Fanpopping since November 2007

  • Female, 29 years old
  • Philippines
  • Favorite TV Show: a lot to mention
    Favorite Movie: a lot to mention
    Favorite Musician: the fray
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Dedicated Fan in 8 clubs Dedicated (8) Die-Hard Fan in 15 clubs Die-Hard (15)

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PrueFever gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Any chance I could get 당신 to vote and maybe leave a 코멘트 in this 디즈니 투표 I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and 코멘트 and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) 게시됨 over a year ago
jehan said about Vincent and Catherine
my new otp. their 사랑 is so epic. 게시됨 over a year ago
new 팬 here. obssessed with VinCat. ughh. 게시됨 over a year ago