
Fanpopping since July 2008

  • Female, 35 years old
  • Netherlands
  • Favorite TV Show: Glee, Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Xena, Rizzoli&Isles,Castle
    Favorite Movie: Harry Potter series and anything with Helena Bonham Carter
    Favorite Musician: 글리 cast
    Favorite Book or Author: Dar and Kerry series, Harry Potter series
mosaic list

My Clubs

Dedicated Fan in 7 clubs Dedicated (7) Die-Hard Fan in 16 clubs Die-Hard (16) Fanatic in 3 clubs Fanatic (3)

My Wall

LowriLorenza89 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Props for your HP 퀴즈 질문 게시됨 over a year ago
TheCountess said …
.( =´y'= ) ............ Here's wishing 당신 a
░(,,)░(,,)░ ....... MEOWY CHRISTMAS
░░░░░░░ .. & PURR-FECT NEW YEAR! 게시됨 over a year ago
TheCountess commented…
...and wishes for yet another one. lol! over a year ago
Stelena-Finchel gave me props for my polls
Hey!! It's been a while (a LONG while) since I've been on here! Do 당신 remember me? 당신 probably don't, haha!
How are you? <3
I miss you!
ox 게시됨 over a year ago
dixiecup commented…
저기요 there. I know, it has been a long time. Uhuh, I do. I hardly am online here as well, too busy with other things. over a year ago
dixiecup commented…
Oops hit enter lol.. I am good thanks and yourself? <3 Awww honey, I miss 당신 too xxxx over a year ago