아니메 creators These Majors Three - Role Play

LinkKinuzuma13 posted on Aug 06, 2013 at 06:03PM
The world was corrupted to it's very core, thanks to the existence of Humans. The sinfulness of their hearts and the darkness of their desires shook the earth to it's center, so much so that even their God caused catastrophes in the wake of their choices, forcing them to find another world which he had created for them.

Centuries ago, Humankind left Earth and traveled into a parallel universe, hoping to find a new home that could sustain them, as Earth had. They were woefully unprepared to make such a journey, however, as nearly a fourth of them were wiped out upon the crossing of dimensions.

As the remainder of the humans landed on an unknown world of ice and snow, they prepared to set out and explore the land. For weeks they walked across frozen tundra and braved the fierce weather of their new-found home. After the exploration had been completed, they took what materials they could salvage and began the construction of the Human Working Based Facility, the HWBF.

The facility took one-hundred years of continuous construction to complete. The facility sprawled across the land, continuing to grow even after it was initially completed. The humans that settled there had begun to feel no more cold, growing comfortable with the often below zero temperatures. Due to constant exposure to these intense conditions their internal organs have adapted so that they can experience extreme cold without an issue. This allowed humans to begin further exploring the planet and it's strange history. Tools were developed that would allow them to delve further into the depths of the planet they had named Kalten.

As they dove deeper into the ice and snow, they uncovered records of a race of people who had once lived there. These records spoke of old magic and rituals said people would perform and practice. This evidence eventually led them to discover what those people had thought to be 'demons'. These demons had often appeared to them on a regular basis and had terrorized them for millennium. It was then that the long gone race of people, dubbed the Majors, had elected to create an order of warriors. These warriors had different strengths and weaknesses as well as different skills and abilities. This order rose above the rest of the civilization and eventually became the governing figurehead. It became corrupt, beginning programs that allowed experimentation of crossbreeding with the demons they had fought for so long. These hybrids of Majors and Demons were called Conduits. They were born looking just like their Major parent, however grew more grotesque as they got older. With an extended life-span, the Conduits developed a sense of being able to hunt down anything that emitted heat. As the number of conduits grew, they eventually overwhelmed their demon ancestors, becoming the majority. Though not as powerful, they were far more aggressive and they were easily provoked. So, after they were all released into the wilds of the cold and unforgiving planet, they began to hunt down any and all Majors they could find. The innocents were mercilessly killed by the Conduits that infiltrated the city, however the order of warriors that had turned against their own people had fled from the beasts. They could not hope to defeat such beasts, so they disappeared. Nobody had seen them since that day, and it had been presumed that they died.

After discovering such a travesty, the humans were set upon by the ancient Conduits. They had lived for millennium, waiting for new prey to arrive on the cold surface of planet. When the humans had spontaneously made this place their home and had discovered the disgusting existence of the Conduits, they had been set upon by the massive beasts.

It was then that the humans decided to prepare their own system of warriors to defend themselves. These people were put into something called the Major Project that provided the trainees with three classes and a varying number of sub-classes. They were then split up into groups of three people called Major Units.

These Units are key in defending the HWBF against the Conduits and the much less common Demons.

In recent years however, there have been acclaimed sightings of an odd entity around the caves where the Conduits dwelt. It was revealed that this odd entity had been controlling the Conduits. Now, not only were they toying with the humans, they fully intended to capture the select few that could handle their methods of torture and use them for unknown tests. All of that combined with the Conduits and Demons could possibly wipe out the very existence of intelligent life as they all knew it.

With this in mind, the humans split off into many different factions, each with different ideas about defeating the enemy that threatened them.

The Three Majors are:

Battle Major - Strong, fierce, stubborn and usually smart. They are the toughest of the tough.

Guardian - Defenders of their comrades, often are injured the most or worst out of their whole units. They wear heavier armor to allow for a higher level of damage endurance. They are also trained to fight, but are the protectors of the group.

Scout - They are nimble and fast, scouting out the enemies abilities before the Sentinel(or any other fighter) strikes. They are very fast and use their agility to weave under and over their enemy and gauge it's abilities before the fighter must step in.

Sentinel - The spearhead of the Battle Major, they are often times the strongest out of their units. They posses strength that can only be rivaled by the Daedalus, and speed that is only surpassed by the Scout and the Shadow. They can use almost any mid to close range weapon.

Efficiency Major - Intelligent, calm and patient with others. They are often smarter than their comrades.

Information(info) - They often venture into unfriendly territory with a Guardian at their side. They are physically weaker than the others, however can be useful in a pinch. They are often given a firearm to protect themselves with.

Tacticians - The brains behind every Unit's movements and battle strategies. They are unbelievably smart and have a knowledge of battle tactics that is second to none. They often communicate with their assigned Unit via headset and radio.

Archaeologists - They venture deep into Conduit territory in order to retrieve useful artifacts and info. These artifacts allow humanity to achieve new heights and deduce new weaknesses to the Conduits and Demons. They are equipped with a pistol for protection.

Eclipse Major(Rare) - People rarely venture into this Major, as the training is far more demanding than the other two. As such, only the top three graduates from any Major may choose to become an Eclipse Major.

Daedalus - Trained in a multitude of ways, with a single weapon, in many environments. The Daedalus is the most physically demanding out of any Sub-Major. They are trained to use a weapon that is unique to them and are trained in many different environments, which makes them one of the most efficient warriors in the Major Project. Their strength is rivaled by the Sentinel and speed is rivaled by the scout and shadow.

Distance - They are sent on long missions and trained to endure long periods of little to no rest. They carry a multitude of different weapons with them as they go on these journeys. They are often put into units with three Distance Operatives so that they can achieve their goal with maximum efficiency.

Tracking - Specialized trackers that keep an eye on the movements of anything deemed dangerous. They are sent out into the field to set bugs and other spyware in order to place the movements of enemy forces. They are often equipped with a pistol or assault rifle.

Gunner - Trained to use almost any portable firearms, ranging from any pistol to sub-machine guns. They are sent out into the field more often as backup for a warrior unit that has been badly injured. They are sent with an extra medic in case the injuries are serious. Their knowledge of firearms is unmatched.

Range Master - Trained to fight at close, middle and far ranges with a single, adaptable weapon. They have immense agility so as to be able to execute the maneuvers that require them to move great lengths over short periods of time. They are one of the faster sub-majors.

Shadow - Trained to fight even in the darkest of environments. They use a range of different weaponry. They have enhanced night vision due to the method of training that they underwent. They were trained in a dark environment from the moment they enlisted in the Shadows. They must always wear a visor of some kind.

Demons and Conduits

They almost always appear as a beast that is encased in a hard shell of ice. They are nearly impossible to kill unless the ice can be removed in some way. Their weakest point will appear on their body as the only place where the ice is cracked. This can be very easy or very difficult to find, based upon how large the weak point is.

They are immeasurably strong and extremely fast, far surpassing humans in physical prowess. However, they are not shown to be very intelligent. They can only fight for so long while the humans tactically outmaneuver them.

Their appearance after the ice is removed can and always will be different from one another. No one Conduit or Demon looks the same when compared to another.

There is rarely the occurrence of a Conduit or Demon that has no Ice on it's body. These are extremely hard to kill because one cannot easily discern their weak point without the ice to show them where it is.

The Entity

It appears to be a ghostly blue wisp of energy from and unknown source. It will take many a shape, but the most recognizable of them all is the form of a lithe and athletic human. The gender of the shape cannot be discerned simply by looking at it.

The effects of it's appearance vary from good luck to a bad omen. There are very few cases of anyone actually seeing the entity itself, but when it appears the wisp will let loose a melodic whistle that becomes louder and easier to hear as one closes the distance between themselves and the location of the entity. As they get closer or remain in the presence of the wisp for an extended period of time, the whistle will take up a specific tune and enchant whomever listens for too long. This whistle are what people most often report when encountering the entity.


This planet is extremely cold. All the time. The geographical features are only well known to a certain point on the planet. Once someone passes that point, they are considered to be in uncharted territory.

There are cliffs of great height, little to no trees(aside from a rather large forest to the east of the HWBF), and many large plains. Up in the sky, something similar to the Aurora Borealis can almost always be seen.

The Factions

There are seven of them. Each one represents one continent on their home planet of Earth.

The North American Faction - A melting pot of different features. They are extremely stubborn and want to attack the Conduits and Demons head on.

The South American Faction - They are the complete opposite of the North American Faction, being patient and feeling as though the Conduits and Demons need to be taken on one at a time.

The Asian Faction - They are exceedingly smart and operate based only on the information they already have. They do not rush headlong into battle.

The Antarctic Faction - They are few in number, however are very skilled at whatever their craft may be. They often operate without the consent of any other Faction, making them a rather untrustworthy bunch.

The Triple Ocean Faction(Australia) - They are extremely prideful and have a reputation for all of their missions ending in completion, never in failure.

The African Faction - Normally the peacekeepers of the bunch, they do not like to engage in too much fighting, however will defend themselves if necessary

The European Faction - Headstrong and smart. They are patient with the others. They are known as the most efficient out of all seven factions, with their missions being completed in the best manner deemed possible.


Hair/Eye Color
Major and Sub-Major:(as well as the weapon(s) they use)

Each person is allowed to make a unit that consists of three separate characters. There can only be one unit of Majors per person on this forum. If your character is not a Major, feel free to post them separately from the Unit.

Don't kill another character without permission from the owner,
Don't argue on the forum(please!),
And don't make one sentence or one paragraph posts.
Don't make overpowered characters, please. If they are overpowered, I will tell you.

Enjoy this forum, everyone!

(I should mention that, because they don't want to mess up this world, they are limiting themselves to technology that does not pollute the air or the planet itself. They no longer have cars, trains or any form of aeronautics. The facilities they live in are a simulated version of earth.)
last edited on Aug 08, 2013 at 10:56PM

아니메 creators 6 replies

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over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Name: Eva (Evangeline) Leonhardt(Unit Leader)

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Height: 5ft 10in

Weight: 133lbs

Hair/Eye Color: Her hair is a darker brown, with lighter-golden highlights on the right side of her bangs, that falls nearly to her backside. It is most often worn with half of it up in a ponytail on the center of the back of her cranium. This ponytail pulls her bangs back from her face and exposes her forehead. The rest of the hair is left down. Her eyes are a deep scarlet.

Appearance: She has a stoic face with a strong jawline and a sharp gaze. She stands tall and proud and is a very muscular women. She is most often seen with her hands crossed over her chest, with her hands on her hips or with them shoved into pockets of some sort. On a normal day she would wear a black tank underneath a plain white dress shirt that is left unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up, with black pants that are tucked into black boots with several adjustable straps fitted along their sides. When in battle she wears a long-sleeved black tee and the same pants as always. She is fitted with steel and carbon armored boots and armor for the sides of her thighs. The same type of armor is worn over her abdomen and lower back and is also used to create the gauntlets and elbow/shoulder guards that she wears. A more reinforced type of the same armor is worn as her breastplate. All of this armor is held together with heated leather straps that retain body heat. Over all of this armor she wears a black cloak that is cropped at the waist and creates two tails in the back. The sleeves of said cloak are cropped just above the elbow and cuffed. It is also equipped with a removable hood. To retain more body heat, she wears a mask over the lower part of her face. Another, thinner layer of body armor is worn over this coat on the abdomen and lower back. This armor turns black when exposed to cold, and white when exposed to heat.

Personality: She is stoic and very opinionated. She tells it how she sees it and can be extremely blunt. This has caused people to think of Eva as rude and incompetent, but it is the opposite. She often shows compassion to others in the form of patience and respect, sometimes even showing her kind side to others. She is very sharp-witted and levelheaded, the key traits that won her the unit she leads. She is a careful person, never letting unnecessary emotions get in the way of her mission. She is prideful and honorable, following what she believes to be her code of 'chivalry' - To never leave a person behind, defend those who cannot defend themselves, and to protect your comrades with your life if necessary. In spite of herself, she can be quite sensitive at times.

Major and Sub-Major: Her original Major was the Battle Major. She graduated two years early and at the top of her class, and so chose to become an Eclipse Major and chose the Daedalus class. Her weapon is a dual sword. Each sword is single-edged, with a circular hand-guard and an elongated white handle(the handle travels through the center of the circles. This is where she holds her swords). The two swords are connected via a retractable chain that is stored in the circle guards of each sword. The blade is two inches across, one centimeter thick and two feet - three inches in length on each. Within the handle there are devices that siphon the body heat and transmit it to the blade via friction. This allows her to cut into the target more easily and reach it's weak point. However, she is required to wear another layer of clothing due to the fact that she cannot withstand the intense cold during it's use.

Faction: She belongs to the European Faction, the German Sector #6 - Munich.

Background: She and her brother were abandoned from birth. They were found at young ages and brought to a foster home. Their foster parents loved them very much. So much in fact, that when a gang of rogues infiltrated their home, they protected their children with their lives. It was here that Eva learned of the kind of self-sacrifice one could commit, only if they loved another person so strongly that they would die for them. Her foster mother died right on top of her. As she tried to silently shake her awake, the men moved on, with their bloodied clubs and ropes, to her younger brother. She could only watch in horror as they beat him and strangled him to death. As they came for her, she made a mad dash to the stairs and ran for the kitchen. She cried for help, but when none came she grabbed the nearest object to her - a wooden broom. The next thing she knew, she was holding a bloodied stick whilst standing over the bodies of her assailants. She was taken to a sanatorium and put in a cell until she was eleven years old. When they reviewed what happened, they discovered that she had a talent for battle. They began intense testing, both physically and biologically, in order to create a super-soldier. After the tests were deemed complete, she was released into the Major program and graduated two years early. When she entered the Daedalus sub-major, she was given the leadership of the only non-graduate unit to be created, Unit #366: Code Name: Ymir. After recently receiving her degree as a Daedalus(with training in strength, speed, unit tactics and shadow/scout combat), she was given full leadership of the unit, while the other two members are soon to graduate from their own Major.


Name: Bjorn Niestovyy

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Height: 6ft 0in

Weight: 190 lbs

Hair/Eye Color: His hair is dark black, short and cropped. He often wears it slicked back. His eyes are a deep blue hidden under bushy eyebrows.

Appearance: He is a tall and well muscled man. He stands at attention out of habit, even when he doesn't need to. He wears a grey WW2-esque uniform at all times. He always keeps his pistol and revolver strapped to his sides. When in battle, he wears a black fur cloak over this. The cloak is fitted with extra pockets for things like ammo, grenades and smaller handguns.

Personality: He is a kind man, despite his serious appearance. He cares a lot about the others in his unit, but he must often act as the peacemaker between the unit leader and the final member, though the arguments are completely one-sided. He is patient with others, but he does have a limit to the things he can take. In spite of himself, he can be easily angered depending upon the topic.

Major and Sub-Major: He graduated at the top of his class a year early and became a Gunner of the Eclipse Major. He is still in training, however was placed in the only 'trial-unit' to ever exist. His weapons consist of many different handguns like eagles and revolvers, as well as an AK-47 and a heavy sniper rifle. The bullets to said weapons are put in heat sensitive magazines so that they can get to the weak spot of the beast quickly.

Faction: He belongs to the European Faction, The Russian Sector #3 - Moscow.

Background: He was a lonely child. His parents loved him, but never spent any time with him. One night he ran away from home. He was gone for weeks, but they never noticed. He then returned and tried everything he could think of to get their attention in order to receive attention. He was willing to go as far as insulting them just so they would look at him. After his father began to beat him, he ran away a second time. When he returned, he found his house aflame. A crowd had gathered around the front door, which he made his way to the center of. There, in the middle of the swathe of people, were his parents. They were curled up in feeble position, clutching a picture of their only son. After this he decided to enroll in the Major project a year before one normally would and graduated from his first major at age 19. He was then allowed to choose his Eclipse Major and became a gunner. He was placed in the 'trial-unit' for reasons unknown. He is an exceptional asset to his team and manages to keep everything in check when nobody else is in check.


Name: Annie Bergfalk

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Height: 5ft 5in

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair/Eye Color She keeps her pale blonde hair in a messy bun at all times, only letting down for sleep and showers. It travels to her shoulder blades when left alone. Her eyes are a pale green.

Appearance: She is rather petite compared to her comrades, yet very strong and rather durable. She often stands farther away from the two of them, emphasizing her dislike of teamwork. She wears a white tank underneath a light brown sweater, as well as a maroon skirt that travels to mid-thigh. Under this, she wears something similar to compression shorts that are colored white. This is accompanied by brown boots that travel to just beneath her knees. When in battle, she will dress in a maroon jumpsuit. Over this jumpsuit, she will wear her guardian armor, which is thick steel held together by chain links. The armor is placed around her body, covering nearly every inch of it(her face not included) yet allows immense mobility. The armor itself, like Eva's, turns black when exposed to the cold and white when exposed to heat.

Personality: She can be readily described in one word as pig-headed. She is extremely stubborn and hot-headed and loses her temper easily. She has a relatively bad attitude, however is not outspoken about her anger except when in battle. She harbors a dislike for teamwork, which clashes with the fact that she is part of a unit. She herself does like Bjorn because of his kind nature, however seems to dislike Eva because of her opinionated and blunt comments, giving her the impression that she is, essentially, a bitch. The odd thing is that she does appreciate both of them simply being there during a battle because of the reassurance that their presence gives. There are times where she will be vocal about her anger.

Major and Sub-Major: She joined the Major project in the Battle class as a Guardian. Even though she has a rather small and petite frame, she is rather durable and capable to taking many attacks before she feels the pain. Her weapon in a heavy, double sided ax. It is much larger than Annie herself, being approximately 8 feet in height and with the blades measuring a foot across. The entire ax is polished steel that was strengthened with excessive heat treatment. The surface of the weapon is extremely reflective, which causes it to appear differently depending upon the environment they are surrounded by.

Faction: She belongs to the European Faction, the Swedish Sector #8 - Stockholm

Background: She grew up with parents who were extremely focused on what she was to do in her life. They had everything planned out to a tee, what kinds of education she would be provided with, where she would be educated, who she would marry and what she would do for a living. She did everything she could to avoid a predetermined fate, even going so far as to join the Major Project as a Guardian. It was because of this incident that she was chosen to be a part of the Unit #366: Ymir, because her personality balanced out with Eva's stoicism and Bjorn's kindness. That plan didn't work out the way they'd hoped however, as she and Eva are almost constantly arguing, forcing Bjorn to act as the peacekeeper between the two of them. She is also facing another situation - Because she forged her parents signatures in order to enroll in the Major Project's training facility, as soon as she graduates she will be stripped of her Guardian status and sent home to face terminal punishment as well as house arrest. This is what will happen unless she is recommended for duty by a superior.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Then I guess I'll just write the story by myself. Poopfaces.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Sorry Link, just have no time whatsoever to get involved in new RPs, at least not at this stage.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Haha, I was kidding :) I'd been trying to recruit people for awhile and then gave up on it. It's not a problem.
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
can i still make a charecter
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Sure, go ahead! You can make a team of three or just one if you want.