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What's Your 할로윈 Sugar Binge?



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NatyLy said:
Your Halloween Sugar Binge is Caramel Apples
You have a sweet tooth, but you can feel easily overwhelmed by sugar.
You prefer to have your treat cut with something healthy, like fruit and nuts.

But don't let the apple part fool you, you can eat sweets with the rest of them.
You're even willing to make a bit of a mess if your sweet treat is tasty enough.
posted over a year ago.
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lucy32 said:
Your Halloween Sugar Binge is Cookies
You like creating sugary things as much as you like eating them. You have a flair for baking.
And for you, there's nothing sweeter than eating your own cutely decorated Halloween cookies.

There's something magical about holiday cookies. And why should you be forced to wait for Christmas.
Plus, you swear that there's something about the orange frosting that gives you power to hand out candy for hours!
posted over a year ago.
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Your Halloween Sugar Binge is Candy

You don't need pumpkin flavored sweets or anything fancy. You're easily satisfied by Halloween candy.
You're the type of person who takes their sugar straight - maybe with a dash of food coloring or chocolate.

You don't really care for baked goods, especially on Halloween. You don't want your sugar weighed down with all that flour.
You're the type to pick the candy off the cupcake, maybe lick the frosting, and be on your merry way!

posted over a year ago.