세일러 문 Club
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posted by SailorViolette
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon 또는 any of the characters.


Yaten strayed behind Seiya and the Inner Senshi (excluding Rei) with Taiki, glaring at the back of their heads. He was irritated, worried and angry. He was irritated at the circumstances of coming to Earth, worried about Usagi, and angry at her Senshi.

Yaten winced internally at another fierce pang of agony ripped through him. He was sure it went through his very soul, though.

'Usagi... what's happened to you?' He wondered.

~*~ Flash back (2 weeks earlier) ~*~

Healer was in total bliss. The 별, 스타 seeds of the fellow citizans and senshi of Kinmoku were returned, and life was just beginning to come back to their planet. The palace had been rebuilt, as well.

Everyone was in a state of surreal bliss and peace.

Healer knew of that for certain, because she could feel it. She could always feel the happiness of the 별, 스타 seeds closest to her. After all, she was Sailor 별, 스타 Healer. It was in her power to heal stars and 별, 스타 seeds alike. However, she could also tell when there was a disruption in the 별, 스타 seed-of negative feelings, that is. But when it wasn't critical for her to know, she blocked them.

"I believe we can understand each other."

Healer walked into the large room that belonged to Princess Kakyuu. She smiled softly at the sight of her princess relaxing against the headboard of her bed, and her other two right-hand senshi close to her. Fighter was sitting 다음 to her on the edge of the bed, animatedly speaking about something from an Earth time. Maker was concentrating on something that probably had to do with stars... 또는 was pretending too, and was listening to Fighter's story.

Gazing at her Princess, she couldn't help but feel a little empty inside. She missed a certain blonde with bright, infinate hopeful blue eyes. The Sailor Senshi who defeated Galaxia, Eternal Sailor Moon. 또는 rather, Tsukino Usagi.

She never really spent much time with the blonde, and certainly never any alone time, but she knew she had special feelings for her. She was so pure, so gentle... she believed in everyone's 심장 to be good. Even when she fought with Galaxia.

She was loud, a bit of a cry baby and clumsy, but those things were what made her special. She always had a warm smile for everyone, even her enemies. She always thought about others before herself.

The most wonderful thing about her, though, was her shine. It was so sweet, so warm... no one else's shine compared to that. Not even Princess Kakyuu.

Of course, Healer hadn't always thought that way about the Senshi of the Moon.

When times were darkening on Earth, Healer hated Sailor Moon with every fiber of her being. She felt she was distracting Seiya's mind from his mission on searching for their Princess.

It only got worse when Seiya jumped in front of Sailor Moon to take an attack that was aimed at her. With him injured and in 사랑 with the odango-haired girl, Healer felt sick with knowing of her existance. She even wanted the blonde to disappear from their lives fully.

However, he soon saw the light of it all, and fought to protect her shine.

Healer's eyes grew distant with the memory of her sweet voice.

Her Inner Senshi were unsure but wanting to believe, and her Outer senshi wanted them, and the enemy they believe the Starlights brought onto Earth, gone; 의해 any means necessary.

"You don't have a soldier's courage 또는 pride, do you?" Chaos had asked the Moon Princess.

"If a soldier's pride means hurting one another, I don't want it." Was her response.

The image of that beautiful golden-haired 앤젤 with bright, full wings, and her sweet, warm shine, made Healer smile softly. 'Sailor Moon...'

However, she was the only one who believed in the ability to understand each other, just for the sake in being 프렌즈 and Sailor Senshi. She never needed anything from anyone to believe and understand in someone.

Healer remembered that evil, menacing voice, too. The voice of Chaos in Galaxia's body; the one that had nearly destroyed both of their galaxies.

"Healer?" The Fireball Princess' voice broke through the silver-haired woman's thoughts.

Jade eyes blinked a few times before adjusting properly. She saw her two comrades looking at her in an odd way, and the red-haired princess looking at her with sorrow and concern.

"Are 당신 alright?" Princess Kakyuu asked softly.

She nodded. "I'm fine, Princess. I-"

Suddenly, Healer's body went rigid before she began to shake uncontrollably. Pain unlike anything she felt before ripped through her body and straight into the 심장 of her 별, 스타 seed. Not even the pain she felt when her planet's inhabitants died, her Princess dying before her eyes, and the beating she got from Galaxia combined compared to this.

Healer let out a blood curdling scream that hurt her companions in 더 많이 than one way. Tears formed and poured down the silver-haired senshi's face like a river. Harsh sobs wracked her body, her face contorted in pain.

Before their eyes, Healer's 별, 스타 seed came out before her chest. It was a pure siver, star-shaped 별, 스타 seed. It glittered brightly with a shine that was meld with his own, and someone else's. Bright golden and silver lights flashed around the room, the intensity hardly being contained. 믿을 수 없는 pain washed out within the lights, effecting all in the room.

Princess Kakyuu screamed with Maker and Fighter in pure agony, but the screams fell on deaf ears. Healer couldn't stop the pain from washing out of her 별, 스타 seed. Her 심장 and mind felt like it would explode from such a feeling.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the lights died down, but the pain did not. Healer was finally able to take control of her body and make her 별, 스타 seed sink back into her. The pain did not stop, but she focused on blocking it for several 분 before it was successful. However, that was only a temporary solution. It would not last long.

The silver-haired woman fell to her knees, her arms layed loosely at her sides. Her jade eyes were out of focus, trying to figure out who's pain it was that she felt.

"Healer..." The Fireball Princess called after some time.

No answer.

"Healer..." She called again, this time earning a confused, searching stare.

The red-haired princess held out her hand to the woman, and she took it, but the shorter woman did not feel the comfort she was seeking.

"Who has been hurt, Healer?"

The silver-haired woman looked down to the ground, her eyes growing out of focus once again. She searched with all of her might through the 별, 스타 seeds she knew so well. Her comrades on her planet were in a state of bliss, as well as the few, non-senshi friends, and her princess.

'It's... It's from Earth.' Came the vaguely acknowledged thought.

She began to 검색 there, too. It was a bit hard, being in a whole other Galaxy, but she could manage.

Checking the Inner Senshi wasn't difficult. They had, after all, accepted and befriended the Starlights. They even gave their lives for the three woman. First, Healer checked Minako... who was missing the Starlights and was a bit pained, but over all happy. Ami, Makoto and Rei were in the same state as the Senshi of Venus.

The Outer Senshi were a bit hard to read, for she was being mostly blocked. Uranus was angry and concerned, along with Neptune. Pluto... Pluto was a bit upset and worried for reasons that Healer did not know. Luna was in the same state as the Senshi of Time and, from what little Healer could figure out (after all, he had little contact with the white cat), Artemis was upset. Saturn... well, she was blocking Healer, purposely.

Healer couldn't read Chiba Mamoru's 별, 스타 seed at all. She had had absolutely no contact with that man in her life, so she couldn't read into his 별, 스타 seed. That left...

Healer's blood ran cold. 'No... it couldn't be. She's so warm and peaceful, so gentle and kind... she couldn't be in such agony... could she?'

Healer reached out with no hesitation to read the 별, 스타 seed... and almost regretted it.

The same pain from before was washed out for a long moment, thundering against Healer's mind and heart, before returning to being blocked off.

Healer's eyes formed 더 많이 tears as she began to cry once again, sobbing hard and uncontrollably.

The others in the room stared at Healer with worry etched on their faces. Who could be in so much pain, that at the realization of who it was, made Healer cry?

"Who is it?" Maker was the first to speak up.

Healer wrapped her arms around herself. "Oh Kami... no... no, please, no..."

Maker frowned. Her comrade was beginning to zone out again. Maker moved to Healer, knelt before her, and raised her head. She looked deep into jade eyes that sparkled with tears.

"Who is it, Healer? We need to know." Maker tried again, but the shorter woman couldn't say it.

"Please, no... please... she doesn't deserve this..."

A resounding slap echoed with a gasp from the Fireball Princess through the room. Healer stopped sobbing to look up in shock.

Fighter had just slapped her.

A red hand mark began to angrily form on Healer's right cheek. The pain she was feeling now, though, was nothing compared to what she had just felt a few moments ago.

"Who is it?" Fighter demanded harshly. She didn't mean too, of course, but she was scared. She was scared it might be the owner of the most beautiful shine in all the galaxies.

Healer began to tremble. "It's... It's Usagi..."

Three pairs of eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"She's in so much pain..." Healer rambled on. "So much pain... I have never felt anything like it in my life..."

The shortest woman suddenly looked to the red-haired princess. "Please, Princess, we have to go back to Earth. We have too! I-I... I have to heal her 별, 스타 seed..."

The princess grew serious then. She stared at her Starlights. They were silently begging her to let them go. They didn't need too, of course. She was going to let them go anyway.

"In seven Earth days, 당신 may leave."

~*~ End of flashback ~*~

As promised, Princess Kakyuu had sent them to Earth to find out what happened to Usagi, and heal her. And here they were now, on Earth, trying to find that out.

They had returned in their Earth forms as Yaten, Seiya, and Taiki Kou. Only... they were a bit different.

Yaten stood at approximately 5'8 with a slender yet muscled build. Out of the three, he still looked the most feminine. He stood in a pale blue tuxedo just like before, a 담홍색, 핑크 rose pin over his left breast. His hair was back in a ponytail that reached down to his ankles like his other two "brothers".

Seiya stood at 6'0 with a slender but 더 많이 muscler build, with broader shoulders. He barely looked like a boyish teenager now, but a young man. Her stood is a bright red tuxedo just like before, with a blood red rose over his left breast. His hair was tied back as well, stretching to his ankles.

Taiki stood at 6'4 with a full-blown male build with the broadest shoulder of the two and the most muscular (which was surprising, since he was 더 많이 of a technology person, than a sports person). He wore a tannish yellow tuxedo with a white rose over his left breast. His 초콜릿 brown hair was tied back and stretched down to his ankles.

The six individuals walked the rest of the way to the temple stairs and stood at the foot of the stairs. The Three Lights stood amoungst themselves as the three girls joined Rei and Outer Senshi a few feet away, who were glaring at the three males before them (...well, Haruka was glaring at Seiya, anyway).

The Three Lights glared just as intensely, but at all of them. Yaten saw Minako and Luna wince at the same time, and he felt smug satisfaction on the inside. He liked the Earth Senshi, true, but at the moment, he didn't feel anything for them. Their Princess was in pain and, instead of being there for her, they were happy with their lives.

"So, this is why 당신 called us here, Rei? To welcome them back?" Haruka asked pointedly, her glare never ceasing.

"Hai. But... they also say they are here for a reason." The Princess of Mars answered.

Setsuna frowned. "Is it a new enemy?"

Taiki stared coldly at the dark-haired woman. "That remains to be seen."

Ami's brows furowed in confusion. "What do 당신 mean, Taiki-san?"

"He means that depending on the 답변 당신 give to our questions, will decide if we become enemies, 또는 remain allies." Seiya answered for him.

"And we should be afraid of you, why?" The Princess of Uranus growled.

Seiya opened his mouth to retort, but Yaten spoke up.

"Where is Usagi?"

The Starlights were given a heavy silence and different faces as a response. Haruka, Michiru, Rei and Setsuna wore a mixture of anger, pain and betrayal on their faces. Ami, Minako, Lita, Luna and Artemis wore a mixture of shame and worry on their faces. Hotaru's face was blank, carefully not revealing any type of emotion.

"Where. Is. Usagi?" Yaten hissed. He was pleased when he saw Minako wince again, and reply to him.

"We don't know." She murmured.

Seiya's eyes narrowed. "What do 당신 mean 의해 that?"

"We haven't seen Usagi in two years," Luna said bitterly.

"What!" Seiya exclaimed.

"She abandoned us." Rei whispered.

"WHAT?" The Three Lights shouted simultaneously.

Haruka wrapped her arm around Michiru's waist, drawing strength from her lover.

"Koneko abandoned us. She abandoned her destiny to become 퀸 of Crystal Tokyo in the Thirtieth Century, Mamoru, and everlasting peace. The last she told us was that she fell out of 사랑 with Mamoru-san, loved someone else, and then ran off and out of our lives." She sighed. "We only see glimpses of her walking down the street, from time to time."


Yaten narrowed his eyes at the girls in front of him, a look of pure irritation masking his handsome features. They were all lying; Yaten just knew it. Either that, 또는 they were leaving something out. Usagi would never abandon her friends... not even if her life depended on it.

So what made her leave?

Yaten looked to his brothers, and clearly saw they were thinking along the same lines as him. Taiki had a look of pure disbelief on his face, whereas Seiya looked appauld 의해 the "abandoning them" accusation they were making against the Moon Princess.

With one look shared between the brothers, the nodded silently, and turned to walk down the steps.

"W-Wait!" Makoto's voice called out.

The young men were already down four steps before they stopped, turned, and looked back at the girls.

"What?" Yaten snapped.

"Where are 당신 going?" Michiru asked.

Yaten brushed his hand through his hair while briefly closing his eyes. "We're going to look for Usagi."

Hotaru stared at him for a few seconds, and then said something that only fueled the 불, 화재 of determination for the Starlights.

"You might as well give up, 당신 know. She won't show herself to you. She uses her lunar disguise magic to hide from us all the time. If she won't show herself to us, her most precious 프렌즈 from many life times, what makes 당신 think she will show herself to you?"

"We don't know what 당신 did.." Taiki started.

"But we're not like you; we would never hurt Usagi. We would rather take our own lives." Seiya finished.

"We'll find her and heal her pain, whether 당신 care to tell help us, 또는 not." Yaten added.

The three men turned and walked down the rest of the path, leaving behind seven stunned ladies, two equally stunned cats, and a secretly happy Hotaru.


Seiya ran forward, looking around him wildly. His breathing was hard and deep, sweat grazing his eyebrows. People were staring after and murmuring about him, but he didn't care. It's not like they knew he was Seiya Kou right now; he was wearing sunglasses.

The raven-haired man gritted his teeth behind closed lips. He was frustrated that he couldn't find her. He had been searching all morning and the first early hours of the after noon for her, but nothing that even resembled her showed up. No sight of golden odagos, no loud laughing 또는 whining 또는 crying, no public displays of embarrassment from her clumsiness... nothing.

He still loved her, but he knew he never had a chance with her. Not even with Mamoru out of the picture. He just had that feeling that he was right on that.

It didn't matter, though. He could 사랑 her from affar; he could spend time with her and just be her friend. That was enough for him.

To see her beautiful shine radiating with happiness, to see her smile, to see her laugh... it was enough for him. He loved those things about her; he always will.

He frowned internally, then. The pain he felt from Healer's 별, 스타 seed was really hers... how could she survive with that much agony held inside? How could someone so pure and strong, with unyielding belief in others, feel such an emotion of that magnitude?

'Odango... What have they done to you?'

He looked up then, and saw he had stopped in front of Tokyo University. It was a huge campus, and he swore it was bigger than what he could see right now.

He pondered on going inside for a few moments. The last time Seiy ahad seen Usagi, she wasn't exactly the sharpest 칼, 나이프 in the drawer. However, it has been two years since then. Could she have changed that much?

'Something brought me here. The least I can do is go inside, and see if she attends here.'

He walked along the campus sidewalk and entered the huge building. He slowly walked into what he suspected was the office, and smirked slightly when he only saw one woman typing away at something on the computer.

He made his way up to the counter and leaned on it with his forearms. "Excuse me, miss?"

She typed away a moment in silence before turning her attention to him. "Yes? How may I help you?"

"I was wondering if 당신 could check and see if Tsukino Usagi attended this school, please?" He asked in a polite, but slightly flirtatious, voice.

She nodded and made a few clicks before scanning over something. After a few moments of long silence, the girl turned to him, glaring at him now.

"Tsukino Usagi does not wish for anyone named Chiba Mamoru to visit her. If 당신 are him, I advise 당신 to leave immediately and never come back. She does not need any 더 많이 stress."

Seiya blinked behind black sunglasses. Then, he smiled, and took off his glasses.

He heard a sharp gasp. Then...

"Y-You.. Y-You're..."

"Kou Seiya of the Three Lights." He finished for her, smiling flirtatiously. "You see, I am a friend of Usagi's. My brothers and I have just recently came back to Japan, and Usagi has a spacious apartment, so we need somewhere to stay..." He smirked then. "I'll be happy to call 당신 and give 당신 back stage passes to any concerts we may be having here... if, that is, 당신 tell me what times she attends school."

The girl hurriedly wrote down on a piece of paper Usagi's schedule, her name and phone number. She was flushing in the face, and sweating just slightly. Once the paper was given to him, he winked at her, wished her a good day, and left.

Outside of the building, he took out his cell phone and dialed Yaten's number. He nearly growled once he was taken to Yaten's voicemail. He called Taiki and nearly sighed once he heard the ringing. Then...

"Hello? Kou Taiki speaking."

"Taiki! I found out some information about Usagi!" Seiya said excitedly.


"She attends Tokyo 대학 from 4pm-9pm Monday through Friday, and, surprisingly, has Saturday and Sunday off."

"That's great! We can see her tomorrow for sure."

"Yeah... 의해 the way, where are we staying?"

"Our old apartment."

"Really? Wow. Our old manager is nice. Alright, well, I'll see 당신 later."

He began to walk off with a delighted smile on his face. Unbeknownst him, though, his conversation was overheard 의해 a certain blue-haired young woman.


Yaten panted as he stopped at the gates of Juuban Park. He had been everywhere; the arcade, her 가장 좋아하는 음식 hang outs, a few 랜덤 high schools (in case she was held back... not that he'd ever think she would be), a couple minor colleges, and the roof of her old school.

And now, this was the last place he was going to check for the night.

'If only I knew where she lived,' Yaten thought. 'this would be a lot easier, then.'

He let out a long sigh after he finally caught his breath. He was sweaty and dirty from all the (literal) running around he had been doing. Under most circumstances, he would never even think doing it. He hated running and sweat 더 많이 now than he had two years ago.

But right now, he didn't care about that. All that mattered to him was to find Usagi. Find her and comfort her and... and...

Yaten hunched over slightly, groaning as he started to feel the pain he had blocked out earlier this morning. It bothered him before that she could feel this much pain, but now, it was worse. He could never entirely block out the pain. He always felt a small amount of it. But even that small amount was horrid.

'It's worse than what she felt with Galaxia...' He thought. 'How can one person feel so much pain?'

He slowly walked through the park, taking his time in both remembering the scenery and finding the golden-haired angel. The trees were large and thick, casting long shadows over certain places, blinding him of what could be hidden.

Yaten weaved silently through the park for a while, thinking of nothing in particular. The cool night air calmed him, the stars, glittering brightly with excited energy making him feel at peace. For a moment, he almost forgot why he was there. For a moment, he almost forgot Usagi was "missing".

But then the pain began to rapidly increase, and he remembered why he was there; why it was so important to heal her.

He looked up to the moon then. An image of her loving smile briefly passed before his eyes. His eyes drooped just slightly. 'I'm getting tired,' He thought as he yawned silently into his hand. 'Maybe I should go 집 and rest...'

As if angry at his thoughts, the pain he had been blocking flowed freely like a broken dam into his heart. He let out a choked gasp and hunched over as he felt it.

'Kami, Usagi... it's so intense...'

Suddenly, a light bulb went off. It was so intense! That meant she was close! He was close to finding his-the moon princess!

Yaten ran through the park, the adrenaline pumping through his veins. She was there, in the park. She was near! He could find her! And he could talk to her... find out what was wrong...

He passed trees at a speed that rivaled normallacy. The wind made his vision blurry from the tears it caused, but he didn't care for it. All that mattered to him right then was finding her. Once he found her, he would take her in his arms and hold on tightly, so she'd never disappear again. So she'd never have to be so alone.

All he wanted was the chance to send her worries away. The chance to make her smile, to make her laugh, to make her happy. A chance to... to...

Suddenly, his footsteps came to a hault. His breath caught in his throat, so he could not speak. His eyes widened at what was in front of him.

A young woman stood under the full moon, its shine bathing her in its angelic glow. Her skin looked pale with an ethereal glow, but somehow, it didn't seem unhealthy. Her long golden hair flowed in two seperate streaks at both sides, and was pinned up in a meat-ball-like fashion. She wore a denim blue 치마 that stopped just a few inches before her knees, a short sleeve, button-up shite 셔츠 (though he couldn't tell of this detail because she had her back to him), ankle-length white socks and dark blue shoes with some heel.

Yaten had found Tsukino Usagi.

He nearly cried out in joy. He found her! He could do so many things for her now...

Yaten watched her bring her hands to her chest as she bowed her head. A little confused, he looked up to the sky. He almost smiled at what he assumed she saw.

Usagi was making a wish on a shooting star.

A slight breeze passed through her hair, making it billow softly behind her. Her golden tresses weaved around slowly, reaching out to him, as if begging him to come and caress it.

He saw her push a hand through her bangs. She must have realized how late it was, and how dangerous it could be for her outside.

Before he had a chance to stop himself, his voice sounded.

"I finally found you."

She froze for a moment, her body rigid and seemingly unmoving, before slowly turning around to face him. Her eyes widened at seeing him, and a shocked, soft gasp emitted from her throat. She clearly hadn't been expecting him to show up in her life again.

"She abandoned us."

He frowned internally. It wasn't true! She wouldn't... she couldn't abandon her friends. She wasn't capable of something like that.

"Koneko abandoned us. She abandoned her destiny to become 퀸 of Crystal Tokyo in the Thirtieth Century, Mamoru, and everlasting peace. The last she told us was that she fell out of 사랑 with Mamoru-san, loved someone else, and then ran off and out of our lives."

'Lies... It's all lies!'

"We only see glimpses of her walking down the street, from time to time."

Something inside him snapped. Well, if she abandoned her friends, he was going to know why, and suffer 더 많이 from it! He'd see to that.

"I finally found you." He repeated, nearly hissing at her. He slowly advanced toward her. He almost stopped when he saw her flinch, but he didn't. Pain radiated more, but he just ignored it.

"Your 별, 스타 seed... I felt its pain. I felt it pulse with agony every single moment for the past week. We came back, finally, to see you." He stopped three feet in front of her, and scowled.

"But the girls said they haven't spoken to 당신 in two years. All they've seen of you, are rare glimpses! What is wrong with you, Usagi? Don't 당신 care about your 프렌즈 anymore?"

"Of course I care!" She screamed at him. Pain radiated 더 많이 intensely then, nearly causing Yaten to lose his cool, but he didn't.

"I haven't hung out with the girls in two years! I haven't seen Michiru-san, Haruka-san, Setsuna-san 또는 Hotaru-chan since the battle with Galaxia!" Tears gathered in her eyes. "I haven't been to The Crown 또는 the temple in so long..."

Her voice grew quiet. "I have to study so hard nowadays... I have to attend classes and go to my job and pay utility bills..." Her voice trailed off.

She was rambling on now. Yaten couldn't shake his confusion. Didn't he believe that she left them for a reason? She obviously had one... she was in so much pain to be seperated, but she believed she'd expect 더 많이 with them. He believed that, yet... he was attacking her.

He glared toward her, then, making her look down. He felt sick inside. She always met people's eyes except when she felt she had done something truly wrong... Why was he questioning her? He believed in her!

He just glared harder when she didn't speak. Why wasn't she saying anything? Why wasn't she sticking up for herself!

The silence was too much for Yaten. He couldn't stand standing there, feeling her pain, and not knowing the answer as to why she was. He couldn't just stand there being angry with himself, and take it out on her.

Yaten stalked forward, grabbed ahold of her wrists, and yanked her toward him. She stumbled and nearly tripped as he did, clearly not expecting him to take such an action. She looked up at him with wide, shocked eyes.

"Why did 당신 have to leave them in the first place, Usagi? What have they ever done to you?" His eyes glared with piercing anger, though it was 더 많이 at his continuous attack on the the moon princess than at the young woman. "Why have 당신 abandoned them?"

'Kami, stop attacking her!' His mind screamed as the pain continued to flow.

"I never abandoned them!" Tears cascaded like small streams down her face. "Is it so wrong to want to have my own happiness? Am I not allowed to 사랑 who I want to?"

She looked hard into his eyes, silently begging for understanding. "The others... The others want me to 사랑 Mamoru, but I don't. They want me to be with him, to become 퀸 of Crystal Tokyo in the Thirtieth Century.." He felt her trying to pull her hands free, but he held fast and strong. He wasn't going to let go of her; not even if the world would end if he didn't. "But I can't! I don't 사랑 him! I 사랑 someone else!"

"Who do 당신 love, then?" He blurted.

There was a long pause. He could tell she was weighing, 또는 trying to weigh, her options of telling him.

Yaten felt his 심장 ache. 'You baka!' His mind screamed at him. 'Why did 당신 have to ask that? If she doesn't 사랑 Mamoru, she'll 사랑 Sei-'

He didn't see her tears fading, 또는 that she had looked to the ground. But, he did hear her voice as she spoke something that both shocked him, and sent his 심장 flying.

"You." She brokenly whispered.

His eyes widened in surprise. "W-What?"

Had he heard her right? Did she just say she loved him?

"I 사랑 you, Yaten Kou!" She cried.

And then she, with amazing strength Yaten didn't know she posessed, pulled out of his grip, turned, and fled from his sight.

The last thing he felt was her pained rejection before her 별, 스타 seed numbed.


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added by RoseLovesJack
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added by RoseLovesJack
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added by RoseLovesJack