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First off, it was at an unfamiliar school. I saw it through a narrator's point of view, and it was my character walking through the hallway clutching 책 to her chest. A few girls saw her as she passed and began to talk about her. One of the girl's brought up that she believed my character "lived alone", and the other admitted she had seen her only once at the grocery store with a man who she thought was her father. My character then entered the classroom with a bunch of other students that followed soon after, and she sat at the 책상, 데스크 directly in the middle of the room. The teacher cracked...
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posted by Lolly4me2
Currently, I have been obsessing over this movie. There are no words, in my opinion, to express the pure beauty of this film. Miyazaki never fails to dazzle and enlighten me with his creations, and this movie 의해 far is my 가장 좋아하는 of all his works.

The story is about Satsuki and Mei Kusakabe, two young sisters moving into the town of Matsugo, a place close enough to their mother who is sickly and staying at the hospital 4 hours away. Mei meets a magical forest spirit named Totoro and tells Satsuki and her father, but at first her sister doesn't believe her. After they both encounter Totoro,...
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added by CUTEDXC
Haha, loved it. :D
added by Lolly4me2
Source: madeleine-elizabeth on deviantart
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Hayao Miyazaki
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Characters 의해 Rumiko Takahashi
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Unknown
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso
added by Lolly4me2
added by Lolly4me2
Source: (character 의해 Rumiko Takahashi)
:DD Awesome song~~ I 사랑 Jeffree Star! >o<
jeffree 별, 스타
get away with murder
의해 no means a bit character in the 망가 series, Miss Hinako is one of the coolest characters in Ranma 1/2... with one of the most unique powers imaginable. It's a shame she wasn't featured in the 아니메 더 많이 often.
added by Lolly4me2
Source: Yana Toboso
This is the written portion of my How-To speech. Keep in mind I wrote this in less than 40 분 xD Ugh. I wanted it over with. Anyway, enjoy. (This guide is based off of 포켓몬스터 Emerald)


"Sometimes, you're out strolling in a park, 또는 perhaps you're just out on the country road to gather your thoughts. Suddenly, a wild 포켓몬스터 appears! 당신 reach toward your 벨트 in a frenzy. To your misfortune, only one Pokéball remains, and you're left thinking "How on earth am I going to catch this beast?"

When attempting to capture a Pokémon, the first step that should always be taken is to weaken...
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added by Lolly4me2
Source: tumblr
The following Friday seemed like a 일 as any other. However, I walked to school smiling. I don't like school, and I never smiled, but last night made me think about something very important.
If I could only patch the quilt that is my and Ranma's friendship, his and Akane's would unravel.
Today, I felt as though that was a nasty thought, so I ignored it, even as I Akane and Ranma appeared when I turned the corner. I hid, poking my head about. Why am I this devious when it comes to him?

Akane had Ranma's 칼라 in her wicked grasp when she pulled Ranma closer. At first, I thought she would kiss...
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"Cheers, to pimping our children!" XD