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So the Character Countdown has ended and here are the results. Throughout the course of it we have seen a couple of shocking exits and some character s got higher than were expected to. Se where your 가장 좋아하는 has landed!

45. Amanda
Amanda was one of the potentials, she was discovered 의해 a spell and was already a resident of Sunnydale, a classmate of Dawn's.

44. Kennedy
Kennedy is another one of our poteial slayers form Season 7, she then became the lover of original scoobie Willow Rosenberg.

43. Parker Abrams
Parker was a student at Sunnydale USC, the local college. He had a one a night stand with Buffy and then went on to spread rumours about her.

42. Professor Maggie Walsh
Maggie was one of Buffy and Willow college professors, however she also ran a secret military base underneath the fraternity house. She tried to kill Buffy when she found out what she was.

41. Riley Finn
Riley was Buffy's college boyfriend, her only real human long term boyfriend. He was also in the army, a section that captured and detained demons, he was one of Maggie's soldiers. He left Sunnydale and Buffy when he realised he was 수퍼내츄럴 enough for her.

40. Warren Mears
Warren was one of the Big nastys in season 6. He was only human but as a human he managed to shot Buffy and kill Tara. He was then killed later on in the season 의해 Willo on black magic.

39. Scott Hope
Scott was one of Buffy's high school flings, he dumped her just before Homecoming.

38. Adam
Adam was a creation of Maggie's, he had demon parts, robot parts and human parts. He became the big bad of season 4 after he killed his creator and escaped the base.

37. Principal Bob Flutie
Bob was the principal of Sunnydale High School when Buffy first joined. He was mauled and eaten 의해 a pack of students who were possessed 의해 hyenas in season 1

36. Amy Madison
Amy Madison first appeared in season 1 when her mother has switched bodies with her. After that was cleared up she went into witchcraft and turned herself into a 쥐 in season 3. Willow tries for years to change her back but isnt successful until season 6. She then introduces Willow to some seedy magic drive but eventually is forced out of their 원, 동그라미 의해 the rest of the gang.

35. Ethan Rayne
Ethan Rayne is an old 대학 pal of Giles. Everytime he comes into Sunnydale he manages to wreck havoc. Turning everyone into their holloween costumes, turning adults into teenagers, turning Giles into a demon etc.

34. Caleb
Caleb was the puppet of The First. He appears in season 7 dressed as a priest, he kills a number of people but the closet thing to 집 he did was make Xander blind in one eye. He is killed 의해 Buffy in the last episode

33. Violet
제비꽃, 바이올렛 is another one of the potential slayers that lives at Buffy's house. She is one of the few to survive the hellmouth raid.

32. Percy West
Percy is one of the Sunnydale High school Jocks, he is forced to get tutored 의해 Willow and at first tries to get her to do everything. Hoever he meet her vampire doppleganger thinking its Willow and then after that he does everything Willow says. He helps in the Graduation 일 battle.

31. Willy The Snitch
Willy owned a local dive and used to do favours for the vamps in return he wouldnt give information on them, he also let them drink at his bar. Buffy would pumble him often for information.

30. Larry Blaisdell
Larry was one of the school bullies at Sunnydale, his main prey was Xander Harris, however after time we find out LArry is actually gay and that he only acts hard to keep up appearences. Hi is killed 의해 the giant Mayor snake during the Graduation 일 battle.

29. Principal Robin Wood
Wood was the principal of the new Sunnydale High, in season 7. He gives Buffy a job as a counsellor and eventually becomes part of the scoobie team. Only after finding out that his mother was killed 의해 Spike as she was the slayer in the 70's with the leather coat. He also has a romance with Faith.

28. Halfrek
Halfrek was a vengeance demon like Anya was, and is one of Anya's good mates. However she becomes a counsellor at Dawn's school and grants her wish, so at Buffy's 20th birthday party they are all stuck in the house.

27. The Master
The Master was the big bad in season 1. He was also Darla's sire. He kills Buffy and opens the hellmouth, however just before he plan could succeed Buffy is resuscitated and throws him through the window to his death.

26. Principal Snyder
Snyder becomes principal after Flutie is killed, however he becomes a pain in the scoobies back. constantly trying to catch Buffy out he expels her at the end of season 2. He also had a close relationship with the police and the mayor but was then eaten 의해 the Mayor snake in the Graduation 일 battle.

25. Mayor Richard Wilkins
Mayor Richard Wilkins had actually been the mayor for well over 100 years. He went through an ascension which meant he became a full sized demon, this happened during the Graduation 일 ceremony whilst he was giving his speech. However Buffy led him through the school and then blew it up with him as a big snake inside. He was also a father figure to Faith.

24. Kendra
After Buffy died for a few 초 in Season 1 Kendra was called to service. She appeared in Season 2 and attacked Buffy thinking she was a vampire, she then went on to team up with Buffy and stop Spike and dru from killing Angel. She returned at the end of season 2 to help Buffy with Angelus but was then killed Drusilla.

23. Jenny Calender
Jenny was a computer teacher at Sunnydale High but she was also a techno pagan and then became Giles's love. She was also part of the Romanian clan of gypsies and after betraying Giles and Buffy she was then killed 의해 Angelus. Giles and Jenny were just about to reunite before her murder.

22. Darla
Darla is only around for a couple of episodes in season 1, but then we see her slot 더 많이 in flashbacks throughout the series. She was Angel's sire and had a very big influence over him. She nearly got Buffy to kill him however she was killed 의해 앤젤 to save Buffy. (Later resurrected in 앤젤 Season 1)

21. Glory
Glory appeared in season 5 and was a god banished from her dimension for abusing her power. She searched all throughout the season looking for a key which would opened the doors to all dimensions, she found out Dawn was the key and kidnapped her but was killed 의해 buffy and gang and then Buffy sacrificed herself to 봉인, 인감 the door.

20. Clem
Clem is a friendly demon who would often babysit Dawn. He was one of Spikes poker pals and enjoyed a good kitten 또는 too. He drove out of town just before the hellmouth was opened.

19. Harmony Kendall
Harmony was a fellow classmate at Sunnydale as was part of Cordelia's 인기 gang. In the graduation 일 battle she was attacked 의해 a vampire. In season 4 she comes back as a vampire and is then dating Spike, however being treated badly 의해 him. She come back in season 5 trying to be the big bad but not succeeding. She eventually moves to LA.

18. Jonathon Levinson
Johnthon was also in school with Buffy and co. Was kind of a loner who kept getting in the middle of some investigation. Buffy talked him out of killing himself and he then went on to gain some confidence. In season 6 he joins up with Andrew and Warren to become The Trio and they go around trying out 수퍼내츄럴 things and eventually end up getting in Buffy's way.

17. Dawn Summers
Dawn is Buffy's little sister however she doesnt exsist until season 5. She was made 의해 a bunch of monks as she in infact The Key and put in the protection of Buffy.

16. Andrew Wells
Andrew is another one of The Trio who annoyed Buffy and the scoobies with their constant using Buffy as a game. he escapes Sunnydale with Jonathon only to return at the beginning of season 7, and then murder him under the First's influence. After being held hostage 의해 the scoobies for a while he then becomes one of them and helps them in their final battle.

15. Wesley Wyndam Pryce
When Gile's is fired as the watcher of Buffy and Faith, Wesley is sent in to replace him. He was not able to get either of the Slayers attention most of the time, and often went about things the wrong way (Arresting Faith). He had a brief dalliance with Cordy but that didnt last beyond a kiss. He is then fired from the watchers council and then joins 천사 team in LA after becoming a demon hunter for a while.

14. Joyce Summers
Joyce is Buffy's mother and doesnt find out about her daughters secret life until the season finale of season 2. However it still takes her a while to accept it. She also has sex with Gile on the rooftop of a police car whilst under the influence of band candy. In season 5 she suffered from a brain tumour and after getting the all clear dies from a brain haemorrhage.

13. Tara Maclay
Tara was first introduced in season 4 as a shy quiet girl in the wiccan group Willow tries to join. Her and Willow then begin doing spells together and a bond forms. This then leads to a romance between the two. They hit a couple of hurdles, mainly to do with Willow overuse of magic. Tara was killed in season 6 의해 Warren. This sent Willow into a black magic hole.

12. Drusilla
Drusilla first appears in the beginning of season 2 with Spike, they arrive as a couple and she is very weak. After a spell to get her strength up kinda fails (she becomes strong but spike is in a wheelchair) they stay low. On her Birthday she revives a demon called the judge and Angelus. She leaves town wiht spike at the end of season 2, and then goes on to leave Spike. She appears only once 더 많이 after this in season 5 in which she find out spike loves Buffy.

11. Anya Jenkins
Anya originally came to Sunnydale to help Cordy seek vengeance on Xander. However during her spell her powers get taken away and she is tuck as mortal after being a demon for over a thousand years. She tries to get her powers back but fails, she then goes to leave during the Graduation Day. But she comes back for Xander and they eventually become a couple on Season 4. He then leaves her at the alter in Season 6 and she gets offered the chance to become a vengeance demon again but however she looses her powers again in season 7 and returns to help the scoobies. She then dies in the final battle in the hellmouth.

10. Faith Laherne
Faith was called when Kendra was killed, and arrived in Sunnydale in Season 3. She was a wild party slayer and tried to lead Buffy down the same path. On one of their nights out though she accidentally kills a mortal thinking hes a vampire. This then leads her to 가입하기 the Big bad (The Mayor's) side and become his surrogate daughter. Buffy stabs her in the season 3 finale, and goes into a coma. She wakes up in season 4 and uses a contraption to switch bodies with buffy. She wreaks a little havoc but then their bodies are returned back to them. She then returns a new woman in Season 7 and helps in the final battles, she also starts up a romance with Robin Wood.

09. Angel
앤젤 is first know 의해 buffy as cryptic guy as he'd give her message and then not been seen for time. He then becomes her infatuation but she discovers he's a vampire and it adds a little strain onto their budding relationship. People from his past, Spike, Darla and Dru, tru and cause trouble for him and Buffy but it isnt until they have sex that he looses his soul and becomes Angelus again. He returns as 앤젤 only in time for Buffy to send him to hell. He then comes back from hell and with Buffys help he becomes rehabilitated. However he realises that Buffy needs a life and so leaves for LA at the end of the Graduation Battle. He returns a couple of times to help out Buffy, and also comes back in the series finale, where he finds out about Buffy and Spike and isnt too happy.

08. Xander Harris
Xander is one of the original sccobies, and one of Buffy's best friends. He beocmes know early on as the demon magnet as he has couple of demons dating him, and ultimately ends up with Anya an ex demon. He also had a relationship with Cordy which ended badly when he cheated on her with Willow. He was always the soul and the comedian of the group, as he never had any real powers. however he was the only person who could save the world when Willow turned dark.

07. Angelus
Angelus is Angel's alter ego 또는 shall we say he is 앤젤 without a soul. He appears mid way through season 2 and proceeds to taunt Buffy instead of trying to kill her because she made him feel human. They have a long battle at the end of season 2, during which Willow restores Angel's soul. So with that Angelus is put to rest.

06. Cordelia Chase
Cordy was one of Sunnydale High's most 인기 girls. She was May Queen, Homecoming 퀸 and a cheerleader. In the early stage she spent alot of time putting Buffy and the gang down, but then once she knows the truth about vampire and demons she still continues to put them down but also starts to help them. She has a relationship with Xander which puts her social life in jeopardy, but then she chooses him over her status. He then cheats on her in season 3 and this leads her to becoming Sunnydale's number 1 암캐, 암 캐 again. She still helped out though with research. she then left Sunnydale after the Graduation Battle for LA, but didnt leave before staking her first ever vampire.

05. Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne
Oz was introduced in the beginning of season 2 and he became infatuated with Willow, they eventually start dating but on their first 날짜 (Buffy's Surprise 17th) he finds out what Buffy is and that 뱀파이어 are real, hoever he says "this actually explains alot". and from that moment is a part of the group. Oz is also a werewolf and with the gangs help he keeps it under control 의해 locking himself up. however in season 4 hew meets a female werewolf called Veruca who tries to get him to embrace his 늑대 side. This leads to him cheating on Willow and then eventually leaving Sunnudale to learn how to control the wolf.

04. Rupert Giles
Giles's has been Buffy's watcher from the first episode, even though she tried to reject him of that. Along the seven seasons he has had a couple of relationships, his biggest being with Jenny Calender. He was fired from his watcher position in season 3 after they said he cared too much for his slayer, like a father. However he unofficially continued his role as her watcher until he decede it would be best to leave in season 6. He then returned at the end to stop Willow and he took Willow to England with him to rehabilitate her. they returned in season 7 and help with the final battle.

03. Willow Rosenberg
Willow is another one of the original scoobies and also one of Buffy's best friends. she was just the computer nerd and smart girl up until mid season 2 when she starting looking into magic. Her first big spell was restoring Angel's soul. She continued to get stronger and stronger and then in Season 6 she turned dark and became too powerful for her 프렌즈 to handle. She left to control her powers and then returned for the last season and last battle. She has had a couple of significant relationships, Oz was her first love, then Tara who was her first female love, and then finally Kennedy.

02. Spike
Spike burst into turn the beginning of season 2 with one goal, to kill the slayer. He came with Dru and remained 사랑 sick over Drusilla until he started to fall in 사랑 with Buffy in Season 5. However he remained being bad and evil until a chip was put in his head 의해 the army in season 4 and then started to stick with the scoobies because they were protecting him. He then went on to become someone they could trust and a member of the gang. At the end of Season 6 he went off to get a soul so that Buffy could 사랑 him. They shared alot moments in season 7 and she finally told him she loved him right when he was sacrificing himself to close the hellmouth.

And finally your winner of the countdown, it is of course the girl who the show is about....

01 Buffy Summers

 Buffy Sumers
Buffy Sumers
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