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She’s here, she’s blonde, and she’s definitely on top! CariDee English, a photographer from North Dakota, was crowned the winner of America’s 다음 상단, 맨 위로 Model. In addition to a $100,000 contract with cosmetics giant CoverGirl, CariDee’s prize includes a contract with Elite Model Management, as well as a cover and six-page fashion spread in Seventeen magazine. But 당신 knew that, faithful viewer. Now that she’s had time to get used to her life-changing prize package, CariDee took time out of her busy schedule to share all the 사랑 she’s feeling with her FORT fans.

Hi CariDee! Congratulations!

팬 of Reality TV, yes! Hello! Thank you! I’m so excited to talk to you, I 사랑 the website -- I love, love, love, love, 사랑 the website! Trust me, I was there, like, five times a day.

How does it feel to be in the winner’s shoes?

Amazing – I’m sorry, I’m having lunch, so forgive me for chomping. Amazing, amazing. It’s such a blessing. It’s a crazy whirlwind and I want to hold onto it as long as I can.

Do 당신 realize that you’re the first blonde winner?

Oh yeah, girl! (chewing) Sorry, again – 음식 in my mouth. I know I’m the first blonde winner, and I’m so happy they picked the blonde package, they picked me. (laughs) I’m definitely excited and it takes it to a whole other level with the merging of the networks. Yes, I’m so excited.

Did having commercial appeal work for 당신 on the show?

I think it definitely it was great for me, because a lot of American modeling is commercial, it is print. You’re out there, you’re talking, you’re “spokes”. I feel like it’s very friendly; I just try to be myself and have everyone relate to me in some way 또는 another.

Can 당신 tell us, how did 당신 come to be on the show?

I tried out – I got the application from the Internet, and I drove to the Cities, and it was a process of elimination from there.

당신 say that 당신 wanted to model when 당신 were younger, but 당신 had a skin condition that kept 당신 from trying. 당신 certainly don’t seem like 당신 have any inhibitions 또는 doubts about your looks these days. Where did 당신 find that confidence?

I think I made up for my skin disease and everything with my confidence. I hate [psoriasis], I do - I hate it with a passion – but I had to accept it. Once I accepted it, I did a lot better. I should tell 당신 that naturally, I’m just really out there; I’m outgoing and goofy. Even though I have it, I don’t let it have me, 당신 know?

What was your 가장 좋아하는 photoshoot?

Oh, my goodness. All of them? (laughs) A great 일 for everybody where there was great energy was the Celebrity 사진 shoot. That was a great vibe. Everyone was just loving it, it was just fun, we were all different characters. Another 가장 좋아하는 사진 shoot – I can’t really say one! It was all of them. The skydiving was fun, it was crazy. It was fun. I really liked the Circus Freaks – I liked how it came out. I was totally out there, doing different things, switching it up. I was feeling really good right then. I remember feeling really confident.

On the water shoot, 당신 got hypothermia – this was all explored on the show. But what sticks out to me is that 당신 got a lecture from Tyra that 당신 need to tell them when you’re suffering, and yet, all the girls surely know that if they complain they will hear about it when they’re in front of the judges.

Exactly, yes.

What did 당신 think of being told that 당신 should have said something sooner?

Yeah, it was a catch-22. I could have quit, and if I would have quit, I was a quitter. And if I stuck with it and just stayed it out -- which is what I did. What happened was that Ken Mok, a producer, was like, “Get her out of the water, get her out of the water!” And I wasn’t allowed back in. And I know that when you’re going through the first stages of hypothermia, 당신 don’t realize it. So I didn’t realize anything was happening, I just thought I was really cold. Also, the medicine I take for my psoriasis lowers my immune system. My immune system is so much lower than the average person, that cold really hit me hard. When it came time to do the pictures I really focused, but it was definitely a challenge for me.

Was that the most difficult part of the experience?

The water, wobbly 통로, 활주로 – whatever the heck that was. That was insane! That was just too much for me. (laughs)That was scary. It was frustrating, it was … just scary.

Have 당신 and Nigel Barker made up, 또는 does he still have a stick up his ass?

Oh, no, no, no -- Nigel is great! Nigel is great, he’s so nice. We actually had a 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 that they never aired, and I really, really like Nigel. When I made the joke, actually, what they didn’t show was that he joked right back, instantly right back, and everybody was laughing. The show made an issue out it just for the viewers’ eyes. And also for him to make me realize that 당신 can’t be doing that in other situations -- which I never would; like, I would never go into a client situation and just say that out of nowhere. But 당신 just feel like 당신 know him, and he jokes back. The moral of the story is that if 당신 mess with the bull, 당신 get the horns. (laughs)

So you’ve learned to take the “class, dignity and respect” route. Good for you!

Yeah. Oh, definitely. (laughs)

당신 were portrayed on the show as having a wild and crazy personality. Is that accurate in real life?

Definitely! I’m wild and crazy, but I’m not like, (crazy voice) wild one 초 and then (quiet voice)really down the next. It’s just who I am, I have a lot of energy in me. And I think that’s very, very important to have in the modeling industry, because you’re going constantly. You’re on, you’re going, 당신 have to think of new things, 당신 have to be innovative, 당신 have to be creative. It’s an important characteristic to have if 당신 want to succeed in the long run.

You’re eating lunch during interviews…

(laughs) Yeah, exactly! I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Come on, everyone says they get a bad edit. You’re saying you’re like that in real life?

(laughs)Well, there are certain things that went on, like, they made it look like I was happy one 분 and falling apart the next. It wasn’t really like that. They didn’t show a lot of like hanging around the house and just being chill. I loved a lot of people, I got close to a lot of the girls, and had great conversations. They just showed highs and lows of me, which is frustrating, because there were definitely something else with me. I can be very chill and I feel like Jaeda was really funny, I wish they had shown that more. Megg had 더 많이 sides to her than just “rock and roll” and she was awesome. Monique was pretty accurate, though. (laughs)

I understand 당신 have a boyfriend at home, right?

Yes, I do.

Did 당신 have any explaining to do about that Spanish guy?

We’ve been going for two years, but when I was filming, we took a break because we were having troubles like any other couple, especially, 당신 know, that two-year thing. And we just took a break before I left, and we just recently got back together about a 월 ago, officially. On November 27th, actually. It’s good to step away from something if 당신 really want it. We were always in contact, and friends, and everything, but I think it was best for our relationship to be apart during all that. And also, I could concentrate 더 많이 on the competition, not missing him and not so involved in him, that helped too.

The reason I ask is that people have said it was cheating on your part, and I wanted to give 당신 that chance to address that.

Oh no, absolutely not. That’s why there was never a big deal about it on the show, because it wasn’t a big deal. I’m glad to clear the air on this, definitely. The editing made a mistake, like early on, saying “CariDee’s boyfriend” – they knew we were having troubles and were apart. They knew he was dear to me and I still talked to him and everything, because he is my best friend first and foremost, but yeah, we weren’t together during it, and that’s what the big misunderstanding was.

Who were 당신 close to in the house?

I wish I could answer that, I really do. I knew that 질문 was going to come up and I don’t have a certain person, but I can’t answer because I really loved everyone, honestly. It hit me in different ways. They are all so beautiful, they were all so great. I loved Megg, she made me feel so good. When she walked into the room, everything just lifted. All of your worries just kind of melted, 당신 know? She was wonderful, a beautiful person. A.J., she was a great person to talk serious with. Anchal, beautiful, was so fun to just have fun with, to laugh, and giggle, and just be goofy with. She used to dare people to do things. And Michelle was the person who would put other people first before she would ever think of herself. A completely selfless person, just awesome. Amanda was so sweet, she was shy, but she was sweet. Eugena—oh God, loved Eugena. Love, love, 사랑 Eugena. We got really close during the time in Barcelona because…I don’t know! I just loved her. She was just so funny to me. I wish they would have showed more, but the things she would do were just so real, it’s just funny the way they came off.

I really got close to everybody. Megan, so sweet, so sweet and so kind, and now she’s doing great! I saw her on the cover of a magazine, and it was beautiful and smart. She was very reserved, but very sincere and just loved to have fun. And even Christian was an awesome person. I only got to meet her for a little bit, but she would always laugh at the things I would say, and I told her, “It’s so fun that we’re getting close,” and stuff like that. I just got close to everyone at one point 또는 another. It was so hard to see them leaving, 당신 know? Oh my God, Brooke – wise beyond her years, and the most intelligent girl her age I’ve ever met, and probably the whole competition.

당신 didn’t mention Melrose, what can 당신 say about her?

Melrose was a good person. She was – I still don’t really know how she is, but she was a great competitor, let me tell you. If I was going to lose, which I wasn’t – no wait. If I was going to win, which I did, I didn’t want to win in a way that implied it was given to me. She gave me a run for my money. She was a hard competitor, and she’s great, she’s smart, she’s motivated. There’s a lot of things that she embodies that I wish I did, as far as just like – I mean, I’m driven, but she’s – there’s a smartness to her that is so inspiring.

As far as that little showdown on the final 통로, 활주로 challenge with Melrose – did she think 당신 stepped on her dress on purpose?

No. I just know her. It’s the fact that she just loves fashion, and the dress got a hole in it. She was upset because she has a passion for clothes, 당신 know. It was just intense.

It’s not like 당신 were going 집 with the dresses, so why did she take it so personally?

Well, I would never, ever, ever ruin a designer’s dress. It was only 의해 accident. Those trains were four feet long, and it twisted around me when I turned really quickly, and my heel got caught in it. It’s a live show, that’s the thing, she had to understand that. It’s a live show and things happen, you’ve just got to roll with it, keep going, and not let it affect you. Of course I was worried that the designers were going to be mad at me, but I apologized.

Do 당신 think she was just trying to psyche 당신 out?

No, she psyched herself out. She didn’t even bother me. I’ve been in theater and 연기 before, and I know that anything can go on at any moment, and if it does 당신 do not let it show. The show must go on.

Were 당신 surprised that 당신 received so much criticism from the judges for the final 통로, 활주로 show?

Yeah, they gave me good points, too. A lot of people expect a model going on this show to automatically be great, but it’s a learning process. Like me, 사진 are easy for me. It just comes naturally. Walking? It’s good for me but I was so nervous, that I forgot to breathe. I was just like, (breathing in noisily) so intense and so nervous. And the competition itself, I just forgot to have a good time. Now that the pressure’s off, on a 통로, 활주로 I’ll totally just have a lot of fun. I’ll show everything because I’m not thinking, “this is SO important.” There’s a whole different motive behind it.

What do 당신 think of Tyra after this experience? What can 당신 tell us about her that we wouldn’t necessarily know from watching her on TV?

She is so smart and so full of knowledge that’s even beyond her comprehension. She affects people to the core. It’s a lingering effect that she leaves on people. I owe everything to her. She’s amazing. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t even talking to 당신 right now, 또는 having these experiences. I owe my life and my career to her, and for that I will always be thankful. People don’t realize that she’s only human, too. They’ll criticize and say, “why’d 당신 wear that?” 또는 “why did 당신 look like that?” – well, she’s only human! That’s what’s made her go so far, is that she takes these things gracefully. She makes mistakes, 또는 she does well, and she’s not so full of herself to the point of being worried about being out there. She’s a real person, and that’s what’s gotten her so far. She’s great with people. She’s got her own show, her talk show, she’s one of the 상단, 맨 위로 women in entertainment right now and she’s 34. 35 this week. It’s amazing.

Can 당신 tell us about your future plans?

Thank God I’m a CoverGirl! One of the best things about this is that not only am I an Elite model, but I’m with CoverGirl. I 사랑 CoverGirl, I’ve loved their products since I was a little girl, and honestly, I’m not just saying that. I’ve really loved their products ever since I was young, and to be representing them and have them behind my name, 당신 know? CariDee, CoverGirl model. It’s amazing. I appreciate everything that is coming with that. I can’t wait. We’re shooting our commercial in Australia 다음 week. I’m just so excited, and I’m so grateful. I feel like I’ve been through so much. I hope that somebody saw it and I motivated them to do the same thing, too. I could have taken the easy way out. I still wanted to model, but with my psoriasis no one even gave me the chance. It was my incentive to do it.

Is there anything else you’d like the posters on FORT to know?

I 사랑 all the 팬 당신 have there. Tell them thank 당신 for posting and the support and everything. It definitely would make my day. Whenever I was feeling down I would read there, and people on there, I’ll never meet them, but they made me feel so good, and I appreciate that so much. So, thank 당신 so much and God bless!
caridee english
cycle 7
caridee english
caridee english
cycle 7
from the show
caridee english
cycle 7
caridee english