32 lifetime gold
♥ Hakuna Matata
Living Over the 무지개, 레인 보우
Fanpopping since December 2011
- Female, 32 years old
- 미국
- My Website: Don't ask me to 가입하기 your club until 당신 가입하기 this club ---> (Snape's Family and Friends)
- Favorite TV Show: Law&Order: SVU, My Up Brain, Teen Titans, Avatar: The Last AirbenderFavorite Movie: Big Fish, Forrest Gump, Lord of The Flies, The Other Boleyn GirlFavorite Musician: Xtina, Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj, BeyoncéFavorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, Othello, Macbeth, Copper Sun
My Wall

gave me props for my polls …
Happy belated birthday to 당신 my beautiful twin!!
게시됨 over a year ago
