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Thanks to Princesslullaby's recent 투표 questions, I ended up looking at my own childhood vs. each 디즈니 Princess's childhood. Some of this is just painful for me, and there is no getting around that.

My categories of adverse childhood situations (some with severe adverse conditions) are based on evaluation from the domestic violence class I took. I'll be frank. I have my own dissociation/childhood trauma.

This is an 기사 where I'm defining where I'd group categories of adverse childhood experiences, specifically for the 디즈니 Princesses. I'll also add in how each princess copes with their where-I-was-born dilemma.

Ariel and Rapunzel are right close together, because they just share the border between authoritarian parenting and authoritative parenting. Those parenting styles are similar, but are not the same.

Severe and Pervasive Childhood Oppression-- the Authoritarian Parenting Style

Cinderella, Snow White, and Ariel receive this slot.


신데렐라 becomes a slave in her own home. With her parents both dead, her stepmother treats her like dirt. 신데렐라 has the most "hope in her heart" 다음 to Snow White. 신데렐라 copes 의해 백일몽 and dreaming of a life free of her tormentors.

Snow White

Snow White is first shown in rags, and is mopping the stairs of the castle. I don't know how she ended up as a slave, but with both parents dead, and another evil stepmother in place... Snow is basically impoverished, with one good dress, and one that is rags. Stepmother tries multiple times to kill this girl. Snow copes 의해 노래 songs, 의해 praying, and 의해 doing her own pastimes: cleaning and baking.


Ariel is first shown exploring a shipwreck, and saving her best friend 가자미, 넙치 from a shark. The very 다음 scene we get featuring Ariel is one in which she gets scolded 의해 the court conductor, Sebastian, and reprimanded 의해 her father for forgetting to show up at a concert. It seems like both the court conductor and Ariel's dad each are insulted and embarrassed 의해 Ariel's behavior, and so the two of them "decide between them" that Ariel requires CONSTANT SUPERVISION. This "constant supervision thing" is Sebastian's idea, first, but King Triton wholeheartedly agrees with it, and this set-up soon predominates Ariel's whole existence under the sea. Sebastian is tracking Ariel's every move. It's Sebastian who sells out Ariel 의해 divulging that she saved a human and is keeping a grotto of human detritus. Ariel copes 의해 노래 to herself, collecting what debris she can find, and generally trying to remain upbeat in a restrictive atmosphere. However, for her pains, Ariel is yelled at for her forgetfulness and curiosity; her father uses his trident and violently destroys her collection to "get through to her" that all humans are awful, and that he protects her 의해 dominating her life. I find "constant supervision" stultifying to a person. This should be applied only to someone who is around 5 years old 또는 less. Ariel is not 5 years old in the original 1989 film.
Constant supervision is not something a sixteen 년 old wants, and most psychologists will tell you, that parents who "set-up" this authoritarian parenting style are actually implementing abuse.

Less Severe, but Extremely Problematic Parenting Styles-- halfway between Authoritarian and Authoritative


Rapunzel is kidnapped soon after birth because her parents used/stole an 마법에 걸린 사랑 꽃 that belonged to a witch named Gothel to prevent Rapunzel's mother from dying in childbirth. Gothel decides that in retribution for what was "stolen" from her, she will do the stealing, too. So Gothel sneaks in and steals their child away... which is similar to the original Rapoince tale where Rapoince's father steals this type of 상추, 상 추 from the witch's garden to prevent his wife from dying, and in trade, the witch steals the daughter from the parents. So, Rapunzel's folks are partly to blame for what happened to Rapunzel even in the 디즈니 version. Afterward, Punzie grows up isolated in a tower, provided with every material thing she could want from Gothel, save seeing another face that isn't Gothel's. Punzie sings, paints, plays chess, sews, cooks, makes candles, reads, and tracks the stars. Punzie dresses up her chameleon, Pascal, to get a practical joke 또는 two. These are Punzie's coping mechanisms, along with seeing "the lights" every 년 on the same day. Punzie is most curious about the lights, and THIS is the part where she feels DISSATISFIED. Otherwise, Punzie doesn't see her life as horrible, and this is rooted in her own ignorance resulting from Gothel's situational manipulation, and this is also partially because Gothel hasn't been a helicopter parent on Punzie, nor reduced Rapunzel to direct servitude. It's Pascal who attempts to leave the tower first, and Punzie scoops him up before he can get too far out the window. Rapunzel feels BORED and wonders "when will my life begin?" But is she tormented? I have seen children who were tormented individuals (as I am a nurse), and I can tell 당신 that no, Rapunzel is not 연기 like a tormented adolescent. Finally, deviating from the warped fairy-tale, 디즈니 introduces Flynn/Eugene who stumbles on Punzie's tower while running from a heist-gone-bad. And it is Rapunzel who ties Flynn up and DEMANDS that he take her to see the lights if he wants the "crown object" back. Gothel is abusive in creating an environment that preys on Rapunzel's gullibility and ignorance. But compared to someone who is under constant supervision for every choice ( which is what is going on with Ariel)--- this is not so with Rapunzel. Gothel visits Rapunzel once a week, if that. And Rapunzel doesn't get told that her priorities are wrong. Gothel has "one rule" for Rapunzel, while Triton's law on humans was 더 많이 like 5 rules disguised to deter dissent. I see Rapunzel as a victim of both her parents stupid choice to steal a plant, and as Gothel's equally stupid retaliation 옮기기 to prevent age deterioration. But when I think about Rapunzel's actual day-to-day existence, Rapunzel's day-to-day life is 더 많이 like Merida's and Jasmine's: little on the excitement part, and big on the tedium. Gothel never gives Rapunzel constant supervision. Rapunzel hides Flynn before/and while Gothel is there. Rapunzel herself is good at withholding things she doesn't want her pseudo-stepmom to know. Even the Rapunzel in the original tale hid the ladder she was making to escape the tower. The Rapunzel in Disney's tale and in the original has agency, and she makes her own choices. She is not being supervised and bullied 24/7.


Merida's mother is strict. Merida doesn't get "a 일 all of her own" until the end of the week, as it were. Most of the time Elinor is trying to groom Merida to become the 다음 퀸 of Dunbroch. Merida doesn't like this, and balks at every opportunity. Merida copes with her mother's restrictive schedule on her life, 의해 using the bleep out of her "one 일 a week personal time" to do everything from archery to climbing the firefalls. Elinor is strict, but she isn't sneakily abusive like Gothel, nor is she constantly supervising Merida's whereabouts like Triton does to Ariel through Sebastian. I don't like Elinor initially, because she's so prim and stuck-up, but she does less harm to Merida than Gothel and King Triton do to Punzie and Ariel.


She's confined to the palace. She is restricted 의해 location and 의해 the fact that she has to marry a prince. Jasmine's options in suitors irritate her, and she chafes at being "a prize to be won." But Jas has a better life than Rapunzel and Merida, because the sultan, her father, is never purposely sneaky nor purposely restrictive. He also does not send someone to watch 재스민 속, 재 스민 24/7, and leaves her largely to herself. 재스민 속, 재 스민 copes... 의해 having Rajah nip and bite playfully at her suitors. That's the bonus for having a tiger for a pet.


Chinese culture was restrictive and obligated women to become wives. 뮬란 isn't confined to the house like Rapunzel is, doesn't seem to have a rigid schedule like Merida, and doesn't have a designated row of suitors pushed up in her face like Jasmine. However, 뮬란 doesn't have the freedom to be herself and to make her own choices, which is societal and which her parents are reinforcing. The good thing is that 뮬란 isn't being watched 24/7 either, which is why she could get away with cheating and painting verses on her arm as a method to try to pass the matchmaker's exam. 뮬란 mopes and sings when coping with her situation. I don't see her doing a lot else in the movie with coping, at least not until she decides to try to prove herself.

The Best Childhoods Among The 디즈니 Princesses-- halfway between Authoritative and Permissive


The movie seems to show that Aurora hardly received a stern word from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. Aurora views these women as "my three nosy aunts," but doesn't seem to feel that they are undeniably restrictive, and who watch her every movement. In fact, the three 요정 send Aurora out all 의해 herself on her sixteenth birthday to collect berries. That doesn't sound like King Triton's constant supervision of Ariel, nor Rapunzel's "one limitation rule," nor Merida's strict schedule of activities, nor Jasmine's palace ennui, nor Mulan's societal expectation. Aurora has 더 많이 freedom....now that I consider it...than a lot of the princesses have had. And I did not realize this before. How far did Aurora roam in the forest during all of her childhood? She seems pretty darn familiar with her surroundings. Aurora copes with her pervasive loneliness 의해 using sly humor, 노래 to herself, and dreaming at night of her "mysterious stranger."


With the exception of her mother dying in Paris ( 또는 somewhere) during Belle's youth when she was probably 3 또는 4, Belle doesn't seem to have had any horrible experiences. Maurice, her father, moved them to "the poor provincial town" where Belle feels disgust and irritation at her neighbors because she is seen as "the oddball" for not chasing around and flirting with guys, and wanting to read instead. Belle doesn't hit adversity until Maurice gets himself 로스트 and jailed 의해 the local Beast. And then Belle offers her freedom for her father's life. Right up until this half of Belle's existence ( beast capture) she hasn't had anybody abuse her, nor restrict her, and the societal expectations in her village she willingly defies without much blow-back ( whereas in Mulan's case it brought shame). I don't see Belle being watched 24/7 의해 Maurice, and Belle only gets the 24/7 treatment when she ends up surrendering her freedom to the abusive beast. Belle copes 의해 읽기 everything in the local bookstore, and 노래 about her 가장 좋아하는 book. Belle is just lonely, like Aurora, and they both are outsiders occupying time until they eventually find the life they are seeking. Belle's childhood was not horrible in any way. It was somewhat sad, actually, because of the death of a parent, but that death did not translate into abuse from Maurice, as did happen in Cinderella's case, in Snow's case, and in Ariel's case.


Pocahontas goes "wherever the wind takes her." Powhatan seems like he has not decided to restrict Pocahontas at all. Powhatan has given Poca complete freedom to speak her mind. Powhatan respects Poca enough. He is extremely gentle when asking her to assume her mantle as the 다음 leader of her people. Poca takes a while to figure out who she is, but her father doesn't stop her from finding her own path. Powhatan is not monitoring Pocahontas 24/7, reducing his daughter to a slave, 또는 demanding that she marry Kocoum right away. He doesn't want war, but he does want to see that there is safety for his daughter, his tribe, and peace for his land. He's an example of a good dad.


Tiana wins this weird childhood countdown. Tiana has the best childhood 디즈니 has crafted in a long time. Maybe, it's the best childhood since Bambi (before Bambi's mother died). I don't ever see Tiana's parents scolding her, restricting her movements, 또는 denying her the things she loves to do (cooking). Tiana's dad is exceptional. He is so engaging, so humorous, so instantly likeable that it physically hurts me when 디즈니 yanks him out of the picture. :( The only damper on Tiana's life is the death of her dad and his dream. The Segregation of Blacks in the South of 1920s New Orleans, Louisiana is a further backdrop to Tiana's personal pain. Tiana's father dies when she is sixteen ( I'm guessing? Because Tiana looks like she is 19 in the movie 또는 something, same age as Cinderella). The plot kicks in afterward, and Tiana becomes a grieving and very angry adult. But Tia's dad and mom never mistreated her, and she has insanely good memories of her family life.

This is my deduction from seeing each princess’s situation in their movies, and watching each one cope with the situation into which they were born. Though I have experienced emotional trauma myself, I don't think each princess really had it that easy. I don’t think every princess had the worst childhood, either. Likewise, I don’t think every princess had the best childhood. Some childhoods were right 헤로인 dab in the middle and isolating, but these—in my view-- sidestepped being marked 의해 episodes of outright punishment, volatility, and slavery.

Leave thoughts below. Thanks. And until 다음 time...
added by 0YouCanFly0
added by hoangdinh5x
posted by TheMusicalMolls
So, pretty soon I'm going to post some stuff me and my 프렌즈 wrote awhile ago, rating different 디즈니 things. You'll start seeing them soon. In the meantime, however, let's get to know the 디즈니 Critique Team!

Sabrina- She's random, wild and crazy. She loves emojis, dinosaurs, llamas and more. She's totally unpredictable, yet is much smarter than she acts and has interesting perspective on things.

Alicia- She's the master of the selfie and her social networking game is #goals! She loves to listen to 음악 and hang out with friends.

Kayla- She is athletic and a kind, good friend. She loves...
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The New DP 아이콘 contest it's not that new anymore, since it was created nearly a 년 and a half ago. The anniversary was actually on july, but I noticed I haven't done anything especial to celebrate it, so this 기사 is the first of many surprises to come related to the New DP 아이콘 contest. Let's start!

Every ten rounds of the contest, I made a 투표 with all the winners from those rounds. These were voted the best 아이콘 의해 the fans.

Winner from rounds 1-10 ~ MissAngelPaws

This beautiful 아이콘 made 의해 MissAngelPaws was voted the best out of the winners of the first ten rounds of the contest....
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 The 2 princesses in modern outfit.
The 2 princesses in modern outfit.
Once upon a time, there live 2 princesses who live in 2 different time eras. Yes, they're also famous for their respective stories and their names are 신데렐라 and Aurora. They live an extraordinary lives after the event of their respective movies.
One day, Aurora discovers something beyond her wildest imagination. The 3 요정 left a magical vortex, and wonders what it is. Suddenly, she fell right through the vortex and it magically transfers her to a palace in the Victorian Era France.
"Oh dear, I just hope that whoever lives here, doesn't do any harm to me!" thought the young princess....
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After hours of rest, 뮬란 finally started feeling better. She got up to fix Ping something to eat. "We all got alittle worried about you." John said. "I'm fine, though." 뮬란 replied. "You didn't seem it this morning." John stated coyly. 뮬란 wanted to say "Why do 당신 know us too well?!?", but she blew it off like a fly because she knew how concerned everyone was. "I just forgot to eat. It'll never happen again." she said simply. She went back to chopping up food.

John knew she was hiding a secret. Once he knew someone, he could read 'em like an open book. 더 많이 like his 가장 좋아하는 book actually....
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I've never done a pictureless 기사 before but as I am too broke to buy a functional laptop, this will just have to do. It's been a while since I haven't written anything! I'm not going to include sequel outfits, nor child outfits, heck I might even leave some outfits out so enjoy this ''lazy'' 기사 :)

13. Rapunzel
I know Rapunzel's outfits are detailed and all but I'm not too impressed with her wardrobe, I don't think it is that much better in quality as it is in quantity. First off, her purple dress looks 더 많이 like a costume than anything else. As for her 담홍색, 핑크 one, it's not bad, it's cute...
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added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
posted by TrainerPonycat
Welcome to my first opinion list! I will try my best to do stuff and add my horrible sense of humor to do it. Well have fun 읽기 this.

13. Belle

Belle is so boring. All she does is read 책 all the time. She's just not that interesting to me. That's all.

12. Ariel

Okay... she's stupid. Also watching her body move, thanks to the crappy 애니메이션 is disturbing. She also wants to be part of a world where 물고기 is eaten. Since she can understand most 물고기 this is like humans wanting to be part of a world where humans are eaten. At least where it's okay. Our world humans are eaten but it's often...
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팬팝 is a wonderful webside which is easy and enjoyable to use. 당신 can tell your opinions, write your 기사 and 당신 know people are always going to hear them carefully. The most amazing part of it is that 당신 hear different opinions, negative 또는 possitive, but in the end of the 일 the opinion 당신 once have can change and be 더 많이 possitive 또는 더 많이 negative, but people will still be here to listen to your opinions. Every single one of us is a part of my world, we are a small family. We have 투표 and quizzes. 투표 are very enjoyable, but believe me there's no such thing as 글쓰기 articles...
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is like the things that made that princess our favorite, i´ll bassed on the 코멘트 i see in 팬팝 and another sites,i´ll try to don't put personal 코멘트
We are looking at the princess as theirselfs ignoring their looks,the quality of the 애니메이션 , the characters around them , their 사랑 story and (i speak specially for pocahontas;sequels)

1.snow white:
people who don't like snow white says:
she is the weakest of the princess , doesn't even have a sequel to show a rebel 또는 strong side.And she is dump cause she was told to don't talk to strangers and it was the first thing she did

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posted by avatar_tla_fan
뮬란 had studied for all of her exams. She was ready to get the best grades possible. She didn't want her parents to be disappointed in her.

She went to school. She was talking to her friend Jasmine.

"I'm going to do the best I can on these exams. I studied all night last night." 뮬란 told Jasmine.

"You're really determined. Why?"

"I really want to bring some honor to my family."

"That's all?"

"What to 당신 mean 'that's all'?"

"They don't get angry 또는 something if 당신 get bad grades?"

"No. But they get disappointed."

"Then who cares?"

"I do."

"Why? Why does bringing honor to your family matter so...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Aurora and her mother arrived at the hospital.

They walked in only to be alarmed.

"Please, evacuate the premises." Somebody told Aurora and her mother.

"My daughter needs help!" Aurora's mother yelled.

"We would 사랑 to help your daughter, but we're having a serious situation here."

"What kind of situation?"

"That is secret information. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

"Then at least let us in."

"It's not safe!"

"How is it not?"

"Because of our secret situation."

"This is the only hospital in town, we can't go anywhere else, and my daughter needs help."

"From the looks of her face, she's been scratched...
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Eight months ago, I started an 기사 series explaining my 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 opinion on each princess in as much details as possible. I've decided to start over! :) Technically, we don't know if Anna and Elsa will even be included in the lineup, but like last time, I'm including them. The categories I will analyze are: original thoughts, thoughts now, beauty, wardrobe, singing/speaking voices. Also, I will be doing these in chronological order, form my least 가장 좋아하는 princess to my favorite!

My Original Thoughts

Most of 당신 new gents and ladies weren't around to witness my blindness to the "Frozen" hype....
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Me
Source: http://storybrooke.tumblr.com/
Merida's condition gradually worsened. The cut on her leg was badly festered, she was still unconscious, her breathing was rapidly slowing down, and she spiked a fever. Mulan, Shang, Pocahontas, and John were waiting anxiously outside Kekata's tent. It wasn't long before Chief Powhatan joined them. "How is the girl?" he asked. "Not so good father." Pocahontas answered sadly. "In times like this, we must be strong for her." Powhatan replied. 뮬란 had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Excuse me for a moment." she said. She went to Powhatan's teepee and began to cry. She couldn't stand the devastation...
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 PrueFever interviews 팬 of the 월 avatar_tla_fan for September 2014.
PrueFever interviews Fan of the Month avatar_tla_fan for September 2014.
When avatar_tla_fan won 팬 of the 월 for September, I got the pleasure to do the FotM’s Interview with her. So let’s get to it, people.

1. How does it feel to win 팬 of the Month?
Well, it feels great! I was really surprised when I won, I haven't been on the club for that long, only a couple months. But nevertheless, I am still very happy (and surprised) that I won. Thanks to all the people who nominated and/or voted for me. :)

2. It says on your 프로필 Page that you've been Fanpopping since July 2014. What made 당신 가입하기 팬팝 in the first place?
Well, I 사랑 읽기 articles. One day,...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
WARNING: This will be darker then the 이전 parts. Well, it might be, I'll find out when I'm done with it. :3 Continue if 당신 want to.

I miss Mary and I hardly knew her, Rapunzel thought.

"Don't worry, we're going to 검색 soon." John responded to her.

"How..? How?" Rapunzel said to her.

"It's easy to tell you're thinking about her." John responded.

"We're going to search!" Dylan yelled.

Maybe she's still alive.

They walked near the spot in which she was holding off the men.

They couldn't find anything.

"Maybe she left! Maybe she's looking for us!"


They looked near the water.

They saw...
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