Jane 의해 디자인 Club
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posted by donteatmyjello
Sooo, JBD will show 8 더 많이 episodes this summer!
In my opinion, there should be 더 많이 episodes. :)

But, what about Jane and Billy?
What are your thoughts?
I'm going to be on the edge of my 좌석 throughout the 다음 few episodes.
I mean, what's going to happen?! Does Jane like Billy? Will they date? Who will Jane choose?
GAH, too many questions. And I have to wait until summer to find the answers.

But enough 'bout me, here are some 코멘트 about the show returning and Jane and Billy:

"I 사랑 Jane 의해 디자인 I hope that is goes on many many 더 많이 seasons. I hope that jane chooses billy because he is...
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posted by donteatmyjello
Okay, so first off: these are all my opinions.
Second of all, I FREAKIN' 사랑 THIS SHOW!
And I just HAD to write about it ;D

So I basically want to give 당신 guys my opinions on the show in general, whether I think Grey is Jane's mother 또는 not, and the future of Billy and Jane's 'relationship'.

The show:
I've never been a huge teen-tv-shows watcher. I basically just avoided abc family, and all their teen shows. But this show caught me 의해 surprise.
I like how it's all about fashion, HS (high school), and the fact that Jane's boss (Grey) thinks she is an adult.
It's addicting to watch, and I just had...
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