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added by tanyya
Source: stelenasdiaries.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: bokcuvaligibisin.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: comicavern.tumblr.com
added by Stelenavamp
added by tanyya
Source: songbin.tumblr.com
added by bouncybunny3
Source: sm0ak-queen.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: hisfairassasin.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: bartonsnethers.tumblr.com
Uneven. Epic. Mind-blowing. Mind-numbingly bad. Conflicting descriptors, for certain, but also applicable to the front half of Arrow’s inaugural season. Some would argue that the ratings speak for themselves. 애로우 is one of the CW’s strongest performers. Others would say that it’s a pale imitation of its 이전 incarnations and wonder where Justin Hartley is. Then, there are those in the middle, like myself, who have seen glimpses of brilliance and believe that the moments where the show falters are simply the program attempting to find its sea legs.

Who are you? And, which camp do 당신 fall into?

Having gone back and re-watched certain episodes, I wondered if my perception would change. Here’s where I find myself:

Posted 의해 Lisa Macklem

Arrow’s “Pilot” episode launched us into the action fast and furious and delivered a first rate, first episode. The story and 연기 were solid, the action was intense with well-choreographed sequences, and there were enough 질문 dropped to keep viewers interested for some time.

Greg Berlanti and Mark Guggenheim delivered a well-crafted script, and David Nutter’s expert direction kept the action moving. The cinematography was appropriately dark, gritty and atmospheric where it needed to be. There were enough flashbacks to fill in the necessary blanks so that...
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added by iceprincess7492
Source: Spoilertv.com
added by tanyya
Source: lancelaurel.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: karadnvres.tumblr.com
oliver 퀸
felicity smoak
added by angy91
season 7
episode 10
added by tanyya
Source: feilcityqueen.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: songbin.tumblr.com
added by tanyya