Mew Mew Power Club
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Previously in part 1, the news concerning the big charity event planned at the cafe has sprung exciment to Zoey and the gang, but Kasey is thrilled the most when the event is about him and his unique abilites. While the crew is looking 앞으로 to the event Sardon and Tarb, who are now working without Dren, devise a new plan to take revenge against the hereos as well as ruling the world.

In part 2, the charity event finally arrives at Cafe Mew Mew. After days of training and hard working, Kasey is also ready for his big part in the event: as the special attraction. After the first minute, the Cyniclons perform their evil sceme..with a new phase.

The story continues...

At the cafe, the girls are all dressed up.

Zoey: *In pain from the high heels*

Corina: *Giggled*

Zoey: *Growled at her* Corina, don't even start with me.

Corina: Was it me who said "go in high heels"?

Zoey: This is suppose to be an event, you're suppose to dress up nice which means wearing high heels. But they are killing my feet.

Corina: *Sigh* Whatever..

Bridget: *Walks to them* This is going to be great right guys?

Zoey: 당신 bet Bridget!

Corina: Yeah.

Kikki: *Leaps in the air and lands on her feet right in front of Zoey*

Zoey: *Yelped*

Kikki: *Giggles* I am ready for Kasey's big performance.

Bridget: When is his event supposed to be?

Kikki: I think it is going to start at 8:00 tonight.

Zoey: Kasey has been working really hard into training for tonight.

Corina: No kidding. I saw him outside the cafe yesterday working on his jumping through the hoop act.

Everyone: *Stared at her with surprise*

Corina: What?

Zoey: He did the hoop trick on his own?

Kikki: That is so cool! I wonder if he made the hoops on his own.

Bridget: Possibly. He could make things if he wanted. He does have human-like capabilites.

Zoey: Well, whatever he does we should be proud of him.

Everyone: *Agrees*

Just then, Elliot and Wesely came through all dressed up for the event.

Wesley: Are 당신 guys excited for tonight?

Everyone: Yeah.

Bridget: But, why didn't Renee come?

Elliot: She called early this afternoon and told us she had a fashion event to go to. So she will not make it.

Corina: *Depressed* It's too bad. It would be perfect if she was here.

Zoey: *Weird reaction*

Kikki: I think I am going to visit Kasey. Anyone want to come and wish him luck?

Zoey: Sure. *Smiles*

Bridget: Definitely..

Corina: Yeah, I guess.

As everyone went to the backdoor, Elliot and Wesley watched them as they were whispring about something.

Elliot: I hope 당신 have that Cyniclon alert system on.

Wesley: It is all taken care of. Don't worry.

Elliot: But I am sure something feels something has changed.

Wesley: I guess we don't know until we expect it. But lets not think about it right now.

Elliot: Right. *Looks back at the door*

Meanwhile, Kasey now as a White Tiger is busy doing his training.

Kasey: *Doing a huge leap*

As everyone walked to the place where he was training, they watched as he performed another long leap.

Everyone: *Watched his performence in amazment*

Kikki: *Claps*

Kasey: *Looks up at her and the girls* Oh, hi guys. What are 당신 doing here?

Bridget: We wanted to wish 당신 good luck on your performance tonight.

Kasey: *Smiles* Thanks. That really means a lot to me.

Zoey: We will be there cheering 당신 on.

Corina: Just wish Renee was here too.

Zoey: Corina!

Kasey: Renee? She couldn't make it?

Zoey: Yeah...Elliot told us that she has a fashion event to go tonight.

Kasey: Oh, so I understand. Well, I am sure she will be watching me perform from my mind.

Zoey: Absoultly. *Smiles slightly*

Kikki: So you're going to perform as a tiger?

Kasey: Yes. I just think a tiger has 더 많이 agility, action, and a pride that is known to everyone.

Corina: 당신 로스트 me to the last part Kasey...

Kasey: *Sighed* What it means is that it has a sensesation that strikes respect, courage, and pride to everyone.

Bridget: I understand what that means. *To Corina* It means the sign of the tiger is a symbol of power and beauty.

Corina: Beauty? 당신 never mentioned that Kasey...

Kasey: Sorry.

Zory: Okay, okay. Lets not start it. We will leave and let 당신 get back to your training. We will be there encouranging you. *Leads everyone away and back in the cafe*

Kasey: Thank 당신 a lot. *Smiles and watches them, but turns to look at his training equipment and area*

While Kasey was returning back to his training ring, Sardon and Tarb weren't too far from the cafe watching him.

Tarb: What is that guy doing?

Sardon: I knew it...the charity event- he is going to be part of it.

Tarb: A charity event with that guy? Please spare me!

Sardon: It is true Tarb. He is going to be part of it and with him and the girls around it is going to be diffcult to get our plan into action.

Tarb: How? 당신 explained everything to me eariler.

Sardon: Yeah. But we don't know when this person is supposed to be here.

Tarb: 당신 really need to take notes on your victims Sardon.

Sardon: *Scowling* Are 당신 questining me???

Tarb: N-No!

Sardon: Good, because I will be judged over how I plan everything. And for your information I do know when this certain perso is suppose to arrive. She should be coming any 분 now.

Tarb: Fine. But I hope we can pull this off without those fools noticing us.

Sardon: They are not going to know because we are going to sneak into a secert dressing room. That is where our person will be.

Tarb: Alright then. Lets head down there.

The two slowly flew down to the ground as they made their way to the secert room.

As the hours went by, the charity event started and dozens of people came- most of them were famous 아이콘 and professonials who worked closely with Elliot and Wesely.

Wesely: Everything is turning out great Elliot.

Elliot: *Nodds*

Zoey: *Slowly walks to them, being slowly because of the high heels she is wearing*

Elliot: Nice walk Zoey.

Zoey: *Gave him a glare look* Don't start this Elliot! These high heels have been drving my feet crazy all evening.

Elliot: Maybe they wouldn't hurt if 당신 ware the right size. Haven't 당신 though about that?

Zoey: Size? *Felt like a giant boulder hit her head* I am sooo screwd...

Wesely: Don't worry Zoey. I have saved a pair of shoes that I think will fit 당신 perfectly. Come with me. *Walks to the back*

Zoey: Um, okay. *Follows him*

Elliot: *Watches them*

Kikki: *Jumps into view* I have been warmed up to see Kasey's performence all 일 long.

Elliot: Well, chill out. It won't be until another hour.

Kikki: I know, I know. I am just so excited about this. I hope he will do great.

Bridget: *Walks to her* I am sure he will do fantastic.

Kikki: *Giggles*

Meanwhile, the animal trainer and Kasey were in the backroom.

Kasey: *In his head* Please hope this goes well. I have been trained for this for days.

Kate: Okay. We are going to do wonderful out there are we?

Kasey: *Nodds*

Kate: Than lets head out there and give these people the best show they have ever seen. *Walks*

Kasey: *Follows*

As the they made their way out into the large section, the speaker annoucner begins to announce the act.

Announcer: And now ladies and gentlmen, I give to 당신 all: the grand performance of the latest edition to Cafe Mew Mew. The exclusive White Tiger and his trainer, Kate Monoroe.

As the teo apporached, everyone cheered. But none of them cheered as loud as the girls did.

Kikki: Go Kasey! Go!!!

Her voice was so loud that everyone stopped cheering and clapping.

Zoey: *Covers her mouth while laughing nervously* Sorry. Continue.

As everything was quite, the trainer started th performance 의해 letting Kasey jump the hoops in diffrent ranges. After that act, he performed an act in which he had to balance small baseballs on his noise which worked out great. He also performed other various acts that were amazing even for a tiger. After a whole minute, the first part of the act was over.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlmen, the 초 performance will begin in twenty minutes.

As everyone went on to do their bussines, Zoey and the girls walked down to the performance ring with the animal trainer and Kasey.

Kate: Hi there. How can I help you?

Zoey: We just came down to pet the tiger.

Kate: Oh, go ahead. *Smiles*

Suddenly, she could hear the sounds of her cell phone ringing from the backroom.

Kate: *Listens* Oh, my cell phone. Excuse me. *Walks to the direction of the sound*

Corina: She has to be a really great animal trainer to train 당신 like that.

Kasey: Indeed she is. I even overheard that she has been an animal trainer for three years.

Zoey: Really? So she must have some experince with training then.

Kasey: Yep. And I can't beleive I aced those performances perfectly.

Kikki: 당신 were awsome out there Kasey!Really, really awsome. No telling how much I smiled.

Bridget: She smiled so much her mouth started hurting before the perfomance was over.

Kikki: *Giggles* She out smarted me 의해 rembering.

Everyone: *Laughs*

Kasey: *Looks behind him to the backroom* I wonder why she hasn't come back yet. Maybe I better go check on her. *Walks*

Zoey: Okay. Are 당신 sure 당신 don't want us to come with you?

Kasey: *Stopped while turning his head to her* I think I can handel this myself. But thank 당신 anyway. *Smiled, turned his head back staight and contuined walking*

Zoey: *Froze for a second*

Corina: *Notices her* Earth to Zoey!

Zoey: *Shook her head* Wha?

Bridget: Are 당신 alright? 당신 stood silent for a second.

Zoey: Oh yeah, I am fine. I just had a tingly feeling is all.

Kikki: Well, lets go back to our saved seats before someone else gets to them first.

Everyone: Okay. *Follows her*

While the girls returned to their seats, Kasey was still looking for Kate the animal trainer. With no luck finding her, he assumed that she was already wating for him. But while walking back he overheard some strange noises coming from another small room in the hallway. Making his way to the lighted up room he soon discovered that Sardon and Tarb had her captured and was turned into a Predacyte with the use of a special kind that could attach to human spirits.

Kasey: *Gasoed with horror while watching the whole thing* Those things- they attach to humans as well? This is just awfull! I hope Zoey and the others know about this.

Tarb: Did 당신 hear something? *Turned his head to the left, but saw nothing*

Sardon: *Looks along with him* I don't think so.

Tarb: Oh. *Gets back to his senses* Well, great work on the plan Sardon.

Sardon: Indeed it is going along smoothly Tarb. Now with our Predacyte attached to this woman's spirit, we will finally attack the Mew Mew crew inside this place and hopfully put it all behind us.

Tarb: Yeah! Those brats won't know what hit them.

Kasey: Not so fast Sardon and Tarb!

Tarb & Sardon: What?! *Turned and gasped*

Kasey: *Humphed* I know what 당신 two are up to and it is not going to work.

Sardon: 당신 don't even know what we are up to, so how can anyone beleive you?

Kasey: Because beleive it 또는 not, I have overheard everything. And I know excatly what 당신 two are up to- the way 당신 made that Predacyte attach to that woman's spirit who is as a matter of fact my trainer.

Tarb: *Chuckles* That is a real big laugh! Creatue guy here has a trainer. And to think those pethtic girls call 당신 a hero.

Kasey: *Growled* 당신 are about to tick me off!

Sardon: *Humped* I think it is time to unleash our creation now. Have a fun time dealing with her Kasey....*Disappers*

Tarb: Yeah! Have fun! *Laughs evily while disappearing too*

As soon as they wrre gone, the Predacyte, which was a leopard-like creature that carries a trainer whip rose from the ground and growled at Kasey with ferocity. Kasey backed out slowly from the room and into the hallway where he ran as fast as he could, making it to the main area just in time.

Kasey: *Continues running until he makes it up*

When entring the area outside of the arena, the guests started screaming and running away- because they think of him as a real tiger.

Corina: *Watches* What is going on?

Zoey: I knew it! The Cyniclons are here.

Bridget: We need to do something now.

Elliot: *Ran to them* What is going on? Why is everyone running away paniced?

Corina: We don't know...

Elliot: *Sighed with anger*

Kasey: *Ran to them*

Zoey: Kasey, what are 당신 doing out here?

Kasey: There is no time to explain guys. We have trouble. Sardon and Tarb were here just a while 이전 and they have just created a Predacyte with the trainer's spirit.

Elliot: Huh?!

Zoey: Oh no...they are going back to doing that again?

Kasey: 당신 guys knew about this?

Everyone: *Nodded*

Elliot: We don't have much time guys. Transforme and defeat the Predacyte.

It was soon though that the monster made its way into the area as well. Lashing its whip with strength and power, it gave a loud hiss and growl.

Corina: This is the thing they created?

Zoey: Creepy.

Kasey: I can tell 의해 the way it is looking that it only wants to fight me.

Everyone: What?

Kasey: Yes. I know this because the way she is looking at me right now. She wants to fight me only, none of you.

Kikki: No Kasey! I promised that I wouldn't let anything awfull happen to 당신 and I don't want 당신 to go through this. We're going to fight this thing together.

Zoey: Kikki, 당신 are very strong when it comes to Kasey are you?

Kikki: We all should be strong guys. He is with us and we are here to protect each other too. It's not just Earth but us.

Bridget: She is right. We're a team, and we stick 의해 each other no matter what.

Zoey: Then we will do what we must always do: fight this thing together. Mew Mew Team, unite!

After transforming, the girls along with Kasey watched as the fericous Predacyte made its way to them while thrashing the giant whip at them.

Mew Zoey: We need to distract it.

Kasey: Leave that to me.

Mew Zoey: Kasey, 당신 can't be serious. That thing will destroy 당신 and 당신 know it.

Kasey: But it's the only choice! She wants me because she knows what she wants.

Just at that moment, the whip suddenly turnd into a rope and grabbed Kasey while tieing him.

Mew Corina: The whip turns into a rope?!

Mew Kikki: Kasey!! *Runs to help him*

Everyone: *Follows*

Mew Kikki: *Untangled him* Are 당신 okay?

Kasey: Yeah, I think. But that Predacyte is nothing like I have experinced before. She has got full power and tramendous skills. Even I can never battle her.

Mew Zoey: Than what we need to do is fight her together.

Kasey: No, we don't need to. That creature wants me and it should be responsability to fight it. This should be no concern to all of you.

Mew Zoey: But..

Mew Corina: Zoey, let him battle okay? *To Kasey* We will be watching if 당신 need us.

Kasey: Thank you. And I will yell if I need help. Wish me luck. *Turns to the Predacyte and walks slowly towards it*

Mew Zoey: 당신 didn't have to budge 당신 know. *Refering to Corina's interference*

Mew Corina: This is his choice. We should accept it. If he gets hurt, we will be standing 의해 to help him.

Mew Kikki: Please don't get hurt Kasey!!! *Starts to wheep*

Mew Zoey: Don't cry Kikki. We will be here if he needs us. But I am sure he will do okay. *Looks back up and watches*

As Kasey made a stop, a few feet from the Predacyte, he started to growl softly, trying to warn the Predacyte that he is ready to battle. The Predacyte however didn't react at all to his warning and roard while lashing the whip directly at him- the whip was not long enough to hit him. After a moment of scilence, the fight started.

The Predacyte came charging at the tiger, but he jumped really high avoding the monster's attack. Landing on his feet, Kasey quickly dashed behind the Predacyte and pounced on its back while trying to claw and bite. The Predacyte however had an amazing balance and long arms however and grabbed him with its claws. Giving a laughter of victory, the creature stared at him with dashing red eyes figuring out what to do with him. It was at that moment the girls knew they had to go down and save him.

Mew Zoey: I am tired of this fool! Lets get down there and rescue our friend!

Agreeing, all four of the girls dashed down to the arena and stood there.

Mew Zoey: Hey!

The Predacyte turned around, staring at the girls.

Mew Zoey: Let our friend go now!

Mew Corina: Okay, 당신 asked for it!

Performing her 심장 애로우 attack, she tried attacking the Predacyte hoping it would let go of Kasey. Though the creature dodged the attack, it still had him held on its grasp.

Mew Corina: So much for that.

Mew Kikki: *Angry* I will see that this monster better let him go 또는 else I will kick him to 다음 week!

Everyone: *Shocked 의해 her reaction*

With her attack, Kikki attacked the Predacyte. The attack she performed formed a large jello-like trap around the creature.

Mew Kikki: That will teach you!

Mew Zoey: Quick, lets get him out of there.

The girls ran to the shield and quickly venture inside to grab Kasey and made it out with him safe.

Mew Zoey: Kasey, are 당신 alright?

Mew Kikki: Please don't be hurt!

Kasey: *Awoke* Did I destory it?

Mew Bridget: Not yet I am afaird. Kikki performed her attack and it is now trapped.

Kasey: *Looks at the shield with the Predacyte trapped inside* Good. Maybe this can be my chance to destory it.

Mew Zoey: But how can you? If 당신 go inside that stuff 당신 will be stuck.

Kasey: *Gave them a grin* You're forgetting I have other ultimate powers.

Everyone: *Confused*

Kasey: Just watch..*Transformes*

At that moment, he turned himself into a Tyrannosaurus.

Mew Zoey: I get it now! He means turning into bigger things.

Mew Corina: Even a person like 당신 would understand that Zoey.

Mew Zoey: *Sighed*

Kasey: Girls, 당신 might want to cover your ears.

Mew Bridget: What for?

Kasey: Just do it.

Everyone: *Covered their ears*

He soon performed a sonic roar attack which quickly melted the substence. As the Predacyte regained itself, it notcied Kasey and was in a little shock but still wasn't backing down. It grabbed the whip and quickly used it with brute force at the giant dinosaur. The attack did stunned him a bit, but did not do much damage.

Mew Zoey: *Shouting* Kasey! Try transforming into something that can trap that thing!

After hearing her advice, he finally thought up a good transformation. Quickly, he turned himself into a green anaconda and slithered a few feet away from the Predacyte, getting it to follow him.

Mew Corina: *Shocked* A giant snake? What good will that do?

Mew Bridget: I'm not sure, but I think I know what he is doing...

After luring the Predacyte into a valueable spot, a large coil comes out of no where and curls around the Predacyte.

Everyone: *Cheered for him*

Kasey: *Shows his face slowly* Quickly! Attack it!

Mew Zoey: Oh, right!

With her 딸기 벨 attack, the monstrous Predacyte was soon gone. Though the form of the animal trainer was soon revealed. Quickly, Kasey uncoiled the woman and returned back to a tiger.

Kasey: *Runs to her, helping her up*

Kate: *Moaned* What happend?

Mew Zoey: *Gasped* We're still in our Mew Mew outfits! Quickly, return back!

The girls quickly returned to their normal selves.

Kate: *Looked at the girls* What is going on?

Corina: We're so sorry. 당신 fainted before the 초 show started.

Kate: Oh no, the show! I think it is too late to perform the rest of the act.

Bridget: Not true.

Kate: Huh?

Zoey: Yeah. I will go and ask Elliot if it is okay to perform the 초 act.

Kate: But, what about all of the people? They have left.

Corina: Oh..

Kikki: It doesn't matter really!

Everyone: What?

Kikki: Sure! We can see the show without all of the people. It'll be the same.

Kate: That is a good point. Thank 당신 for the suggestion. Lets do it now.

Kikki: Yay!!!

After a while of patching things up, the 초 act started. Though there were not very much people, the act was a great hit.

After the performance and when it all ended, everyone gathered around Kasey in congratulating him.

Zoey: 당신 sure were the biggest 별, 스타 out there tonight Kasey. *Smiles*

Kikki: Not to mention 당신 fought that monster with your 심장 too.

Bridget: I can honestly say Kasey that we are all proud of you.

Corina: Yeah. *Nodds*

Kasey: Well, thank 당신 guys so much for helping me. I did indeed tried my best fighting that thing myself but I guess no matter what challanges lie ahead for me I will always need 당신 guys.

Everyone: *Awed 의해 his speech*

Wesley: Well, Elliot and I for sure were fooled.

Zoey: How can 당신 be fooled? 당신 guys pretty much know when these things happen.

Elliot: True, but I never expected it to be here at the cafe. So, good work Kasey.

Kasey: *Bows* With pleasure Elliot.

Kikki: Well, I hope whatever comes in our way we face it together.

Everyone: *Cheered*

프렌즈 can help one another depending if they want help. For Kasey however, it is a whole diffrent turn because he will look up to his 프렌즈 no matter what consenquences lie ahead.

While things appear happily, Sardon and Tarb are not too happy- with their plan failing.

Tarb: *Wines* How can this happend Sardon??

Sardon: It happend because Kasey was there to see us. We got caught.

Tarb: Blast it! I am getting fed up with that guy! I say we should get rid of him only and worry about those girls later.

Sardon: We can't just fight "one" person Tarb. The girls are going to be watching over him and they will fight us before we even have a plan. We just need someting else...

Just then, a not so perfect fimilar voice was heard.

Dren: Did somebody say, "We need something else"? *Floats down slowly*

Sardon: Dren! How did Deep Blue let 당신 go?

Dren: Simple really: Deep Blue and I have been talking a bit and we both have decided that it is time to take a new approach on our Predactyes.

Tarb: What are 당신 implying? That 당신 two have found a new type of Predacyte that is stronger than the ones we have? You're out of your mind Dren!

Dren: Don't beleive me? *Shows them one of them* Take a look at this for yourselves.

Tarb & Sardon: *Admired 의해 the new Predacyte*

Sardon: What excatly is this type of Predacyte?

Dren: Well...


With this as a stop, we are all wondering what devious plan the Cyniclons hold. Until the 다음 episode, find out.
added by kittykazami
added by mewmewblueberry
added by mewmewcloey
added by princessAries
added by princessAries
added by AnimeFan66
Episode 3 is here! :D Hope 당신 guys enjoy it.
mew mew power
added by SymmetricLuka83
added by AnimeFan66
added by drenmylove
added by kittykazami
added by tslol99
added by mewmewblueberry
added by tslol99
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 3


Zoe: *In the waiting room*

Mimi: *Asleep*

Nurse: *Walks in* Zoe, Mimi, 당신 can see Kota now.

*Kota's Room*

Zoe: *Rushes in* Kota! *tries to hug him*

Kota: 저기요 Zoe.

Zoe: Kota...what happened?

Kota: Both of my legs are broken and my head is spinning like crazy.

Elliot: Kota also has a bad concussion. It'll be a little while before he can 옮기기 his legs.

Zoe: And what about the guy who did this to him?

Kota: *Looks at Zoe* That was Kamen Rider Baron. He's one of the Armored Riders.

Zoe: And what about the other guy?

Kota: That was Kamen Rider Kurokage.

Zoe: Kota...what should we do?

continue reading...
added by mewmewpower1
Source: ilove
added by mewmewblueberry
added by tslol99
added by tslol99
added by AnimeFan66
Mew Mew Power- Episode 1. I also count that this is the first episode/video uploaded to this spot. I hope 당신 enjoy it. :)
mew mew power