
Fanpopping since July 2007

  • Female, 34 years old
  • United Kingdom
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Dedicated Fan in 86 clubs Dedicated (86) Die-Hard Fan in 24 clubs Die-Hard (24) Fanatic in 5 clubs Fanatic (5)

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mariam797 said …
Hi can be my friend? I'm a girl 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
OSU0004 gave me props for my images
Can u please join?
link 게시됨 over a year ago
melikhan said …
Sorry for bothering but I was wondering since 당신 like the book "Host" ,would 당신 가입하기 one of its character's club?

It'd be great if 당신 do ,it's okey if 당신 don't want to,I understand :)
link 게시됨 over a year ago