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posted by Cryogenic
A thousand years ago, darkness was all that filled the empty void that was once our world. It was a single deity, from which nothing could survive. The Gods of the 7 Moons, beings of unimaginable power stepped into the realm that knew only darkness. Their radiance showed greatly, and so light was born into the world. However, as powerful as gods were; they still could not defeat the darkness. The power that was shed from their bodies took on form. It shaped and molded itself. Thus, creatures of all shapes and form were created. Some creatures were created of pure darkness, while others of pure light. But there was one creature that stood above all others. A peculiar being, that was created of both light and darkness. To him was given the name Lidenak, 'He who dwells in light and darkness'. And unlike the others that were created, Lidenak was as powerful as the gods and the darkness themselves. A stalemate was drawn. So in order to decide who would rule the realm Lidenak, who was a neutral party, placed a wager. "I shall create a scale of balance. A scale that will keep both your powers at bay. The beings 당신 created shall wage war in your stead. Whichever side wins, to his master this realm will go. The scale can be tipped to disrupt the balance and speed up how fast this game will end. However, I shall create a being of my own who will guard these scales. Every seven years, the gates will be open for a champion who would challenge him. If one side's champion is successful in defeating him and tipping the balance, the game may as well be at an end. None of us are to intervene in any way. These are the terms; how do 당신 say?" All sides agreed, and so Lidenak's champion, Alanor, was created. Both sides went to war, but the scale's influence proved it futile. Neither side would win; not without tipping the balance. Those of the darkness; thieving, ruthless, and dishonorable. They struck a bargain with Alanor. If Alanor would tip the balance to favor their side, they will not send a champion to fight Alanor. Instead they would treat him as their god. He accepted, and with that all the hope that those of the light had began to flicker. The darkness spread and now only a small frontier of light still pushes forward. Every seven years for a thousand years, the light has made sure to fight toward the temple that held the scale. They made sure that their champion would fight for their victory. But, every seven years for the past thousand years... their champion failed. My name is Toshirio Masamune; seven years 이전 today, the champion of light died. I was deemed worthy enough to be the new champion. I stand now at the gates of the Temple of Balance. 의해 my side is my little brother. Together we fought our way through the mass army of darkness, and are here. All this in the hope that I can defeat Alanor and bring 'peace' to the lands.