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added by 2468244
added by 2468244
added by r18
added by dhaval_rocks
Source: 디즈니 channel!!!!!!!!!
added by jessowey
Source: entertainment wallpapers.com
added by dhaval_rocks
Source: 디즈니 channel!!!!!!!!!
added by dhaval_rocks
Source: 디즈니 channel!!!!!!!!!
added by 2468244
added by r18
added by dhaval_rocks
Source: 디즈니 channel!!!!!!!!!
posted by 2468244
It's time for something
It's time for change
It's time to get things re-arranged, oh yeah
Summer heat
Has been getting to me
And last summer’s 사랑 is gone, gone, gone

I've been saving my 사랑 for a rainy day
And it's really coming down today

Then out of the blue 당신 came
You shine a little light on a cloudy day
Baby 당신 could make a broken 심장 go away
I'm not gonna lie this feeling inside I can't explain, ooh
I'm gonna blame it on the summer rain
Yeah, yeah
I'm gonna blame it on the summer rain

I'm blind to some things
Yeah blind as love
But I can see us living it up, oh yeah
When you're 다음 to me
The butterflies...
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added by dhaval_rocks
added by JB4everIloveJB
added by jbrosrock
added by jessowey
Source: entertainment wallpapers.com
added by jessowey
Source: entertainment wallpapers.com
there came a 일 when the songs that 당신 play are blasting trough the speakers in your car it comes in a flash and 당신 hear the crowd screaming out your name for the encore livin life life in the fast not that bad no one can complain who's to say that we won't keep it real hold on tight don't 당신 dare let go now's the time to let the whole world know 당신 can shine bright but still keep it real 당신 know you'll be on the road selling out the tickets to your show where you're from you're still the one 당신 were before 당신 left to go on tour livin life life in the fast lane not that bad no one can...
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added by dhaval_rocks
added by vera_love
added by 2468244