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Hello everybody!!Well,so....er..err...ok,ok,I admit it!I don't know how to start!I'm not at jokes and good lines are just not me.So, I suggest to begin with the interview.

1.Tell us some things about you: No clue what to put here. I live in the US, I just turned 30, I'm single and lovin' it, I don't watch a lot of tv on tv- just 수퍼내츄럴 and Dollhouse.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why: Spike, because he's snarky, sexy, insightful, love's 암캐, 암 캐 and he developed from a villain to a hero

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why: Willow and Tara because I could really feel how much they loved each other, they were so comfortable together that they made me think of a married couple- loved how they acted as parents to Dawn when B was gone

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?: Classic favourite yes. Current favourite no.(that would be Supernatural) I really don't have that many shows I 사랑 (Buffy, Firefly and SPN really being the 상단, 맨 위로 3 ever)

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do: Hm, tough one. I think I'd just want to hang out with the Scoobies.

1.Tell us some things about you:I 사랑 to play on my computer on my free time and while on my computer do want rewatch episodes of Buffy. Like 1-7 in order and straight out. Right now I am towards to end of the Season 5.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:I like Buffy, she is a very strong character on the show. Makes hard decisions on herself and everything else. Always on 상단, 맨 위로 of things. Has two 뱀파이어 fallen in 사랑 with her. Like her, she is the best slayer. Faith however is also my favorite. On the path redemption very hard to rebuild on the path she was on .

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:My 가장 좋아하는 couple, duh, its Spuffy. I the relationship between Buffy & Spike it just made feelings spun. LOL. Buffy and Spike once were mortal enemies,buddies,using one other to feel alive again, fought to get a soul for their lover,& True Love.

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:Yes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the most funniest show that I ever watch on television.

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:Partol around the graveyard and hang with Spike & Angel.LOL. & Hang with the scooby gang.

1.Tell us some things about you: Um... i'm 13, i live in Cambridge and i get obsessed with things really easily *nods*

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why: Spikkeeeee. Come on.. Why? Seriously? He's sex on legs. No scrap that, he's sex :P And he's hilarious. And did i mention he's ripped? i think i might have....

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:Spuffy. I 사랑 the way int changes and develops and how it turns out. It can be so sad and so hot and so sweet all in one. I really 사랑 their dynamic and how it's not just kinda fine strait away (i say strait away, but really, is it ever fine? They go from hate to one way hate to tripped out "i-just-want-to-feel" sex to bieng in 사랑 and not knowing it until it's too late. S'not ever really 'fine' is it?

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?: No. It's either that 또는 House. Both are just amazing :D

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do: go around with her powers mucking about. I'd probably end up like Faith; i see too much of the fun of being super strong and jumping around ridiculously high and far.

1.Tell us some things about you:I don't really know what to say but I've been watching Buffy since i was about 5 또는 6. My sister was a 팬 of it and she used to make a watch it with her :)
Since then i've loved it.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:Cordelia Chase, i like her because some of the things she says are hilarious.

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:I have two Xander & Cordy and Buffy & Angel.
I 사랑 the banter between Xander and Cordy, it was so funny and I just loved how Bangel were together.
Plus the early years are my favourite!

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:Yes, It was the first tv show i really followed. Plus i've been a 팬 now for about 10 years! I also 사랑 Dawsons Creek.

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:Kiss 앤젤 and Kick some ass! :)
Oh and slap Kennedy!


1.Tell us some things about you:I could go with the boring rant about my family & school, so here's just some 랜덤 facts about me: I like lunch better than any other meal of the day, 다음 to dessert. I despise math, but miraculously I'm very good at it. I've had three 고양이 in my life, Cleo, Teddy, & Weetzie (pronounced like it's spelled). Cleo died a couple years ago, but Teddy & Weetzie are still going strong. At least Teddy is anyway. Anyone who's that fat and that loud has to be healthy. Weetzie hobbles along on his skinny legs well enough. My older sister is 16 and quite annoying. And finally, my secret talent: My thumb is double jointed!

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:Spike. Without a doubt. Well first off his whole body screams with yumminess, plus he's got some of the best lines in the whole show. "It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell all my friends. They don't have a rock this big." And of course his 사랑 for Buffy. Sweet!!

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:Spuffy (Buffy & Spike). Their relationship going from enemies to 연인들 is beyond awesomeness. Compared to *cough* a certain couple who I'm not naming *cough* who seem to start making out in Buffy's room weeks after meeting each other. *cough*

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:By far. Nothing is better than Buffy. Not Angel, not Firefly, not Gilmore Girls, which are all amazing shows but no where near as amazing as BtVS.

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:I would take advantage of my new hotness and bad 나귀, 엉덩이 skills, and go kill some demons, then blow off steam afterwards 의해 say spending some private time with Spike. *giggles excitedly* And of course experience a famous meeting of the Scooby gang.

1.Tell us some things about you:ok so ive just left my teen years and im currently living in 런던 studying events 음악 and media management. I am however an aspiring actress/singer, im stronger at singing. I also did gymnastics my whole life, i coach it now, and played various other sports. I support Liverpool FC, my 가장 좋아하는 actors are Catherine zeta jones, Antonio Banderas and Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, then my 가장 좋아하는 character actors from my 가장 좋아하는 tv shows tend to come after them.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:Cordelia Chase, i cant really explain it but ive always loved the real bitches, i feel like there is 더 많이 character to them, becasue with bitches 당신 are bound to see their soft side pop out once in a while. Also she really developed over the three years let alone when she gets to angel, not many other charaacters went through that kind of development.

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:
Cordy and Xander, i 사랑 them bantery kind of relationships that lead into 사랑 love, which is weird as i 사랑 bangel and really dislike spuffy, i think how a relationship is started is a really big thing into why i like a couple, and also it needs to be mutual, i think thats why i disliked spike during that phase because it was always him and im not a 팬 of men like that

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:well its in my 상단, 맨 위로 4 with 앤젤 참드 and greys they all mix around and become my 가장 좋아하는 for the day, its prob the one i know most about.

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:i would defo go out and kick some demon butt, then go and find 앤젤 and have smoochy time with him, tell xander that hes stupid, tell spike to be a man for once, oh slap willow for just being annoying (i dont know why the magority of the time in the later seasons she really irritates y!me), maybe team up with faith again and do some partying, oh i dont know theres so many cool things thas shes already done, i think just the general going out there and fighting i would enjoy!

1.Tell us some things about you:* I've been to Walt 디즈니 World approximately 30 times.
* I have both a Spuffy tattoo and a Harry Potter tattoo.
* I played softball for approximately 15 years, usually three teams at a time (travel, in-house and school)
* I can crack my neck very loudly...sort of freaky loudly.
* I was 'Little Miss California' when I was very little, so little I don't remember it, but apparently I was.
* Leads a very sheltered 음식 life, had my first 초콜릿 chip cookie about a 월 ago.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:I just have to go with Spike as my 가장 좋아하는 character in Buffy. I will assume that I do not need to bring up the classic 답변 of his wit, snarkinees, and 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 hottness appeal but it's honestly based in something much 더 많이 important. I 사랑 Spike's 심장 and, for lack of a better word, 또는 perhaps this is the perfect word - soul.

Spike is a character that fully completes the Hero's Journey and he does it all in the name of love. Spike, I believe, is the character with the most open heart, the greatest ability to put his 심장 and faith on the line. Even after being burned 의해 Cecily he gives himself over to Dru completely and molds himself into what she needs of him. He even does this for Buffy, he changes to be the type of man that would be worthy of her 사랑 and that is what makes him a wonder. Spike doesn't care about what he wants, yes he wants Buffy but it's never about wanting her as much as it is about being with her. A character whose greatest moment is just holding the woman he loves - while she insists she doesn't 사랑 him - is a character of a certain strength.

The layers are also astounding, we have a Victorian poet who wraps himself in blood and leather to both please his Dark Princess and shield himself from others. His duster is his armor. It's a play on contradictions that I find interesting. The best kind of hero is the type that believes himself the villian and Spike is the perfect example of such a character. He is the reluctant hero who becomes a White Hat because - as it always is - of a girl .

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:While I have to say I enjoy Xander and Anya, Willow and Tara, and especially 프레드 and Wes (if we expand into the Angelverse), it is Spuffy that I decided to get inked on me.

Spuffy is my 가장 좋아하는 ship because it's not a relationship about soft 꽃 and hearts and it isn't - as much as people will argue with me - about sex. It's about two people who find their strength in the other. Buffy depends on Spike, he is her rock in her wild waters, the person who will hold her and tell her, with no expectations, that she a hell of a woman but will also challenge her. Spike treats Buffy like a woman, a grown woman who is capable of her own decisions but will still let her be a girl who needs to be smiled at with a sexy glint. Spike allows Buffy to be both Slayer and girl. Spike understands that Buffy isn't just a fragile shard of white light and she isn't a programmed soldier on the side of good, she's an amazing, multifacated efflugent girl with a killer right hook. Her strength and power don't make him feel inadequate but turn him on. He appericates everything about her.

The relationship between Spike and Buffy is passionate and, with the exception of Slayers and vampires, real. They argue, they fight, they want to kill one another, but there is this strength and connection that just can't be dissolved. Spike loves her and Buffy loves Spike (Persoanlly I believe that she truly does and can't admit it until Chosen). It's passion and contradiction, forbidden but desired.

While I won't say that Bangel and Briley are bad ships (I've come to appericate both), Spuffy just has this draw to me as the simple story of a man who is in 사랑 with a girl and will go to the ends of the world to save the silly bint.

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:Before I did Buffy I did not watch TV shows, sure I did the little bit of this and the odd side of that but I was a movie and Agatha Christie nut. Then a disc of 본즈 (one of those 'that's I was talking about) was out and I saw David on the cover of season two.....that's how it started and I've branced out since Buffy - 사랑 Doctor Who for example - but Buffy is my first, my last, my only

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:It all depends on when I am Buffy. If I'm Buffy after Becoming part two I think I would need to 펀치 Xander. If we are in season six I would try to help out with the whole Hell's Bells stitch and I would save Tara. But if we are talking about Buffy right now, at the end of Chosen, I would take a deep breath, roll up my sleeves and find the Gem of Amara...I just have the wiggins about that thing, maybe... 19 days 또는 so...something good would come of it. If not, I'd always have a part of him with me.

Odd how it all goes back to Spike?

1.Tell us some things about you:The first 질문 is probably the hardest. I think I'll go trivial, since my life story would only bore. My 가장 좋아하는 color is 올리브 green. I 사랑 동물 but I'm mostly a cat person, I own 4. I would 사랑 to get a dog someday, but I don't have the room right now. A Great Dane, Golden Retriever, 또는 a Pug would be my dog of choice.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:My 가장 좋아하는 character in the Buffyverse, without question, is Spike. I 사랑 everything about him. From the first moment he walked on screen in Season 2, he just had this addictive charisma to him, I couldn't get enough of him. He's so complex that it's really hard to narrow down what my 가장 좋아하는 thing about him is. But I guess, aside from just his general "cool", it would have to be his willpower. I loved that over his character arch that spanned the entire show, the way he was able to overcome/make peace with the demon inside of him to the point of snuffing it out completely(in the form of seeking its removal).

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:Considering that Spike is my 가장 좋아하는 character, it's probably not surprising that my 가장 좋아하는 couple from the show is Spike and Buffy. While I do 사랑 Buffy, I suppose my 사랑 of this couple stems mostly from the Spike aspect of it. The chemistry was amazing, the fights, the sex, the banter, all of it, they were never boring. But mostly, it was the way that they made each other better beings, although that really can't be said about Buffy until season 7.

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show:Yes. And no. I actually can't decide on my 가장 좋아하는 show, of which I have three. There's Buffy for starters, which I tend to watch in doses, 또는 else I seek out specific episodes. Then there's Gilmore Girls, which is like a comforting thing to me. It's totally the show I can put on when I'm feeling depressed. And thirdly there's Carnivale, which is just another beast entirely.

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:This 질문 is actually kind of difficult to answer as well. I guess my actions would depend entirely on my mood. If I were in a good, care-free mood, I would probably just do the typical Buffy beating-up-bad-guys thing, reveling in my power and agility. If I were feeling angry 또는 쓴, 쓰라린 that day, I might try to take out some evil corporate king-pin 또는 politician. But who knows? Super powers would probably mess with your head a little.


1.Tell us some things about you:I'm Cecilia from Argentina, I'm 19 years old. I study in the Universidad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadísticas( 대학 of Economics Scients and Stadist). I do Karate, I play the 기타 and play tennis. My favourite 음악 it's symphonic metal, my fav bands are: Within Temptation, Stream of Passion, The Gathering and Tarja Turunen.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:My favourite character it's Buffy. Since the start, I like her a lot, because she it's funny, strong, she's nice, and I like the whole idea of being a slayer. And Sarah Michelle Gellar it's my favourite actress in the world.

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:My favourite couple of the show it's Bangel, because 앤젤 was the first 사랑 of Buffy, and Buffy was the first 사랑 of him. Their relationship was romantic, pure and beatiful until the end, not like Spuffy(season 6 was hard to see for me, because I don't like how Spike it tried to Buffy, but I like in season 7).

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:Yes!!!!BtVS it's my favourite show, I always watch Buffy in the T.v. and in the web. The show combined Action, Comedy, Horror, and martial arts( what I love. I 사랑 all the characte and the episodes. I'm a Buffyholic!!.

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:Walk in the streets feeling save, because I will be super strong and fast(I am but notlike her), I can defended myself but not from guns(jeje). I will like to go to the Bronze, And be with Angel(oh yeah). And hang out with my friends.

1.Tell us some things about you:Well,my name is Kathryn but people call me Kate even though I prefer Kathryn.I live in a small town in Greece and my dream is to become a famous actress.My 가장 좋아하는 actress is Sarah Michelle Gellar.Oh,and I'm really obsessed with Fanpop.

2.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 character and why:That would be Buffy.I don't know actually why I 사랑 her so much.Maybe her kick-ass character 또는 all the drama that revolves around her.But the point is that I just adore her!

3.Which is your 가장 좋아하는 couple and why:Definately Bangel but is closely followed 의해 Willow/Tara.I mean 앤젤 is Buffy's first 사랑 and the only person she really loved!

4.Is BtVS your 가장 좋아하는 show?:Yes!!!!Buffy is the best show ever!!I'm a real TV freak and I've watched tons of series but nothing can be compared to this masterpiece called Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

5.If 당신 could be Buffy for one day,what would 당신 do:I would 키스 Angel,kick some demon's 나귀, 엉덩이 and hang out with the Scoobies.

That was the end of the interview.I hope 당신 enjoyed it!

P.S.If anyone thinks she should be a part of this article,let's contact with me and I'll add her.I'm new to this spot and I don't know many of you,so I'm really sorry if I forgot anybody.
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