Zootopia Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 like 또는 dislike Dawn Bellwether 2 months ago by Harmoni12345
a comment was made to the poll: Have 당신 met Nick & Judy in the 디즈니 parks 2 months ago by Harmoni12345
a photo 추가되었습니다: First Look | Zootopia 2 | November 2025 3 months ago by mjlover4lifs
a link 추가되었습니다: Zootopia 2 Release 날짜 Confirmed, & It's Sooner Than Expected 10 months ago by mjlover4lifs
a link 추가되었습니다: Zootopia 2 is officially in the works! over a year ago by TimberHumphrey
fan art 추가되었습니다: Make Your Dream a Reality. over a year ago by BeautifulKate
a comment was made to the video: Zootopia+ | Trailer | Disney+ over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia+ | Trailer | Disney+ over a year ago by mjlover4lifs
a comment was made to the photo: Zootopia Poster - 별, 스타 Wars: The Furce Awakens over a year ago by lillyschmiggles
a video 추가되었습니다: Return To Zootopia Part 1 over a year ago by ShadowFan100
a comment was made to the poll: Most emotionally positive scene? over a year ago by KTW2020
a comment was made to the poll: 가장 좋아하는 character? over a year ago by lionkinglove3
a comment was made to the photo: Everything turns out all right, little buddy. Hang in there. over a year ago by lionkinglove3
a comment was made to the poll: Is Judy's armpit sexy? over a year ago by Crazedsitcomfan
a poll 추가되었습니다: Is Judy's armpit sexy? over a year ago by Crazedsitcomfan
a comment was made to the poll: Have 당신 met Nick and Judy in Disneyland over a year ago by hehha
a comment was made to the poll: Who do 당신 like better ? over a year ago by hehha
a wallpaper 추가되었습니다: Judy and Nick in 디즈니 Infinity over a year ago by glelsey
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia Craziness part 5 over a year ago by Zvieri
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia Craziness - part 6 over a year ago by Zvieri
a poll 추가되었습니다: Do 당신 think the Junior Ranger Scouts will still be mean to Nick as adults over a year ago by mayodayo
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia Craziness 3 over a year ago by Zvieri
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia Craziness ! over a year ago by Zvieri
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia Craziness 2! over a year ago by Zvieri
an answer was added to this question: If you were in Zootopia/Zootropolis, what animal would you be? over a year ago by Peaceandlove67
an answer was added to this question: If you were in Zootopia/Zootropolis, what animal would you be? over a year ago by ShadowFan100
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia - Deleted Scene - "Jumbo Pop" - HD over a year ago by DisneyPrince88
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia: Make Pawpsicles. HD over a year ago by DisneyPrince88
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia - Sloth scene over a year ago by DisneyPrince88
a comment was made to the poll: Which pick of Nick Wilde is the cutest? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 like 또는 dislike Fru Fru (Mr.Big's Daughter) over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 like 또는 dislike Benjamin Clawhauser over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 like 또는 dislike Judy Hopps over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 like 또는 dislike Nick Wilde over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: who's better? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: 가장 좋아하는 "Try Everything" scene? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
an article 추가되었습니다: Zootopia Scenes and Shorts: "The Jacket" over a year ago by SJF_Penguin2
a video 추가되었습니다: It Keeps 당신 Runnin', Judy over a year ago by Streamlinefan
a comment was made to the poll: Who do 당신 blame for Bellwether being bad ? over a year ago by ScorpionTDC
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Out of these four minor characters, who was NOT seen watching Gazelle's "Try Everything" concert? over a year ago by SJF_Penguin2
a link 추가되었습니다: 디즈니 Wins Dismissal of 'Zootopia' Copyright Lawsuit (for Now) over a year ago by DisneyPrince88
a link 추가되었습니다: RUMOR – ‘Zootopia’ Land Planned for Disney’s Animal Kingdom? over a year ago by DisneyPrince88
a comment was made to the poll: Finnick 또는 Chief Bogo over a year ago by thequirkyquail
a comment was made to the poll: Which Zootropolis/Zootopia crossover over a year ago by Articuno224
a comment was made to the poll: Out of my 가장 좋아하는 Zootropolis/Zootopia characters;who do 당신 like more? over a year ago by hatelarxene
a video 추가되었습니다: Imagining Zootopia over a year ago by TimberHumphrey
a video 추가되었습니다: Zootopia soundtrack - Try Everything (Shakira) over a year ago by TimberHumphrey
a comment was made to the poll: Best 겨울왕국 reference? over a year ago by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll: Zootopia 또는 Zootropolis over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll 추가되었습니다: Best 겨울왕국 reference? over a year ago by SentinelPrime89