<3 Super Kid!

Fanpopping since May 2011

  • Female, 124 years old
  • Hogwarts (Slytherin & PROUD <3), United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: Glee!!!
    Favorite Movie: Zoolander, School of Rock, Mean Girls and all the Harry Potter 영화
    Favorite Musician: JLS, Ed Sheeran, Jessie J, Bombay Bicycle Club and all of the 글리 singers
    Favorite Book or Author: Hazel Not A Nut. It's not a very well known book, but its awesome. Oh yeah, I like the Harry Potter 책 aswell!
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big smile
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my articles
:D Hi ! I heard u dad was a hippie! cool. I'm one too 게시됨 over a year ago
wierdgem7 said about 랜덤
LOL havent been on in AGES! Betcha missed me and 당신 cried EVRY night!
TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL 게시됨 over a year ago
Emo_Muppet gave me props for my comments
Ur koool 게시됨 over a year ago