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NickWheeler23 said …
I'm a big,no HUGE 팬 of Nick Wheeler. plus I listen to the All American Rejects a lot and I am completely in 사랑 with Nickolas Wheeler. He may be 21 and I may be WAY younger than him(I am in middle school...I am 13) but I 사랑 him a lot so I decided for my 아이디 to be NickWheeler23. I 사랑 him to death.! He's an amazing 기타 player and an amazing back up singer for the A.A.R.'s. [: 사랑 당신 NICKOLAS WHEELER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
NickWheeler23 commented…
I am sorry he is 29. Not 21. Oops. over a year ago
NickWheeler23 said about Nick Wheeler
Nick Wheeler is the cutest guy ever! I 사랑 Nick! He is so adorable! I 사랑 his smile, I 사랑 his laugh, I 사랑 him to pieces! He is so adorable! And such an amazing 기타 player!! I 사랑 당신 Nickolas! 게시됨 over a year ago