Zach Roberts

Fanpopping since June 2010

  • Male, 30 years old
  • Gettysburg, PA
  • Favorite TV Show: Anything on TV
    Favorite Movie: Horror and action 영화
    Favorite Musician: Three Days Grace and Depeche Mode
    Favorite Book or Author: what's a book?
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Knuckles2019 said about Knuxsu
Knuxsu is the most kick 나귀, 엉덩이 couple in Sonic history! they're both tough and bad 나귀, 엉덩이 so they're the perfect couple and would win in any battle 또는 war! 게시됨 over a year ago
whiteclaw commented…
Rinzler shows competition though. over a year ago
Atlahua said …
oh no it's u again...XD 게시됨 over a year ago
Knuckles2019 commented…
o no not u!...r u TRYING to kill me? over a year ago
Atlahua commented…
...yes over a year ago
Atlahua commented…
XD over a year ago
Knuckles2019 commented…
wow... over a year ago
musiclover2015 said …
삭제 당신 FROM MY LIFE!? ▬Password:********►Please WAIT◄ LOADING.....███████████]99%...ERROR!│Impossibleto 삭제 the friendship and the 사랑 I feel for you│◘ Big file in my♡HEART◘ !!! copy and paste this on your 프렌즈 벽 and see how many 당신 get back 게시됨 over a year ago