behind him. It was an old woman making haste towards them, pulling a hand-cart. From what Lily could tell, she was wearing a 샤워 캡, 모자 and a raincoat, and had a bemused expression on her face.

“Mrs. Figg!” Harry cried. The woman stopped in her tracks, just barely a foot away from the trio. She glanced at Dudley, at Lily, and finally at Harry. “Don't put away your wand, Harry,” she said. “They might come back!”

Harry blinked, taken aback. “W...all right...” he stammered. Both he and Lily hoisted Dudley onto his feet, and leaned him on Harry, his arm over his thin shoulders.

Mrs. Figg eyed Lily with curiosity. “And who is this charming young lady?”

Before Lily could open her mouth, Harry quickly answered, “A friend of mine.”

Mrs. Figg furrowed her brow, then shook her head and shrugged. “Let's get out of here before they return. 당신 will never know with Dementors.”

They walked at a very slow pace back to the Dursley's house. Nothing was said, save for Dudley's groaning and whimpering, and Harry's panting and grunting.

“Dementors in Little Whinging,” Mrs. Figg piped up suddenly. “Whatever next? The whole world's gone topsy-turvy.”

“I don't understand,” Harry replied as he struggled with Dudley. “How'd 당신 know about-”

“Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you,” the old woman calmly replied.

“Dumbledore asked you? 당신 know Dumbledore?” Harry asked, completely taken 의해 surprise.

“After You-Know-Who killed that poor Diggory boy last year,” Mrs. Figg began. “Did 당신 expect him to let 당신 go wandering on your own? Good Lord, boy! They told me 당신 were intelligent!”

Finally, the four of them reached the Dursley house. Mrs. Figg turned to Harry. “Now, get inside and stay there. Expect someone will be in touch soon. Whatever happens...Don't. Leave. The house!”

She gave him a gentle shove towards the house. He stumbled off with Dudley. Lily, who had been trailing about two feet behind them, keeping watching as well as eavesdropping on the conversation, paused 의해 Mrs. Figg, who was eying the skies.

“Mrs. Figg?” she quietly said. The old woman turned to her. “Yes, dear?” was her gentle reply.

“I thought Dementors captured criminals. Why were they after them?”

Mrs. Figg sighed deeply, and shook her head. “I don't know, dear. I don't know...” She slowly walked away across the street, pulling her 카트 along. Lily stared after her for a moment, then turned and headed inside the Dursley's.
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