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anyone excited for scream 5?
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Anyone Know this Horror 영화 name ?
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What was the last horror movie 당신 watched and did 당신 like it?
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Can someone tell me about the Babadook movie?
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Leatherface 2017 - Why did he start wearing faces?
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Do 당신 have any guilty pleasure movies?
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Any great horror to watch on 유튜브 only?
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? any 사진 of dusty springfield at Tudor House Weymouth in the 60's
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What is your 가장 좋아하는 film to watch on Halloween?
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What are your thoughts on the New Halloween?
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What 2018 movie are 당신 most looking 앞으로 to?
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If 당신 like horror movies, are there any that 당신 won't see?
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Tell me your 5 가장 좋아하는 horror franchises
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Do 당신 enjoy found footage films?
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What's your 가장 좋아하는 집 invasion movie?
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What do 당신 think is the most underrated Stephen King movie?
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Why are so many turned off 의해 the B-Horror genre?
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What do 당신 think about Insidious? I've watched the first two 영화 and was wondering if it's worth it to watch the thrid one too?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Am I the only one who thinks that zombies are incredibly overrated, especially compared to 뱀파이어 and 늑대인간 that hardly get anything within a couple years each?
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Anyone know of good horror 영화 WITHOUT POPOUTS?
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The movie SCREAM did really frightened you?
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Are draculas and 뱀파이어 the same?
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Is horror movie better 또는 a horror story? why
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Have u ever done prank with someone to to frightened them? How.
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The Human 지네, 지 네 is indeed the product of a seriously diseased mind. Who Agrees?
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What are some terrible low budget horror 영화 ?
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What 영화 are the covers on the main horror pages of 팬 Pop??
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Why do 당신 like horror movies?
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Most underrated horror films that you've seen.
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What is yalls 가장 좋아하는 Robert Englund movie? I know most of y'all would say Nightmare on Elm 거리 but is there any others that have a different opinion.
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What are some of your 가장 좋아하는 horror movies?
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What's your 가장 좋아하는 scary movie?
12 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
I have seen almost every good horror flick known to man... Nothing really scares me anymore!! I want something to make me scream, jump, and give me nightmares!! I am hoping someone has a few suggestions... ANYONE?
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Which killer doll movie is this?
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Is there any horror 영화 that disappointed you?
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Is there any horror movie...
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My 프렌즈 think I'm crazy, I used clips from a horror movie in my recent 음악 video.What do 당신 guys think, maybe I am a little "disturbed"?
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what's your 가장 좋아하는 horror movie of all time?
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Can anyone recommend a movie to me that will make me not want to sleep??? The type im meaning is stuff that jumps out and isnt predictable
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What do 당신 think about MAMA movie? It is scary?
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who do 당신 think would win in a fight?
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Have 당신 seen Mama yet?
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i havent watch a horro film in a long time does anyone have some suggestions? cuz im way bac
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Is it just me, 또는 does most of the best horror 영화 involve evil little girls 또는 scary ghost woman?
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just out of curiosity, is there anyone else who does not find "slasher" 영화 that scary, 또는 is it just me?
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Does anyone know what movie the pic 3 from the right is from on the banner?
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What is the movie used in this edited gif?
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What's your 가장 좋아하는 horror movie?
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I am looking for name of 옮기기 I watched last 년 it was about a guy who was in his 20s and realized he was turning into a zombie. I remember him hanging out with a buddy 또는 roomate while this was happening. There was a girl that he liked and I belive
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What is the MOST 인기 horror movie today?
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what are some good horror 영화 that r appropriate for a 13 년 old.
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Does anyone know what horror movie this symbol is from?
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Does anyone else think that Silent House was awful?
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What would 당신 rather be?
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Post pic of your favourite horror movie character.....
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Suggest a 제목 for my horror story......
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Good horror 영화 for party??
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Are 당신 terrified of horror 영화 after 당신 watch your VERY first one?
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Who is your 가장 좋아하는 killer?
Answer: Alessa she can control barbed wires and tear people...
Will anyone 가입하기 my club for The 선실, 캐빈 in the Woods?
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Do u think u can survive a horror movie
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What is your 가장 좋아하는 horror movie?
13 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Anyone else watch horror 영화 for Friday the 13th?
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Has anyone seen Insidious yet???
13 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
IS THIS VIDEO DISTURBING 또는 FUNNY TO YOU????? (if u say funny u need a straight jacket)
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HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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how many of yall seen the 옮기기 intruder
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Any horror movie suggestions...?
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What's the best horror movie?
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What is the name of this show from the Chiller channel??
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Whats so good about the human centipede?
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What is this picture from???
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Do 당신 like teen slashers? If u like, what's your favourite?
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Could 당신 do me a favor, and post the scariest picture 당신 can find?
12 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
I 사랑 werewolves, but there really aren't that many non-cheesy, truly frightening, werewolf movies. anyone know of any?
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what do 당신 think is the goriest 'saw' trap and why
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Whats your 가장 좋아하는 Stephen King movie 또는 mini-series?
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what's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
26 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Has anyone seen "The Header?"
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What horror movie do 당신 recomend?
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What's the bloodiest scary movie 당신 have ever watched?
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저기요 has any1 seen the women in black yet?
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I know this is a movie spot, but do 당신 also enjoy 읽기 horror?
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What is your 가장 좋아하는 sequel to a horror movie? Even better than the first?
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What do 당신 think was the best horror movie based off of a video game?
15 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do the remade's of the horror 영화 get boring
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Are the Psycho(1960 film) sequels whorth watching?
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Have 당신 always liked horror?
17 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What is your idea for a horror movie?
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is horror 영화 scary
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Have 당신 ever cried while watching a horror movie? Come on guys! Be honest!
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Sweeney Todd!!
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Did anyone see Grave Encounters?
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Who is your fav horror movie characther?????
21 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do 당신 ever need to take breaks from watching horror movies?
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OK...Freddie 또는 Michael?????
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put on a funny horror movie picture! props 4 winner!
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UGH!!!!!!! I am going to kill somebody- John Carpenter is too nice. Some indie director is now making ANOTHER remake of 할로윈 with a $500 dollar budget.
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I need some suggestions on horror movies, please.
9 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
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레지던트 이블
The Mummy 영화
A Nightmare on Elm 거리
Michael Myers
Horror 여배우
Horror legends
The 할로윈 영화
My Bloody Valentine 3D
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