Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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posted by BlackHound
The Chronicler pulls down a fresh parchment as Layne prepares himself. "This is so exciting," 통스 says, "I want to go after him." Remus smiles softly at her and sits down on the bench between Malfoy and Snape. Are 당신 sure you're 안전한, 안전 here, Lupin? Snape thinks to him, and the werewolf glances at them almost shyly. What? Between the two of you? He grins, thinking, well, there's not much either of 당신 can do to me here in the Hall of Chronicles, now, is there? Malfoy sighs, grey eyes twinkling, and leans 앞으로 slightly. He's right, Severus...I don't suppose there's many places here we could, 당신 know, innocently wander off to. Snape looks at them side-long and thinks, I wouldn't be so sure, Lucius. If we want him badly enough, we can always get creative.

"Alright now," Remus says, trying to keep a straight face, "is this even appropriate?" Malfoy chuckles softly and says, "no, not at all. And I think 당신 like it." He pats Remus on the back and gets up, stretches, then walks over to Layne, who has not started his scrivening yet. "Are 당신 alright?" Malfoy asks and Layne fidgets with his fingers. "I don't know. I feel...weird about this now that I think about it." Malfoy nods and tells him, "you don't have to do this, my friend," and Layne nods. "I know," he looks at the White Wizard and smiles an almost nervous little smile. "If I don't though, I think I'll regret it." Malfoy asks him, "do 당신 want my help?" Layne gives Malfoy his hand. "Yes."

Malfoy gently takes Layne's trembling hand and tells him he won't hurt him. There's something 더 많이 in his words than just a sentiment of 'this won't hurt a bit'. Layne can feel Malfoy's healing magic before his finger is even pricked, and his finger is healed before he realizes he was bleeding. He hears the hiss of his blood on the parchment, but his eyes don't leave Malfoy's; he truly is afraid of what will be revealed. "I have to look now, don't I?" Malfoy tells him, "no, my friend. 당신 don't have to look, I can do that for you." Layne nods and Malfoy looks down at the parchment.

He dosen't speak. He crouches down and touches the parchment and asks the Chronicler what it means, as the family begins to gather. Snape and Remus see the odd symbols on the parchment at the same time, and Snape thinks to Remus that Layne is going to need help. Remus takes Layne's hand and leads him over to the bench, and Therion meets them half-way. 통스 and Elsbet 가입하기 Snape, Malfoy, the Cronicler, and all the puzzled birds at the parchment, and Elsbet sits down beside Malfoy. The Chronicler glances back at Layne, Remus and Therion, then says softly, "the parchment is uncertain how to translate the information in his blood." They look at him in askance and the Chronicler tells them it means that he isn't fully human. Elsbet shrugs and touches Anubis as the bird climbs up onto her shoe.

"I'm not either," she says softly, and the Chronicler sits down too. "Yes, Lady, this is true, but I sense that the difference for Layne is far greater." Loki and Johnny Rook push their way through to the parchment with Whiskey Jack following behind. They carefully step onto the parchment and closely eye the symbols. After examining the symbols for a 초 또는 two, Loki and Johnny Rook begin discussing them. It's a private language, one not even Snape understands, but he knows it has something to do with art, because he has heard Loki make the same sounds while creating. That another bird speaks this language thrills him, and fills his 심장 with wonder. What else can they do?

Johnny Rook taps one of the symbols and makes a crackling sound, to which Loki responds with a trill. He looks back at Whiskey Jack and without hesitation she preens her wings to find a loose feather. She pulls one out and turns it in her beak, then offers it to Loki. He takes it carefully, then rolls it in his bill with his tongue. He holds it still and Johnny Rook carefully pulls some of the feather away from the shaft near the tip, so that it actually begins to resemble a kind of paintbrush. "Ink, Loki?" Snape asks, and the little raven makes a clicking sound. The Chronicler accio's a small bottle of ink and places it near the three birds. As Loki carefully dips the tip of the feather-brush into the ink, Johnny Rook says that Layne should see, it's important.

As Remus and Therion lead Layne back to the parchment, the family, mystified, watches as Snape's boy communicates with the confused parchment. He makes a symbol on the parchment, right above Layne's name. The symbols the parchment had made disappear, and Loki makes another. 통스 looks at the parchment, then at Therion. "Those are runes, aren't they?" Therion nods as Loki makes a third, and says softly, "the Elder Futhark, if I am not mistaken." The Chronicler extends a steady hand toward the parchment and says evenly, "Ingwaz, Ehwaz, Algiz." Layne pulls his hair back and ties it up. "What is he saying?" Therion says he's not sure, but Malfoy replies, "Loki says the parchment believed there was a mistake. He is explaining who 당신 are."

The parchment absorbs the runes Loki made, then makes one of its own, as if asking a question. "That's Kenaz," Therion says, turning to Layne. "You do wish to continue, don't you? 당신 do want to know...?" Layne nods, then says, "yes, yes I want to know." Elsbet grins and looks up at him. "Good," she says, "because Kenaz represents visions, revelations and knowledge." Loki paints 'Raidho' above 'Kenaz', which tells the parchment that Layne desires a larger perspective. After he does this, both Kenaz and Raidho disappear. "Does it need 더 많이 blood?" Layne asks, then another single rune appears on the parchment above Layne's name. No one speaks, not even the Chronicler, and Loki turns to Elsbet. He gives her the brush, then walks over to Snape. Johnny Rook carefully pushes the ink bottle toward the Chronicler, then settles down with Whiskey Jack between Malfoy and Snape.

The rune displayed is Ansuz. It represents Odin. He does know the meaning of this rune. "A revealing message 또는 insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom." But it means something else as well. As the rune disappears, Elsbet and Malfoy part to make room for him to sit down, and once his shoes touch the parchment, his scrivening begins in earnest. There first appears the name of Layne's mother, Glory Ashbough, and the information for her shows that she died the 월 after Layne was attacked 의해 Greyback. Malfoy puts an arm around Layne as his yellow eyes fill with tears, and Glory's line grows upward from her. Once her line reaches the 상단, 맨 위로 of the parchment, his father's line begins.

There is a single name. Merrick, and his birthdate is given as 1 November 1844, with no death 날짜 given. Beside his name is a pawprint. Above his name appear those of his parents, Aesa and Vodi. Their birthdates are given as 24 June 1815 and 29 October 1825, respectively, and while Merrick's father Aesa died in 1972, his mother Vodi is still living. Beside their names are pawprints as well. Slowly, Merrick's line expands, as if the parchment must translate the information from another language, but this has a benefit; it gives Layne and his loved ones a little time for it to sink in. Aesa's parents were Sildir and Skara, Vodi's were Heimdir and Geidstar; all four were born within days of each other in May of 1798, and all four have pawprints beside their names. They all died within four years of each other, between 1980 and 1984.

Eight names appear slowly next; Hrosti and Svari, Fjolfreki and Sylling, Grundi and Roki, Helfhild and Angodar. All have pawprints beside them, and all have birth and death dates indicating long lives. On and on it goes, slowly, and Therion muses, "maybe you're the one with Dwarven blood," when he sees the name Hillvidi. Layne shakes his head and says softly, "Dwarves wouldn't have pawprints beside their names." Gradually, they have to rise as the names go farther up the parchment, but Layne doesn't stay with them. He wanders over to the other parchments, noting that the scrivening continues to fill the parchments until there's no 더 많이 우주 at the top. Elsbet keeps a close eye on him, in case this becomes too much for him to bear.

She needn't worry though. 의해 the time Merrick's line reaches the 상단, 맨 위로 of the parchment, he has come back over to them. Just in time to see the origin of his father's line. It takes his Historical Notation some time to appear, and when it does, it's in Danish, but he doesn't think he needs to know what it says. He's wrong, of course. He looks back up at the names and rubs his head, leaning against Therion when the bookmaster puts an arm around him. The Chronicler reads the Historical Notation once the scrpit becomes English, his voice as full of emotion as their hearts.

In Denmark, near Copenhagen, there was a Wizarding enclave founded in the winter of the 년 394. The name of this enclave was Hekstræ, Witchtree, and all those who lived there were devoted to Odin, Thor and Freyja. Ravens were their allies, and their Familiars were wolves. But these 늑대 were very, very special, and there were none others like them in the whole of the world. They were descendants of Freki, Geri, Sköll, and Hati Hrodvitnir, and the four she-wolves beloved 의해 the goddess Saga, they being Ragnir, Tolvard, Volgerd, and Hrundi. The offspring of these eight most magical 늑대 mixed in time with mortal wolves, but their magic was so powerful that Time could not take away what their forebearers had given them.

The line of Layne Merrick's father begins with Freki and Ragnir on the paternal side, and Sköll and Volgerd on the maternal. It is of note that Merrick was the first of his kind to take a human mate, and it is unlikely that others of his father's kind are aware of his children.

The chamber is silent and Therion holds Layne while the information settles on the fair wizard. After some time, his yellow eyes open on Snape's black ones, and the Dark wizard tells him, "I stand 의해 what I said that night, Layne. 당신 are a part of us." He takes a deep breath and sighs, his head heavy on Therion's shoulder. "But what am I? Half wolf? I need...time..." Snape rubs his back and Elsbet pats his arm. "What about my brother and sister? Do they know? Did my mother know? Oh, Gods, my did she die? And where the Hell is my father now? I deal with this?" He pulls gently away from Therion and turns away from the parchment. "How did I get into Hogwarts?"

Many glances are exchanged, thoughts are silently bandied about, until Remus says finally, "well, Hagrid is half Giant, 당신 know..." Malfoy nods and runs with the sentiment, saying, "and doesn't Flitwick have Goblin blood?" There are murmurs of agreement, but Layne isn't put at ease. "Yes, but that's not like me. That's not half animal." 통스 shrugs and says impulsively, "what about Centaurs? 또는 Satyrs?" He looks at her with a mix of frustration and sadness in his eyes. "They're a people, like Elves and Dwarves. They didn't have one parent that was human and another that was a horse 또는 goat." He closes his eyes and covers his face for a moment, then Elsbet touches him with great 사랑 in her heart.

"Layne, 당신 are no different now that 당신 were two hours ago, 또는 the 일 I met you. I 사랑 당신 just as much now as I did then. This doesn't change the person that 당신 are." The family comes to him with open hands and hearts, and the birds offer him their support as well. "You are not alone, Layne," Snape says, "no matter how hard this is, 당신 know 당신 are not alone." Johnny Rook taps Layne's shoe and squwaks for attention; when Layne picks him up the 까마귀 settles snugly his hands and gazes into his bright yellow eyes. You be my Da. It's not a request, it's a choosing, and Malfoy smiles, teary-eyed. He grips Layne's shoulder and tells him, "that says an awful lot about how we all feel about you, my friend. You're needed. Don't ever forget that."
 Pretty Little Ellie
Pretty Little Ellie
But nothing comes. She stands in the center of what she doesn't realize is a very large square chamber, waiting. "Hello? Aiya!" She takes a few steps forward, then becomes aware that she is not alone. "You greet me in Quenya! Little Ellie," the soft voice says, "you are such a precious child." She looks all around her but can not see the speaker. "I'm not a child." The Grand Inquisitor laughs and says, "you are to me, and I am considerably older than you." She struggles to see the speaker in the gloom, but just can't find her. "How old are you?" The Grand Inquisitor laughs again, then tells...
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The voice cuts him as he glides silently toward his private room. "Do 당신 know what time it is, Lucius? It is two thirty in the morning. Where have 당신 been?" He's defensive immediately, but keeps his tone civil as he turns to face her. "I've been out, Narcissa. Personal business." She takes a step forward, face impassive. "With Severus, again?" He steps closer as well. "Yes." She steps to the right, but he does not move. "You disappear suddenly without a word to me and return well into the morning hours, and the only explanation 당신 give me is 'personal business'. I'm your wife, Lucius..."...
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added by BlackHound
added by Danea
Source: thumblr.
added by alanmalfoy
Source: not mine
added by nene72
Source: elvis-che
added by lilith84
Source: ElenaTria.
added by Danea
Snape pulls off his nightrobe and lays it over a chair, then takes Therion's from him and does the same. He notices something on Therion's arm, 또는 rather, something missing...Therion doesn't meet his gaze, but shows him his left arm. Where there was once a Dark Mark is a terrible scar. Snape asks him quietly who did it for him, but he doesn't say. "I swore an oath that I'd never tell. That's why they agreed. The process was absolutely excrutiating, but I was desperate--" Snape leads him over to the 침대 and they sit down carefully, so as not to wake Malfoy and Elsbet. "You didn't have it done...
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added by lilith84
Source: little old me
The fall was frightening, but they did not let her get hurt; two of them caught her on their sturdy backs, and once she got her bearings, she laughed and giggled like a child. Nibbling her toes and fingers with their velvety lips, they give her comfort and express their joy with little squeals. Slowly, carefully, she rights herself on the bigger one's back, and checks to make sure her stick is still in her hair.

It's gone.

She gives a little cry of alarm, for she loves her stick and does not wish to be without it. She calls out and the stick returns, but carried in the mouth of one of the young...
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Snape takes his afternoon meal alone, as is his custom while here. Ham BLT, 버섯 수프 and spiced cider. He has the feeling that his loved ones are having the same, and while that feeling gives him some comfort, the 음식 never tastes the same. It's never as good here, and lately, that difference is even 더 많이 evident. The House-elves are unhappy. He can't blame them. For a moment, he wonders what the House-elves will do when the time comes, but knowing Dobby, he thinks, they'll be right out there fighting with the rest of us. He stops in mid-sip and contemplates that thought. With the rest...
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It's a deep kiss, and Remus can't help but watch them. He's never had any doubt that Snape loves her, but he's never seen them 키스 before. He's thinking that it's a beautiful thing when he feels a hand on his back, and he knows it's Therion. This is the moment, he thinks, the moment he tests himself...He turns and finds the curly-maned wizard smiling at him nervously, and relaxes immediately. Remus laughs softly and pulls Therion into his arms, then kisses him, lightly at first, then 더 많이 strongly as he gives in to his excitement. 통스 watches her husband 키싱 another wizard and as Elsbet...
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When Layne turns around he sees everyone is up and preparing for a very early breakfast. Andromeda and Ted are quietly saying goodbye; they had only come to make sure Elsbet was alright, and they don't want to be a bother. "If there is anything Ted and I can do, Severus," Andromeda says, "please just let us know." Snape thanks them as they leave, glances at Layne, then returns his attention to the breakfast at hand. Layne watches how well Snape and Malfoy work together in the kitchen. No words are necessary; they seem to anticipate each others' needs, their actions are smooth and graceful,...
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Malfoy does as she asks and a window opens above them, revealing the beautiful starfilled night sky. She is warm in Snape's arms, warm, soft and beautiful, and as he looks down into her face, into her bright, blue eyes he knows how empty he would be without her. He could hold her like this forever. But the desire to hold gives way to the need to act; he kisses her tenderly and caresses her, and Malfoy strokes her star-lit hair. "How shall we please you, little love?" She looks from Snape to Malfoy, blushing just a bit at his question. Therion settles behind Malfoy, rests his head on the wizard's...
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Snape feels the man in his arms slip into a very deep, healing sleep, while he himself sleeps only lightly.

For some reason, he feels as if he's waiting for something. It's not a sense of forboding, he senses no direct threats, and yet...he is uneasy. He lets his mind wander free throughout the city as he has done so many times before and is comforted 의해 the other minds his touches. If someone three years 이전 had told him he would almost be at peace with himself and would actually feel joy, he would likely have used one of that odd Lovegood girl's sayings, and told them their mind had been stolen...
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Made 의해 Nina and Mandy from AlanRickmanChannel's 유튜브 channel
lucius malfoy
세베루스 스네이프
해리 포터
jason isaacs
알란 릭맨
added by nene72
Source: Gill Reich from DeviantArt
added by nene72
Source: 의해 Gill Reich from DeviantArt
added by Danea
Source: deviant art