House MD 팬 Club
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added by huddyislove
Source: my BFF and my phone
added by Olivine
Source: me
added by Olivine
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: fanpop/me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by houseluva8
Source: houseluva8
added by houseluva8
Source: houseluva8
added by houseluva8
Source: houseluva8
added by mispulka
Source: my phone
Year 1: 1988-1989
blahblahblah a bunch of crap i cant remember blahblahblah

Year 2: 1989-1990
blah 더 많이 crap i cant remember but was told stories of how my mom left all us kids with my grandma and left for a 년 blahblahblah

Years 3-7: 1990-1995
reunited with my mom...briefy went to live with my dad where i was told i stuck a piece of bologna in a VCR(teehee)...and went through a good portion of elementray school in a little hickville place called Vinton, Iowa.

Years 8-9: 1995-1997
moved to a rather larger city (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)...where i would spend the remainder of my school years...was taken...
continue reading...
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
posted by huddyislove
Ok, so lets face it. This have gone out of control.
We have so many nicknames that we confuse all new 팬 that come on here!! :DDDDDDD
How many times have 당신 scratched your head when 당신 came up on unknown nickname? When I was a newbie here, I got that all the time! So lets make it all easier for our new 팬 and put all the nicknames here. (Well not all, that's not possible xDDD). SO I'm gonna start with 글쓰기 the ones I know and 당신 feel free to add 더 많이 in 코멘트 and I'll include them too :)))

Ali- x5mp1xp1nx22x
AP- ApplePie
B- blaukat
B- could also refer to Biathine,
BB- babybell, often...
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