글리 Club
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Pairing(s), Characters: Rachel/Puck, Rachel/Finn, Will, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina
Summary: Rachel finds herself slowly feeling for Puck again while in a relationship with Finn. Yeah, I know, fabulous summary... xD
Disclaimer: I do not own 글리 또는 any of the characters. I do have my own little Puck-bot hidden in my closet though...


"We weren't 프렌즈 before." The words stung at Rachel like jabs of a needle-- and being a terrible sewer, with quite a few ice white scars on her small fingers to prove it, Rachel knew what being picked with a needle felt like. Especially when it actually punctured flesh. That had been painful. This was ten times worse. She sat on the bleachers for a little while longer, too stunned for tears and too numb to do anything at all. In a way she was relieved to have it over and done with-- after all, he wasn't the one she was in 사랑 with. But she hadn't expect it to hurt so much. Not like this. Was this what a 심장 break felt like?

"Rachel?" Raaaachel? 당신 still in there?" Rachel snapped back to attention at the high decibel of Finn's voice and the abrupt snapping of his fingers in her face.

"Fiiiinn," she whined, pushing his hands from in front of her face. "You don't need to resolve to the rude event of snapping your far too long and slender and beautiful fingers in my face in the circumstance of my mind being elsewhere than the present. It's impertinent." At Finn's baffled expression she explained, "Bold, disrespectful. In short, 당신 were being a typical 16 year-old male." Finn's face dropped.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do?" he questioned.

"Tap me on the shoulder. 또는 use your imagination and do something springy and romantic like pecking me on the nose!" Finn raised one eyebrow, a 옮기기 that was clearly unfair in the current argument because it was the advance that made Rachel melt almost immediately. She did her best to ignore the gesture and chose to stare down his eyes instead. There was a pause.

"Seriously, Rache? 당신 want me to peck your nose?" Maybe it was just the way he said it, but the need to let loose a giggle overcame her, and soon she was rolling in his lap, letting loose the un-ladylike snorts of hysterics that many girls chose to refrain from using in front of their boyfriends. Rachel didn't, because number one, when 당신 have those sort of laughs, 당신 have no control over them whatsoever, and number two, she felt comfortable doing it in front of Finn. They had only been dating a little over three and half months (okay, she had been counting the days, one hundred and seven), but Rachel felt as comfortable with Finn as she did with a mic in her hand and a crowd to please at her feet. Finn convulsed with her, mostly because she was just too damn cute when she would chortle like this for 분 on end. A lot of times he had to remind her how to breath. Once, before he had learned that helpful tip, the girl had actually passed out from laughing so hard over a joke he told. He didn't even remember what the joke was, but it had made Rachel so overcome with not-so-silent howls of uncontrollable laughter she passed out right in front of Finn, leaving him to frantically call 911 and have her end up at the hospital for about two 분 while they informed him she had just fainted. He was smart enough to tell they were kind of pissed that they had been called for something so banal, and when he later told Rachel about it she said it was because she hadn't been pretty enough. If was was a supermodel, they would've happily taken her into their loving arms. This prompted much denying and displeasure from Finn who quickly assured her she was 더 많이 beautiful than all the Miss Californias' put together.

"You're sweet, Finn. Really sweet."

When she finished laughing this time, she proceeded to cuddling up into him as he told her about the Spanish 퀴즈 today-- he was pretty sure he had at least gotten a C.

"I spelled my name right. That's better than half the class, which is mostly cheerleaders anyway. At the last 농구 game they were supposed to be spelling out "Mckinely" and spelt out "my kinky" some word I don't know. It was pretty cool." Rachel giggled.

"I do wish I could've made it. I've never seen a 농구 match and think it would be most fascinating to try out. I'm sorry I had mono that week." she made a sad face up at him. He smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay. You'll be ready for our 다음 one, it's our 초 to last. If we win we'll be 2-16!" Rachel beamed up at him.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Even if that Celine lady asks 당신 to sing a duet with her at some award show?" Rachel grimaced.

"Will 당신 still 사랑 me if I say no?" Finn smirked and made a grab for one of the many plush 담홍색, 핑크 pillows on Rachel's bed.

"As long as I don't have to wear a tux when I ditch the team to come and support you!" With that he threw the 베개 onto Rachel's grinning face. She shrieked, pulling it off and grabbing another one, then hurriedly engaged in an all-out 베개 fight.


"Are 당신 sure about this Noah? I mean, choosing us over the team means 당신 might get a slushie in your face every day." Puck thought for a moment, already knowing his answer. He remembered the look on Rachel's face of astonishment as he handed her a 포도 slushie in the hallway. He thought of the feeling he got in his chest when Rachel had agreed to make out with him. The glowing mingled look of surprise and enchantment and delight on her face as he sang Sweet Caroline to her. Her easy understanding of him choosing football over Glee-- it all lead up to this. In the back of his mind there was the image of Quinn, egging him on, but at that precise moment in time there was no Quinn Fabray. 또는 Finn Hudson. Just him and Rachel Berry.

"Bring it."

"You know, Puck, if 당신 didn't sleep so much during school, I think even more girls would find 당신 repulsive." Puck shook himself a little at Kurt's comment.

"And how many is that? One?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but I'm willing to bet you're less desirable to the female population if 당신 don't drool in your dosing. 또는 snore."

"Since you've always been a part of that female pop, Kurt, I'll take your word for it." He propped his chin on one hand. "So what's so important 당신 had to interrupt my nap?" A look of mild disgust shown on Kurt's face as he answered,

"I was told Mr. Schuester wants to see you. And don't ask me why. I'm just a messenger."

"Good. The less I have to talk to you, the better." Kurt just sniffed indignantly.

"Good day, Puck." he said stiffly, apparently supposed to be intimidating but coming off annoyed.

"At ease, soldier." murmured Puck with a little salute.


Rachel nestled her head back on the towel in the sink as Finn cleaned the slushie out of her locks with gentle hands. It was like a daily routine: Finn washed it out of her hair, then Rachel would get it out of his, complete with a bonus head massage which she was so good at. When they finished, the pair slipped out of the locker room and maneuvered through the thinning halls the quickest way to their 다음 class, Spanish. Luckily the footballers weren't much brighter than the Cheerios and never switched up their schedule: Tina and Artie first thing in the morning, Finn and Rachel before third period, Kurt and Mercedes right after lunch, followed 의해 Santana and Brittany before sixth hour. Mike, Matt, and Puck were the lucky ones. The team caught them before eighth, which was study hall. They were never accused of lateness there and could spend as much 또는 as little time as they needed for their short but oh so precious hair (at least Mike and Puck did).

This morning Finn took Rachel's hand as his tall body caused others to quickly shrink away from the mass of leg and torso. Rachel couldn't help pitying them; Finn was anything but scary 또는 intimidating. He was much peaceful natured than that. Sometimes Rachel would rack her brain coming up with positive adjectives to describe her boyfriend, copy them down with their definitions then teach each new word to Finn the 다음 day. Temperate, docile, placid, genial, credulous (Rachel explained it to sound a little sweeter than it really was) to name a few. He quite enjoyed it. Not the learning part as much as hearing himself be complimented in such long, important words. Or, as Rachel would say, paramount words.

They managed to slip into Spanish, just in time for Mr. Schue's attendance. The two slipped into their third row seats hastily, Rachel casting a sideways look at Quinn. She was staring intently at her homework, as if she actually cared about it. Brittany sat 다음 to her, going on and on about some movie her Mike went to see last night. Quinn didn't appear to be taking any of it in.

After Spanish Rachel and Finn walked out of the classroom with a "See 당신 at Glee." to Mr. Schue on there way. Once out, Finn clasped her hand in his, and while subtly rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand they talked. About everything and nothing. He told her about his mom's new job as co-manager of the Target she worked at downtown that she had been working on for so long. Rachel informed him of a new Stones record she had gotten over eBay that he should come and take a listen to after school. They commented on Kurt's latest outfit. They even gossiped over Artie and Tina's budding couplism. Before either knew it they were at Rachel's fourth 시간 class, Biology. Before walking in, Rachel stood on the very tips of shoes to give Finn a goodbye kiss. They kept their faces close for a moment, foreheads touching then he gave her a quick peck on the nose, and grinned.

"See 당신 at lunch."

"Yeah. See you."


Puck knocked on Mr. Schue's door softly. A moment after he wondered why the hell he did that. He didn't use to knock. A couple of months 이전 he would've just barged in; no invite needed. Then he remembered when he did it once to Rachel at her house. Unluckily, it hadn't been in the middle of her undressing, but she had quickly taught him of the importance to knock. After that, he just sort of it subconsciously. Dammit.

"Yes, Puck?"

"Hey, Mr. Schue. Kurt sent me to talk to you?"

"Yep, yep, he did. Come on in." Puck stepped hesitantly into the room. He had never really been one-on-one with the 글리 club director before. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation yet. Puck didn't sit down but merely stood there awkwardly, his hands shoved into the 캥거루 pocket of his sweater.

Mr. Schue leaned against his desk, his arms folded. Finally he spoke, "How are 당신 doing, Puck?" Of all things, this had not been what Puck was expecting. Then, a feeling of realization crept over him. Of course. Since blabbermouth Mercedes had let slip about the true paternity of her baby a little over three months 이전 Puck hadn't been all himself. At first everything seemed fine. After Finn had his fair share of yelling insults at the 상단, 맨 위로 of his lungs, throwing a few punches, breaking up with Quinn and swearing to Puck he would never speak to him again, he and Quinn had decided to try and make things work. Not right away, but fairly soon after Sectionals he was the one buying her vitamins and calling her every night to check up on her. But things never flowed smoothly. They would 키스 and hold hands and do the couple-y thing, but it all seemed like they were both 읽기 from a script. Boyfriend breaks up with girl, girl gets together with real dad, daddy and mommy fall even 더 많이 madly in 사랑 and live happily ever after with their daughter. It's how everyone expected things to play out. They bore through it for about a 월 before Quinn confessed that things were not working. Those words had been a relief to him then, but now he longed to have her back again. Well, no, not Quinn in particular, any girl. Any girl that actually cared about him instead of some weekend prostitute in a motel room. So yeah, the last two and a half months had pretty much sucked. He didn't socialize with the other 글리 club members as he usually would have, and even kept to himself in basketball.

Not that he was some depressed loser with no life. He still had his 기타 and 글리 club, his pot and 맥주 and choice of women. But the one time that really kept him going was scarce but powerful-- Biology class. With her. Every 일 he would see Finn come and drop her off, always with the same 강아지 dog grin and goodbye kiss. Then she would walk, practically skip in, flushed with color and giddiness. She would greet him cheerfully, and he would acknowledge it with a small smile and a hey. That was only lately though. Up until two weeks 이전 she would barely look at him; let alone talk to him. The truth had hurt her as well. But slowly she seemed to be accepting him, 더 많이 and more. That's what got Puck through the day.

"Great. Awesome. Fantastic. Why?" Mr. Schue shrugged.

"Rachel seemed worried about you." Puck looked up from Mr. Schue's tie, which he had been choosing to stare at instead of his face.


"Rachel. She came up to me the other day, said she thought you've been really down. I can't help but agree with her," he started down Puck for a moment before adding, "This isn't still about Quinn, is it?" Puck felt his face reddening.

"No," he muttered. "Anything but her."

"What is it then, Puck? I want to help." He looked at the teacher's earnest face, wishing there was something the guy could do to help his wound heal.

"Unless 당신 can make the world's happiest, most 사랑 sick couple in the history of high school pairings suddenly hate each other and break up, I don't think there's anything 당신 can do for me." With that, Puck turned and strode towards the door. He turned before heading out. "Thanks for trying though, Mr. Schue. It's 더 많이 than anyone else has done."


The 다음 일 in biology Rachel sat down at her and Puck's lab 표, 테이블 with an immense grin on her face and a spring in her step.

"You never were this cheerful when I was with you." Puck told her as she pulled out the necessary books. She paused.

"Meaning?" He looked at her with a duh expression.

"Meaning 당신 were never this cheerful when I was with you." Rachel blushed.

"I meant, meaning in what sense? Good? Bad?" Puck shrugged. Honestly, he knew deep down that he wanted her to be happy with him. He wished he was the one she sat 다음 to in Glee, who she smiled at at the mere thought of, who helped her wash her hair after a slushie. But he didn't want to admit it. God, he was such a girl. "Well, Noah, I would choose to refrain from making some pointless and meaningless 코멘트 in the future then, if 당신 have such a hard time expressing your reasons behind them."

"Dummy." he said under his breath.

"Excuse me?"

"You used pointless and meaningless in the same sentence. 당신 would use to say such use of the English language is a disgrace. Dating that lunkhead has obviously softened your brain." Rachel stiffened.

"And you're so much smarter?"

"Damn straight." he replied.

"We'll see today I suppose. Our pop 퀴즈 from last week are being returned." The last sentence was added with a edgy nervousness in her tone.

"Hey," said Puck, his voice suddenly a lot becoming. "I'm sure 당신 did great. You've never gotten lower than a B, and I promise, if 당신 do get lower this time, I won't allow 당신 to commit hara-kiri on the 상단, 맨 위로 of Andrew Lloyd Webber's house." He gave one of his little charming half smiles. Rachel stared at him in stunned silence for a moment.

"You remember that?"

"Of course. 당신 were telling me when 당신 showed me a math test 당신 got a B on. I told 당신 then, and I'm telling 당신 now, I won't allow it. We're good Jews, 'member?" Rachel smiled at him, a little surprised.

"Right." At that moment Mr. Henderon started his usual before-handing-out-quizzes-slash-tests lecture on the diversity of the class's scores. Puck got his back first-- eighty-seven. Wow. A record for Biology; he was pretty sure. When Rachel got hers he respectively kept his eyes off it until she tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out the large red circled number: Ninety-four. He gave her knuckles and she happily returned them.


This certainly was an unforeseen anomaly that Rachel never would've expected. She had decided grudges could only be held for so long, and no 더 많이 than two weeks 이전 she had started to let go of the one against Noah. Truthfully the grudge had faded a while ago, but she was stubborn. Now, though, so quickly, he seemed to be changing before her very eyes. He was sweet. When she had dated him months ago, she thought she had seen a glimpse of a really great guy inside of Noah. Was he really coming out now? And why now? When things were going so good with Finn? It was cruel.

Waaaaaait. Baaaaack up a second. She wasn't actually falling for Noah Puckerman was she? No. No way. That would be pure insanity. Just because he was becoming a 더 많이 courteous guy didn't mean she was joining his groupies. Although they had been deteriorating over the past two months. Since he had ended things with Quinn she saw him with less and less girls. No girls, in fact. He was alone a lot of the times she spotted him. Which was why she had suggested to Mr. Schuester that he try to coax Noah out of his lonely state and back into the world of the sociable. Which would be...

Oh. If this was a cartoon, Rachel knew a light bulb would be burning above her head, with electricity so strong it was pulsing. Thank God for her magnificent brain. She sprang from her 십자가, 크로스 legged position on her 침대 to the phone, where she quickly dialed Mercedes number. She answered almost immediately.

"Ms. Jones."

"Hi, Mercedes, it's Rachel. Rachel Berry."

"I don't have short term memory loss 당신 idiot. I only know one Rachel."

"Yeah, okay. Listen, I have this fantastic for the 글리 club this long weekend..."


"Everybody's on board and psyched like mad. This was awesome Rachel. If I ever start hating you, remind me of this. I promise the 다음 초 I'll be groveling at your feet."

"No thanks. Groveling is left for the homeless. Do give in to any need 당신 feel about worshiping me though."

"I would usually say fat chance. But now..." Mercedes grinned. "You're the man, Rachel."

"Yeah," piped up Tina. "You are. 당신 know, if 당신 were."

"Were what?"

"A man."

"You just said I was."

"No, I said 당신 were the man. Complete difference."

"Got ya." said Rachel, although she really didn't get it at all.

"What about Puck?" Mercedes inquired. "You said 당신 were gonna ask him about it personally."

"Yeah, I was. Today in Biology."

"He's gonna be on right away-- stripper clubs and booze beyond belief; it's his own personal heaven." Mercedes said.

Rachel pulled up her socks as high as they would go while she stuffed her gym clothes into he locker. She hated when they slouched.

"What about Finn?" she asked casually.

"Oh, of course he's going. I think he's really excited to use a bubble machine," Mercedes added with a laugh. "I adore that guy."

"Mr. Schue's not let in on it, right?" asked Tina.

"Course not," Mercedes answered with a wave of her hand. "He'd freak. Besides, it's only the parents we have to worry about. Your uncle Fitch is the perfect set-up, as long as no one drives up there to check on us 또는 something..." Rachel quite agreed. It was an excellent plan. Rachel's uncle Fitch, the rebellious and drunken brother of Daddy had already promised Rachel that the story of them staying at his lakeside 선실, 캐빈 was set. All parents had called him, luckily while he was sober, and each one was left satisfied. While really, when the adults thought of their innocent children fishing and swimming and sitting around a camp 불, 화재 roasting hot 개 and 노래 songs, they would be in New York City, staying at a cheap hotel for the four-day weekend. Their money was pooled, drivers were set, and after a little digging Mercedes had discovered the best clubs for them to attend during their stay. Rachel was already packed, and all she and the rest of the club had to do was wait anxiously until the 다음 morning, when they would group at Finn's house then, set off on their road trip.
posted by fetchgirl2366
Blaine (walking down the McKinley High hallway with the school paper): Kurt!
(Kurt is looking at himself in the mirror hung in his locker door. He turns and sees Blaine in front of him.)
Kurt: Blaine. How nice to see 당신 again.
Blaine: Today's 투표 are in. It seems to be that your ahead of Brittany and Rachel. You're a shoe-in to win this thing.
Kurt (smiling cleverly): Well, this calls for a celebration. I say we meet at the Lima 콩 afterschool for 더 많이 campaign strategies.
Blaine (nodding): Fair enough.
Kurt: Say, can I ask 당신 a question?
Blaine: Anything.
Kurt: Do 당신 ever keep in contact with...
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After A SERIES OF HEADLINES ABOUTGLEE’S FUTURE that didn’t exactly endear him to fans, a very humble Ryan Murphy on Thursday demonstrated that he can still deliver 더 많이 than a few surprises — and lots of big entertainment value — on his Emmy-nominated series.

Murphy screened the first episode of season three for reporters that had him talking about feeling revitalized and passionate for the new season. But first, a spoiler alert! If 당신 don’t want to read about what happens in the Sept. 20 episode and beyond, stop 읽기 now.

Here goes: The premiere episode 다음 week features a terrific...
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this is the 상단, 맨 위로 5 momments for each 글리 volume. that is pilot-sectionals season 1 hello-journey season 1. then auditions-christmas season 2. then superowl to new york season 2.

1.artie and tina's first date.
2.the patriotic wedgie scene.
3.puck and finn fight in sectionals.
4. the first three musical numbers in the pilot from rachels evil behavior towards artie to the reactions to vocal adreniline it is priceless.
5. artie being saved 의해 inn andd hissing at the footbal players.
상단, 맨 위로 5 musical numbers in that volume
1.proud mary
3.somebody to love
4.you can't always get what...
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posted by Keff123
 Cosmos march edition- the cover I just discussed !
Cosmos march edition- the cover I just discussed !
Parents are FREAKING OUT over Lea Micheles picture on the front cover of marches issue of Cosmopolitan . Parents say the character Rachel Berry is a role model to young teens and shouldn't act in such a rauchey manner. Also, one mother claims her son was 'confused and offended'. Yes, she looks extremley sexy in this shot (its my 바탕화면 :P) (see left) and her dress shows alot of cleveage AND she's surrounded 의해 words such as 'Get Naked' and 'Sex'.. but should she dress like Rachel outside the studio?

Imagine this: She had to wear tartan skirts to the premiere etc. That's a bit harsh.

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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Words can't even explain how happy I am right now!!! They are AMAZING together!! Finn and Santana obvoiusly have tiny feelings for each other!!! Did 당신 see how UPSET Santana was when she saw Finn and Rachel's little smile at each other as Kurt's father and Finn's mother were saying their speech? <3 :D Santana was soo upset...all I know/think is that she REALLY wants to be with him. And the cute little moment how Santana put on Finn's tie? <3 That lead to an arguement, but their little argument was veryy cute!! :D Also there WAS a moment how Finn chuckled at Santana and...
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 Favourite Character: Sue Sylvester, for sure!
Favourite Character: Sue Sylvester, for sure!
1. Congratulations for being 'Miss June' on the 글리 spot, How did it feel when 당신 realised 당신 had won?

Thank you, Kate! Well, honestly, I was pretty shocked at first, in a positive way of course. The thing is, I didn`t see that one coming like at all... I really want to thank all of these Gleeks who voted for me. I feel so honoured, 당신 guys! :)

2. What would 당신 say 당신 most enjoy about the 글리 spot?

I think the most enjoyable thing about the 글리 spot are 팬 in general. They make this spot, right? And I don`t even think of them as about the contributors. I met really awesome folks in here....
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It was senior year, 초 일 back, and the 글리 club was already rehearsing for invitationals.
Rachel was in the front (as always) her sandals making loud clacking noises as she impatiently tapped them on the tiled floor. Finn sat beside her, an arm draped loosely over her shoulders. He leaned in to whisper something in her ear and she giggled, her impatient tapping yielding for a 초 as she gave him a smile. Mercedes sat beside the couple, her hands tapping noisily on the keyboard of her cell phone. She gave Rachel a glare when the girl started giggling and scooted closer to Kurt. Kurt...
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You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be 의해 your side, 당신 know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause 당신 know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause 당신 know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing 당신 could say
Nothing 당신 could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause 당신 know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish 당신 were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors...
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This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

It's my life
It's now 또는 never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life

These are my confessions
And just when I thought I said all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way
These are my confessions
If I'm gonna tell it then I gotta tell it all
I damn near cried when I got that phone call
I'm so throwed, I don't know what to do
But to give part 2 of my

Better stand strong when they're calling 당신 out
Don't bend, don't break, baby don't back down

These are my confessions
It's now 또는 never
I ain't gonna live forever
These are my confessions
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life
Just when I thought I said all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way
These are my confessions
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life
Tampa 만, 베이 Online has 게시됨 an interesting 기사 on Adam Anders, Glee’s 음악 producer, all about his rearing in Tampa, his past works, and his arrangements on the show! Check it out below.

TAMPA – “Glee” 음악 producer Adam Anders says working on the 여우 Broadcasting hit is like putting together a stage production of “Grease” — in a week.
For each episode, he has just over a week to whip six to eight songs into shape for the comical musical drama, which follows the lives and loves of 글리 club geeks and their teachers at fictional McKinley High.
“It’s intense but so rewarding...
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 so many 팬 are active on the spot so obviously lots of people deserve it
so many fans are active on the spot so obviously lots of people deserve it
1. First off, a major congrats on winning the 초 FOTM! What was your reaction when 당신 found out?
Thank 당신 Cat =D Truthfully I was shocked + happy; shocked because with the Gleeks 당신 never know who they are going to pick, and so many 팬 are active on the spot so obviously lots of people deserve it… and happy cause I won? lol

2. What did 당신 first think of 글리 when 당신 watched it?
Funny story that is I missed every single episode up to preggers I think? In aussie its on every Thursday night and me and my friend are like we have to watch it, but than we kept forgetting and missed the...
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Pairing(s), Characters: Rachel/Puck, 글리 club
Summary: Rachel finds herself slowly feeling for Puck again while in a relationship with Finn. Yeah, I know, fabulous summary... xD
Disclaimer: I do not own 글리 또는 any of the characters. I do have my own little Puck-bot hidden in my closet though...


The whole car ride, Rachel couldn't help but feel that Noah was anxious about something. He fiddled with his tie a lot, twisting it around his finger; his finger never stopped tapping his thigh. She questioned him about it a few times, and he always responded with "Fine; I'm fine." She put in his...
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 This was the image from the 기사 (sorry for the quality I had to take the picture with my camera :])
This was the image from the article (sorry for the quality I had to take the picture with my camera :])
Peoples sexiest men issue featured Mark Salling, Corey Montieth and Mattew Morrison.

Their 기사 featured 답변 about their trips to Vegas.

Corey Montieth (Finn): age:27, status:single
Greatest Vegas moment:
I met David Hasselhoff. He probably has no recollection of it, but it happened. I swear!
Perfect Weekend
Bring a girl, see a show, have a beautiful dinner! Always avoid the Vegas hookup.
What do 당신 사랑 to do here?
People-watch. Its amusing.

Mattew Morrison(Mr. Schu): age:31, status:single
Favorite Haunt
I 사랑 going to Ceasers Palace and spending half a 일 in the spa they have a snow room with...
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added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by daydreamer505
added by xxx_brit_xxx