Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen Wall

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Winterose said …
we drove our atv's to the edge of the cliff I knew that I had to tell Jacob that I am leaving Forks and never coming back I just hope that he will come with me

Nessie-UM, Jacob I am leaving Forks for good, Jacob knew that I am serious
Jacob-Why? taking my hand into his
Nessie-I can't be in that house anymore all the secrets and lies every time that I am inside that house I feel like am drowning
Jacob-then I am coming with 당신
Nessie-good I was wishing 당신 were 게시됨 over a year ago
bugilove152 commented…
Is that a big enough 코멘트 over a year ago
kwilde1 commented…
r u trying to be rude bugilove152? over a year ago
Winterose said …
i am 더 많이 팬 of Jacob and renesmee then Jacob and Bella (Edward and bella) cause unlike her mother nessie will never hurt Jacob 게시됨 over a year ago
Phoebie0922 commented…
how can i create my own 팬 club over a year ago
Winterose commented…
there is a button says create a club over a year ago
bellabigsmiles commented…
no there isny=t over a year ago
Winterose said …
jacob: are 당신 afraid of the big bad wolf?
Nessie: no, I am in 사랑 with the big bad 늑대 게시됨 over a year ago
bellabigsmiles commented…
더 많이 like the big good hot 늑대 hahahah over a year ago
Flickerflame commented…
Cute over a year ago
sweet123girl said …
ih iluve yous 게시됨 over a year ago
moviequeen said …
당신 can keep me warm in a tent anytime- nessie to Jacob 게시됨 over a year ago
smallarmold commented…
Well, 당신 can count on Jacob Nessie! over a year ago
TWILIGHT365 said …
Jacob: Renesmee, will 당신 marry me?
Nessie: Imprinting is stronger than marriage
Jacob: Marriage makes the imprint stronger
Nessie: yes million times yes
A Cullen finally becomes a Black 게시됨 over a year ago
smallarmold commented…
Lets see if the long 로스트 reletves can keep from eating Jacob alive! over a year ago
Riker28 said …
Jacob and Nessie were ment to be together 게시됨 over a year ago
TWILIGHT365 said …
Jacob, i will never use 당신 like my mom did-nessie to jacob
Nessie, i will never leave 당신 like your dad did-jacob to nessie 게시됨 over a year ago
katialautnerxx said …
They R so beautiful together (though I wish I was Renesmee (Mackenzie))
She is so amazingly gorgeous. I wanna b her!! PLEASE IMPRINT ON MEEEEEEE JACOB!! LOL :P
She's amazing. So's Jake. 게시됨 over a year ago
katialautnerxx commented…
i've written a poem on the scene where Jacob imprints on Renesmee. Its on Taylor Lautners wall, check it out sometime please!! over a year ago
ME1DLUV said …
OMG! Mackenzie foy (who plays renesmee) in twilight is really pretty! 게시됨 over a year ago
moviequeen said …
Do 당신 think that renesmee should know about her parents, Jacob? 게시됨 over a year ago
TWILIGHT365 said …
the lion fell in with a lamb-edward & bella
the 늑대 imprinted on the butterfly-jacob & nessie 게시됨 over a year ago
edwardcullen230 commented…
aww sweet over a year ago
TWILIGHT365 commented…
it just came to me over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx said …
who is the actor that plays Renesme when Jacob imprinted? 게시됨 over a year ago
moviequeen commented…
when jacob actually imprints there is 3 babies, real baby, a doll and a cgi baby but in breaking dawn part 2 mackenzie foy will play renesmee over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
oh... Okay thank 당신 <3 over a year ago
moviequeen commented…
anytime over a year ago
lsabellaBlack said …
I prefer Jake with Bella because they will always have a connection. They are meant to be. 게시됨 over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
actually Jacob imprinted on Renesme so that means they were meant to be over a year ago
Lillypad60 commented…
i agree.. renesmee n Jacob were ment 2 b bkz tjey imprinted so... over a year ago
Flickerflame commented…
Jake never imprinted on Bella. He tried to make himself do so but failed. I don't think they can imprint on 더 많이 than 1 person over a year ago
cutipie123 said …
jacob and renesmee still my 심장 away mostly when there together 게시됨 over a year ago
LOVEtwilightHP said …
the imprinting scene is the best jacob's scene so far in the whole saga. 게시됨 over a year ago
Lillypad60 commented…
i agree. over a year ago
mrscullen43299 commented…
Its also the cutest scene period..... over a year ago
LOVEtwilightHP commented…
ya:) over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
I dont even like Twilight but that scene in Breaking Dawn when Jacob imprinted was breathtaking. I 사랑 them so much now. 게시됨 over a year ago
moviequeen said …
If Jacob and nessie had a baby it would be 더 많이 dangerous then nessie will ever be and the baby might kill the volturi

Shapshifter + 1/2 human, 1/2 vampire = hybrid 게시됨 over a year ago
jessismylil commented…
strange ...... over a year ago
Lillypad60 commented…
ikr over a year ago
morgaroni commented…
that would be weird, but cool to see, TELL STEPHANIE TO MAKE A SEQUEL!! over a year ago
KABINA said …

Jacob: I once loved your mother, Ness. I was convinced to take her away from your father. But then your mom wanted to be with your dad, so when 당신 were born, I just settled for you, Bella 2.0.

Nessie: F*ck you, Jacob. We're through. *dashes from the room*

Bella: Jacob, why can't 당신 just shut the hell up for once? I mean, cripes, she's my daughter! I'll have 당신 eaten 의해 Edward at once!

게시됨 over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
that be funny if edward did that to jacob i think jacob is hot and edward is cute over a year ago
morgaroni commented…
LOL! over a year ago
KABINA said …
Imagine Bella, Jacob and Nessie reminiscing:

Picture this:

Jacob: Hey, Ness. Wanna know something really cool? I kissed your mother once.

Nessie: Is that true, Mommy?

Bella: Er, yes, dear. But that was a long, long time ago.

게시됨 over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
u cany imagine that that happen in for real but that was in new moon i think over a year ago
girpandababies said …
this is kinda pedofile-ish....:P 게시됨 over a year ago
selenamaslow said …
Ew it's like u Dating ur mom ex boyfriend D: think about it 게시됨 over a year ago
xxxbrunomarsxxx commented…
ewwwww over a year ago
selenamaslow commented…
I kno right?? D: over a year ago
morgaroni commented…
HE'S HOT, IT'S FINE THEN!! over a year ago
nana-v-tino said …
Hope the book comes out soon i'm running out of things to read and watch and i miss Jacob the werwolf 게시됨 over a year ago
TabathaShope said …
Okay I'm really confused cause all I have seen is the 3 movies...I haven't read the 책 so what is going on? Does Jacob end up with up with Bella and Edwards daughter? Really someone fill me in case I am confused...
게시됨 over a year ago
renesmeegirl commented…
okay well bella has a daughter and jacob imprints on HER bella and edward live happily ever after read the book for 더 많이 조언 over a year ago
nana-v-tino commented…
Jacob has imprinted on Bella's Baby it only happens to werwolfs so now Jacob has to wait for the baby to grow over a year ago
selenamaslow commented…
:0 that's so weird over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
ya jacob dates renesmee when she older but she stop growing when she 7 years old and when edward and bella finds out theyt are dating they get mad and jacob and bella stop being 프렌즈 i cant remember but thats what i think over a year ago
purple-passion said …
I hope i hope they get together. ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
nana-v-tino commented…
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
they will but i dont want edward and bella get mad at jacob but they will start dating when she older over a year ago
purple-passion said …
I cant wait till stephanie meyer makes the jacob and renesmee book. It seems to long to wait a whole few years. Cant wait. Xoxo. 게시됨 over a year ago
dellacullen commented…
i'm waiting for it too!!!! over a year ago
morgaroni commented…
what it gonna be called, i want to 구글 it. The only one i heard she was making was the Edward one! over a year ago
jacper576 said …
jacob is to cute for her..lol 게시됨 over a year ago
VAMPirella1997 said …
Hey, if 당신 guys want to read a really cute and romantic fanfic about Nessie and Jake's daughter getting imprinted on 의해 Seth, look no further than this link, right here!
link 게시됨 over a year ago
cullengirl00 said …
i 사랑 them both 게시됨 over a year ago
Olympusrulz said …
I think that if renesmee and jacob have a kid it would be named Janesmee 게시됨 over a year ago
cullengirl00 commented…
no maybe they will do a father mashup name 또는 mother mashup name over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
That would be awesome. I'm not a big 팬 of Twilight, I 사랑 it just because of Jacob and Nessie. over a year ago
renesmeegirl commented…
thtas a horrible name srry over a year ago
tessa8 commented…
but if they get married i think renesmee will be half-vampire and half-werewolf over a year ago
Twilight-girl-x said …
seriously guys, I REALLY need 코멘트 on my stories, please look!!! (sunrise- chapter's 1,2,3 게시됨 over a year ago
Twilight-girl-x said …
hi guys... I wrote these chapter things on the articals (sunrise- Chapter ?) Please read and 코멘트 I really want to know what people think!!! thanks x 게시됨 over a year ago
Starrgazer said …
do 당신 have any new renes. and jake stories? 게시됨 over a year ago
Twilimpian said …
Please 가입하기 my spot (Twilimpian's Fanfiction). <3 게시됨 over a year ago
AnnaSmiley said …
Does anyone know who is going to play Renesmee? :) 게시됨 over a year ago
Renesmee_XD commented…
Yes it's Mackenzie Foy over a year ago
big smile
jakesgirl1 said …
im so Renesmee and jacob black imprinted on me 게시됨 over a year ago