andrew creech

Fanpopping since November 2011

  • Male, 36 years old
  • cokato, United States of America
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standtall said about 하우스
only one 질문 about this episode. while watching I noticed an anomoly... I guess this 질문 only holds a little bit of bearing depending on when the episode was recorded, but in one part of the episode Dr. Park mentions that House owes her either 100$ 또는 106,804KRW which is a far shot from being the true exchange rate. the last time that could even be close to accurate was mid 2008. when was season 8 shot? Is this just some screenwriters lack of research? 게시됨 over a year ago
HousesCane commented…
That episode was probably shot a couple months ago, so they didn't research it thouroughly. over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
maybe she forgot her lines over a year ago
KTAKHREP commented…
Yeah i think that HousesCane is right over a year ago