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Ah, the obligatory obsession page that seems to be on every Alan Rickman fanpage. Well, I got one too! Any contributions? 이메일 them to me here. Anyway, 당신 know you're obsessed with Alan Rickman when...

1. 당신 try to act and dress like Snape, even though you're a girl.

2. Every time 당신 start to type a word beginning with A 또는 R, 당신 accidentally type Alan 또는 Rickman.

3. Spoons hold a special meaning for you.

4. All of your conversations manage to find their way to the topic of Alan.

5. 당신 buy Die Hard 3 for the sole reason of owning a two 초 archive footage of Alan falling off of the building.

6. It's not enough to run one webpage dedicated to Alan Rickman. 당신 must have at least three.

7. Alan's fanmail agency has a special file folder labelled with your name.

8. 당신 spend 더 많이 money on buying Alan birthday presents than 당신 spend on your friend's birthdays.

9. Your 프렌즈 all look at 당신 whenever Alan Rickman is mentioned.

10. 당신 buy a season pass to Magic Mountain and spend all 일 standing 다음 to the roller coasters in hopes of seeing Alan drop by.

11. 당신 have named all of your pets Snape, Hans, Nottingham, Metatron, 또는 other Alan Rickman related names.

12. 당신 buy pets in order to name them Snape, Hans, 또는 Nottingham.

13. 당신 read the Alan Rickman biography, and don't learn anything new.

14. Rima has to call 당신 up whenever she needs to know something about her manfriend.

15. Your idea of a nighttime lullaby is listening to Alan Rickman narrate "The Return Of The Native."

16. 당신 read through the Alan Rickman filmography, even though 당신 know you've got it fully memorized.

17. According to you, Die Hard and Robin 후드 Prince Of Thieves were tragedies.

18. 당신 want to get into Alan's pants, even though 당신 know he's technically old enough to be your grandfather.

19. 당신 have actually attempted some moves off of the Ways To Get Alan To Notice 당신 page.

20. You've read through the Alan Versus God page and agree with it wholeheartedly.

21. Your personal homepage has 더 많이 pictures and information about Alan Rickman than you.

22. Instead of decorating your school binder with Alan Rickman pictures, 당신 decide to decorate the school with Alan Rickman pictures.

23. 당신 paste an Alan Rickman picture to the ceiling above your 침대 so that's he's the last person 당신 see when 당신 go to sleep and first person to see when 당신 wake up.

24. Your movie collection is categorized into Alan Rickman movies, 영화 of actors who have co-starred with Alan, and 영화 influenced 의해 Alan.

25. 당신 are constantly mesmerized 의해 Alan.

26. You've read the above statement and actually get what I'm talking about.

27. 당신 spend upwards of a hundred and fifty bucks for the Beckett On Film DVD set, featuring a fifteen 분 clip of Alan encrused with rusty green makeup and sitting in a funeral urn.

28. People ask you, "Do 당신 like Alan Rickman?" and you're too choked up with emotion to say anything.

29. 당신 can view a map of the world and correctly identify which Alan 영화 were filmed in which cities.

30. 당신 declare February 21 a national holiday.

31. 당신 find that your daily speech consists of 더 많이 than fifty percent Alan Rickman movie quotes.

32. 당신 measure time 의해 the dates of Alan movie premieres.

33. 당신 surf through the list of Alan 영화 on Amazon.com, even though you've already bought all of them.

34. 당신 know 더 많이 about Snape than JK Rowling does.

35. 당신 buy an extra DVD player, just so it can play on loop that special scene from Dark Harbor.

36. 당신 see copies of Truly Madly Deeply at the video store and 당신 get all flustered, even though 당신 already own three copies of that movie at home.

37. 당신 attend Applied Microeconomics classes at Kingston 대학 just so Rima Horton can be your teacher, and 당신 can suck up to her for the purpose of getting close to her manfriend.

38. 당신 find out that Ms. Horton retired July 2002, and yet 당신 decide to take Applied Econ at Kingston anyway.

39. 당신 read lists like this one and wonder how in the world the Webmistress got a hold of your daily schedule.

40. People ask 당신 who the king of England is, and 당신 say, "Alan Rickman."

41. People ask 당신 who the wealthiest person in the world is, and 당신 say, "Rima Horton."

42. People ask 당신 to name one person off of the FBI's most wanted criminal list, and 당신 say, "Kevin Costner."

43. 당신 buy yards of velvet and rustle it around to hear if it really sounds like Alan Rickman.

44. 당신 officially change your birthdate so that your 점성술 sign will be 더 많이 compatible with Alan's Pisces.

45. 당신 ditch your education and job, and 옮기기 to 런던 to become a mailman on Alan's street.

46. Your 프렌즈 begin talking about Harry, Hermione and Ron, and 당신 ask them, "Wait, who are they again and are 당신 sure they were in that movie Severus Snape And The Sorcerer's Stone?"

47. 당신 buy a whole bunch of airbags and pad them around the bottoms of tall buildings, so that if Hans Gruber falls down one of them, he wouldn't have to die.

48. Your 프렌즈 refuse to take 당신 to showings of 사랑 Actually, for fear 당신 might throw yourself at the screen and shout, "The 목걸이 is mine, bitch! The 목걸이 is mine!"

49. 당신 make your hair look like black wires, eat garlic to make your breath stinky, speak in an annoying voice, and plod heavily when 당신 walk, so that whenever Alan recites Shakespeare's Sonnet 130, 당신 know that he's referring to you.

50. 당신 spend 더 많이 money on stationary, stamps, and other necessities for fanmail than 당신 do on food.

51. 당신 have bartered out half of the CDs in your CD collection to buy Charlie Dore's Things Change, just so 당신 can hear thirty 초 of Alan Rickman listing out various types of dances.

52. It's not enough to succeed in meeting Alan Rickman outside of the stage door. Others must fail. (My, posessive, aren't we?)

53. Bruce Willis has a restraining order on you, because 당신 tried to kill him too many times.

54. Your first words in this world were, "I'll cut your 심장 out with a spoon!"

55. 당신 actually know what I'm talking about when I mention Blind Corner, Wetherby, Bodas De Sangre, and Eco-Challenge Argentina.

56. 당신 can list 의해 name 더 많이 than four 음악 CDs (yes, that's right, four 음악 compact discs) that feature Alan Rickman.

57. 당신 actually own all of the aforementioned CDs. (These being the Help! I'm A 물고기 sountrack, Texas' In Demand UK single Part 1, Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells 2, and Charlie Dore's Things Change. Am I missing any? Edit: Apparently I am! Fellow Rickmaniac Stacey points out that Alan's also in RADA's When 사랑 Speaks, and Victoria Wood's CD, Victoria Wood Encore.)

58. 당신 nearly die of shock whenever 당신 hear people say, "Who's Alan Rickman?"

59. 당신 nearly die of happiness whenever 당신 hear people say, "Who's Alan Rickman?" because that means less people know about him, and 당신 have less competition to fight against.

60. Your idea of recreation is polishing your Alan Rickman movie DVD and VHS cases.

61. Files folders in your computer include names like, "Diving Scene Screencaps Backup Set Number 5," "Photos Of Snape Action Figure," and "Alan Interviews Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990."

62. 당신 have a perpetual scar across your cheek, because 당신 think it's cool to look like the Sheriff of Nottingham.

63. Every night 당신 listessly play half of a Bach duet on the piano, in hopes that Jamie will magically appear at your side with his cello.

64. 당신 learn to play the 피아노 in order to accomplish the above.

65. 당신 can accurately draw from memory a picture of Alan's crooked lower teeth.

66. 당신 pride yourself on the fact that 당신 can draw from memory a picture of Alan's crooked lower teeth.

67. 당신 can correctly identify an Alan movie 의해 the fonts used in the opening credits.

68. 당신 can recite whole Alan movies, word for word, from memory. Backwards.

69. 프렌즈 mention the name of any celebrity, and you're able to instantly connect that person to Alan Rickman. ("Missy Elliot? Isn't she the rapper who did a song for the movie Moulin Rouge, which starred Ewan McGregor, who was in Down With 사랑 with Rene Zellwegger, who was in Bridget Jones' Diary with Colin Firth, who was in 사랑 Actually with Alan Rickman?")

70. 당신 are not able to accomplish the above, because you've only seen Alan Rickman movies, and 영화 like Moulin Rouge, which does not 별, 스타 your man, are below your radar.

71. Your Internet gets disconnected, but 당신 can still access all of the Alan Rickman fansites offline.

72. 당신 are the author of over fifty percent of all Alan fansites on the web.

73. Other 팬 boast they can recite Alan Rickman's filmography, but 당신 only laugh in their face, because 당신 believe such knowledge is like water and air, and saying 당신 can recite Alan's filmography is like saying 당신 can recite the alphabet.

74. Alan's bedroom window has an imprint of your face on it, because every evening 당신 press your face to the window to watch him sleep. (Okay, that's just creepy.)

75. Alan has used up a whole Sharpie signing autographs for you.

76. 당신 have enough Alan autographs to 바탕화면 up your room.

77. 당신 read lists like these and get depressed, because 당신 haven't done two 또는 three of these things, and 당신 feel unworthy of being a fan.

78. For your Potions, I mean, Chemistry teacher's birthday, 당신 buy him plastic surgery so that he can look like Professor Snape. If your Chem teacher is a woman, 당신 buy her a sex change along with the plastic surgery.

79. 당신 learn how to tango just in case one 일 당신 and Alan should be at the same social function where there is dancing. (Contributed 의해 S_k. Thanks!)

80. 당신 hand out pics of Alan to your female colleagues in order to convert them to him. (Numbers 80 to 84 are contributed 의해 Simone! And they are based on her experiences too! Thanks so much!)

81. 당신 plan "Delaford picnics" with your newly converted colleagues. Your colleagues look puzzled when you're wearing anything else than black.

82. Your colleagues grin knowingly when 당신 say you're off to the cellar.

83. Your hairdresser knows that 당신 want your hair dyed "as black as Severus's". While your hairdresser is putting on the color, 당신 fantasize that it's Phil Allen doing your hair.

84. Your 프렌즈 have lists of words that 당신 associate with Alan, and they try to avoid them so 당신 won't talk about him. 당신 talk about him anyway.

85. 당신 make your own personal Severus Snape bedsheets so it looks like you're with him in bed. (Submitted 의해 Eden! Thanks!)

86. 당신 post pictures of Alan Rickman in your bathroom.

87. Every 일 당신 wait forlornly in the Educational Toys section of the local hobby store in hopes that Severus Snape will "run along and play with his chemistry set."

89. 당신 hear Tina Turner's "Simply The Best" and immediately think Alan Rickman. (Contributed 의해 Petra. Thanks!)

90. 당신 are a lesbian but are still in 사랑 with Alan and dress up like Snape at 할로윈 for your middle school students and really, really, get into the part. (Contributed 의해 Miss Houde. Thanks!)

91. 당신 can tell where in the credits Alan Rickman's name comes up simply 의해 hearing the 음악 that overlays the credits.(Contributed 의해 Mystic Song. Thanks!)

92. You've listened to the song "Intelligence" 더 많이 than 10 times, even though it makes 당신 want to stab your own eardrums out with a dull pencil. Because a true Rickmaniac goes above and beyond obsessed...(Contributed 의해 Dominique. Thanks!)

93. When your friend is surfing the web at her house and 당신 see an ad with a house and words across the bottom that say, "Shop For A Loan," and 당신 literally jump because for a moment 당신 think it says, "Shop For Alan." (Contributed 의해 Satai. Thanks!)

94. When 당신 go out with said friend and 당신 start silently counting the 분 until 당신 can get back 집 to the computer and come back to "The Slightly Weird Alan Rickman Fansite For Slightly Weird Fans." (Contributed 의해 Satai. I'm glad the site is such a positive influence on your social life! Woot!)

95. 당신 download Marvin The Robot (Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy) screensaver. Just to hear Alan telling 당신 how depressed he is and that 당신 can't make him feel better. Then start thinking about how 당신 could make him feel better. (Contributed 의해 Simone. Thanks!)

96. 당신 start dating a 랜덤 guy named Alan just so 당신 can say that name to someone who's kissed 당신 before. (Contributed 의해 Snapie666. Thanks!)

97. 당신 send an 이메일 to Rima using your Political Science Major to ask her questions, only hoping that the two of 당신 will hit it off and 다음 time you're in 런던 당신 get to have 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 with her and Alan. (Contributed 의해 Alan Rocks My Socks. Thanks!)
added by jbduenweg07
added by yermam
Source: Twentieth Century 여우
added by lilyZ
added by Centurienne
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Article 의해 Amy Brantley

There are literally thousands of Alan Rickman fans, and why not? He’s a great actor, constantly supports charities, has a great accent, and to 상단, 맨 위로 it off he’s sexy. Alan Rickman is one of Britain’s finest actors. His 연기 ability is amazing, though 당신 don’t see him in a lot of 영화 because he prefers to do plays. Alan Rickman is probably best known for his part as Snape in the Harry Potter movies, but he’s done other 영화 that are just as good, such a Die Hard and Robinhood: Prince of Thieves. With all those Alan Rickman 팬 out there,...
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