heather sinclair

Fanpopping since July 2010

  • Female, 23 years old
  • Scotland
  • Favorite TV Show: CSI 과학수사대 ny
    Favorite Movie: All MCU 영화
    Favorite Musician: Bowling For 수프
    Favorite Book or Author: The complete book of Sherlock Homles
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titch6201 said about Tiva
that awkward moment when u see a 상단, 맨 위로 that says diva and just want to get a big black marker and write T over the D then write 팬 at the end 또는 is that just me 게시됨 over a year ago
SweetT93 commented…
Not just 당신 ;) over a year ago
titch6201 commented…
great to know SweerT93 over a year ago
titch6201 said about Scotland
i have great great pride in being able to say i was born and raised in Scotland the 메리다와 마법의 숲 with the blue and white soltier and the red lion rampent on the golden ground and please 코멘트 if u are for Independence and why like if you'r not sorry about spelling i have dislexea 게시됨 over a year ago
titch6201 commented…
i am so for independance can't they lower the age to 14 please over a year ago
no1drwhofan commented…
I only joined this club because of David Tennant. >Hmmm...Sigh< over a year ago
titch6201 commented…
dear no1drwhofan what was he got to do with independance thank 당신 over a year ago
titch6201 said about Cullen boys
me and some mates have this twlight bloke stuff I HAVE THE DAD CARSLIE
Laura-Jane wanted jasper but got emit
Shellie has jacob
Cara got jasper (unfofrotinly for l-j)
and Mhairi got Edward 게시됨 over a year ago