Ross and Rachel Club
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Reasons why we 사랑 Ross and Rachel <3

Because they're lobsters.
Because he's been in 사랑 with her since the 9th grade.
Because he was going to drink the fat
Because with them, it's never off the table.
Because she got off the plane.
Because he means 더 많이 to her.
Because he let her win the poker game.
Because he said "Rachel".
Because they got married in Vegas.
Because he wanted to take her to the prom
Because they made 사랑 300 times
Because he can't imagine his life without her
Because she thought they would be on again
Because they were worth the wait
Because they are cuddly sleepers
Because he's...
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Enjoy, Comment, Thanks!!

Ross loves Rachel:

Ross first fell for Rachel when she was a high school friend of Monica. But she thought he was geeky, which he was really, with his stupid moustache and his "music", (which resurfaces in episode ??). On prom night Rachel's 날짜 Chip did not show up at first, and Jack Geller convinced his son, (who showed his feelings for Rachel when fumbling with her dress) to take her instead. Ross was all ready, with a tuxedo and a bunch of flowers, when Chip showed up and left with Rachel.

In episode 1.1 Rachel once again enters Ross's life after leaving her fiance...
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This poem could be about any romantic affair. But it isn't; it is a suble tribute to Ross Gellar and Rachel Green, one of TV's most memorable couples. If 당신 don't know the background of FRIENDS, then sure, it sounds like a hopeless romantic's attempt to make people believe in the power of love. However, R&R were my inspiration for 글쓰기 this. Even though they aren't directly mentioned in the poem, their relationship throughout the series tells the classic tale of "love and loss, then 사랑 again." And that theme is what I tried to capture in these following lines. Thanks to Jennifer Aniston...
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 사랑 me as 당신 did today.....
Love me as you did today.....
I 사랑 you.

Ever since the beginning, i knew i loved 당신 so.
Now that i am with you, i don't want to let 당신 go.

If i ever 로스트 당신 i don't know what i'd do.
Just like we need the air, its the same as i need you.

I know how much i 사랑 당신 and its something i can do.
I do not know how to explain that i 사랑 당신 but its something i can prove.

I never left your side, for we were always best friends.
I will never leave you, until this journey ends.

All that we have been through is basically a sign,
I know that i 사랑 당신 and that i can call 당신 mine.

Just as i said before i knew i loved 당신 so,
and now until forever i will never let 당신 go.
 and 사랑 me as 당신 will tomorrow.....
and love me as you will tomorrow.....