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posted by MCR_Freak_161
First... My favorites:
I 사랑 many 인용구 from My Chemical Romance and I find it hard to chose. I enjoy 읽기 Gee's funny ones, they are my favorite, but it is hard to choose between them.

Best Heartfelt Quote:
"Sometimes 당신 have to kind of die inside in order to rise up from your own ashes and believe in yourself and 사랑 yourself in order to become a new person." ~Gerard Way

I believe this quote refers to when he was drunk and on drugs, he believes that this helped him become a newer, better person. It basically states to 당신 should learn from your mistakes; in order to learn 당신 must make some mistakes.

초 To Best Heartfelt Quote:
"One 일 your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." ~Gerard Way

He is simply stateing that 당신 should do something of value with your life so that when 당신 are older 당신 will not regret it.

Best Funny Quote:
"So people keep asking me what this badge is for... this badge makes me the sheriff, the sheriff of 이모 town, so get your straight irons and eyeliner ready!" ~Gerard Way

초 To Best Funny Quotes:
"I'd rather be a creature of the night than an old dude." ~Gerard Way

"I want to be a vampire. They're the coolest monsters." ~Gerard Way

Best Funny Conversation Quote:
Fans: *Chanting in German* 당신 HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!!
Gerard: 당신 guys have a seriously agressive chant just for that!?

초 To Best Funny Conversation Quotes:
Fan: Can 당신 say, 'I 사랑 Charity?'
Gerard: Uh... Is that a person?
Fan: It's me!
Gerard: Oh! I 사랑 Charity!

Interviewer: What kind of products do 당신 put in your hair?
Ray: Sweat and beer. I never wash it.
Mikey: I never wash my hair either, man!

Fan: Can I tuch your hair?
Frank: No, that's wierd!

Best My Chemical Quote ever...

“I get mistaken sometimes for someone who looks like they want to be in my band! It’s the funniest thing. It happened to me once… This guy tells a friend of mine, ‘He looks like he jumped out of a MCR video.’ I’m like, 'I’m IN My f***ing Chemical Romance!'" ~Mikey Way

Other Funny Ones:

‘Can they steal Mikey?’ repeats Gerard when we pose him one of the er, heartfelt questions. ‘Hell no, dude! We need him here. I can understand the desire to steal him though, sure. He’s a sweet, sweet man.'

Interviewer: Ray, do 당신 ever get people who just want to touch your hair? 
Ray: Yes. And it's weird. 
Gerard: They approach, hand out, going 'Can I just...' and before they even get to the end of the question, they're already doing it. 
Ray: I don't get it at all. I'm not sure I can see the excitement in touching my hair. 
Gerard: Your hair is part of your mojo, man!

Gerard: Mikey, what would 당신 like to say to the city of London? 
Mikey: Do 당신 guys think I look like Darth Vader in this jacket? 'cause I seriously think I do. 
Gerard: Does he... what the f*** does he even talk about? I have no idea what he says half the time.

Interviewer: If 당신 were in a horror movie, which one of 당신 is most likely to survive until the end?
Mikey: I'd be dead first. I've run through this scenario in my head before and I know I'd get it immediately. I wouldn't even have the chance to protect someone 의해 giving up my life for them, I'd be gone too fast for that! 
Ray: Frank would survive the longest. He's scrappy. 
Gerard: 당신 say that, but I think he'd do something like Vasquez in 'Aliens' and let all the monsters eat him so that he could pull a grenade on them and laugh. I think Mikey would live longest - he's the guy everyone would want to see survive.

Fan: Frank, 당신 recently got 'Bookworm' tattooed on your fingers... 
Gerard: Really? [Peers at Frank's hands] God, it's impossible to keep track. [Frank 링그 his fingers together to show off his tattoos] Oh, wow, look at those! They look like some kind of arcane symbol until 당신 put them all together like that. 

Interviewer: What makes 당신 blubber like a baby? 
Frank: When I see adverts about tortured 동물 played to sad music, I can't cope. Abused 강아지 are what gets me most. It sends me into a deep depression.

Interviewer: What makes 당신 laugh so much 당신 nearly wee yourself? 
Gerard: That's a hard one. 
Frank: Yeah, because whatever we think is funny, you'll just think "weirdos". Forget gags, what's really funny is awkwardness! 
Gerard: We'll be getting in a lift and Frank will say to a stranger, "Ooh 당신 have really nice shoes!" and then we'll have to travel 20 floors with the dude who's looking around nervously. No one ever knows what to do in that situation.

Gerard: So, I'm doing my stretches, right… Stretching my legs, stretching my arms. And this guy goes, “Hey everybody, look! It’s David Cassidy!” Do 당신 guys have any idea who David Cassidy is? Well, let me tell 당신 something. Aside from the fact that we both have fabulous, fabulous hair, there is one BIG difference between me and David Cassidy… I SUCK WAY 더 많이 DICK THAN THAT GUY!

Mikey: Gerard and myself no longer live at the address on his stolen license that is currently circulating the internet. Don’t waste your time visiting/calling, etc. 당신 wacky kids crack me up.

Gerard: Who was at the first My Chem show in Berlin? Like, for real… (Crowd cheers loudly) No, okay now I know you’re full of s***, because there was like 50 people there, and they were all like this… (Stands with arms folded) And it was a sold-out show of 50 people, but I was like, “What happened? Why didn’t they give a s***?" And Matt Schwartz goes, “It’s Berlin.” (Laughs) So, last night we were hanging out at 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 and I was like, “Alright, I get it, it’s Berlin.” Well, tonight I’m dressed like I’m in Skinny Puppy, I have an undercut, and I said to my wife, ‘What can I do to make Berlin 사랑 me more?’ And she goes… ‘S*** your pants.’ Now, she’s a very funny lady… I’m obviously NOT going to s*** my pants.

Gerard: (Picks up bra onstage) No, this is horrible. 당신 know what’s funny about it, is it looks like it’s one boob, like somebody had a bad operation… DON’T WANT IT! (Throws bra into crowd)

Gerard: [on stage in Berlin, Germany] I don’t know how to speak German, so I’m just gonna speak Spanish… Muy Bueno!

Mikey: “My best high school memory is when I graduated and didn’t have to go back. I didn’t have a great time in high school.”

Mikey: “The teachers thought there was something wrong with me because I wouldn’t talk to other kids. I was almost playing mind games with them.”

Mikey: “I’m the spiritual advisor of the band.”

Mikey: “I know something exciting that happened on the road. I tried to quit coffee and I had headaches every day… I was in a gas station and there was a pot of coffee and I looked at it for about a minute, and then my brother got a coffee and he taunted me.”

Mikey: “I brought this heater into the 샤워 so it was warm when I got out. It’s not the smartest thing in the world to do, but I was like ‘whatever, I’m f***ing freezing.’”

Mikey: “Kids don’t get to say ‘are we there yet?’ a billion times anymore because it’s at the bottom of GPS. Fun = gone.”

Mikey:“The dude from the Pringles can just 스톨, 훔친 my f***in parking spot!”

Mikey: “Every time I come back to Jersey, it’s ready to put its tentacles all over me and suck me right back in. If I’m 집 for 더 많이 than three weeks, I forget I’m in a band. I start to fill out applications for supermarkets.”

Mikey: “We all have very humble backgrounds and very geeky interests.”

Mikey: “I think hula-hoops need to come back from the dead. The world is less violent when people are using hula-hoops.”

Mikey: “Me and Pete Wentz aren’t dating. We are both heterosexual males… sort of… maybe… umm… next!”

Mikey: (To Frank) “You definitely stopped wearing underwear for a hot minute. P-slip… Scandalous!”

Mikey: “Please have some respect for us and yourselves. Get some hobbies while you’re at it. Fly a kite. Do some crossword puzzles. Learn to knit. Get off the f***ing internet.”

Mikey: “There’s a big misconception of our band, that we’re in the back lighting things on 불, 화재 and sacrificing virgins… It’s not like that at all.

Mikey: “Star Wars Hip Hop is an untapped genre. Someone needs to sign that s***!”

Mikey: “I read a fanfic once. It was bad. The subject of the story was me and Gerard, uh… in relations.”

Mikey: “What 당신 really need to ask yourself is, when was the last time 당신 watched ‘Spice World’?”

Mikey: “People always ask me to autograph asthma inhalers. I’m not actually asthmatic, but uh… 당신 bring ‘em, I’ll sign ‘em!”

Mikey: “I was so scared that I would sneak into Gerard’s room and sleep on the floor.”

Mikey:“I’m deathly, deathly afraid of spiders, ‘cause they’ve got those little eyes.”

Mikey: “I don’t do drugs, smoke, 또는 drink anymore….period. My only vices right now are coffee, six feet under, and 기타 hero.”

Mikey: “This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments, and there’s quite a lot of metal on my 벨트 buckle as well…”

Mikey: “Who’s that sexy beast… Bob Bryar!”

Mikey: “I kicked a brick 벽 once… It was mouthing off to me.” 

Mikey: “I 사랑 when 당신 can’t find your wallet… and then 당신 find your wallet.”

Interviewer: [First thing that comes to mind when I say] Spanking?
Mikey: I don’t know! 
Gerard: Not even a bare a** ? 
Mikey: No…

Interviewer: 당신 are offered something for free, which do 당신 choose: Sky diving lessons, a custom tattoo, a lap dance from an exotic dancer 또는 50 free sun tanning sessions? 
Gerard: Oh the lap dance! 
Frank: The tattoo. 
Mikey: What were they again? 
[Everyone helps Mikey out] 
Mikey: I guess the tattoo. 
Frank: I knew it! Which is funny because 당신 don't have any.

Interviewer: Which of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster? 
Frank: Mikey. 
Interviewer: And who would yell, 'Hey! It's still plugged in!'? 
Mikey: That would be me. 
Gerard: I would definitely be the one yelling. I think we're all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters. 
Frank: It's funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like, "I can't believe he did this today..." 
Mikey: Yeah, I would leave the 차 on overnight. 
Frank: God forbid that kid ever lives alone! 
Gerard: Frank had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he'll take a heater into the 샤워 and plug it in... 
Frank: Oh god! 
Gerard: ...and there's water everywhere! 
Mikey: I did that one time... 
Gerard: What about the times with the radio? 
Mikey: ...and I was pretty warm when I did it though.

Interviewer: In 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison' the main character is made to do pushups in drag. If 당신 were forced to so something in drag, what would 당신 choose to do? 
Gerard: Karate. 
Frank: I liked the "if 당신 were forced, what would 당신 choose to do." 
Gerard: It's like the drag fairy comes 의해 and says, "what would 당신 like to do?" Umm yeah, karate. 
Frank: Really? 
Gerard: Really. I would do what I did when I dressed in drag this one time before. I went to school in drag, in art school and my 일 was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick. 
Frank: He looked like Christina Ricci. 
Gerard: 당신 should see me as a chick. I went as a girl, as like an experiment and it worked really well and everyone was really nice to me, but I couldn't talk obviously... 당신 know train conductors were really cool to me on my commute. 
Frank: I would 날짜 Gerard. 
Gerard: HA! I looked hot as a chick.

Interviewer: There's a rumor circulating around that My Chemical Romance is the 사랑 child of the Warped Tour. 
Gerard, Mikey and Frank in unison: Wow! 
Gerard: We are loved. 
Frank: But what does that mean, that the Warped Tour and another tour got together and had...

Interviewer: Give us some insight as to the kind of kid 당신 were when 당신 were ten... 
Frank: A**hole. I was such an a**hole! Uhhh, delinquent. I was told I was too intelligent for my own good, but I don't know about that. I didn't like authority and this was at ten! 
Gerard: Tell me, what has changed? 
Frank: She just said ten, she didn't say now! But I could give 당신 the same answer, 당신 never know! 
Gerard: I didn't want to say anything... 
Frank: I was pretty much like I am today, but I wish I knew now what I knew then. Does that make sense? 
Gerard: I liked 별, 스타 Wars when I was ten.

Interviewer: Do 당신 have a favourite dinosaur? 
Frank: Yeah. I guess. I think. Well... yeah. Yeah and no. 
Interviewer: Yeah and no? And... it would be? 
Frank: *laughs* That wasn't the question. Was that part of the question? 
Interviewer: Yeah, true, I worded that wrong. Sorry. *laughs* 
Frank: It's alright. I mean, T-Rex is always fun, but Velociraptors were a lot more... vicious. I kinda like Wooly Mammoths, but is that a dinosaur really? 
Interviewer: I don't think it's a dinosaur so much as a devolved elephant... 
Frank: Well, I like Elephants.

Interviewer: If 당신 were interviewing your 가장 좋아하는 band, what would 당신 want to know? 
Mikey: I can't think of a specific band, that's the thing. 
Frank: She said your 가장 좋아하는 band. So what's your 가장 좋아하는 band? 
Mikey: Morrissey. Hmm, what do I want to know from that guy? 
Gerard: [To Frank] I think I know what yours would be. 
Frank: Oh, go, go, answer for me! 
Gerard: [Laughing] "Why are 당신 such a prick? Why'd 당신 go get a 샌드위치 when 당신 could have talked to me?" 
Mikey: That's so sad. 
Ray: I'd probably ask Randy Rhoads how it felt dying in a plane crash. 
Mikey: He wouldn't answer because he's dead. I'd probably ask Morrissey how it feels to be a sweet little dude.

Interviewer: How did the band get started?
Mikey: Basically, we went to this evil magician and we told him to make us rock and roll superstars. So he took a pint of each of our blood and put it in a cauldron. 
Ray: Obviously he f***ed up, 'cause look at us... 
Mikey: We're not rock and roll superstars, but we're sweet little dudes.

Mikey: I get mugged every tour. 
Frank: That's kind of exciting. 
Interviewer: That's a fun story... Something to tell the grandkids. 
Mikey: Yeah, totally. In Rhode Island, some dudes decided to 펀치 me in the throat and take my cell phone. There were like ten of them. 
Frank: And at gunpoint. 
Mikey: Oh yeah, I keep forgetting the gun part. The guy pulled a gun on me. And he goes, "Give me your money." And my first reaction was to lie about it like a moron and say I didn't have any money. So the kid punches me and he goes, "Give me your cell phone." And then our manager, with his powers of a deduction- 
Ray: He's like a 거리 fighter! 
Mikey: He goes into the alley with his cell phone, so then they come back and try to mug him, and he pulls out a fucking switchblade, a baseball bat, a machine gun and a bazooka. And he got my cell phone back. 
Interviewer: So he doubles as a bodyguard. 
Mikey: He does, actually.

Interviewer: I know that being on tour, all kinds of crazy s*** has to happen. Give us a really crazy, exciting, funny story. 
Ray: We don't really have any crazy stories. We don't really do anything. 
Mikey: Um... we ran out of gas once... and... 
Ray: We're really, really boring. 
Frank: Oh, one time we got held hostage! 
Mikey: That was sweet, though... We had a lot of fun.

Frank: I got asked a 질문 today about Gerard. 
Gerard: What? 
Frank: I got asked if 당신 were as crazy in person as 당신 are onstage. I said it's 더 많이 endearing. 
Gerard: Woo! In person, I don't know, you'd have to ask Mikey. 
Frank: Yeah, but it's 더 많이 endearing. You're definitely not... normal. But... good.

Interviewer: If 당신 could be a color Skittle, which color would 당신 be?
Frank: Whoa. Can I make my own? 
Interviewer: Yeah, 당신 can make your own. 
Frank: Mauve. 
Interviewer: Why mauve? 
Frank: Why not? 
Gerard: Mauve's his 가장 좋아하는 color. Red 사워, 사 우 어 Skittles.

Interviewer: How would 당신 guys describe your type of music?
Frank: Violently beautiful? 
Gerard: Oh s***, that's tight. 
Frank: Ooh, chaotic? 
Gerard: We do it with heart. 
Frank: Heart. Heart. Does that work? 
Gerard: Yeah. Spicy. I like that.

Interviewer: Since you're all a bunch of young guys, I want to know what turns 당신 on? 
Gerard: Wow, I'm not that young! Bengay turns me on. 
Mikey: 콜라 Zero. 
Ray: Sleep. 
Gerard: Bob, what turns 당신 on, man? 
Bob: Slippers. 
Frank: My fiancé. That's it. 
Ray: Aww come on! 
Frank: I'm getting presents now!

Fan: What are some differences between your current tour and your first tour? 
Gerard: Our first tour?! Oh, huge differences. Buses with bunks… 
Mikey: Soundchecks. 
Gerard: Monitors. 
Mikey: And there’s 팬 there to see us!

Frank: “We played a show in a basement in Philly. Five people came. One of them was a homeless person who bootlegged our set and tried to sell it to us afterwards.”

Bob: (Reading from a book made 의해 fans) 'What would happen if 당신 saw Mikey walk into the bathroom with another toaster? Signed: Bob Bryar’s official b****.' What is wrong with these people?! 
Mikey: It wasn’t a toaster, it was a heater! I was putting a 우주 heater in the bathroom when I was sick 또는 something. I brought this heater into the 샤워 so it was warm when I got out. It’s not the smartest thing in the world to do, but I was like ‘whatever, I’m fucking freezing’. But apparently they turned it into a toaster... 
Interviewer: But 당신 were fine. 
Mikey: Yeah, I’m here right now!

Frank: “There’s a bunch of different type of fans. 당신 know, there’s people who just wanna say “I 사랑 you, 사랑 your show” and that’s awesome. They respect the 음악 and the art form. And then there’s some people that need to have that souvenir, that need a signature 또는 a picture, and there’s some that just scream and try to pull your hair out and that’s ridiculous. And then there’s the drunk 팬 that wants to be the one that punched you.”

Gerard: (onstage) “I f***ing hate nu-metal. I f***ing hate Limp Bizkit. I fucking hate Korn. I don’t give a s*** what 당신 like… You’re here tonight because 당신 like us. And ‘cause we hate nu-metal, that’s why we’re here tonight!” -Guitar intro to ‘Teenagers’ starts- “THIS SONG IS ABOUT HATING NU-METAL!”

Gerard: Hair crimping needs to go. 당신 know what I'm saying? 
Bob: Hair straightening. 
Gerard: No way, dog! You'd ruin every band out there! Um, hair crimping has to go. I don't see it very often but when I do it burns my a***. 
Interviewer: And what is something that is dead that 당신 want to bring back? 
Bob: Slippers. 
Gerard: Yeah, slippers. We're gonna bring back slippers from the dead. 
Mikey: I think Hula-Hoops need to come back.

Onstage at the record release show for Bullets (July 2002):
Gerard: Mikey 로스트 his first pick. (Pause) MY MUM AND DAD ARE HERE, F***! And my Uncle, and so many friends... OKAY, here's a song about friendship. It's about friendship, but it's also about 칼, 나이프 fights and diamond rings and jumbo jets. ALRIGHT. It's called Our Lady Of Sorrows.

 Gerard: I want to know if 당신 guys- 
German crowd: *chanting* Du hast die haare schön, du hast die haare schön! 
Gerard: What is that? 
Crowd: *chants louder* 
Gerard: Is that about semen? What is that?! Is that a 축구 thing 또는 a semen thing? 
Crowd: *cheers and shouts 랜덤 stuff about hair* 
Gerard: 당신 like my... 당신 like my hair? Why, do I have semen in it? ...So, what does it mean? Somebody translate! *gives mic to 팬 on front row* 
Fan: 당신 have beautiful hair! 
Gerard: Awwwww! 당신 guys have a seriously aggressive chant just for THAT? That s*** is aggro! It sounded like we were at a f***ing 축구 game, and 당신 guys were yelling about hair! That's f***ing awesome. This is my new favourite place! Holy s***. Right, well, after the show somebody teach me how to do it so I can just constantly yell it at people.

Gerard: Stop throwing water onstage… I’ll fall over and break my hip! I’ll be a bad father then. Why would 당신 do that?

Fan: You’re an arachnophobic, right? 
Frank: Yes, kinda. 
Fan: So what’s the deal with the 거미 on the album cover? 
Frank: Well, y'know, the thing is, I’m afraid of scorpions too, and I’ve got a tattoo of that, so.. Anything that’s got a lot of creepy legs freaks me out. But the thing with the 거미 is, it’s about the contamination. It’s like venom, infiltration, those sort of things. So it doesn’t really freak me out.

Gerard: “The shows get kind of raunchy. I used to do that to piss the homophobes off, but now it’s become sexy. It started as something to challenge a meathead’s sexuality and see if they were going to try to fight me 또는 throw s*** at me, and maybe change the way they think and have them walk away from that show going, “You know what, I really like this band. There’s probably nothing wrong with being gay.” But then that became sexy though. Humping my monitor became sexy.”

My whole reasoning to asking the audience, “Who wants to f*** me?” is actually 더 많이 of a negative thing. 더 많이 of like, “Is that all your interested in, is f***ing me?” I pretty much make it a point every night. I ask that to say, “Well, I definitely wouldn’t f*** any of you.” I guess it’s like saying you’re really going to look past the attraction 당신 have with all these dudes and listen to what the hell we’re saying in the song instead of just thinking we’re hot.

Interviewer: What is the feeling like when you've worked so hard on a song and then 당신 come out and play it to 55,000 people and they sing back every word to you? 
Gerard: There's nothing that comes close to it. It's the single most rewarding feeling in the world. It beats anything, any drug... 
Interviewer: What about an amazing, amazing blowjob? 
Bob: I think it's better. 
Mikey: I plead the fifth! 
Gerard: The feeling that 당신 get really is better than, uh... a bit of blowj.

Interviewer: How do 당신 feel about turning thirty? 
Frank: *Giggles* 
Gerard: Ohhh. Let me see. I'm actually- I'm excited about it. I'll tell 당신 why. I always see getting older as, like, learning... 당신 know? Thirty's not old. Thirty's like the new twenty... 
Frank: ...For trees. 
Gerard: For trees!

Gerard:  I think it’s totally okay to cry during a movie. I think maybe like Bridge To Terabithia… That s*** came out of nowhere, did 당신 see that? They f***in’ killed the girl out of nowhere. I don’t want to ruin it for anyone, but 당신 think you’re going to watch a fun 판타지 film and then the 다음 thing 당신 know, f***ing dead 16 year-old girl… Check it out.

Frank: Gerard told me there had to be a spy 기타 part in ‘The Sharpest Lives’ and I was the guy to do it. I said “f*** yeah, I’ll do it!” because that’s what 당신 say to a dude that 당신 사랑 and respect… But when he left the room I realised I had to write a spy 기타 part for an electronic-rock-dancey song. F***. I swear I’ve never seen a 007 movie, I was pretty screwed!

Frank: How in the f*** does Gerard find the time to be in this band, write a comic, be a husband, and write hilarious reviews about reality TV [on the website]? Not to mention have the time to watch reality TV enough to be able to write hilarious reviews about it? Am I missing something? I mean really. Not to mention his posts are fucking gripping. Like, 당신 can’t put the computer screen down, in fear that 당신 may miss the secrets of the universe revealed to you. I dare say there have to be multiples, Gerard clones 또는 robots. I’m not sure yet. All I know is that Gerard Way is way too productive for my comfort zone. Something’s up and I’m too busy 읽기 his blogs to find out what it is.

Gerard: What the f*** does a guy have to do to find some Frankenberry in the state of California? …Am I going to have to order some off Amazon? Picture that for a minute. Just close your eyes and let your imagination bring this scenario to life… A person - me, you, whoever - logging onto Amazon, pulling out an actual credit card, inputing the exact numbers and the desired shipping address, possibly even selecting “Next-Day Air”, to get some godd***ed Frankenberry in a motherf***in' cereal bowl.

Ray: I'm a home-body, I freely admit that. The thought of showering to go out annoys me. Shaving? A nuisance! Getting dressed!? Perish the thought. Me and the wife like to laze around in what we call ‘our bubble’ at home, with our dogs, our TV, our fireplace, and our Cher mix.

Interviewer: Where's the best place for people to get information about MCR?
Ray: Probably our website. But what is it? Is it... Tumblr? I think it's Tumblr. I don't know, it's great. Kids post all these pictures. And like, half the time kids know where we're going before we do! 
Mikey: Yeah, I find out stuff from them sometimes! It's like, "That's what we're doing? Cool." 

Gerard: Man, as soon as I go into a 스타벅스 I take off my sunglasses. I want to be recognised and I want free coffee. 
Interviewer: Obviously you're joking... 
Frank: No. For some reason, the guys who make the coffee are really up on their music. They usually recognise us and know who we are. 
Mikey: I went to four Starbucks' in Manhattan recently, and I got free coffee in three of them. 
Gerard: Wow, that's cool! I have a pretty good strike rate too, but it's not as impressive as that. 
Interviewer: Let me get this straight... You're a platinum band who goes about America trying to get free coffee? 
Mikey: Yes. 
Frank: Think about it this way; if it weren't for that we'd have no vices at all. If it weren't for Starbucks, we'd be perfect!

Interviewer: First kiss... With who and where? 
Frank: Oh man. It's kind of synonymous with how I met Bob, really. Yeah, it was a dark room... I didn't really know. 
Bob: He has soft lips. 
Frank: It was bearded. And it was weird. 
Interviewer: But the 질문 is, was he a good kisser? 
Frank: He's in the band, so... yeah.

Interviewer: If 당신 were on a desert island and could only bring three things with you, what would they be? 
Gerard: I'd definitely bring a hand-crank flashlight, a machete, and then something fun. 
Mikey: 조가비, 조가 비 shell! 
Gerard: Well, they'd be there, Mikey... 
Mikey: No, so 당신 could always talk- 
Frank: I'll bring sand. 
Gerard: 당신 bring coconuts too, Mikey. 
Frank: And inflatable palm trees.

Gerard: I always wanted to be in musicals, like, big time! I'm just gonna put it out there. 
Mikey: 당신 were in a musical once... 
Frank: Everyone's laughing at you! 
Gerard: Yeah, I know! 
Ray: Were 당신 just doing the 'call me' sign?! I could have sworn 당신 were just like "call me!" 
Gerard: What? Nah, I was just playing with my hair!

Gerard: I think Frank would be very good in horror films. 
Mikey: I'd be the dude that got killed right away in a horror movie. Five 분 in.
Frank: I think that's the only thing I'd ever want to do in a movie anyway. 
Mikey: Get killed? 
Frank: Like, slashed the f*** up! 
Mikey: Bob got asked to be in a bunch of teen movies... 
Bob: *mouths to Mikey* I hate you.

Frank: We've never won anything before! 
Gerard: We've won, like, Kerrang awards. 
Ray: I won a spelling bee when I was younger, but that's about it. 
Frank: Yeah, and they took it away from him because he took nude pictures of himself on the internet. 
Gerard: Oh jeez. 
Frank: 당신 can't do that.

Interviewer: What do My Chemical Romance do with cuddly toys that 팬 give them?
Gerard: There's a big shredder for them. I want every kid to know that's where they go. Especially the unicorns. The 유니콘 go in first, then they get spit out as cotton and we make pillows out of them.

Interviewer: What's the worst 또는 most embarrassing gift you've ever received for Christmas? 
Frank: One of my Uncles used to give me stuff out of his closet with the 태그 still on it. I got some big flannels one year. It's really weird, you're like, “OK... I gave 당신 those before...” 
Interviewer: 당신 will be spending this 크리스마스 home, right? 
Frank: Yes, thank God! I get to go home. 
Interviewer: So, will 당신 set up a 나무, 트리 and stuff like that? 
Frank: No! My fiancée doesn't celebrate Christmas, so we might do an un-Christmas. I don't know. My mom might have a 나무, 트리 where she lives, but I am not having one in my house. We are going to give each other some gifts though. We will do something. It will be fun.

Interviewer: What are your thoughts on astrology? Have 당신 ever had your tarot cards 또는 birth charts read? 
Frank: Yes. I've had things read. I don't know if I believe in anything like that, but I'd like to believe in it. I'd like to believe that people have certain powers to maybe know the future. 
Interviewer: 당신 have had your cards read? What did they say? 
Frank: Jeez… I don't remember. It was a really long time ago, I don't do it anymore. I dated this girl once that went and they made her buy a crystal. I thought that was really funny. It was like, “You are only going to be happy if 당신 give me 75 dollars and I will give 당신 this crystal,” and she did it. And I was like, “Oh my god you're f***ing screwed.” Yeah… and she dumped me. I think maybe it was because I made fun of her crystal.

Interviewer: What is the worst 또는 funniest 또는 dumbest thing you've made up to get out of something? 
Frank: Oh man! I used to lie all the time to get out of work. I said stuff, like, people... died. 
Interviewer: Who 'died' most of the time? 
Frank: Most of the time it was a distant cousin 또는 something like that. I guess I feel bad, 당신 know, for my distant cousins to die, but it was a way to get out of work. I had a huge family and they were all dropping dead. It's terrible! I have found though that the worse 당신 go with the lie, the less people 질문 당신 about it. Once 당신 say something, like, really fucked up then nobody can call 당신 on it. That's how I got out of work! I am not saying that 당신 should do that, but if 당신 really need to lie, go all out!

Gerard: “I’m actually starting to get this thing now where people grab my package! We went over to England and it happened at almost every show. I don’t really enjoy any kind of invasion of privacy like that. When you’re on stage it doesn’t phase 당신 또는 bother 당신 too much though. Grabbing my package is obviously a total invasion of privacy, I’m not into that at all. Grabbing my butt… I guess if it were a guy I’d enjoy it. It all depends on how he grabbed my butt too.”

Gerard: Do I look sweet? I feel sweet!
Mikey: *Messes up hair*
Gerard: Thank 당신 Mikey, I probably look like s*** now.

Gerard: I 사랑 you.
Frank: I 사랑 당신 too.
Gerard: 당신 are my two kid brothers, 당신 know that right?

Fan: Don't go and see Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. The ending is so gay! 
Frank: I take it 당신 didn't like the Harry/Dumbledore blowjob scene?

Interviewer: Let’s say that 당신 got to live the rest of your life in your idea of paradise. Maybe it is an island, on a mountain, in the country, wherever 당신 like. Where would it be? What would it look like? 
Gerard: I think I would be fifteen in an endless Dungeons and 용 game, that went all night, and they had unlimited Dr. Pepper. I would have to be eternally 15, with other 프렌즈 of mine that were 17 and 15 and so on, and that one weird guy who is like 28 hanging out with fifteen 년 olds, playing Dungeons and 용 forever. 
Frank: I would be in my 60’s with a huge family and some sort of family gathering 또는 something like that.

Interviewer: Did 당신 go to your prom? 
Frank: Oh, yeah. I wasn't king at all. Trust me. 
Interviewer: Was your 날짜 hot, at least? 
Frank: Yeah, she was alright. But then she ended up, uh, sleeping with my friend, and that was bad, so... That didn't work out at all. 
Interviewer: That night?! 
Frank: No, no, not that night! Oh, that would have been the worst! 
Interviewer: Worst prom ever! 
Frank: Yeah. Thanks for bringing THAT up. I appreciate it.

Interviewer: Do 당신 guys have any fetishes? 
Bob: *To Frank* 당신 like beards. 
Frank: *laughs* Yes! 
Interviewer: Really? They turn 당신 on? 
Bob: Well... 
Frank: That would be telling. 
Bob: Yeah. It's just between us.

Gerard:[While discussing Harr Potter/MCR 팬 Fics] Well, I better be in Slytherin.

Interviewer: Does a bad review piss 당신 off? 
Gerard: Only when they rip apart our fucking hair! 또는 especially if we had a show that night that we felt was just on fire. 
Ray: 또는 even shows we've played that we thought were just the pits and we've gotten great reviews. It's like 'what are they talking about?' 
Gerard: We're like 'what show were 당신 at?!'

Interviewer: How does the 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise)' video tie in with your high school days? 
Gerard: It ties in no way to what we were like in high school. But the funny thing about it is our personalities did kind of come through in the video. Mikey is kind of like- 
Ray: What does that say about me, man?! 
Gerard: Well, I don't know! I was definitely... I didn't get picked on 또는 punched in the face, but I was definitely probably trying to be a lot 냉각기 then I was. Probably tripped and fell a lot. For sure. And Frank was definitely aggro. Our personality- 
Frank: (yelling) What did 당신 call me?! 
(Gerard and Frank yell back and forth while everyone laughs at their bickering) 
Gerard: ...You see how aggro that was?

Interviewer: Could 당신 tell us something about the band 또는 one of its members that not many people know about? Like a little quirk 또는 something that 당신 do on the road. 
Frank: Umm, okay, let’s see. I’m trying to think of things that won’t embarrass anybody. One thing, just one? 
Interviewer: Well, how ever many 당신 want to tell us. 
Frank: I’ll give 당신 one about everybody. Ray’s never around. 레이 will constantly be on his phone, playing a video game 또는 playing 기타 in the back lounge with earphones on. Like, 당신 will not see him, 당신 do not see him at all. That kid is dedicated to technology completely. Bob is addicted to '24', the 텔레비전 show. Mikey will be broke at the age of thirty, but have every DVD, comic book, and video game known to man. Gerard, this is probably widely known, but I will assure you, Gerard is as close to genius as 당신 could possibly get.

Interviewer: If 당신 guys were stranded on a desert island, with no 음식 and nothing to eat, which one of the band members would 당신 eat to survive? 
Frank: Wow. Oh man. It definitely wouldn’t be Mikey, because he’s got nothing. I don’t know. I wouldn’t eat Gerard 또는 Bob because they are just great company, and I wouldn’t eat Toro because he’d probably be the one to figure out a way off the island... So I’d probably have to eat my own leg.

Mikey: I wanted to say a funny story before I forget it about spiders. I'm deathly, deathly afraid of spiders, 'cause they've got those little eyes... But no, so anyway, one night I went to a horror convention in New Jersey, which is where geeks go to buy horror movie posters- 
Frank: And 의해 that he means that's where WE go to buy horror movie posters. 
Mikey: That's where just me and Frankie go! No, but, so I got real drunk... Like, too drunk, and I bought a tarantula. And I brought it to a 식당 right after the convention and put it on the table. 
Frank: And then 당신 left it there? 
Mikey: I should have left it there... 
Frank: What did 당신 do with it? 
Mikey: Oh, I gave it to Alicia's brother. He took it. 
Interviewer: When 당신 talked about the 팬 thing- 
Frank: Wait, THAT was the really funny story 당신 wanted to bring up?!
Mikey: It's a SCARY story!

Interviewer: Did 당신 say that hated Australia at some stage? 
Mikey: See, this is what happens. Kids take things and RUN with them. Like, 당신 were probably like "man, it's too hot here today" and that turned into "I hate Australia!" 
Frank: It's so weird. I feel bad now, because I actually really like Australia! 당신 know what I DON'T like, is the spiders 당신 have here. I don't like spiders... 
Interviewer: Have 당신 come across a few? 
Frank: The other night, I swear to God, we were coming out of the venue after practicing, and we got into this 봉고차, 반 and there was a 거미 on it the size of that TV. It was ridiculous! Like, yeah, what is that, 36 inches? ...It was a full-colour, plasma screen spider.

Interviewer: There must be times when 당신 look out into the audience and 당신 think 'oh my God, these people look 더 많이 like us than we do!' 
Frank: *Laughs* There's a lot of that! Sometimes, uh, 당신 know, 팬 will get really psyched about one- 
Frank: -one period of time. 
Mikey: X'S ON THE EYES! 
Frank: Yeah! When 당신 maybe put something on that 당신 were like 'oh, I'll just try this out', then one picture got taken of it and people are like 'oh, that's how he looks!'

Interviewer: Is it all blue M&Ms and stuff backstage? 
Frank: Yeah, no, they've gotta be green. 
Mikey: Yeah, 또는 we're done. F*** it.

Interviewer: If 당신 could nominate a song each, a guilty pleasure that 당신 would 사랑 to see in the My Chemical Romance set, what would it be? 
Frank: Oh man. 
Mikey: Ooh, uh... ABBA. 
Frank: ABBA? *Laughs* THAT'S guilty! 
Interviewer: Which ABB- 
Mikey: MAMMA MIA! 
Interviewer: Nice! And would it come with the dance moves? 
Mikey: Gerard would supply them, I'm sure. 
Frank: He's been waiting all his life to supply those dance moves!

Interviewer: You're only hours away from going onstage, what's going through the mind at this stage? 
Mikey: Right now's the 'Eye of the Tiger'. 
Frank: Oh yeah? You've got the 'Eye of the Tiger' going? 
Mikey: I'm back with the speed bag. The jump rope. And a big slab of meat. 
Interviewer: Do 당신 play any Survivor backstage? 
Frank: I wish! It's like those 스타벅스 commercials where they come and say your name... ROY! ROY, ROY, ROY! 
Interviewer: How would it be, just in the middle of the set, to suddenly burst into a cover of 'Eye of the Tiger'? 
Frank: Sillier things have happened. We've actually done 'Umbrella' 의해 Rihanna. So, 당신 never know.

Interviewer: As a kid, did 당신 like to give people hell? 
Frank: Give people hell? Definitely. I was a little b******.
Gerard: Give them what? 
Frank: Hell. 
Gerard: Hell… Oh, give them s***. Yeah… No, I was… I think I was a pretty well-behaved kid. I was like that jerky kid that liked to hang out with all the adults whenever they would get together. And all the other kids would think I was too good for them and that I was an ***hole. I was like that kid. 
Frank: So 당신 were an ***hole? 
Gerard: Yeah. I just didn’t want to talk about the Wizard of f***ing Oz, know what I mean? I wanted to talk about coffee and pocket domestics.

Gerard: Me and Frankie got pulled over last night. Well, it’s 더 많이 like we got held up 의해 four undercover SUV police… And they asked me TWICE if I was a vampire! I’m not even fucking kidding. That guy doesn’t even know how he made my year! And when they let us go they said “just drive a little slower”. Then he was like “are 당신 guys Satan worshippers?” We were like “no, dude”. And 의해 the way, don’t ever call a cop “dude” ‘cause they don’t like it!

Interviewer: Do 당신 ever find there’s sexual tension because you’re with eachother 24/7? 
Frank: What?! 
Mikey: Only with Bob. 
Gerard: I’ve seen a lot of bands actually be super-grumpy dudes and talk about sex all the time and be so grumpy because they’re not getting laid. I think because we play so many video games and nerd out we don’t have that problem as much as other bands. We get grumpy about airplanes and being overworked. We don’t really get grumpy about sex. 
Frank: I think what happens is, our 기타 tech, Matt Cortez, has so much porn going on at all times that you’re just like “If I see one 더 많이 tit…” 
Gerard: He’s like the jack-off champ. He’ll come and tell 당신 all about it. “Yo, three!” Jesus. There’s a lot of bunk action. There’s a lot of ‘me time’ in this band, alright?

Gerard: Mikey, this lollipop 당신 threw at my head broke. It shattered. That's how hard 당신 threw it at my head! 
Ray: Mikey, come on, chill out! 
Gerard: Yo, show some respect! 
Frank: Mikey's out of control! His hair's out of control!
Gerard: "Are 당신 on our side and 당신 want to be diffrent 또는 are 당신 on that side and 당신 want to throw a football at my head?"

Gerard: "That's what happens when you're all borderline psychotic and there in lies the beauty of this band - our duality. There's a duality to each band member too. There's a desire to have this constant conflict. If we write a write a song and it turns out really poppy, we have to make the lyrics really f***ed up. There's psychosis to everything we do for sure. One 일 we're probably gonna write this number one pop tune that will be about a massacre!" 

Gerard : "It takes a while to tell stories, I think it's because I was drunk for three years."

Frank: "I would 날짜 Gerard."

Frank: "Has Goldfinger ever seen any mooses?"
Mikey: "That isn't the plural of moose. It's moosi."
Gerard: "F*** off, it's meese."
Frank: "Has Goldfinger ever seen a flock of meese advancing on him? It's a terrifying sight. They aren't small creatures. 당신 would just run off like a girl 또는 a boy. What does running like a girl mean anyway?"
Mikey: I've seen one. I'd run like a girl for sure. They're massive. If 당신 run over one you're f***ed. They come in through your windscreen kicking."
Bob: "People think that moose are really gentle and goofy but they aren't; they're f***ing animals." 

Gerard: "If you're gonna buy me a present, don't spend 더 많이 than twenty five bucks, you'll get a blowjob anyway." 

Gerard: "The Devil got landed with a s***ty job, he has to deal with a**holes everyday, he's probably bored as hell." 

Interviewer: Cat 또는 dog? 
Mikey, Gerard, Frank, Ray: Dog 
Bob: Cat (buries his head in his hands) 

TESSA NOTE: I bet thats why he got kicked out of the band. XD.

Ray: "I have a lot of experience with making fake helmets out of foil." 

Cameraman: So, did 당신 read Ellen DeGeneres's new book?
 Frank: Yeah.
 Cameraman: How was it?
 Frank: It made me a lesbian.

Gerard: So many people treat 당신 like you’re a kid so 당신 might as well act like one and throw your 텔레비전 out of the hotel window.

Gerard: I'm gonna buy whatever 샤워 curtain I want.

Gerard: I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new gay...it's popular. 당신 know what I mean?
 Frank: Popsicle is the new black. 
Gerard: What did I say? Oh yeah. Screaming is the new gay, everybody's doing it. 
Frank: I wish it were Popsicle.
 Gerard: Popsicles? 
Frank: Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone would have one. 
Mikey: I like Popsicles... 

 Gerard: Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara... I'm a f*ckin' princess! 

Mikey: ''I was terrified of the dark, and she[his mom] had this 도자기 doll collection that was really f***ing creepy. I tried to get her to lock them up in a cupboard, but she never would.'' 

Mikey: Did 당신 get kicked in the balls 의해 someone named Frankie? 
*Frankie walks by, laughing* 
Gerard: Yeah it just hurt- 
Mikey, to Frankie: 당신 kicked him hard, dude. 
Gerard: -when I turned around I was like "Woah! He's playing over here!" when he kicked me in the balls, I was wondering "What did I do wrong?"

Interviewer: What is with all the vampire/hospital allusions?
Gerard:    Um, the vampire stuff is actually only in one song. The hospital stuff is in a lot of them. The hospital theme is like; I mean with me personally I am in and out of freakin’ hospitals, constantly and emergency rooms epically, for God knows what. So many different things, and all of us are in the hospital 또는 sick, 또는 so many things, and the hospital is just a good metaphor for a lot of stuff. It’s kinda a 안전한, 안전 place but yet scary place so I kinda put it in the songs as a metaphor so people always have something to go to. Like in 뱀파이어 I say “take me to the doctor” obviously another hospital type reference. But I don’t know, it is just like the last 안전한, 안전 place. And the vampire this was only once, but, we get a bad rep for it.
Mikey:    And we’re not even talking about vampires.
Gerard:    I think a lot of that came from how we were in the beginning. A little gothic, ya know. Now I got that leather 재킷, 자 켓 and it is all cool.

Gerard:    I was in the hospital five times during recording, and I saw seven doctors and they couldn't figure out what I had. [Whether] I had a "stroke" 또는 facial nerve paralysis... they gave me a Catscan, [and it] ended up being a f***ing tooth. It was driving me so insane, I was f***ing delirious, and these people here saw me in the hotel one night.
Frank:    Haha yeah, spit was coming out of his mouth and he was laughing maniacally, it was f***ing great.

Interviewer:    Disney character that most represents you?
Mikey:    Donald Duck.
Gerard:    Yeah, Mike dressed up like Donald 오리 in 2nd grade.
Mikey:    It was a f***ing rad costume, my grandma made it.
Gerard:    It was f***ing hot and then the 다음 년 he dressed up as a Stay Puft Marshmallow.
Mikey:    And it was also really hot.

Mikey:    We like to party.
Interviewer:    Hell yeah.
Gerard:    We drink and party, we rock and roll man.
Interviewer:    Yeah, the most "un-edge" name, right?
Gerard:    We don't like do drugs though.
Interviewer:    You're not my friend then.

Interviewer: Mike, why don't 당신 ever eat?
Gerard:    When he was a kid he was so fat.
Mikey: But I eat 음식 though.
Ray: He eats 피자 Hut, he eats Popeyes.
Gerard:    Century Buffet, I was there and this kid here ate a lot, if the kid wants to eat he eats.
Mikey: I ate my weight in sushi today.
Gerard:    Like this kid just dropped so much weight one 일 and now he's skinny as hell. I used to be, like, 250 pounds.
Frank: We were all fat kids at once, we were all f***ing fat.
Gerard: It's good now.
Ray: See how Matt's staying quiet.
Matt: Shut up, I'm 250.

Interviewer:    Have 당신 had any really horrible experiences 또는 really great experiences on the road so far that have impacted the band?
Matt: Mikey got into a fight and broke his foot.
Ray: Haha, he got into a fight with a wall. The 벽 was mouthing off to him.
Mikey: I got to hobble around with a cane for a while.
Matt: Ray ripped the fender off the van.
Ray: That was pretty funny though, it gives it attitude, don’t 당신 think?
Gerard:    My dad keeps asking about the fender too. He goes, “Did 당신 guys put the fender on yet?” And I was like, well we have it.
Ray: It was also a crazy time when I ripped my head apart.
Gerard:    Yeah, he got a really bad gash in his head in Columbus. And his face was like a mask of blood. We were terrified.
Ray: And then this girl sent a picture to me. She sent this 이메일 because we put on our website that we wanted a picture of us playing live. And she sent this 이메일 saying, “Oh, we saw 당신 guys in Columbus, um, Gerard is so cute. I wonder if 당신 guys remember me, I hugged Gerard after the show.” And the picture that she attached was called Gerard, and it was me and Gerard standing 다음 to each other. 당신 can hardly see his face, but my face was completely covered in blood.

Interviewer:    Do 당신 guys get tired of the constant 링그 to 뱀파이어 due to one song?
Frank:    Yes, but they have definitely dwindled so I’m okay with that now.
Gerard:    Ah, only occasionally, 당신 know it depends... only when people ask me to suck their blood. 또는 like when they write about it in the press and call us a vampire rock band but there’s not…
Frank:    Or when 당신 take pictures with naked girls…
Gerard:    With naked girls, yeah, biting their necks, things like that I guess, huh… I actually sometimes don’t mind the vampire rock band thing I think that’s kinda cool. Like if I was a kid I would have loved for there to have been a vampire rock band, I’d have been way into it…
Frank:    Yeah, 당신 like hearing that 더 많이 than 당신 like hearing, ‘Oh, you’ve got something in your eye’
Gerard:    (laughs) Yeah!

Interviewer: Have 당신 experienced any near death experiences?
Frank:    Yes. Erm… trying to think how long 이전 it was, maybe a couple of months ago. A couple of 프렌즈 of ours - of mine and ours - I went out with them and we went to the Salvation Army hall and bought these three piece wool suits. Don’t ask why. We got into this boat, like a little row 보트 and we were in the middle of this lake and the 보트 tipped over. I thought I was going to die. It was like having four fat people on your back, it was awful, just like hanging onto you. It was terrible. I never want to drown.
Interviewer:    So 당신 won’t be doing that again soon...
Frank:    Yeah, I’m not going to do that, and I don’t want to drown. I really don’t.
Gerard:    Not really… if I would have experienced any it would have been when I was with this band, eh definitely… oh well I guess when I was held up with a gun. It was kinda put up to my head execution style, I thought I was going to die.

Interviewer: If 당신 could have any job besides this band what would it be and why?
Frank:    Oh I just found out about this actually. This is really cool, that I just found out, but there’s a job that 당신 can have where 당신 디자인 할로윈 masks, I want that job! That would be f***ing amazing. Honestly if I knew about that job when I was a kid, I might not be here right now.
Gerard:    I’d probably illustrate stuff… I like children’s books, that would be rad. Yeah, I’d probably do children’s books.

Interviewer #1:    What would be your favourite 할로윈 costume?
Frank:    I was Freddie Kruger for like five years in a row.
Mikey:    My favourite... I was the Stay Puft 마시멜로, 마 시 멜로 Man. My grandmother made me the costume and it was awesome.
Gerard:    I... I was a ninja, that was my favourite.
Interviewer #1:    For five years running?
Gerard:    Ah, two years. Two years I was a ninja.
Interviewer #1:    What about you, Ray?
Ray:    Optimus Prime from Transformers. From the original cartoon series.
Interviewer #2:    You guys should have worn those costumes tonight!
Frank:    We had to 옮기기 our luggage down to really small duffel bags because it was a small flight.
Ray:    Yeah, we wouldn't have had room for underwear...
Gerard:    If I was like a ninja, 당신 wouldn't see me.

Interviewer:    A lot of punk “elitists” are starting to complain about the whole “emo” trend. Guys wearing makeup, and wearing girls pants. Mark Adkins from Guttermouth went on a huge rant about it all on their site and even went to the of calling Gerard a “fat 담홍색, 핑크 raccoon.” What’s your opinion on all of that?
Frank:    I think, he’s a racist, he’s a sexist, he’s homophobic, he’s a hateful person, and it’s just wrong. We could all sit here and call people names and hate people for the way they dress 또는 the 음악 they like 또는 just the things that they think are cool. But that doesn’t make us any better. It’s an awful thing where 당신 have such a soap box, like 당신 have a lot of 팬 that are into your band, and 당신 use that to spew hate. I guess that’s his opinion.

TESSA NOTE: I only showed 당신 that one because its fun to think of Gee as a fat 담홍색, 핑크 raccoon. XD.

Frank: 'My biggest addictions have been 초콜릿 cake, mashed potatoes, and 버터 sandwiches.'

Gerard: I want to be a vampire. They're the coolest monsters.

Gerard: I was like wooo, I like killed so many plants.

Interviewer: So how did 당신 feel about the hugs after that? 
Gerard: The hugs were sweet

Mikey: It's me and Gerard on the porch, talking about how Gerard isn't cool! 

Gerard: Just cause you're bigger than me, just cause you're smarter than me, does not mean.. no way, no how.. I'm sucking 당신 off.. for any amount of money!

Gerard: People think we're rich vampires.

Gerard: So how was 크리스마스 for 당신 guys? Did 당신 all get lots of nice black t-shirts?

Frank: We just have to watch Mikey and make sure he doesn't put anymore forks in the toaster.

Mikey: We're very attractive to them because we dress like homeless people.

Frank: When the water touched my balls, that's when I got scared.

Gerard: Who wouldn't want to catch a guy in a 곰 suit?

Gerard: 당신 should see me as a chick. I look hot as a chick.

Gerard: "When 당신 are 키싱 a guy with a beard, it's different."

Gerard:"Craziest thing that ever happened to me was being attacked 의해 a black bird. It pecked the s*** out of my head. We were at this hotel called The Phoenix in San Francisco. We were leaving to go to a show the 다음 morning and the bird just f***in' attacked my head. And the 다음 일 Slipknot were there, they were coming in as we were leaving, and they got attacked 의해 birds too." 

Gerard: "Yeah, obviously we use 뱀파이어 as a metaphor for something else, something deeper than just the supernatural. But there's just something about the bloodsucking walking dead, that can say so much to people. There are really so many people trying to get control over 당신 on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you..." 

Mikey: "Ashlee Simpson told me she had our CD."

Frank: Yes we are currently on tour for the rest of our natural lives.

Frank: I've never downloaded anything, really. I'm anti-computer and I enjoy buying records.

Interviewer: If 당신 could come back after death to "put the wrong things right" what would 당신 most likely need to fix up?
Frank: So if we were to die today? 
Interviewer: Yeah in like an hour. 
Frank: I don't know.   
Gerard: Let's say the whole band died, we'd just get back together and start playing again! 

Interviewer: What's your dream car?
Frank: A Delorean, fully equipped with a flux capacitor. And it must run on garbage.

Frank: But I almost got shot the other night though. [He says this almost nonchalantly as if it's a frequent occurence.]
Interviewer: Shot? As in shot, shot? 
Frank: Pellet gun shot.

Frank: If I revealed my secret identity, the world would go to s***.

Interviewer: You're in a karaoke bar and you've had too much to drink. What song...
[Frank turns to Gerard] I know what you're going to say! 
Interviewer: ...do 당신 sing and do 당신 totally rock it 또는 do 당신 totally kill it? 
Frank: He rocks the s*** out of it! Totally Bon Jovi! 
Gerard: Bon Jovi... 'Living On A Prayer.' It's funny because a lot of people give me s*** when we go to karaoke because I won't do it..

Frank: Oh, I wasn't allowed in a certain VIP barbecue that I wanted in to.

Frank: "ARRRRGH!! The romance got tested fer the scurvey they did, and got drunk off Cap'n Morgan.....arrrgh" 

Interviewer: Do 당신 turn the volume up 또는 down when 당신 hear your 음악 on the radio?
Frank: Way the f*** up.

Frank: "I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids." 

Frank: "If 당신 don't listen, you're never gonna learn"

Interviewer: In 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison' the main character is made to do pushups in drag. If 당신 were forced to so something in drag, what would 당신 choose to do? 
Gerard: Karate. 
[everyone breaks out in laughter] 
Frank: I liked the "if 당신 were forced, what would 당신 choose to do." 
Gerard: It's like the drag fairy comes 의해 and says "what would 당신 like to do?" Ahhmm yeah, karate. 
Frank: Really? 
Gerard: No. Really, I would do what I did when I dressed in drag this one time before. I went to school in drag, in art school and my 일 was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick. 
Frank: He looked like Christina Ricci. 
Gerard: 당신 should see me as a chick. So I went as a girl, as like an experiment and it worked really well and everyone was really nice to me but I couldn't talk obviously... 당신 know train conductors were really cool to me on my commute... 
Frank: I would 날짜 Gerard. 
Gerard: HA! I looked hot as a chick.

Interviewer: The one person 당신 would like to spend five 분 with?
Frank: My girlfriend. We're always on tour and we never get to spend any time together.

Frank: See here's the thing... [Turns to Gerard] Before 당신 say anything... think about what 당신 were going to say because I want to say something about karma. 

Frank: It's funny because it's rare that we would be out and not wasted. 

Frank: I have been known to do 'I Got 당신 Babe' with a friend of mine, Greg Southside and we do the s*** out it! We've been kicked out of bars because we did it so well. But 레이 would like to sing probably 'Only The Good Die Young'.

Frank: "He said if we didn't hire him, he knew where we lived, and would come and take our pets."

Frank: *Starts to climb into casket*
Ray: Are 당신 showing your butt!? No 당신 aren't getting in there! *Pulls Frank out and lets him down*
Frank: *Tries to climb in again*
Ray: NO!
Gerard: Guys! Don't knock it off!!

Ray:"Frank was actually too short to carry the casket, so it was all of us. Thanks Frank. He's nappin' right now."
TESSA NOTE: haha. He issss short.

Frank: "....you know it's one of my 가장 좋아하는 videos..even though it's um..ours." -about Helena

Frank: "He's a good kisser too"
Gerard: "A very good kisser"
Frank and Gerard: *Makes kissy faces*

Interviewer: 뱀파이어 또는 Werewolves?
Gerard: Vampires
Frank: Vampires
Mikey: Vampires
Ray: Actually, I like 늑대인간 better, so I go with werewolves.
Frank: Traitor!

Interviewer: Free Michael(Jackson) 또는 free Martha(Stewart)
Frank: Kindersex.
Gerard: Martha
Frank: Wait. who are they?
Ray: Ooooh Michael Jackson!
Frank: Lock them both up. Together! 

랜덤 FACT: Gerard has an extreme allergy to cats. He says he loves all animals. He now has a dog named Susan.  When he was a kid he had a hamster. During a secret santa he was given a hampster cage, but never bought a hampster for it.

Gerard: "If 당신 don't go to highschool 당신 will deffinatly go to jail."   

Gerard: "When 당신 are 키싱 a guy with a beard , it's different."
Gerard: "There's such a lack of sex in music."

Gerard: "I feel like theres so many people out there who have the kids in the palm of their hand, listening but there are so few people saying something"

Gerard: "It's important to keep up momentum, when I'm 집 alone I get stagnant, I go crazy and have to see my therapist. Being on the road keeps me busy. I'm okay when I'm busy."

Ray: *when asked about his and Gee's highschool years*"We were birth control." 

Gerard: "I was this weird loner kid who got drunk 의해 himself all the time."

Gerard: 'I give 당신 a penalty for roughage!' 

Gerard: 'What I Like about The Sims is that I don’t have a normal life at all, so I play this game where these people have these really boring, mundane lives. It’s fun. My Sims family is called the Cholly family. I don’t know why I picked that name; it’s kind of random. The teenage daughter is my favourite, because I just had her go through this Goth phase. She’s really kind of nerdy and she just became a 음악회, 콘서트 violinist, which is pretty huge for the family. And she got into private school. But she started wearing black lipstick and she dyed her hair purple. It’s pretty huge.'

 Interviewer: Musically, who were your biggest influences?
Frank: Black Flag, Richie Havens, Hambone King of Rock 'n' Roll and my Dad.

Gerard: "We can duct tape my knee, I don't care"

Gerard:"I'm the master of the wicket!"

Interviewer: Pimp My Ride 또는 Monster House?
Frank: I have no idea what that means. Sorry.

Interviewer: Gangsta rap 또는 hip-hop?
Frank: B-horror 영화 and a case of Mountain Dew.

Gerard: "Jacksonville.. you've been very bad! So we're gonna slap the s*** out of you!"

Gerard: "Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic's best friend!" 

Frank: "There's not much to do at that point!"

Gerard: "Were not a festival band, playing during the 일 was something we had to get over, I was like uhh this sun stuff kind of sucks" 

Gerard: "I had the 상단, 맨 위로 of my lip torn off, I don't even have that little piece of flesh that connects my gums anymore" 

Interviewer: You're stranded on a desert island. What is the one thing you'd have with you?
Frank: Books, especially Harry Potter. I'm such a sissy.

Gerard: "The Jersey mentality is: I work, I drink, I stay up all night, I try to meet a girl, it's a waste of time " 

Gerard: "I just rolled up the window, I couldn't think of anything else to do, phew I'm 안전한, 안전 from the .375 gun now that I've rolled up the f***ing window" 


Interviewer: Elvis 또는 The Beatles?
Frank: The Beatles. 

Gerard:"We like to kidnap them in a van, and leave them somewhere dangerous. SURPRISE!

TESSA NOTE: I don't know why, but I find that quite funny...

Gerard:Open up those f***ing mosh pits!
Gerard: "Do 당신 want to F*** me CHICAGO!?!? Do 당신 want to F*** me in my bed, under my sheets.... Do 당신 want to DAAANCE?" 
At a TOC show 팬 asked Mikey if it was hard to play 기타 and he said "Sometimes it's hard and harder for me because of my athsma."
     Yet he also says he is not asthmetic.... MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

"It's always awkward pretending to play our instruments...I feel like Ashlee Simpson...Oh,ZING!!" ~ Frank Iero

"YEAH!! I wanna play all night!!" ~ Mikey Way

(Referring to the Skeleton gloves) "Gerard makes me wear these constantly..." ~ Frank Iero

(At LeATHERMOUTH concert) "Thank 당신 guys for getting off the messaging boards and coming out to the real life..." ~ Frank Iero

"I have been told that when I see a camera, I tend to run away from it..........Or break it...Or smash it..." ~ Bob Bryar

Mikey:"My biggest fears would be ghosts, um, deep water, and 
Mikey:"But my 가장 좋아하는 movie is JAWS so..."

Okay... I apologize, but there may be some things called "Tessa notes" These 인용구 were originally a bunch of letters to my friend, while she was at camp. I found funny 인용구 to cheer her up because she was homesick. I did not pay much attention when I put them back together. Sorry.

Interviewer:"What turns 당신 guys on?"
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Source: sovije.tumblr.com
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Source: Reprise / made 의해 me
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