72 lifetime gold
Be yourself that's all 당신 need to be cause its perfect.
✔Verified 아니메 and 망가 Fanatic ✔Verified Pegsister (And Pround)
Fanpopping since April 2012
- Female
- Goldenrod City, Johto
- My Websites: My quotev., My 팬팝 fanclub plz join.
- Favorite TV Show: Pokemon☆MLP:FiM☆monsuno☆My Babysitter's a Vampire☆Ultimate Spiderman☆Winx Club☆Gravity Falls☆VictoriousFavorite Movie: pokemon 영화 ◆hop◆scott pilgrim vs.the world ◆the avengers◆D.O.A. dead 또는 alive ◆superhero movie◆men in black 1,2,and3◆Wreck-It RalphFavorite Musician: Nickie Minaj♪Taylor Swift♪B.O.B♪Lady Gaga♪Katy Perry♪Megurine Luka♪Pink♪Coco JonesFavorite Book or Author: pokemon adventures★legend of zelda manga★monster high series★Percy Jackson series★Meg Cabot books★shugo chara★lots of other 망가
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A 별, 스타 has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A 삼각형 has 3 ends A line has 2 ends. But the 원, 동그라미 of our friendship has no end. ........................♥♥............................ .......... .Send this to all your best 프렌즈 including me , if ...............I am one! if 당신 get 5 back , 당신 are a good friend If 당신 get 10 , 당신 are popular. If 당신 get 15 back, damn I'm jealous
게시됨 over a year ago