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Our beloved ‘Game of Thrones' author just hit us with a big-time surprise

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It was called Our beloved 'Game of Thrones' author just hit us with a big-time surprise
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Our very first book, A Tale of Two Besties, is arriving in May! More info here!
Time to freak outOur beloved ‘Game of Thrones\' author just hit us with a big-time surpriseCarly Lane
will be upon us, serving up some fierce battles, political intrigue and the looming knowledge that winter is still coming. The wait may not be long when it comes to the show, but author George R.R. Martin is well-aware that the next installment of the book series
(upon which the TV show is based) is in very high demand.
He’s actually announced that he won’t be penning any episodes for the series in order to hunker down and devote his time to finishing
. While the show’s creators have confessed that
will continue to deviate in plot from the books, that hasn’t stopped fans from chomping at the bit.
Over the last several months, GRRM’s been giving hungry readers little tidbits to sustain them – and today, he’s released a brand-new excerpt from
, from the POV of Sansa Stark. The last time he leaked a snippet of the new book on his website, it actually crashed his servers(!) – so we’ve included a small, non-spoilery excerpt here for you to check out.
Carly moved to New York City two years ago and can\'t imagine living anywhere else.  A lover of literature and video games, she also aspires to write that novel that will help her finish NaNoWriMo for once.  She\'s been nicknamed \'Google\' by those nearest and dearest, and lives for participating in bar trivia nights.  Her biggest achievement was being put into Ravenclaw by the Pottermore Sorting Hat.  She can be found on Twitter at @equivocarly.
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