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posted by Edward901
here's another thing that i'm writing. it's not much and i might just keep it, but 당신 never know where imagination takes you.

The Start Has Ended, The End Has Only Started
    I'm not too sure how it felt. One 분 I was in pain, and the 다음 I was floating. The 심장 monitor stopped except for the beep that told them my 심장 had stopped. Nurses ran into my room, my mom started crying on Dad's shoulder. One nurse tried to comfort my parents, for the last three days I'd had many close calls.
     None of it really mattered to me, I was free! Free from the pain and suffering that I had been going through for years. I was finally dead!
    Before now, I was afraid of death, afraid of leaving my 프렌즈 and family, but I had no fear now. Only joy. I knew Mom and Dad would be okay, and my little sister would have her 프렌즈 to lean on. As for me, who cared? I'd be safely tucked away -- who knew where -- in a week.
    The doctor brought in a machine that I'd only seen in the movies. She rubbed it together as the nurses put sticky stuff on my chest. I could feel it -- 또는 maybe it was an after feeling of death.
    The doctor set the metal on the sticky stuff and yelled, “Clear!” In a high pitched voice.
    I wanted to laugh, but instead of laughing I felt a bolt of electricity shoot through my body. The doctor then again put the cold metal up to my chest. I wanted to scream at her to stop, but I couldn't reach her. She couldn't hear me.
    The lightning rocked my body again. The pain never ceasing. Even dead I couldn't escape. I was trapped forever in pain. My lifeless body jumped ten 더 많이 times as they tortured me with the electricity.
    Mom sobbed even louder when they gave up trying to save me. I was saved from the pain! Only to remember that I decided to be an organ donor. All my organs still worked. I'd been in a car accident a few years earlier and it had damaged my brain stem. I'd still been able to think and plan and write, but I'd needed a lot of systems put in my body so that I could be alive for as long as I was.
    Breathing, my 심장 pumping, most of my organs had stopped working completely. I was lucky I wasn't dead, 또는 worse, a vegetable. Of course, I was dead, now.
    I screamed. My mom called my name 더 많이 than once, broken sobs the only thing that stopped her from yelling. Dad's eyes brimmed with tears and I wanted to comfort him, to say that I was going to be okay. I knew it would be a lie if I was shocked one 더 많이 time 또는 cut open without penicillin. Too bad no one could hear my screams.
    Mom didn't want Katie to miss school, but Dad should have gone to get her when they noticed that my condition was worsening. I would've asked dad to do it, only I couldn't feel anything and my brain had shut down to the point that I wasn't getting enough oxygen to speak. Dad should've known though, I was her big brother. I still am her big brother.
    “Joseph... Joe... be good okay, I 사랑 당신 buddy.” Mom kissed my forehead. I rubbed it and then felt my mother's warm tears.
    “Mom.” My voice trailed away... I was losing a lot 더 많이 than I was gaining. Well, gaining a lot 더 많이 pain and losing my best 프렌즈 and the greatest family a person could ever have. There was no winning for me, not ever.
    I had to leave, maybe if I couldn't see my body I couldn't hear the things around me, couldn't feel the 칼, 나이프 that would soon cut my skin. My soul -- I guess that's what it would be -- left the room, going straight through the white walls. I wished that I'd died in my room, with the TV on and my sister holding my hand. That would be the best way to go.
    When I was told that the crash had damaged my brain stem to the point that it only worked at 랜덤 times for 랜덤 periods, I became numb. I didn't really think about it, I didn't want to believe.
    After I was told I would be pulled out of school, I did the things I would've never thought of. Bombing an important test for fun, kicking the teacher in the knee when he told me no, jumping off the back of the bus, starting a 음식 fight in the cafeteria, starting a real fight with the school bully, and doing drugs. I wasn't too proud of most of my ideas, but I wanted to live before I died, like most people in the world.
    Dad understood, but Mom thought I needed help. I didn't need help, I needed a new brain. They couldn't give me that, so what could they give me? I was already dead to them. Why did I have to be in the hospital when I died? They only thought of me as a
    I felt the white sheet being placed on my body as Katie walked into the room with Aunt Lucy. Mom and Dad were talking, but I couldn't hear what they said.
    Katie wasn't as quiet. “Joe... wh... wh... why'd y.. y... 당신 lea... leave me?” Her eyes filled with tears and I floated back into the hospital room.
    “Katie... I didn't want to... I didn't... I couldn't control it... I wish that I could...”
    Katie grabbed my cold hand and kissed it, hot tears falling down her cheeks. This was too hard... too hard... I had never wanted to die, I never wanted to leave my family, they needed me.
    Mom and dad left the room, leaving Aunt Lucy, Katie, and the doctors alone.
    “Why couldn't 당신 save him?” Katie screamed as soon as the door was closed. “Why couldn't 당신 save my brother? What did he ever do to you? Why did 당신 let him die?”
    “No! Don't try to make me feel better! Why didn't 당신 save him?”
    “We did-”
    “No 당신 didn't! 당신 didn't do anything except for enlarge your pocket 책 with our money that was meant for someone that could save my brother! So why isn't he alive? Why is he cold on the 침대 while some man that was told he had the same problem get to leave the hospital twenty years later?”
    “Kathrynn, we did everything and your parents know that...”
    “My parents don't know anything!” Her tears came down faster and I wanted to hold her, wishing that I could wipe her tears away. “That's why they came to you! 당신 poor excuses for doctors! I wouldn't let 당신 touch a rat! 당신 might kill it too! We trusted you! We gave 당신 money and support and if we had the spare cash, we would've even given 당신 a Ferrari!”
    Aunt Lucy ran to Katie's side, wiping her tears away and trying to soothe her that they did everything that they could, she wouldn't listen.
    “I hate 당신 and I hope 당신 die! 당신 need to die before 당신 kill someone else trying to save them!”
    Katie ran out of the room, blind form tears and Aunt Lucy trailed behind her with Kleenex and a comforting arm. The doctors stayed back, dumbfounded.
    I would've smiled at the fact that Katie got her mouth from me, only her words had stunned everyone. I looked at the doctors, I could tell that they never expected a six-year old to blurt out like that. I was in too much pain to care about them.
    Katie needed me and I wasn't there to help her. Her 프렌즈 didn't know her like I did. I'd go through the fiery pits of Hell to talk to her again, telling her that I was okay and I was only happy when she was. The conversation would probably sound like something that two long 로스트 연인들 would say, not siblings, but we wouldn't care.
    I went back to my house, hoping that I could find something to cheer her up. I didn't, I found drawings all over the house, mainly hearts that me and her went through. She would draw them and then we would make stories about them. I would write the stories on the back of the paper.
    I remembered one time perfectly, my mind wandered to the memory.
    “Joe! Joe! I have another one!” Katie screams excitedly.
    I stand up and walk to the kitchen. “Then let's see it.” I yell back, digging my head in the fridge looking for a snack that my body won't reject. I give up soon, and settle for some yogurt that my mom had said was “Off Limits”.
    Katie runs into the kitchen. “Mom's gonna be angry at you.” She accuses.
    “So? I'm hungry.”
    She sticks her tongue out like a child, then her natural energy comes out again and she throws a new picture at me. “Here! I have another heart!”
    I look at it and laugh.
    “What Joe? There's nothing wrong with it!”
    “That looks like an evil person's 심장 that tried to sugar 코트 it!” I exclaim, looking at the black 심장 with glitter.
    “It is not! I worked hard on this one!”
    “Okay! He wasn't-”
    “She.” Katie corrects.
    “She wasn't evil, she was just a person that disliked little children. She would boil them in a vat of oil! I know, I met her. She says that this 심장 will make the person that has it boil little children too!”
    “Joseph! That's not funny!”
    “I'm sorry Kate, I'll be good.” I smile a truce and shove another spoonful of yogurt in my mouth. A chunk of 딸기 gets stuck between my teeth and Katie steals a bite while I try to pick it out.
    “So, what's the story on this one?”
    “Let's see...” I grab a pen and flip the paper over. “Let's name her Clara.”
    “She had a cat named Gerbil.”
    “And she's widowed.”
    “What's that?”
    “Her husband died.”
    “Okay, but that's sad...” Her voice trails off.
    I keep talking so that she regains her happiness. “Her husband's name was Charles and he worked as a coal miner.”    
    “She was a very sweet lady.” Katie decides.
    “Only, every night before Charles died, he brought dust 집 from the mine and over time, her 심장 and lungs became became covered with the black powder.”
    “She died from coal poisoning.” Katie concludes.    
    “What does it say?”
    I read it, “Once upon a time, there was a very sweet lady named Clara, she had a cat named Gerbil and a dead husband named Charles. Before Charles died, he always brought 집 clothes covered with coal dust from the mines that he worked in. Over the years, Clara's organs were covered with a fine, black powder. She lived with the powder for years, but she never complained and was always kind to others. She died of coal poisoning in 1918.”
    “I 사랑 it!”

    I was brought back in the real world when the door opened. Katie was 집 with Mom and Dad now. A tear fell down my face as I felt the white sheet being pulled all the way up, covering my upper body and face. The distance hadn't helped the feeling like I'd hoped.
    “I'm never going into his room again. Mom, can 당신 put these in there?” Katie walked around the room and picked up all the 심장 drawings, the crayons I gave her, a 베개 that she gave me to lie my head on for Christmas, and of course, all the pictures of me.
    Mom took the stuff from her and with tears in her eyes, walked upstairs to my room. “Good bye Joe, I hope your happy.” A single tear fell down her cheek. She laid on my 침대 and broke down in sobs. I put my invisible hand on her shoulder.
    From the hospital I heard the doctor say, “We should get on with the operation, the family wants the funeral as soon as possible.” I screamed. The funeral! I didn't think about the pain! What are they going to do to my body? Cremation? 또는 burial?
    Burning in flames? 또는 being stabbed with a needle, getting my brains pulled out 의해 my nose, dressed 의해 some strange person, and get makeup put on? Which one would I rather have? I would rather rest in peace in a coffin, but a urn might not be bad. Maybe a little uncomfortable...
    “Yes Dr. T.”
    No! I thought, No, they can't do this. I'd rather be in a morgue for eternity than find out what my parents had decided to do with my body. I was not going to let them go through with this! But how would I stop them? I would just have to go through with it...
    Mom placed her 가장 좋아하는 picture of me on my pillow, left my last school picture in her hands, and the rest in my closet, never to be looked at again. A chill crept down my neck. The last time I had talked to Uncle Chester, I told him that it was his fault I was like this; his fault that I was going to die. He had been driving.
    Now I felt terrible. This time I felt the pain of the memory as I recalled it, three years ago.
    “So how was school, Joe?” Uncle Chester asks.
    I don't answer. I look out the window at the other kids my age, in the seventh grade and getting picked up 의해 their parents in Mercedes and Jaguars, while my parents are both working to keep us in a comfortable house and being picked up 의해 my looser uncle in a beat up '79 Chevy truck.
    “Joe, don't be like that.” Uncle Chester looks at me as he pulls out of the parking lot.
    My hands 옮기기 down to the littered floorboard to grab my back pack.
    “Joe? Did 당신 lose your voice?”
    “No! Now stop talking to me!” I pick my bag up and unzip it.
    As I take my homework out, Uncle Chester looks at me again. “Rough day, Kid?”    
    “You don't wanna know.”
    “Sure I do.”
    “I was told that I'm most likely to fail the seventh grade unless I step up to the plate and do my homework right. But I don't understand my homework!”
    “I'll help you.” Uncle Chester offers.
    “You can do Algebra?”
    “Sure I can, now let me see it.”
    I hand him my work and he looks at the numbers and letters that seem randomly placed on the paper. I look up at the road.
    “Look out!”
    Uncle Chester looks up and spins the wheel, trying to dodge a deer. The truck spins in circles, Chester drops my paper and the truck flies into the other lane. A semi-truck is coming at us, it's not stopping, why isn't it stopping? The truck is still spinning wildly out of control. I grab the dashboard to keep my head from flying off.
    We're hit from behind, the semi smashing the 침대 and sliding to a stop, smashing the glass. I'm not fast enough to cover my head, the glass flies into my neck. I hold the injury, my breathing is slowing, blood is flowing down my neck, my lungs are stopping.
    I make myself breathe, but I can't make my 심장 speed up. I can feel it slowing down. I hear the 구급차 coming, but my eyesight is getting cloudy from lack of oxygen. My will is waning, I can't make myself do anything anymore.
    I can't stay awake, I can't-

    I shudder away from the memory, after I woke up, I was told about what was wrong with me, why I had stopped breathing, why at times I couldn't feel my heart. “It made it hard to fix you, but 당신 now have control of all your organs again. When your 심장 stops, the little device that we placed inside 당신 will work as a heart, the same goes with your lungs.” The doctor had shuddered, “But, I don't know how long it will last, a few years, maybe, but it won't work throughout your life. I'm afraid that 당신 won't live to twenty.”
    He was right, I was only sixteen and dead because of a stupid brain. Why couldn't I die in the truck? Save everybody time and money? They didn't get to say goodbye anyway!
    Katie was at school, mom and dad had just stared at me like zombies, Uncle Chester hadn't come at all, I had stopped talking to anyone when he was around, so he just stopped completely. I didn't know where Aunt Lucy was half the time, the other half she was either drunk 또는 arguing with Uncle Chester. That 일 was the first 일 in years that I hadn't seen her do one 또는 the other.
posted by HaleyDewit
My mouth is shut tight
But in my head I have a million conversations
I seem cold as ice
But on the inside I’m heating up

You ask me what’s wrong
I say nothing at all
I’m just going out of my mind

I want to cry out
Scream at the 상단, 맨 위로 of my lungs
I want to let it out
Release myself from my curse
But I keep quiet
Hold it inside me
Clutching to my agony
I wish 당신 could hear me

My eyes are open wide
But they don’t see what’s right in front of me
I’m stuck in the past
While dreaming of a future that won’t come to pass

You ask me what’s going on
Can’t 당신 just let it go
I’m just dying inside

I want...
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3 Mistakes A Screenwriter Typically Makes On Their First Screenplay 의해 Vicki Peterson and Barbara Nicolosi of the book Notes to Screenwriters via linkFor 더 많이 videos, please visit link
film and 텔레비전
posted by HaleyDewit
I’m so fucked up right now
I’ll never be the same without you
It’s like my feet are moving forward
But my heart’s left behind me
Will 당신 set it free

And my dying wish
Is for 당신 to make it in time
Yeah, my dying wish
Is for 당신 to watch me die

I need 당신 to
Help me through this
I’m stuck in a maze
And I can’t find a way to escape
I will burn it down
I’ll burn it to the ground
I’ll let the flames consume me
They will set me free

I’m so screwed right now
My emotional being depends on you
It’s like my head’s still in the game
But my heart’s paralyzing me
Will 당신 set it free

And my dying wish...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I’m gonna bury myself
In the deepest depths of Hell
And I won’t be coming out
Until you’re back around
‘Cause I tried real hard
I did the best that I could
But as a matter of fact
There’s just seems to be no living without you

So, I’ll get myself a new bad habit
Just something to get me through
I’ll make myself a puppet
I’ll be pulling its strings, pretending it’s you
Does that sound crazy enough for you

I’m burning
Please, bring me your salvation
I’m shivering
Please, give me your protection
I’m dying
I’m withering
I need 당신 to come and save me
Please, lay down your redemption
On me...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I’ve got nothing to live for
All my hopes are buried since the 일 you’re gone
I put them in a big box
Hidden in the attic, behind closed doors
And I feel my 심장 beating
It’s beating repeatedly
Reminding me I’m made of flesh and blood
But I don’t know what it’s beating for

I will remember you
And I will get over you
One 일 I will see the sun again
But till that 일 comes
I’m just gonna cry and weep
And cry and weep all over again

I’ve got nothing to fight for
I’ll put my armor down until 당신 come back to me
I’ve built up a fortress
Inside me to hide away from reality
And I’m at the...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Put a gun to my head
And 불, 화재 all its bullets
May your tears wash away the stains
Then take me 의해 the hand
And walk me down the path
Leading me away from this pain

And I am 로스트 without you
And I don’t know what to do
I can’t see right from wrong
Since you’re gone

‘Cause I died the 일 당신 died
And I failed, though I’ve tried
To live just one 일 without thinking of you
And 당신 crossing my mind
Breaks my 심장 every time
It makes me want to 가입하기 the dead ones, too

Wrap a thread around my neck
And pull till I’m death
You can bury my corpse in the yard
They won’t blame 당신 for taking me
To where I...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I’ll be a good girl
I’ll do anything 당신 ask of me
But don’t say those words
Because I won’t be listening

Be careful, that’s my 심장 you’re holding in your hands
But if it isn’t yours, it doesn’t make a difference
And you’re asking me to me keep my distance
So, now the suffering begins

And it feels like the moon crashing on the earth
What have I done to ever deserve
You, leaving me
Taking everything that I need
Now I’m left with the pain
No guarantees I’ll see 당신 again
How can 당신 just 옮기기 on
When I can barely keep myself together
And I feel my 심장 shatter
It makes no sense at all...
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posted by morgan-le-fay
This is a short poem I wrote for my english class and just felt like sharing it.

My leaf clings to the tree,
It is new to life,
Pure green,
Feeling as soft as skin.

My leaf falls down,

My leaf lives on the ground,
Swept away 의해 the wind,
Feeling crumpled like used paper.

My leaf is dead,
From green to brown,
Soft to crumpled,
Spring to autumn.

(We had to write about a leaf and I came up with this. So hope 당신 like. x)

please 코멘트 this is my first 기사 on this spot. I really enjoy writing.
added by khfan12
added by southern-belle
posted by kathrinapetrova
This a story I wrote for my class, hope u like it!!

I stand in the cold, harsh rain, standing still, waiting for something. A sound. A sign of life, anywhere in this forest. I stand still, somewhat posed like a bird about to take flight. Then I hear it. A large CRACK sound, off to my right, but I am running before this thought registers in my head. I hunt on instinct, not thought. The thing that broke the branch, a small wolf, runs, knowing I am predator, not pray. I have only a 칼, 나이프 and my feet, bare, for speed. Shoes slow me. I chash this wolf, small, still a mommas boy, most likely. I jump...
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Im sick of the smell of the hallway of the school
Im sick of the words, me and you
당신 used to make my body feel giggly and numb
but honey your like chewin gum
the flavor is so juicy and sweet
but then later the flavors gone and meek
just like those three little words that race outta your mouth
little people would laugh out loud
because they all know what youv done
youv taken two hearts
and broke them into one
its sad really
how 당신 lie and cheat
because everyone knows
revenge is oh so sweet
We all know 당신 cheated and lied
o honey but i didnt die inside
i kept right on going
down my mary way
knowing that today
Was our so called day
the 일 that i fell so hopelessly in love
because 당신 were the one i was dreaming of
당신 used to want
당신 always would hug me
but that gum is gone and dirty
your not the only one that lias and cheats
because other that do know
revenge is oh so sweet
posted by animelove30
How I 사랑 You

Years have gone by. I don’t mean to cry but I’ve missed 당신 so much. Those restless days when I wish 당신 wasn’t away, filled up most of my life. Now you’re here in my arms, unable to get away. But to tell 당신 the truth, I’m wrong in so many ways, I didn’t know 당신 found love.

Now I’m stuck in the corner of the room, watching 당신 키스 her. 당신 seemed so happy, I could cry. But I never shed a tear my love, because I seen your smiling face. So I thought of how I 사랑 you.. and walked away.

Life was a dream, just 당신 and me.. Up against the world. But then 당신 me left...
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posted by animelove30
How Could You

It’s okay, 당신 kicked me to the side. It’s okay, 당신 were completely blind. 당신 couldn’t see the 사랑 of me and 당신 threw my 심장 away. I forgave 당신 back then. I forgive 당신 right now. I’m screaming my 심장 out loud. I still 사랑 you, but then I hate you. What am I gonna do?

I am fine, here without you. There’s just one little thing I need to know. How could 당신 pass me 의해 on that cold winter night and leave me all alone? How could 당신 take your 사랑 away? 당신 weren’t here to stay, without a goodbye. Sayonara baby. Cause I’ll never see 당신 again as long as I ask...
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posted by animelove30
Chapter 3- A Beautiful Thing

    Jade and Amanda started gossiping until Jade heard a ring upon her cell phone. Jade raised her eyebrows and quickly grabbed the phone. She flipped the cover and answered “Hello?”. “Jade, it’s me Chris.” She heard over the phone. “Oh my God! Chris! How did 당신 get my number?” Jade asked with excitement and a sparkle in her eyes. “Aw!” Amanda said with a smile. “Small town, small phonebook.” Chris answered. Jade laughed in return. “So 당신 actually searched for my number?” Jade asked with amazement. “Well, I had to...
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posted by animelove30
Chapter 1- The Bar

    In the small quiet town of Saint Vincent, Oklahoma, Jade Neal sat in her bedroom as the rain hit her window. She smiled at the somewhat silent pitter patter and thought about her late father and how he loved the rain. She almost 로스트 herself in old memories until she heard a hard knock on her door. “Who is it?” She asked with a sad tone for voice. “Hotel room service” a girl said through the cracks. “Come in” Jade replied. Amanda walked in with the biggest smile on her face ever and sat beside Jade. “Guess what?” Amanda asked with anticipation....
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posted by animelove30
My Heaven (English Version)

사랑 당신 boy.
Baby yes 당신 are my heaven.
Sing it with me.
La la la…

24/7 Baby you’re my heaven. 24/7 My everlasting heaven.

24/7 당신 send me to heaven. 24/7 Baby lets go.

Even though I let 당신 down, do 당신 wanna kick me on the ground and tell me that I’m not enough for you. But I’m still in 사랑 with 당신 and everytime I see your face, I know I can’t let go. So.. Be my ever loving heaven yo

Everytime I see your face, 당신 make me wanna fly. Like I can touch the stars. I can touch the sky. I know you’d never leave me, and baby this is true.. Baby boy you...
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posted by animelove30

    A beautiful creature up in the air.
Up above, way up there. Floating around without a care. Through the clouds, over the rainbow. The people stop and stare, it’s just too rare. Above the earth’s surface, flying with the breeze. Gliding through the sky with special ease.     The children wave as she flies by. Up, Up, Up, and higher in the sky. She hovers over the grasslands, and above the sea, how happy this 나비 has to be. She flies over Africa, Europe, and Asia too, everywhere the skies are blue. She never...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Got no reason to cry
I’m okay
Got no reason to hide
I’m okay
Got no reason to run from life
Or to fake a smile
Everything’s perfect this way
I’m okay

Bury me while I’m still breathing
Haunt me while I’m still sleeping
Torture me while I’m still feeling
Everything’s perfect this way
I’m okay

Got no place to run to
But I’m okay
Got no heaven to go through
Still I’m okay
Got no idea what to do
Or how to live without you
But everything’s perfect this way
I’m okay

Bury me while I’m still breathing
Haunt me while I’m still sleeping
Torture me while I’m still feeling
Everything’s perfect...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Frustration is causing me to pull my hair out
Desperation is causing me to cry my 심장 out
Imagination has caused my head into the clouds
But realization has caused me to tumble down

Of all the guys I got to know you’re the one I will remember
And I won’t shed a tear, but inside I’ll cry a river

I’m falling back down to earth
My feet steady on the ground
If anything I’ve learned from love
It’s 당신 get 로스트 but never found
Broken down from these emotions
I realize how unfair life is
Still I can’t stop believing
There’s gotta be 더 많이 than this

Acting like a 암캐, 암 캐 I abreact on my friends
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