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It's amazing to observe the transformation from Mousketeer Boy-Kid Entertainer to Mr. Know-it-All-of the Pop Scene.

Justin Timberlake's public scolding of Britney Spears "You know who 당신 are," was self-serving, hurtful, presumptuous and apparently less-than-helpful. If this narcissistic little man actually really knew 또는 ever cared about his ex-girlfriend, he wouldn't have dreamed of wagging his finger at a camera, ordering her to "stop drinking." If Justin the Wise cared about anyone at all aside from the man in the mirror, he would have avoided placing himself in the clearly irresistible position of attempting to make himself appear a concerned old friend, hell-bent on showing the world how excruciatingly "centered" he is. This man showed 더 많이 humanity when he was punked into thinking his 기타 and dog had been confiscated 의해 the government!

Justin, I have never been a 팬 of either 당신 또는 Britney, and neither have my kids, but I'm going to do 당신 a favor and not give 당신 a slobbering "Oh you're just so cuuute!" piece, but instead, 당신 get some truth, and it's gonna hurt ya, since 당신 no longer listen to your momma (or maybe 당신 do, and 당신 shouldn't--how old are 당신 now?). If Britney chooses to really harm herself in the future, 당신 just played a big part in that decision. 당신 must have a very short memory, 또는 else you've been in ensconced in some luxury cave in Bora Bora, I-Podded to deafness, getting pedicured and practicing “man faces” in the mirror, as 당신 appear to have missed the news about Anna Nicole.

Here’s the thing: Real people, who have real compassion, actual class as opposed to 엠티비 class, and viable brain cells, think twice most of the time before they are overcome 의해 the temptation to look uber cool, they hope, at a 인기 awards show publicly stomping on an ex while she’s already down with her face in the dirt. Oh, and make a note of this if 당신 can still write anything other than your autograph: The Public notices celebs who do those things, and, say it with me now: It re-mem-berrrrs.

That nasty, annoying Pubic. How dare it? First 당신 can’t go to the grocery store (yeah, like 당신 want to), 당신 get photographed walking down the 거리 (oh the outrage), and now your conceited behavior actually gets observed and criticized. What a world, what a world.
Justin Timberlake - live performance of 'Like I 사랑 You'
저스틴 팀버레이크
like i 사랑 당신
added by ec_dazzles