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The Boy Who Ran Away 또는 the story of Bealfire

It all started with a boy that had 로스트 his father. This was not uncommon at that time because the country was at war, but he had not 로스트 his father in the war as the other boys had. He had 로스트 him to a great darkness that had consumed all that was good in his father, all that he had loved. This darkness went 의해 the name of magic.

The father that had loved him, cared for him, comforted him when his mother had been killed was gone. Magic had killed him 또는 was killing him and replacing him with a cruel man filled with hate that hurt everyone around him. At times he thought he saw the loving peaceful man deep inside fighting against the darkness but the magic was strong and his father was not. He was a weak man a cowardly man and he needed Bea's to help him win this fight.

Bea needed something powerful, powerful enough to defeat the dark magic. There was only one thing he knew that was that powerful. 더 많이 magic. So he called upon those who practiced the magic which was governed 의해 the light. They gave him a cure to his fathers illness, but it was not powerful enough and he was not strong enough to defeat the darkness and free his father from the hold it had on him. The boy payed the price for his failure. He was banished to a strange new world alone without even the shell of his father to protect him.

After some time fate took pity on the boy and he found a new 집 with people that loved him and cared for him. Sadly it was not to be. Magic returned to take his new family from him. To steal them away to a world of darkness. He begged them to hide, to fight the pull that magic had on them. But it was fate that had brought magic to that household and fate can not be denied. In a last desperate effort he made a deal with the darkness. His life in exchange for those he loved.

For the 초 time in his short life he had done battle with the darkness and this time he had won. He had protected those he loved from the curse of magic. Still it had come with a price, a price he had to pay... 또는 did he? He had freed his new family from their fate perhaps he could escape as well, create his own destiny. It was worth a try.

He did manage to evade it for a time. He found a new life with someone that he came to call a friend but 당신 can not escape your destiny. One 일 the darkness came for him and his friend betrayed him. He was alone once again.

Several lifetimes later he finally manages to escape and find his way back to the world without magic. The world where he had once had a happy 집 with the Darlings. His experience with the darkness has left him scarred and the betrayal of his so called "friend" has left him unable to trust.


Now calling himself Neal, he made his own way in the world never letting anyone get close enough to hurt him. Then one 일 he meets a girl. She has the some look in her eye. The look of some that has be hurt, betrayed and abandoned, but there is also an aura of strength around her, of hope. It is seductive and he finds himself falling for her.

They travel together have adventures and he finally decides that it is time to try again. He could spend the rest of his days with her. He would put everything behind him and they could live a long, happy, ordinary life together. All he needed to do was end the gypsy lifestyle he now led.

That night when he was attempting to dispose of the last things that tied him to that life he was approached 의해 a man. The man told him that Emma had magic inside her, that it had claim to her. That she was fated to play a role in it's plan. At first Neal did not believe him. He did not want to believe. Then the man told him that he was from a land of magic and he knew who Neal really was.

Neal began to panic. The man knew. Did he know that he had escaped the world of darkness? Would he take him back there? What could he do? H could ask it could take him instead. It had worked before... No. He wouldn't let it take him again. He would not go though that again. He could run away with Emma. But the darkness would find her. It would find them and it would take her... It was fated. It was her destiny. Even if it didn't find them the magic was already inside her. It would consume her. I would turn her dark.

"What can I do?" He asked the man.

"You can leave" he said.

Run away. Just give up. He had never thought of that. He had always chosen to battle the darkness before, but it was a battle he could not win. No matter what he did the magic always took what in wanted in the end. He could not save Emma, but he could save himself. He would be dooming himself to the life of a coward. A fate that had made his fathers' and his fathers' fathers' life a living misery. Still even that pitiful existence would be better then being consumed 의해 the darkness. He made his choice. He ran.

Years later he is still hunted 의해 what he did. Then one 일 a postcard came with a single word written on it's face.


He had asked the man before he left if he would tell him wether 또는 not the girl, Emma had won her battle with the darkness 또는 not. That single word told him that she had. That she was stronger then him, something he had always known, that she had done what he couldn't. He hoped that she was happy and pushed her to the back of his mind.

Some time after the postcards arrival he found someone 또는 she has found him. She was sweet and kind and ordinary and he has almost stopped looking over his shoulder for the magic to come and take him back. Until one 일 it came knocking at his door.

His father had found him, at least 또는 the creature his father had become had found him, and with him was Emma. He couldn't believe it Emma and she was still Emma. The darkness hadn't consumed her. Her experience had soured her but it had not taken away her strength 또는 her beauty. She told him that she had a son and he knew then that he had to make right the wrong he had done. He had been cowardly. She had proved that magic could be defeated, but it took strength, strength that he had not had before. He swore that from this point on he would be strong, for her and for Henry.

The Girl Who Could Not Love 또는 the story of Emma Swan

Emma had never known love. She had long 이전 stopped searching for it. She depended on only one person in her life, herself.

Then one 일 she found someone that shared her philosophy. They traveled together for a time depending on no one together. Until they both came to realize that this was no longer true.

They began to plan their life together. The future was warm and sunny and filled with hope. Then out of the blue he left her to take the fall for a crime he had committed before they had met. After he had left she learned that she was carrying his child, Neal's child. She could not keep it. She wouldn't know how to care for it 또는 even how to 사랑 it so she gave it away.

Years later a boy appeared on her doorstep he said his name was henry and that he was her son. Then it happened again as it had with his father. All of a sudden, out of nowhere she knew. She loved him. She wanted to care for him. She wanted him to be apart of her life.

One thing led to another and she finally found the people that had always loved her but had had to give her up and she realized that she loved them too. She also met someone who like her had given up his child and had since regretted it.

Together they found his 로스트 child and as soon as they did it became clear that this was not her first time finding him. It was Neal. She wanted nothing to do with him but he convinced her to sit down and talk. They did and told him he had a son. He insisted on coming back with her to get to know his son. She didn't want him to. He would just break Henry's 심장 when he left.

At least that's what she told herself. The truth was that as soon as she'd seen him it had all started to come back the euphoria, the giddy joy, the days when they had done nothing but lie in 침대 all 일 and still she had never felt happier. She didn't want to feel that way again not if she knew it would inevitably end.

Still henry would never forgive her if she was the reason he never knew his father, so she agreed.

Some days past and Neal remained pleasant and mature when around her. Sometimes they would talk and he explained why he has left her and he apologized. "It isn't enough" she told herself "don't trust him"

Still when he introduced her to his fiancee she felt a twinge of jealousy come to life inside her. "You don't want him" she said "let her make the biggest mistake of her life."

She watched him with Henry. He loved him. She could tell. Had he felt the same way about her once? No. He couldn't have. But he's changed now he is someone Henry can depend on.

Time went 의해 and Emma continued to grapple with her feelings.Then one one 일 they were betrayed 의해 someone they never saw coming. Neal was shot. He was dying and she couldn't save him.

She was going to lose him again, but why did she care? Henry needed him. She needed him. She realized. She loved him. She had all along. After all he'd done she had never stopped loving him.

"I 사랑 당신 too." he said and she knew he meant it. Then he was gone.

Here's how I see it...

I know its clique but it really is true that 당신 never get over your first love. I do believe it's unrealistic for your first to be The One. It's possible but rare. However your first will always be special and unique no matter what.

Even if 당신 find someone else that 당신 사랑 more. The experience of discovering 사랑 for the first time will never happen again and despite everything 당신 will always long for it. When the chance comes along to try again it's very hard to resist even if it may not be the smartest choice. At least that is what I personally have experienced and that is what I see happening with Emma. That is probably why I'm so drawn to the ship.

I also don't believe Neal left Emma just because August said so. He left because he learned that she was involved with magic and he was scared. It was a cowardly thing to do but 저기요 it runs in the family. (jk... sorry Rumple fans. I couldn't resist.)

But really, think of it from Neal's point of view. Magic has taken away everything he ever cared about. First his father, then after he thought he'd left it far be hide it found him again and took away the happy life that he could have lived with the Darlings. I can only assume that the 다음 300 years were not happy ones but it is obvious that they left him scared.

Like Emma he has issues trusting people. Unlike Hook who can at least be sure that Milah loved him. Neal has no such assurance. He believes his mother left him and his father betrayed him. Anyone else that he's come close to caring about have either hurt him (Hook) are been hurt (the Darlings).

I believe that he came closer to loving someone with Emma then he had in a long long time, but their budding romance was not enough to get him involved in something that he had spent his whole life escaping.

Now I hear what you're all saying. It's cant be true 사랑 if something as trivial as that broke them up. Well, I don't think Swanfire is meant to be "true" love. I see it 더 많이 as your everyday sweet/complicated kind of 사랑 that the average person experiences. I find it refreshing alongside all the other epic fairytale couples on the show. A bit of ordinary (almost) 로스트 in a world of extraordinary.

Still despite his fear when Neal learned about Henry he broke the chain of cowardice that had plagued his family for generations and willingly exposed himself to what he feared 더 많이 then anything in the world so that he could be with his son.

Don't get me wrong, he still has a lot of work to do to prove himself worthy of Emma again, but that journey to gain back each others trust is what interests me about their relationship. Hook could also one 일 be worthy of Emma but he has yet to show any inclination for doing such a thing. I guess the 질문 is who can get to that point first.

Thats exactly what I 사랑 about Swanfire. Snowing and most of the other romances on this show were predestined they will "always find each other". Like I said, I don't believe Swanfire is "true love" ( I see true 사랑 as being a very rare thing that doesn't happen to everyone) but I do think they are in love. Will it work out? Who knows, but I think it has a chance. The unsurety of Swanfire is what makes it so interesting and (for me) relatable and realistic.

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Source: miladyswan.tumblr.com
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posted by XxLalasaysxX
 Season 4 poster
Season 4 poster
Hello Oncers. This is my first 기사 on this spot so let me first introduce myself. I’m Calypso but I go 의해 Meeka and I bring an opinionated 기사 on the season 3 finale and some thoughts for season 4. So let’s not waste anytime shall we?

The Finale

I’m going to break it into little pieces, then do an 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 thought, then an 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 ranking then season 4 theories, THEN some questions.


Even though I wasn’t a huge 팬 of Frozen, I’m actually pumped to see her in OUAT. Knowing Eddy and Adam they always make it good. I, along with many others apparently, think she will be Evil....
continue reading...
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