CSI 과학수사대 뉴욕 Club
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posted by huddysmacked
So why not make a lit of that?

Season 1
1x01 : 'Can't sleep?' conversation [04.33]
1x01 : 'Good morning would be nice..' [04.58]
1x01 : Stella's concern for Mac [17.39]
1x01 : 'You alright?' conversation [20.25]
1x01 : Stella watches Mac at the hospital [30.50]
1x02 : 'Hang in there' [23.40]
1x02 : 'Use your head, not your heart..' [23.48]
1x02 : Mac comforts a frustrated Stella [36.00]
1x02 : Mac comes to help Stella with her case [38.14]
1x03 : 'You still with me?' [20.07]
1x03 : 'Playing hangman' conversation [24.20]
1x03 : Stella invited Mac to a bar, he actually goes! [41.00]
1x04 : (worked different cases)
1x05 : (worked different cases)
1x06 : Stella talks about Danny with Mac [05.40]
1x07 : 'Something gooey..' conversation [00.56]
1x07 : Snowflakes! [23.23]
1x07 : Gooey conversation continues [28.23]
1x07 : Mac holds the door for Stella [41.07]
1x08 : Stella asks Mac about church and his case [18.57]
1x09 : Stella apologises to Mac for the fight about the horse [41.41]
1x09 : 'Reminds me of the old Mac Taylor..' conversation [41.55]
1x09 : 'You're a fine CSI 과학수사대 Stella, I can honestly say I wouldn't do this job without you..' [42.10]
1x09 : Handshake [42.40]
1x10 : 'Your mind's racing, you're never going to get any sleep' conversation [25.45]
1x11 : Greek 음식 conversation [20.40]
1x12 : 'Let's have a sit down 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 some place...' [41.03]
1x12 : 'You're going to make me pay?' Whole dog show 'date' [42.24]
1x13 : Snowflakes! [1.00]
1x13 : 'I was hoping you'd say that..' [2.37]
1x13 : Yankees conversation [33.36]
1x14 : 'Mac'll help you!' [04.45]
1x15 : Mac pacifies Stella as she rants about foster care [33.00]
1x15 : Stella kisses Mac! He smiles! [33.35]
1x16 : 'I gotta make this right, Stella..' [26.55]
1x16 : Stella saves Mac's life! [39.00]
1x16 : Mac thanks Stella for saving his life [42.00]
1x16 : 'That's what partners do..' [42.16]
1x17 : Stella checks Mac has doubled gloved round glass [03.13]
1x18 : 'Another 일 in paradise, huh?' [29.00]
1x19 : Mac proves how well he knows Stella, she replies 'You're good' [03.50]
1x19 : 'What do 당신 do when 당신 can't sleep?' [11.40]
1x20 : Mac defends Stella against investigations [25.00]
1x20 : Mac lets Stella 질문 the suspect even though she got a complaint [29.35]
1x21 : (worked different cases}
1x22 : Stella asks Mac what's bugging him (in Greek) [13.45]
1x22 : Stella reassures Mac, pats his shoulder [14.50]
1x22 : Stella and Mac have breakfast in a café, talk about case [24.15]
1x22 : Mac talks to Stella about Claire [26.45]
1x22 : 'You're happy!' conversation [30.53]
1x22 : 'Why haven't 당신 taken your wedding ring off?' [31.05]
1x23 : Mac checks Stella out when she's dressed up [35.46]
1x23 : Mac shares information with Stella about Hawkes working in field [36.16]
1x23 : Stella takes off Mac's tie [37.00]
1x23 : Stella touches Mac's cheek [37.17]
1x23 : Mac is sorry to see Stella go [37.23]

Season 2
2x01 : Mac offers Stella help with her boxes [18.06]
2x01 : 'Only the female bites...' [18.30]
2x02 : Mac confides in Stella about worries with Aiden [25.10]
2x03 : (worked different cases)
2x04 : 'Cannolis are on me...' conversation [01.09]
2x04 : Buddhist method of thought conversation [19.50]
2x05 : Mac watches Stella do a dance demonstration [05.45]
2x05 : 'C'mon Mac, it's for science!' [33.57]
2x05 : Stella and Mac discuss Lindsay [41.00]
2x06 : (worked different cases)
2x07 : 'Lucky 당신 were there...' [25.19]
2x07 : Tiffany's conversation [31.05]
2x07 : BEST smile! [31.23]
2x07 : 'Stella already has 당신 on speed dial?' [36.54]
2x08 : 'You ready?' Mac looking out for Stella in dangerous situation [39.26]
2x09 : (worked different cases)
2x10 : 'You were on a date?' conversation [03.14]
2x10 : 'There IS no girlfriend' Mac defensive when Stella and Lindsay joke [20.22]
2x11 : (worked different cases)
2x12 : (worked different cases)
2x13 : (worked different cases)
2x14 : Stella at crime scene from party, Mac checks her out [2.14]
2x14 : Stella hangs up on Frankie when Mac turns up [29.26]
2x14 : 'My prints aren't going to match...' [30.14]
2x14 : 'You always like to look at the big picture..' conversation [31.39]
2x15 : 'Pizza in my office?' [41.26]
2x16 : (worked different cases)
2x17 : Stella watches Mac read to the little boy [25.40]
2x18 : Stella goes to Mac in his office for 조언 [42.45]
2x19 : 'Little Mac Man' conversation [10.37]
2x19 : The look in final montage [42.35]
2x20 : Smoking conversation [31.17]
2x20 : 'We're never out of evidence..' Stella's comforting Mac [32.06]
2x21 : Mac panics when he hears Stella's address on police radio [06.10]
2x21 : Trying to wake Stella [06.50]
2x21 : Hospital conversation, hand on shoulder, 'You're a victim' [07.25]
2x21 : Mac's obvious distress seeing Stella's apartment [11.17]
2x21 : Ending conversation [38.45]
2x22 : 'How 당신 holding up?' [02.24]
2x22 : 'You coming?' [15.53]
2x22 : Stella pats Mac's back [17.42]
2x22 : Stella tests Mac's 셔츠 [30.00]
2x23 : Stella reminisces with Mac about Aiden [21.18]
2x23 : Stella offers to stay with Mac [39.30]
2x23 : 'Glad 당신 made it...' [22.45]
2x24 : 'If anyone would survive it, he would...' [12.42]
2x24 : Stella's concern about Mac [14.42]
2x24 : 'This one really got to you...' conversation [38.35]
2x24 : 'Black coffee..' Stella stays with Mac [40.00]
2x24 : 'I'm glad 당신 stayed...' 'We take care of each other...' [40.42]

Season 3
3x01 : They work the same case - always together. e.g. [23.10]
3x01 : Tie moment in Mac's office, Stella's smile! [31.50]
3x02 : (worked different cases)
3x03 : 'You still with us?' [15.06]
3x03 : 'As a matter of fact, I do!' THE smile. [23.25]
3x04 : The fraternity conversation. [02.30]
3x04 : 'Even we Greeks...' conversation. [23.28]
3x05 : 'I care for 당신 too, Stella...' [22.35]
3x05 : 'Want some help clearing up?' [39.48]
3x06 : Mac lets Stella take the case [06:08]
3x06 : Stella opens up to Mac about feelings left from Frankie [19.20]
3x07 : (worked different cases)
3x08 : Stella confides in Mac that she's being stalked, meet in bar [01.50]
3x08 : Revealed that Stella gives Mac birthday presents, at 집 [02.24]
3x08 : Mac offers Stella a ride and tells her to call him [02.33]
3x08 : Mac offers to share a cab with Stella and chases her stalker [35.15]
3x08 : Mac and Stella are so close that Reed thinks Stella is Claire [35.50]
3x09 : Stella upset about the case, Mac rubs her arm and checks she's okay [41.03]
3x10 : Mac opens up to Stella about Reed [23.55]
3x10 : 'She exists, Mac..' [24.37]
3x11 : Mac sees Stella and pushes Peyton away [18.43]
3x12 : (worked different cases)
3x13 : 'What're 당신 thinking?' [31.22]
3x13 : They process SNOWFLAKES! [34.05]
3x14 : (worked different cases)
3x15 : (worked different cases)
3x16 : 'Stella!' when she is cut, he follows her [41.35]
3x17 : 'You'll always have the strength...' conversation/HUG [00.07]
3x17 : Mac comforts Stella after Sid is resuscitated [14.55]
3x17 : 'If the world is going to end...' discussion [25.20]
3x18 : Mac gives Stella a rose! [19.20]
3x19 : 'Can 당신 explain this to him?' Mac leaves the suspect to Stella [38.40]
3x20 : Stella asks Mac for help with HIV test [41.31]
3x20 : Mac agrees to help [41.56]
3x20 : Stella kisses Mac! [42.00]
3x20 : 'You ready for the answer...' onwards [42.08]

Season 4
4x01: Stella smiles when Mac joins her.
4x01: Stella didn't buy Mac's 'jet lag' excuse.
4x01: Mac tells Stella about his 333 caller.
4x01: Cute quick scene at the end.
4x04: "There are safer way through traffic"... "You and I are alike" conversation
4x04: Stella reads Peyton's 'Dear John' letter
4x04: Stella shows up to watch Mac perform.
4x04: The eye contact! OMG!!!
4x04: The fact that the song that Mac was playing to was called "I Will Be There When 당신 Rise."

4x05: Messing with Mac about 아바타 game
4x09: "He was using me to get to Mac!"
4x09: "Mac, why didn't 당신 tell me?"
4x10: The phone call
4x10: 'Mac, 당신 okay?" Arm touch
4x16: Mac gives Stella a hug.
4x16: She gives him a 키스 on the cheek.
4x16: He hands her coffee and offers his place.
4x16: "I snore."
4x16: Mac rubs her shoulder.
4x16: "It would have been a waste of breath if I had told 당신 to go home."
4X17: "Did Mac tell 당신 that?"
4x17: "Stella, you're with me."
4x17: Stella sounds jealous of Quinn when talking with Flack.
4x17: Mac turns Quinn down.
4x17: "Wanna ride back?"
4x17: They clear the house together.
4x18: Mac and Stella say the exact same thing at the exact same time.
4x18: Stella and Mac grin at each other.
4x18: "You two have been working together for too long."
Mac defends himself telling Flack that he and Danny have been working together for too long.
4x18: Mac and Stella both work with Adam on the cell phone pictures and Adams 코멘트 on that.
4x18: Mac hands Stella Gerard's weapon at the end of the episode.
4x20: Stella is 'caught' sitting on Mac's desk.
4x20: Stella identifies the blogger as Reed.
4x20: The very fact that Stella knows who Reed is while Quinn and Jordan don't.
4x20: Stella knows how Mac and Reed's 'meeting' went.
4x20: The look after the discussion.
4x20: "Mac, I need 당신 down here now!"
4x20: The shot of Mac and Stella over Reed.

Season 5
5x01: She was the first person he called.
5x01: Stella tries 의해 all means to get Mac to the hospital.
5x02: "That means 당신 and me". Both worry equally about themselves and each other being contaminated.
5x02: Stella stops Mac for entering the radiation contaminated environment.
5x03: Mac calls Stella before anyone else.
5x03: Uses someone else's cell phone to call Stella indicating he knows her number 의해 heart.
5x03: Stella only looks at the fireman once throughout Mac's phone call- her concern is evident.
5x06: Stella helps Mac focus on reality, logically.
5x06: The "un"official 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 date.
5x07: 보트 conversation-- "I'm SMACKED dab in the middle of the East river."
5x07: Stella touches Mac's arm when he leaves.
5x10: "Where did 당신 go? 당신 just disappeared!"
5x11: Mac is concened about her, catches her up and reassures her.
5x11: "I admire your passion."
5x11: "Give me a couple of days." "As your friend I would 사랑 to."

5x12: Stella calms Mac down after his argument with Hawkes.
5x12: "Stella?" / "I hear you, Mac". Each other's opinión matters a lot to them.
5x14: The look they share when they break in sex slavery location.
5x14: The mutual understanding with no words at the end scene when the perp is caught.
5x15: Mac knows Stella would be working despite the "blue flu".
5x15: Stella dates Brendon for the party but keeps track of Mac's arrival.
5x16: She knew he was seeking for 조언 with that interrupted story.
5x16: They were on a "coffee date" so he could tell her the story.
5x16: Macs smile when she curses in Greek.
5x16: "Did Stella give 당신 anything 더 많이 than a hard time?"
5x16: The intriguing look they share after Adam's "horny" remark.
5x16: "I'm a little confused here, Mac. 당신 really care about her." Stella is jealous of Ella.
5x16: "You've known me too long" / "Don't 당신 forget that."
5x16: "Move on. If 당신 open that door, what next?" Stella tries to detach him from Ella.
5x16: "I guess I just, uh, need to hear it from you." And Stella's smile as she walks off the office.
5x16: Both acknowledge they are reversing roles.
5x18: Mac gets her off the coins case and takes it personally both to protect her and because it means a lot to her.
5x20: Mac tells Odessa that she "had a good teacher".
5x22: Mac's worried look when he saw Stella gave out a desperate sigh.
5x22: "I don't like that look."
5x23: Mac's hand on Stella's shoulder at the 2-year-ago-scene. (He was still with Peyton?)
5x23: Stella's look when Mac accepted to be the baby's godfather!
5x23: Stella places her hand on 상단, 맨 위로 of Mac's when she passes the baby girl into his arms.

5x24: Mac recognizes instantly that the address in the vic's pocket is Stella's.
5x24: Mac's look softens into concern when she hands him her badge.
5x24: Mac follows her to Greece.
5x24: Mac's "I care about you"
5x24: It's tough for Mac to tell her about her mum.
5x24: Mac keeps her behind him when entering Tasso's place.
5x24: Mac catches her in his arms when the struggle at Tasso's happens.
5x24: They stay at the same hotel, and their rooms are side 의해 side.
5x24: They perform an outside science experiment, using Stella's earing as an equipment.
5x24: Mac comforts her after Papakota dies.
5x24: Stella hugs him and seeks for some skin to skin contact.
5x24: Stella's 읽기 of the coffee grounds: "I don't need coffee ground to see how lucky i am to have 당신 in my life, Mac"/"See there? It's an 'S'. That's 'Stella'. The woman in 당신 life who sometimes 당신 adore, and sometimes she makes 당신 crazy".
5x25: Stella kisses his cheek as they hug and the Smacked sound occurs.
5x25: Mac looks at Stella for quite a long time after she leaves.
5x25: Mac looks at Stella first when he enter the bar, and Stella gives him a small cute smile.
posted by IsabellaMCullen
Everyone knew that Lucy Messer was the 사과, 애플 of her father’s eye, and he’d gladly walk through hot coals if it meant his daughter was 안전한, 안전 and happy. He’d do the same for his wife and he wasted no time in letting them know it.

But somehow he couldn’t bring himself to do this for her, even when her baby blues blinked pleadingly, and her tiny arms wrapped around his neck while she whispered numerous ‘pleases’ into his ear, he shook his head in refusal. His 심장 broke as much as hers was for not being able to do it.

Even with Lindsay telling him that the chances of it happening again...
continue reading...
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