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A/N: Yes, I know…I should know better than to start ANOTHER multi-chaptered Chuck/Blair story when I have three going and I haven’t updated any of them in over a week, 또는 at least two of the three, but I really WANTED TO WRITE A NEW ONE!!! And this idea has been spinning around in my head since 2x07 aired. Plus, I want to add SO MUCH to it, and I simply can’t suck it all up in a one-shot, I mean…honestly. Lol. So, I hope 당신 enjoy this and please PLEASE review!!!!
*The idea of this is that Blair tells Chuck she was jealous, after she spots him and Vanessa holding hands at the 봉고차, 반 der...
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E:Blair hurry up,or you'll be late for school!
B:Coming mother!she says as she runs down the staircase.
E:Blair what did I tell 당신 about runing down those stairs?
B:Sorry mother.
E:Come on we have to get 당신 to school
(In the Limo)
Beep! Beep! Beep!
E:Hello, yes this Eleanore Waldorf,okay I'll be the-
B:Mom guess wha-
E:Excuse me can 당신 please hold?-Blair I am on the phone-Yes hello I'm back.
B:Sorry mother she said as a single tear rolled down her face.
E:Ok yes,goodbye-Blair darling look we are here
B:Come on mother come in with me as she tuged her mothers hand
E:Blair stop 연기 like a baby,you know...
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posted by gossipgirlfan96
(At Central Park)

D:Miss.Blair,look at stockings your mama is going to be upset.
B:I'm sorry Dorota please don't tell her begged Blair as tears poured down her face.
D:How about I get ice-cream? Just sit on bench till I come back.

Blair looked around the park until she saw a figure coming towards her.

C:Hi there,why do 당신 look so sad?
B:I ruined my new stockings and Dorota said I can't talk to strangers.
C:Well I'm Chuck 베이스 he said as he flashed her his devilish smirk.
B:I'm Blair Waldorf now do 당신 mind leaving?!
C:Well ok, goodbye and as he got up to leave he felt her tug his arm.
B:Wait please...
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The whole concept of placing these two together has irked me since the idea was introduced. Call it the Joey and Rachel (Friends) 또는 George and Izzie (Grey's Anatomy) effect. Just like Blair said in the Hurt Locket, some couples only look good on paper. These are my 5 reasons why I don't think this couple is going to work. Please note, this is JUST MY OPINION.

5) Lack of story development
Yes, we all know about the fateful night at the wedding. The event that started the series. We all know about Nate's 사랑 for her, and Serena's wish to keep her friendship with Blair. The Serena/Blair/Nate...
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 The NJBC w/ Humphrey hidden in the corner;) reunite?!
The NJBC w/ Humphrey hidden in the corner;) reunite?!
Okay, so to start off I’m so nervous. This is MY VERY FIRST fic about, about ANYTHING really, and plus very first time publishing something of mine on the net. Oh god, haha I’m starting to regret it now. I can 100% guarantee 당신 I have ABSOLOUTLY NO experience in writing, so don’t expect AMAZING writing. So, please don’t be too harsh if 당신 don’t like it=P
Well, this fic is about The NJBC + Humphrey, haha I had to add him in this too=) But mainly about the one and only epic CB.<3

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A Million 사랑 Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Okay I said I'd post this on Thursday but I got busy revising my ICT work. God I hate revising! I can't wait until my GCSE's are over with! But then there's A-Levels *cry*. But anyway since I didn't I just read through it and was not happy with the ending so I changed it around a little and added another scene. Just to say thank 당신 to 당신 guys, I really appreciate 당신 taking time to read and leaving me comments, Thank 당신 and I'm so glad 당신 who left 코멘트 on chapter 1 liked it. I thought It was bit trashy but I guess not that bad right?! Anyway leave...
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posted by luvrgirl101
Standing on the balcony staring up at the night sky, he took comfort in the stars. They were so beautiful, yet so simple. The exact opposite of his life right now. For the first time in a very long time, Chuck 베이스 was scared, terrified even.

As his gaze moved to look at the lights of the city below him, he thought back to the 일 of Bart's funeral.

Blair had finally said those three words, she finally admitted she loved him, and she tried giving him comfort, the comfort and 사랑 he so desperately needed, and she wanted to be there for him. But he pushed her away, he wouldn't -- couldn't so those...
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A Million 사랑 Songs Later

A/N: Serenate 팬 your 일 has come. If 당신 were wondering if there was going to be any in this story then this is the chapter for it. But for Chuck and Blair 팬 I'm depriving 당신 of loads of Chuck and Blair scenes, there's only two. But this is mainly a recap and to give 당신 some answers. This is all about the past and I hope to fill 당신 in on some mysteries. So I hope it's okay and that 당신 enjoy it. Please comment. Thank 당신 xoxo

Chapter 16: Things that kept them apart

        The east coast was looking rather glum. Nothing...
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posted by melikhan
Season One: 2007-2008
Season 1 featured 18 episodes and began airing on September 19, 2007. However, due to the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike, only 13 episodes were produced from the planned 22, but once the strike ended, the network announced five 더 많이 episodes to be produced, and finally the season concluded on May 19, 2008. The season premiered with 3.5 million viewers,and ended with 3.00.Although the ratings were low the network renewed the show for 초 season due their aiming on male and female demographics on age 18-34.
In the beginning of the first season, the episodes focus...
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posted by KaterinoulaLove
Gossip Girl is an American teen drama 텔레비전 series based on the book series of the same name written 의해 Cecily von Ziegesar. The series was created 의해 Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, and premiered on The CW on September 19, 2007. On February 24, 2009 The CW renewed the show for a third season.Narrated 의해 the omniscient yet unseen blogger "Gossip Girl", voiced 의해 Kristin Bell, the series revolves around the lives of privileged teenagers attending an elite private school in New York City's Upper East Side. The series mostly follows the life of 'it girl' Serena 봉고차, 반 der Woodsen (Blake...
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posted by ranstell2703
How do 당신 feel about Chuck and Blair’s relationship?
– “I think they’re meant to be together; they’re just as bad as each other! It’s pretty self-destructive at times, but they thrive on it and whatever 당신 have to do to get your kicks…At the end of the 일 it comes down to living on the edge 또는 not living at all.”

What was it like 키싱 a boy during the last series?
– “Fine. there was no stubble as he was pretty clean-shaven. I’ve kissed women who’ve had 더 많이 stubble than that.”

If 당신 and Penn Badgley had an arm wrestle, who’d win?
– “Probably Penn because he’s...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 7

“I’m not going to dance with you.” Chuck protested.
She payed him no attention and dragged him across the dance floor anyways. Blair threw her arms around his neck, but he stood there stiffly in her embrace.
“Come on Chuck, 당신 have to move. What’s the matter? Are 당신 scared to dance with me?” She asked cheekily.
He glared at her, but knew that he would not deny her challenge. So he put his arms around her waist, while they swayed to the music.
Chuck was deep in thought. In the two weeks since Blair had come to France, he felt completely different....
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Ok so strangely enough i've had a few people asking me why i hate Chair so much, as to why i don't know because it seems incredibly obvious to me but ok i'll tell to a few of the many reasons why i hate fanpops near abusive couple that obnoxiously sits at the 상단, 맨 위로 of the gossip girl online fandom much to my dismay and contrary to the million reasons it shouldn't be. So here it goes; to be blunt i think personally that they began to grow tiresome after they got together, don't get me wrong i didn't hate them then, however i think it was when they 로스트 that spark they had, it was for me anyway,...
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posted by GossipLover
Just sitting here at 12:46 AM. Maybe 당신 would like to hear some juicy details of someone's lives? And don't say that I'm that obsessed with "Gossip Girl". That's a TV show. And I'll tell 당신 a real story. Promise. That's what I've seen with my own eyes! 당신 can read 또는 not, believe 또는 not. Sometimes it's so good to distract from your own problems.
L was a good girl(don't forget to remember word WAS).Good,perfect,kind,polite,sweet.That's what everybody see.But 당신 and me know that there are no perfect people. We all fake something. The 질문 is what. And what exactly is wrong with 엘 so she's...
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Okay so it’s been awhile since I've updated my Numb Novel but I think I’d take a break from that old story and bring 당신 a new one... this is set after Blair told Chuck it was over in "Gone with the Will" so enjoy...

Her words kept echoing in his head like a broken record "It's too late, Chuck. I stood 의해 당신 through all of this but I can't watch 당신 self-destruct any longer." He understands though. He actually thought it was funny because he knew that she would come back to him. She always did. But a little voice in the back of his head kept saying "This time it was different."...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
The Switch- Chapter One

A/N: This just might be a crazy idea but I’ve decided to run with it. Hope 당신 enjoy. :D

The old man had finally kicked it. Bart 베이스 had died and his son wasn’t the least bit upset. He had been expecting this for the last few years, not that they had been close 또는 anything like that. Actually Bart had despised everything that was Chuck Bass.
Chuck glanced at the prostitute that was in his bed. Were they supposed to spend the night? He had hired enough of them in his twenty eight years and he was going to kick this one out faster than 당신 could even think the word...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
x x x

Your face it haunts

My once pleasant dreams

--Evanescence My Immortal

x x x

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Blair Waldorf as I live and breathe," he announced, walking into Saks.

"I thought I smelled something sinister in the room," Blair replied, turning around to face her visitor. "What are 당신 doing here Chuck? Last I heard 당신 married some Californian whore and 당신 two had twins a 년 또는 so ago."

Chuck smirked at Blair while walking over to her. "Well, my dear," he started, "I'm here on what 당신 would call business. An opportunity came up and I flew across the country right away leaving...
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Thankyou for all the reviews! 당신 make my 일 and 당신 definitely inspire me to keep 글쓰기 and trying to update asap! I know I totally owe 당신 quicker 업데이트 after my little hiatus so I will try my best! Thanks for reviewing and continuing to read!

By my recent standards I'd say this was a pretty quick update.....things start to pick up a little bit here and im still struggling to find the time to write but im trying my best not to be too slow.

I know I said there would be around 6-10 더 많이 chapter but that was because I was going to do shorter chapters and quicker 업데이트 but I've decided...
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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: ana-12.

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl 또는 used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has 나비 for and what if it’s too late?

Here’s 다음 chapter and please review if you’re 읽기 I really want to know what 당신 think. And if 당신 have time read my oneshot “Missing Butterflies”.

“I forgot to say out loud
How beautiful 당신 really are to me,
I can't be without
You're my perfect little punching bag,
And I need you
I'm sorry.”
“Please don’t...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~Chapter 8

He was seething. “So that’s your big ploy to get me to come back to New York with you? To withhold sex from me?
Blair looked straight ahead. This wasn’t going how she planned, she had thought as soon as she said there would be no sex until he came back with her, that he would agree immediately. But Chuck could be just as stubborn as she was.
“I’m serious, Chuck. There will be no sex until 당신 decide to come back with me. I don’t want to see 당신 waste your life here anymore.”
“Get out.” He said in a low and venomous voice.
She looked at him...
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