My Wall

lordbowser said about Mario and Luigi
they should make a new brawl because brawl was awesome thumbs up if u agree 게시됨 over a year ago
Luigi is hilarious thumbs up if 당신 agree 게시됨 over a year ago
lordbowser said about 가필드
가필드 should get another TV show!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
thumbs up if 당신 think that mario and luigi are the best 히어로즈 of the group 게시됨 over a year ago
z-master commented…
no shadow and sonic are way better over a year ago
sonic9494 commented…
OK BREAK IT UP over a year ago
rileyferguson said …
저기요 게시됨 over a year ago
the captain of the dry 본즈 was a cool character thumbs up if 당신 agree 게시됨 over a year ago
rileyferguson commented…
I've done a new club for smbz if 당신 want to 가입하기 over a year ago
luigi1290 commented…
yes i 사랑 it thats why i in this club over a year ago
lordbowser said about Bowser
they should do a video game on hal and jeff 게시됨 over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
I hate to crush your dreams,but they don't make video games off of 유튜브 video characters. over a year ago
lordbowser said …
they should do a video game about hal and jeff 게시됨 over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
I hate to crush your dreams,but they don't make video games off of 유튜브 video characters. over a year ago
lordbowser said about Bowser
do 당신 think that bowser would a good character to put in 별, 스타 wars 게시됨 over a year ago
lordbowser commented…
I think so because the koopa army would go great with the stormtroopers over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
mario 별, 스타 wars parody? over a year ago
rileyferguson commented…
yes i do over a year ago
lordbowser said about Bowser
who's do 당신 think is better Kamek 또는 kammy 게시됨 over a year ago
lordbowser commented…
I think kamek is better over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
there kinda the same. over a year ago