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What color 호박 are you?



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ecpjll said:
You Are a Yellow Pumpkin

You are funky, fun loving, and outgoing. You embrace your weirdness, and others truly appreciate your quirks.
You believe that life's too short to be insecure. You're comfortable in your own flawed skin, and you encourage others to be the same way.

You are always noticing the fun little details in life that everyone else ignores. Even if you aren't an artist, you have an artist's eye.
You have a flair for finding hidden gems. You always have a new restaurant, band, or movie to suggest to your friends.
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
You Are an Orange Pumpkin

You are a bit average and ordinary, but that's a good thing. People appreciate you for who you are.
You believe life's too short to not forgive and forget. You try to let the small stuff slide and focus on what's important.

You appreciate the ordinary things that most people ignore - good friends, a warm home, a tasty meal.
There's so much to be thankful for in your life that you would feel wrong to complain too much!

posted over a year ago.