Fanpopping since January 2012

  • Female
  • ohio, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: H20, house of anubis, Dance Moms
    Favorite Movie: soul surfer and 돌고래 tale
    Favorite Musician: idk
    Favorite Book or Author: all action 책
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HIIIII EVERYONEEEEEE SIBUNA <o> 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
OMG amazing season finale. I 사랑 KT! But to me the whole robert and KT part at the end was really sad. and just think about this........ is sarah was roberts daughter and sarah has already died just imagine how old robert must be. im surprised he was still alive when he turned back into his actual self. But anyways there are already rumors that mara might not be in season 4 if there is a season 4. I WANT A SEASON 4 게시됨 over a year ago
daughterofAres1 commented…
Their is going to be a season four its 다음 년 over a year ago
1h2ofan said …
I HATE Zane evil little brat , he doesn't deserve Rikki!! 게시됨 over a year ago