브루카스 Club
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So all of 당신 will probably start wondering why i'm talking about what i'm about to talk about, when 당신 think it has no nothing to do with the blp triangle, but i promise 당신 it will, and you'll probably see it 의해 the time your done 읽기 the article! If 당신 guys don't like how this 기사 starts out, i promise 당신 will like how it ends!!

Ok so my dad and nephew watch this show: burn notice right. And whenever i'd see them watching it, i'm like can 당신 please change the channel, because i thought it was stupid. But a few days 이전 i got really bored, and nothing was on tv, except burn notice,...
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원 트리 힐
cute moments
anti leyton
의해 Camilsoph
원 트리 힐
cute moments
원 트리 힐
cute moments
anti leyton
added by mizzfelisha
Future AU, a grave accident brings Lucas 집 to 나무, 트리 언덕, 힐 and to Brooke. Can they make it work this time around, especially when secrets are revealed? B/L P/J R/M (H/N). Rated M for later chapters.

Back ground: Everything up till the end of season 4 has happened except Nathan and Haley never had Jamie, in fact they couldn’t have a baby.

Lucas married Peyton right after high school but they were soon devoiced when Jake came back into her life. Jake and Peyton are now married.

Brooke never took Clothe’s over Bro’s national she went back to 나무, 트리 언덕, 힐 and opened a small store that she runs...
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kcsoccerchik100 said in response to my first 기사 “Why I can’t accept Leyton as TLA:
okay so what 당신 said made alot of sense. but it's a tv show! it's not supposed to be like reality! 네일리 is perfect. no doubt about it. but leyton is supposed to give us hope. that no matter what happens two people that have always had their lives intertwined will be together. there's a reason that lucas wrote a whole freakin novel on a comet. it's because he loves peyton and that was how he showed it. 당신 say that lindsay was right about lucas's conflicted heart, and 당신 know why it's so conflicted?...
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added by ForeverEternity
So this is my attempt to break down, section 의해 section, the lyrics to "23" & why this song means so much for BL.

I felt for sure last night that once we said goodbye
No one else will know these lonely dreams
No one else will know that part of me

 I felt for sure last night...
I felt for sure last night...

After Nathan & Haley's wedding, Lucas would have felt so sure that things were finally going to be good for him and Brooke. She had thoroughly expressed just how badly she needed him to open up to her, and he later explained that he didn't stop missing her for a second, he just had so many things on his mind....
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So, along with that beautiful story I have a couple things that help to string me along in my 브루카스 delirium…I hope they can be of some help to all of you...feel free to add to the list in the comments...

1. Why would they make a point to emphasize, "a 키스 ALWAYS means something" and then have 브루카스 키스 in NYC?
2. Why would they make a point to emphasize "You (Lucas's flavor of the month.lol) are who I want standing 다음 to me when all my dreams come true" when Peyton has NOT ONCE been there 의해 Luke's side when they did come true, but Brooke has been there, yes, BOTH times (i.e. state championship,...
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added by brattynemz
Where is Chad/Lucas looking?
원 트리 힐
added by mcewen_girl
 We like them when they look on the computer, 또는 each other!
We like them when they look on the computer, or each other!
1. Because they are complete opposites, and opposites attract as a couple. Leyton are very much alike, so much alike, 당신 feel sick inside!

2. There color is the color of Red, which is the color of love. Leyton doesn't even have a color!

3. 브루카스 has said very embarrassing speeches in their life, and they have been to each other. Leyton have said them, but there cheesy!

4. They have couple problems, unlike Leyton the couple who 당신 never see fight!

5. When 브루카스 are 프렌즈 당신 want to change the channel. When Leyton are 프렌즈 your happy.

6. When 브루카스 are an item, 당신 want to jump for joy....
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added by kuhriissten
원 트리 힐
cute moments
anti leyton
added by BrightSparkle
Source: BrightSparkle
added by Cas_Cat_2
Source: http://www.fanforum.com/f153/pretty-girl-boyfriend-1055-when-you-find-everything-you-looked-i-hope-y
added by mcewen_girl
Chapter 3 Goodbye

“What?” I practically felt my word screaming I did not wan to know anymore I was so out here.

“That is it, Brooke 당신 coming?” she nodded and grabbed her stuff and followed me.

“It was nice meeting you, Nathan unlike some people” Lucas rolled his eyes and I watched Brooke walking over to Nathan and hugging him tightly and somehow I felt jealous, did I feel attracted to him yes did I like him not really.

“Haley, 당신 don’t want to give Lukey a hug”

I smiled and hugged him after we all said our goodbyes we walked over to our cars I remember Brooke telling me she...
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added by ForeverEternity
added by Nibylandija
Source: tumblr