Izzy (Call me Greenland, please) ✓ Verified China Fangirl

Fanpopping since February 2011

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noControl1199 gave me props for my comments
Hi there,

Louis Tomlinson is a very talented musician and 당신 might already know he is part of One Direction.

"The Fray" is Louis Tomlinson's 가장 좋아하는 band. If 당신 liked his cover of "Look After You", can 당신 please please 가입하기 his 팬 club?

Please 가입하기 his club here. I'd really appreciate it.


Thank 당신 so much !!

Oh, and please follow him on Twitter.


Thanks again :)

-Bella 게시됨 over a year ago
crusoelapras said …
Hey, you're a 팬 of Hetalia? Call me Malaysia! 게시됨 over a year ago
Shassie said …
Hello! anyone who's a 팬 of 헤타리아 또는 홈스턱 and avril lavigne is an awesome person!
I'm a Switzerland Fangirl 게시됨 over a year ago