Eternal Midnight Club
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posted by VAMPirella1997
This part contains lemons.


End of Part 183:

Jemima’s POV:

“You,” he rasped, “you killed Mary. It was you.”

I smiled. “Such is my life.”

I stepped closer to him, kneeling down on the ground. It was wet from rain; tiny puddles were clustered between the cobbles, soaking through my jeans. I didn’t feel the cold of it. I reached out and took Steve’s hand; even though he must have been freezing, it felt warm. The pulse beat against my palm, racing with fear. It 빙어, 빙 어 good.

“Thank you, 의해 the way,” I told him. “Thank 당신 for arguing me out of the flat. 당신 lead me to my life.”

And then, before he could take another breath, I snapped his neck, killing him. Then I drank him dry, his blood flowing down my throat like warm wine. I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was like an electric current, zapping through my veins. I looked up at Ivan, the carcass falling from my hands.

“Well done,” he said, pulling up so I was standing with him. He was a head taller than me; he had to bend down to lick the fresh blood from around my mouth. I wound my arms around his neck, pulling myself up higher as he kissed me. He pulled my legs around his waist as my fingers played with his short black hair.

I kissed like I’d never kissed before. My first ever 키스 hadn’t shown any signs that this sort of thing was possible; it had been wet, awkward and a disappointment. This, however, was none of those three things. This was new and exciting and intoxicating. This made my breathing race though I didn’t need to breathe; this was like nothing in the world.

I’d gone from a low, to the ultimate high. Such is my life.
Part 185:

Jemima’s POV:

One 일 later…

I still couldn’t believe my luck. How could this be happening? How could I, Jemima Jenkins, the girl who crushed on her cousin for 5 years, be here? In a castle. With the most amazing guy ever.

The romance of it should’ve made me feel sick. I hate things like this. 사랑 stories where it’s love-at-first-sight and all that mushy crap. Besides, I wasn’t in a fairytale with ‘My Prince Charming’; I was in a horror movie with him, where we were the monsters and that was going to be so much 더 많이 fun!

I kicked the wooden front doors open with my cowboy boot. Dust fell down and I could see every single speck of it. There were no lights on in the long, stone hallway, and I couldn’t be bothered to light any of the candles. I didn’t need them, anyway. I ran headlong into a set of doors at the end of the hallway, sending them ricocheting back off the dirty stone walls, but they didn’t break.

“That’s good craftsmanship for you.”

Ivan’s voice came from behind me, in the doorway. I spun around the see him. He was leaning against the nearby wooden fireplace. Casually, he knocked a rather expensive looking pot to the floor. It cracked but didn’t smash, so I kicked it until it did.

We both laughed. Then I darted over to one of the armchairs in the centre of the room. The two armchairs and the one 3-seater sofa were the only pieces of furniture in the room. They were stood on a threadbare rug, and had curling wooden legs. They looked like they had been good quality, at some point, before the years of people throwing their huge arses down on them had worn them down.

I jumped onto the armchair, tossing my legs carelessly over the padded wooden arm.

“I could get used to this,” I said, laughing.

Suddenly Ivan was there, his face inches from mine, his sharp red eyes glowing in the semi-darkness.

“Can I trust you, Jemima?” he hissed.

I placed my palm against his face. “Of course,” I whispered. Then I bared my teeth and lunged for his neck.

He laughed, wrestling me away and onto the floor. I clung to his neck, feeling the shape of the muscles beneath his granite skin. He brought his mouth down to mine, his hands holding me against the floor. I could felt he threads of it against my back, through my t-shirt, and then against my bare skin when he ripped my 상단, 맨 위로 away.

If this is what I get forever, I thought, then I shall never be opposed to happy ever after again.
posted by VAMPirella1997
Carlisle's POV:

"What are we going to do?" Edward asked for about the hundredth time since we'd discovered that something was wrong with Bella.

Edward sounded defeated, but desperate at the same time. He looked down at the floor, leaning back against the wall.

"I don't know, Edward," I told him. That had been my answer for everytime he had asked me what we were going to do; I wished I could help him.

Just then, Jasper and Alice returned from hunting. Jasper came straight over to us, but Alice headed over to Bella.

I watched Alice and Bella for a moment, wondering if Alice would "remember Renesmee",...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Alice's POV:

We hadn't been out long when I caught the scent of a herd of deer. Jasper 빙어, 빙 어 it at the same time I did, inhaling deeply.

"I'll race you!" I called back to him as I ran off into the trees in the direction of the deer. I heard Jasper laughing behind me as he raced to catch up with me. Soon he was beside me.

"Why don't 당신 just tell me who wins?" he suggested.

I laughed. "But that would ruin the fun!"

And I sped up, leaving him behind me. He caught up quickly, and we were right beside each other as we closed the distance between us and our helpless prey - the deer.

We stopped laughing...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 65:

Bella's POV:

I looked up as Edward came over and sat beside me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey," I replied. I decided not to bring up the arguement last night. He seemed to have forgotten it... my thoughts trailed off in horror as I realized what that probably meant.

Edward had forgotten Nessie. Everyone had. Except me.

Part 69:

Bella's POV:

I zoned out, hoping I was wrong, hoping, praying, that he just didn't want to discuss our arguement and my accusation, wishing that he hadn't forgotten. But I knew that he had forgotten, and that I was probably scaring him now.

So I struggled back...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 67:

Edward's POV:

"Bella?" I shook her gently, but she didn't move. I panicked.

I was just about to shout for Carlisle, when he appeared behind me.

"What did 당신 say to her?" he murmured, calm as ever.

I turned to him, frantic. "Nothing!"

"Okay..." He frowned, mystified, and walked around me. He waved his hand in front of her face, peering into her eyes. He frowned again.

"What's happened to her!?" I demanded.

Carlisle looked back up at me. "I don't know, Edward."

Part 68:

Edward's POV:

Just then Bella blinked quickly a few times, her eyes focusing again. She shook her head slowly,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 65:

Bella's POV:

I twisted round to look at his face. He looked like something was burning him, like he was about to cry. I reached up and pressed my plam against his face.

"Sorry." I murmured.

He didn't accept my apology, and I wasn't suprised. "Don't be." His voice was full of pain, and it made me wince. "Because you're right. I am going to forget her. It's set in stone." Then he got to his feet and walked away.

I watched him, slumped back against the wall. I'd just hurt him worse than I ever had before. I was a monster. I started sobbing, and didn't stop, even as 일 turned to...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Bella's POV:

We left the 다음 morning. We would have gone the night before, but Jacob and Seth needed to sleep. They woke early the 다음 morning, around five am, and we set off soon after.

I glanced casually back over my shoulder as we left through the hole in the front of the cave. My gaze fell on Alice; she looked worried, as though she thought something bad was about to happen. I gulped. Had she had a vision?

I brushed off the fears as I brushed off the long, overhanging leaves falling on me as I stepped outside. Some sunlight filtered through the trees, falling on Edward's face. I gazed...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 60:

Renesmee's POV:

He smirked. "You probably want to know why I'm doing this."

I didn't respond, though I did want to know.

Ivan carried on, anyway. "When I was human, the girls were drawn to me like moths to a lughtbulb. But then I became a vampire, and no-one wanted to know. I became bitter, taking away 뱀파이어 that had fallen in love; killing any family they had except for their mate. I wanted to cause their mates pain.
I had always been interested in science, and began making my Frankenstien's monster. But Mariella got away. Eventually, I came after her.
Then I saw you."

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posted by VAMPirella1997
okaii, i'm determined i will post this today, no matter if its rubbish! iv got writers blok, & i havnt written for days... but i will today. here goes...

Alice's POV:

We watched as Edward, Bella, Jacob and Seth left the cave. Everyone was hopefull today, except me. I had a strange feeling of forboding, like something bad was coming soon. Something really bad. Something that would change our lives forever... It was annoying, actually. Like I was having a vision without seeing, just knowing... it scared me.

I didn't tell anyone, but I knew Jasper sensed my worry. He didn't ask about it -...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Bella's POV:

I sat with my back against the wall, bashing my head against the stone. I was frustrated - frustrated that no-one had thought up a decent plan, frustrated with myself for being frustrated that there was no plan.

Edward sat down beside me, pulling me away from the 벽 and against his chest. "Stop that." he murmured, stroking my hair.

I closed my eyes, sighing. I was relaxed, but annoyed at the same time. The annoyance kept my body rigid. I decided to be annoyed, to get it out of my system. Then I would be free to relax.

"Are we ever going to find Nessie?" As I said these words,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Omigod! part 60! i can't belive it! =]

End of Part 59

Renesmee's POV

"Don't touch him." I growled, opening my eyes and getting to my feet.

I walked right up to Ivan, pointing my finger at his face. "You stay away from Jacob, do 당신 understand!? 당신 stay away from all my family!"

Despite the fact that I was a good couple of feet shorter than him, my sudden fury made me brave.

Ivan smirked. "Of course not. At least, not while it would offend you."

"That's never, then," I informed him, stepping back and folding my arms. I continued to glare up at him.

He smirked again. "If my experiment goes to...
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Renesmee's POV:

There was a jolt everytime the creature put it's foot down, walking forward. I gazed down at the huge footprints, my eyes wide with terror, as the monster continued to carry me.

We were entering the forest now - a part I had never seen. We were headed in the opposite direction to the huts, the trees getting thicker as we moved further in. Where were they taking me? I thought, panicked.

Even if anyone had heard my scream - which I highly doubted - there was no chance of them finding me through here.

I would never see my family again. The last time I had seen them they were stressed,...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Renesmee's POV:

The creature continued through the forest, in the opposite direction to the huts. Where were they taking me?

I struggled, trying to see where I was. It was a sensless impulse. Knowing where I was wasn't going to save me from my fate. And I was certain, now, that the end was coming. I could feel it. I knew that I wasn't going to be breathing for much longer. They had some horrendous fate planned for me, I was certain of it.

My twisting and wriggling had been useless. I couldn't loosen the monster's grip to turn around. I resigned to seeing the back veiw, trying to work out my...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Nessie's mad... and those pixies are tiny... but is it really that simple...?

End of Part 55:

Renesmee's POV:

"Nessie, maybe 당신 might be able to get over Jacob and 당신 family if 당신 get out of here." She told me.

I didn't move, and I heard her sigh. Then both her hands were round mine, and she was dragging me along. I stumbled, righting myself and walking forward.

She stopped tugging, and I walked 앞으로 robotically. I hadn't moved for too long; my limbs were stiff.

I tripped on the ladder, sliding down on my backside and landing on the damp 잔디 with a soft thump.

"Ow." I mumbled after...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
"What do 당신 know about Renesmee?" I heard Edward growl.

We all looked up. I felt hope again. Maybe we would find Nessie, after all.

I frowed, looking at the creatures hovering in the entrance to the cave. They were tiny, easy to stamp on if they got annoying.

They're fairies! Leah thought in disgust. No way can they help us save Nessie if some evil monster has her.

Better than nothing. Seth dissagreed lightly.

I guess. Leah conceded.

Yup, I agreed, hopeful.

One of the fairies, who was ginger, turned to Edward. "Not a chance." She said to him "You're not getting inside our minds."

Edward ground...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 55:

Renesmee's POV:

I felt like a giant hole had been punched through my chest.

I didn't succeed in getting up, and slumped back down, closing my eyes.

I couldn't push Jacob's words from my mind. I don't want 당신 anymore.

I fell asleep again, and had the same dream. Except instead of Jacob, it was my mom. She said and did the same things, and I woke again, still crying.

I didn't go back to sleep again, just fell into an unthinking stupor, numbness shrouding my brain.

Part 56:

Renesmee's POV:

I 로스트 track of time, barely aware as the sun set on the painfull day, the moon rising for...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Renesmee's POV:

I fell asleep on the floor, just after midnight. The tears were still streaming at an incredible rate from my eyes; the floor around me was soaked.

Lily had left me just before I fell asleep, fluttering out the door in silence.

I didn't sleep peacfully. I dreamt that I was with Jacob. The where and when weren't important. I was hugging him, and he was hugging me back. His arms were warm. I knew this couldn't really be happening, and it never would again in real-life, but I couldn't remember why.

Then Jacob pushed me away.

"I don't want 당신 anymore, Nessie." He said, simply....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Renesmee's POV:

I stayed up late, sitting on the couch. I was alert, listening for every sound, and jumping up and peering out the window at every rustle of leaves 또는 snap of a twig.

I eventually fell asleep after midnight, fully clothed on the couch. I thought I was still awake, the dream I had was so real...

It was midday, in the clearing where all the huts were. Jacob - in human form - was crossing the clearing toward me, the rest of my family around him.

I ran to them, but before I reached them, before I was 안전한, 안전 in their arms, they stopped. Lily was standing in front of them. She whispered...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Mariella's POV:

We all set off into the forest with renewed hope thanks to Jasper's plan. It was so simple, and yet it was practically foolproof.

Cassandra came over to me, an apologetic smile on her lips. I glared at her in disgust. How did she have the cheek to still be here after thinking those things? I sauntered away from her to walk beside Bella. I turned to shoot a black look at Cassandra and saw her face fall. And I didn't care that I was hurting her.

I watched from the corner of my eye as she walked over to Esme.

Ignore her, ignore her. I thought. Don't forgive her!

I smirked as Esme...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Jacob's POV:

Jasper moved to stand beside Carlilse, and I expected, as he looked at each of our faces, to feel the false calm given out from him. But I didn't. That suprised me enough that I forgot my anger for the moment. I wondered if that was Jasper's plan. But, as I forgot the fury, the pain came back, and I fought against whimpering. If Jasper had a plan, I needed to hear it so we could save Nessie.

Congrats, Jake Leah thought dryly. Good positive thinking

I ignored her, concentrating on Jasper. Seth's thoughts interuppted me.

Why shouldn't he be thinking positively? This is positive....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 44:

Renesmee's POV:

Lilac smiled. "Follow us, then," All the faires started flying, still in a 원, 동그라미 around my head, and I walked along with them. When we were walking through forest, I heard a howl of pain. I recognized it instantly. It was Jacob.

"Jacob!" I cried out, then Jasmine's hand came down on my mouth.

"Shh!" She said. "No-one can know about where we live, and we are nearly there. Shh!"

Gazing into her eyes, I relaxed again. I couldn't endanger these fairies. They were too sweet. Jacob would be okay. I forgot all my worries when we went through a gapp in the trees, and...
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