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I get this 질문 often after stating that I am an Agnostic (so as not to mislead anyone). Sometimes, it's innocent curiosity, and other times it's flippantly sarcastic, but either way, I get the 질문 a lot. So I decided to extrapolate my reasons for being on this spot, if I don't believe in Christianity.

To paraphrase a 코멘트 I gave in response to one of these questions:

"I am an amateur anthropologist, I know a lot about the religion as my uncle is a pastor, and I feel that a lot of things at the 심장 of the religion are universal truths that can be shared. I try not to step on anyone's toes here, as best I can. There are some things which, as a "non-believer" I can't answer, and when I come across these 질문 I try to think of what the most Christianly response would be based on what I know of the religion, because, well, when in Rome...

How I do that (think of the "most Christianly thing") is I imagine the Christians I respect, like my uncle, and like my roommate, and like a scattered few users on 팬팝 whose names I know I've mentioned before. I also think of Christ first, and on rare occasion the Bible and the things it says about charity.

When I say I respond "in a Christianly way" I mean my interpretation of how someone like my uncle would respond. Take, for example, the 질문 "Do 당신 think non-believers are going to Hell." As a non-believer, I can't really answer that, can I? So I answer it based on the things people like my uncle says. Obviously, as a non-believer, my answer would be "I don't believe in Hell," but since, in a place like this, that response is rather flippant, I consider it, from the point of view of the kind of Christian I respect.

I follow the teachings of Christ at its core, for what they are. Forgiveness, acceptance, 사랑 and understanding, but I do not follow the Bible word for word, mostly because there are a lot of things that not only I disagree with morally, but that seem to go against the basic teachings of Christ. I also follow two of the five pillars of 이슬람 (Zakah and Sawm) but I do not believe in the Koran. I believe in the teachings of Buddha, as well as the idea of Nirvana, and to a certain extent, karma, but I am not Buddhist, either.

I believe there is good in every religion. I believe their are brilliant lessons to be learned from each, and that each has something to offer the world, and provides a different fascinating culture. I've been to bar mitzvahs, iftars, and I go to my uncle's church every summer when we stay with them.

I have a strong moral base. 당신 don't need religion to have one.

In summation, I'm not a Christian, but I am a fan of Christianity."

In addition to that, I have read the Bible. And I liked a lot of things about it. That may surprise a lot of people. And maybe some people don't understand how I can like things the Bible says, and follow the teachings of Christ, and yet, still not call myself a Christian. As I once said elsewhere, my disorganized mind does not fit well into walls of organized religion. I also don't like 또는 think in terms of absolutes. For me, there are always exceptions, always gray areas, and that's something that several denominations of 기독교 can't accept. Additionally, my agreement with and respect for other things in other religions would rub people the wrong way if I claimed to be Christian.

So there are several things in 기독교 which I do believe in, and I do ascribe to, and I can respect the religion on the whole. But there are things about it I disagree with, and I can't commit myself to something unless I wholly agree with it.

But because I know the Bible, and because I know people like my pastor who patiently answer my 질문 and engage me in conversations about their faith and teach me the 사랑 of Christ on a daily basis, I also know how the person that I think of as a true Christian might respond to things. Now, a "true Christian" is kind of like the Loch Ness Monster. People claim to know what it looks like, and to have seen it, but everyone's 설명 of it is completely different.

If 당신 believe that a true Christian is someone who literally interprets every word of the Bible, goes to church every day, and prays every night, then that's your interpretation, and it's perfectly valid. Maybe that is what a true Christian is like. It's just not what I believe a true Christian to be (I think it takes 더 많이 than that). But my opinion is just as valid as yours.

So I hoped that answered a lot of 질문 about why this 랜덤 Agnostic was lurking on the spot 연기 like she knew so much about a religion she didn't ascribe to. If 당신 want 더 많이 on my beliefs (I doubt it, after this long rant), see link.

PS: 90% of the Christians on this spot are lovely and beautiful people, and several of them embody traits that I believe true Christians should have. 당신 are all kind, generous, patient and respectful, and I think those are some of the greatest traits for anyone - Christian 또는 not - to have. God bless.
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Source: oddee.com
"Right now, I am in Fallujah. I am in Darfur. I am on Sixty-third and Park having 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 with Ellen Barkin and Ron Perelman... Right now, I'm on Lafayette and Astor waiting to hit 당신 up for change so I can get high. I'm taking a walk through the Rose Garden with George Bush. I'm helping Donald Rumsfeld get a good night's sleep...I was in that cave with Osama, and on that plane with Mohamed Atta...And what I want 당신 to know is that your work has barely begun. And what I want 당신 to trust is the efficacy of divine 사랑 if practiced consciously. And what I need 당신 to believe is that if you...
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posted by xSHOCKYx
This is interesting!!
> Science vs. God
> "Let me explain the problem science has with 예수님
> Christ." The atheist professor of philosophy pauses
> before his class and then asks one of his new students to
> stand.
> "You're a Christian, aren't you, son?"
> "Yes sir," the student says.
> "So 당신 believe in God?"
> "Absolutely."
> "Is God good?"
> "Sure! God's good."
> "Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?"
> "Yes."
> "Are 당신 good 또는 evil?"
> "The Bible says I'm...
continue reading...
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"Christmas is a wonderful time of the 년 to celebrate 예수님 birth, but too often we only remember Him during the holidays."
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A modern 일 monologue version of the what the Woman at the well said to Jesus. This story can be found in John 4:3-30 in the Holy Bible.
christ follower
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added by InLoveWithJesus
added by IBelieveInJesus