Fanpopping since June 2011

  • Male
  • texas
  • Favorite TV Show: simspons, adveture time, full metal alchemist, phineas and ferb, avatar, naruto, bleach, spongebob, grim adventures, 베이블레이드
    Favorite Book or Author: grim tales, animorphs, ppgd, sugarbits
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Dedicated Fan in 1 club Dedicated (1) Die-Hard Fan in 1 club Die-Hard (1)

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FangOfFenrir said …
Dude. 게시됨 over a year ago
FangOfFenrir commented…
I know 당신 probably have stuff going on, but I get worried for friends. over a year ago
FangOfFenrir commented…
Please don't be dead. over a year ago
FangOfFenrir commented…
Please over a year ago
FangOfFenrir said …
Are 당신 dead again? 게시됨 over a year ago
FangOfFenrir commented…
Because that would suck. over a year ago
FangOfFenrir commented…
You're pretty awesome. over a year ago
big smile
Reaperrose101 said …
Stratus you're not dead!! 게시됨 over a year ago
stratus commented…
no . im fine. :o i will try to post on a daily bassis a just to say hi and stuff also update old things over a year ago
Reaperrose101 commented…
Yay! Also there's a Tumblr prom tomorrow. And our rps! over a year ago